HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1971 ~. ~rI~i ,1;~: I ,~~'."':;r ~.~~..-:~~~~ ~:~ ',::~ ',.~'~' :~ " . . I l' ; '-\ ~ \ ~I , . ;. j- ... :l. ',. " ~ ..... '.- 11" U ~ ~ ~ ;, .. " ~ ~-:~r~ I.:~--~,:~, ~~-~~_'~:~', ~~ :"':~~"7'"" --r,~7 ~~:"";._;,~," /+.~~ ".}':'~~'2'ii -, . ' '.'- ,~ ' , ' .t.... D~ " > ~~~' . ,~" ': . q~Oo~. , , 'li.ra.nd ,r.Q~~d.d, ~hl.1.'U., ~t ot'_~,4NJl~,~,,:'~_:l)~'~919. >-.' ,'. ' , "P.' ,~~:.14t'4~ti),.'k~~ro~lt'O:O~t,., , , (O~.'O~,. eeal) By. . , , . ~'~~~~'-.-'~~'~~--~"~~-~~~'~."~-~-'-~~"."-"-~~'!"j"-~,~;~~~~~.~: M,(~J~-~O~',an~ ,,1te ' " ...' :,,:';; - '. '. -" . ~.~",;-~.~.. ....~~ --eIt.~:-_.,.~.~.~__.~.._~..~...,.!-_.._ '~,'.~~~,>. J ...- "'..J(V~--" W.wWlIY DUD ' , ~ 'q "i\",.. ,,' . , , , ,THIS1lIDJW!T1RB. made tll1e 16th da,o'f neoelDbe~.' 1919, b't"eel114_ J. Koiphu8 end InatUe' Moiphue ~ hie', wlfe. heb:sa t 'law of 'J~il~ :Li8~ore( forme:dl kn~m:. a8 'M.'la', Gra,) , ' ., -"' - - ': . .' - - '.'. '... .... : - ,. - ~. -" .. . .. '_- , -- ': ": : . '_ . - - - . -' - t'. . . . , ',' -'- . '- - _ '.,' - " " .'. ..-. "'.' . . ,deoeased. ,of St. Luole Count', anI. Itateot' 'lorU.a, pilrtlee ofthetlrst part..an4 8~ P. ' .' '~.. . . . - , ."-~,' , . '_ . f . ..,.,' . .' _,- ;.t.. . . . . . _ '. '. '. . . '., .. . ~ .. .. lloOall of the, Oountl' of st., Luole,and &tate ot'10r1ela,' ,part1 of the seoond, part, ,\'ilTHESSiTH~that the, said: POX't1e80~ the tlretPart.tor an~ in 0,onsl4erat,1on Of '. .-. . .. . ',"thO; 8~of Te~,D()ilara. in banil'p8;14 b7~h~ed4part1 of t!to 8eoond part, the reoeipt where.. ~f 18 berebl ~Okno.ledged. have reIll18~d, rele~..d;, anil qul t-,olalmed, end 1>7 these '~resente40 remise, relea~e and quit';'olaim unto the sold party oftheseoQnd 'Part and hls hellos an4; .', . ,: ...4 .. . --' '. . . .' :_ '_ . .., I,. ." f ..- ..' .' _:_. . " _' ',. . _ '. .~ . ' a,8e'1gns' tore,ver. ~,11 the ~l~ht', ,tl tle., Intere8't~01a1m an~ de~l'ld whioh the ,8~1il pa}:U~. of the tlI'8t"part,have,~~ a.lldtoihe follo\Ylngdesor'lbed lot, Pleoe or tieroel of land. 171118 , I s. P. KQCW; andb~1ng '1~ St. Luo1e Count1. J1lo~lda t to -;'1 ~': ,,' Allotthe lots nUmbered ~eventee~n~)i eighteen' (18). and nIneteen (19), of thetomt 01 Gifford, and,the ,fol10wlng traot of' lanel to-wit: COD1.llenoil1B at the SoutheaBt , , , corner o,tthe ,Southeaft nuaiter, of the Northwest' Qtu,rt&r of, Seotlontwent7-s1x' (26') In Town- ~., ,.' ,.