HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1969 ~:?,~',~f':'.':- ,~.,;: ~"~'~~:?";'~'-:"."~""'.~f::-: . .v~- ~_,,"-~'<?"!"'_::/r-:~~,~;:;-. ~~'~"'. - '..~~:~-' '," -:-.;.~. '. , , '. !r- I I I ;' .: , , v,a ,VOLPW,aaitdOIl..., at. J.l(oO~ I' ' " . -- I o I I, f I ,I I I ! ! i 81mpl~, I I I I I Oo~enOln<< at thelioutheaat oorner of the'South east~aarter of 'the U~rth weet ! q~arteroi SeoUon 26, '1nTo\tn8hip 32, '6outb oti\ange 39 :&8st, end 'fr'omthencerunNorth i I on th$'Bastllne ~fsa14,lJ#o~tlf"aBt'q~rtir of' th~ U01~th' we8t Q~arterot Se,otlon 26, to r t ,,' , " , " , ,'.. " 1 I "theSo\lth 'ea~t oorner ~t'~~nd~, b.io~glng 'to J~ B~ltobin80n; thenoe run West along the 1andsj j, of 8a14J'.: n. RO'biI1S~n, ^.t~.the' street \hatrtiri8 east of the lots 17, 100nt 19 of the 1Jown 'Ii I. ot~~1't.rlfthiilCieruii s.~'lieiii{o'li.lOiIt<tho ...tuneot 0014 etroono the South 11.ne i .5,,: I 'of8a1ASOuth~ast ctllox-ter'of' 'the lc,O'l'th west Qurterofeail Seation 26; 'thence run Eeot to i !the p1eoe ot'b.8'lnni~i 11Ilc1:oc>ntalnlng,:wo Aores' ot lend,more or les8, andbelng part of I ! ~h. Homeoteac1 ot,t'helateJues T. Grll1~late of St. Luole Oount"Plorl4a. I I ~O"ltA".AtiD 1:0 Ho~the ,8ame tOgether' wi ththe hered! taments and eppurtenanoes, ! I unto the' sald grantee~ 'cd his' hell'8' ana a88l~81n tee simple. I I '. . ...' I jAllILthe sUld g1"aritors,torthem881.~8 and their helrs andlogsl representatives, I I -oo!enan~. wfth 8aidgr~tee, hi8'hel~8.'18g81rep:re8entat1ve8 and assigns:, That s8id 81"~i1to~ L ar~ 'lndeieaelbl,' seised ofs81d'lan41n tee ~bpl8; ~~.f1t sa14 grantors, have' ~11 power 8n4/ i ' lawful right to oonve, Baid l.ndeln fee simple. a~ aforesaid; that it shsll be lawful tor I I I , sa14grante.e, hI8hel~, l~al reprosent8tives ands8s1gns. at all timeD peaceabl, and i I qnlet17 'to'"' tor. upon. ho14. ooonpy en4 .,oy &&101" lOn4; tho ~ e.ld 1nllll. ole tr.OfrOlD 011 1 ,11nownbran~~; tlUl\.8dd, gran~~rs", their helrsand leg.al1'epreeentatives, wl11 uke suoh ,I ifurther 88SQr8n~'Sto perfeot'the tee Simple title to saldlhrid,1n said grantee, his heir8, i I, legal rep~e8.ntatlves ~pda8s1gn8, &8 ma, rea8o~abl7 be reoUlr~d; and that snid grantors I I 40herebt ~111' w~rran, t ,t~e tiUe to, sa1d lsnd llnd w111 deten4the serne against the II! , i , ~1ff'pl. ola1llls'ot ali pereons\thOlllsoever. I ... . w~~~. h..n6.