~:' . -.'. ~', . -- - - ,~ . --. - ~ - ,., .' -. " . ship 'thlrt1.;.tWo '(32) SouthotnMge thlr,tJ-nln,e (39) East, and from thence rtUJ north OD the 168at l1he ot.ald~~uth~~8,t QUatte~ oitheHorth"'es~ QMrter' o't Se~tlon 26, to the Southeaet , - ~orner of 18nd,a 1>elo~ing,tOJ_B. Robinson, thenoe, r~ west alo~ the land8 of said J. H. 1\Ob(n.BO~ 'to,the~treet,t~~ rttnB "a~, of the-Lots, 1'1 t 18 and :19, otthe. Town ot Giftord, theDoe' ~ 8olttheasterl" alol'lg' the Baet :11ne of said Stl'.etto 'the SCiuth Une ots814 South- . , . #. ~ - ~ -' '- .. - - '. . .... - . , ','" , '- , , ea,at Quuterof, the Bor,thwestQuarter otaald Seotion 26; thenoe run East, to the plaoe of I I I I I I I beglnn1ns,andoontalnlng two aores otland. more or less, and being partot the Homestea4 I .. ot the 14~. J..... ,. O~07. ,10 to ot ~h. COon ~1 .ot II t. Looie. Florida. I TO'lJAn '!to> TO nOLl>, 'the same; together with ell' and s1ngular the apPur'\jlia~oe8 I ' ,', ,', '. " , ' ,'" I thereunto belongi~ or ~naD7 .~se apperta1ning, anA all the estete, r1ght,title,.lnterest I , 8~~'olaJ,m .hat'~.Ye~ 'ot the saU, pa:rties of th~f1r8t part, el\her'ln law ~; 1n eqh!t,. to I the'onl1 propet'ttlJei, benefit. und1>ehoot ottho pa14.part',ot the seoond ))art~ his helrBand aSllips,toreyor. 'Df WITUBSS WREilRO" the sdd parUes of the :first part have hereunto set their . . . .- hands an4,8e81" the dal an470ar :f1l'st aboye wrftten. I , , ~ , Slgne4, sealed and delivered in presenoe of . , User telfl. '7~1,~ ~1101Da8 " ~T.&TJO', P]..<>aID.l '.", OOUlltt.OI 8!h- JitJq.tJ 11. J. IlOlphllS Hattie llolphue ( seal) (8~ai) ,~:,' - ..' -;, ,. '.~' , .... ". . . ~1;..HB~t~~t,Irr'-'~at ''',n~hi'e :da1, Ptr8,o~d.~1 app~ared '~eto~. JIle; enoftloerd~l,.. rUthO#"'4(~.~1i!t~::r; 0~\l180n4 '. ~o~~ow~~~~. .~. 11.11<>1)>1>" an4 H."m. J(olp~. " ~olJl~,:~e~l kn~~. ~;c)'.~b:e!j.,Cl,lIer8(l.,ne<~e.~or,,1,~~ ,1Jl,:JI;~: wh~.x'ot\tedth.tore~~. "ne~i-uDtt~t~,t c_ '-"'_ ,__~-"":":."-":,-_'.';>'.:,"-':;_:~~"~:~;-"-~~.:;,'_,:/-,_":"'I,_~__:"..;_,_,_:.. :,:":;'_-:'_~~,_":~:'.""__:"__"~~~-:",>~;,,j" _ <__'_ "'_:~'_>_"_ _,: .,,". _,__.~_-::_-:_.,- _":_:",'_'''_.~' " "_:_' _ . , ~hOl' '.'~"Q.ied8'.i'bft~~i-~"Jle:~~tthel'-~*.~~t_'c\. tb~}.auUV~"'-17, 8n4 y()l~tar,l~:tor, tb& j)UfPOJl.. ! -< .:' 'h.~,ih'~~1""~~~X;:'/-':'<"> C;_ <;:,Lt">{t""'" ,.' '.. "', U;/,_' "",",iY""