& "'o1'~.'ot..1d ll1'entors, tho day .n4 yo.r tlrot nbo.. I' wri.tten,' ' I I I I I I i ;T1lIS'nxQ."Mac1e"the ,&tho.q of lleo_b.~,'l'. :0. ,1919,' bJ II.J. Molphue.andaattle' , " ,,".'c' -- ,,', ,~: , " " ,,' . ,. .- ' ' . KQ1~hue','hli" ite/and Oat~i4(~IIWlOt', th~ OO\1Jlvot St.'- Lueth' St.te of not14~ ,"herein- " " .... , ,-.. ' , > '- .-;', -":., : .~. " , , " ':". -'".. .:.* . ,',.' ",.'" "~ - - , -' . " " .",' ,",'. ',- . I 'khet oal1"-the grantors, ~o S.'l. I&oOa110t' tbeOoUnt$' 'o,f st. Luo1:e, State ot florida, I . he~elllan.;, o.il'ed"the'~_t.e. ;1'. ' "'fI~1f~a~ ~hat'th~ 8.1~: fp'ahtor8~1Iaoon8,lcleratloiio,t 'en >>011~~',' the reoeipt . ::-... :..,"' ,,",: '.. :"- . -,' . .. -",,' .' '- " . :' . .' ,- . '. " whereof :ls he:rebl aOknowlld$ed,do'l,ye. 81"ant. bargain, sell,' alien. to_lee, 1'elease, , , . . . . . .. enfeoff ~c),Oi1V~l8i1a. oODt1raa., u,n~O,~be 8814 81'antee,_ .~nd hiB 'hei1"88DdaB81.f!ns . In fee " . ; _.~ , ,'..... . .... ",. '" ' ., '. , thela.nd8' situate in Bt.'Luol. oounty, at8teof Plorlc1a,de80ribed asfollowe: " , 4l1otiot&:numbereell".la and 19, of tl\e Tow 'of GIttord, desoribed as follow.: . .. ~ ~ "':\ ~ "I' ;:'~" ".', .", ~,:. -, ~' '" " "', 1'-":: ,,> I~'~ t':';:; ~ i1 ~'!< ~r 7~ ~~, ~::,! ;'-~' 5_~ - if ~. > . 81gn4:ld,8eale~8nd.4el1T.re4 1Jl the pres.noe'ot A. B. fU1t.(!oOartIef1u'Bwl) ~ed'..: ' (fo Carr!, ~) ~ --,-;- .,. ) Oarr1e !urman . , (Heal) Sf.dB O'rtOBI>>A." ......t... 'COl1lf'lY, ,OP 8'.r. LooIB . .,. '. '. , . , .' ..-:~:.,:~' '~" . 'i,_ ' - 'i.. " .'-' " :." -. ,0 _"._ ,~-';i~-" '... '. ,:'.. '"'X ,~, c: ~~ln not ~on' thl., ~a, pei"80n41Y,'.ppoared befor'-lIle, '~n ot~o.r '. '4Ul~ aut~~~l.'cl.~' a~lrii8.:t.~oa~~.,and ~e.o.~~"~~'JI. J~'J(Olp1\u8 ~.' &.tue ",0' . :.C';' ,'<' :, ~.' :..' .-_',"..:',_ "_" ,'. ,'. -__'~',,",' ":,;' _ _",_ ,',_":.', _ _,", " e.'..'_., > _ .~_..' .<>.'~_ _.'_:,',~ ..,f_,.:,. .._..... ,_ JIolph08. ill,' "1te~:an4 Oartie ~,to ,a. WO~l 'knOWll aIl4 knOwD' ~ 1IIt,:W be ~. ~1f~~ : < "~"~. ~:'" ",,' ',.tj.', ,,', '., -.,' .', 0;' ',' " " ,;<,\ , "',, ,... ' ~; . 4e:Bo)."1b.,lQand whO' ex~~ut~a: ~th' ''foX'ego~..,t4t;tU14ttb., JlO,kJ)Q,,1..u.,~.,l:t.ff?l'.i~.'~~i ~"~:'; _ . . . - . '-' :'~'~-:"> -.;~' .",. .-"; ;;~;- - -'; . . h:' -.', '-"~~>.~ ":~: '-. t".- ,- ,-:.,,;,c'.f_~~"1 '._ -,: -' - ,',' ,'_'- ~ X~i~.;_t J:~~~.- '.~; ,:_:~ -:-:" .~~-~~:'~'~'.:~:: t~.:::~---~;. - ."./:-' . ,. "~'i~"\':;:":~:';"'~, .?t f;;' ~ , .