HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1972 ., ~....~ ",,~~~'--~ ~-; . '. _' - _. r ..... ~ . \ ~,~ :..' '\,: '2:72, ",4 , ~.(. "'7'"~"D"'" _.~~::~:'J.~~~--::""?P"'?:'~- y~~:, ~?~,'" ~;~'-:~i~~7~-'-'-~--:; ~_-:.~,- ",--'T.~_ j :~ ,.;." : " . ".).' ;.' -.> :~~.' . ' " . . '-,,: '_', , _ . . . ',. '1':' -. . -' -.-' .':' '. . : , . ":iR>> t,"'~ :~_trrl:t~~t::~~. 'e~1a.,:It't1;f',M~j~b~', ~()~:~(fll~~"l~,' #io '.lt~Ot" . . . .. - .-. :. - ..' - '. : "- "- .- -~ .'. ,-' '~"' _." " . - ;'- -. - . -' .' -', .-', " '-... - ." - ..'. " . ....' -. . - - ". .',:.'...' 'th.:eald 'Mi J.j(Qlpliui~i::cm. .ePara~e tUid';})ti~.te exu1natloil,"; t$ktn:and ..de btan4betor. : 1Ile~"8'OPal'~t.i1:"~a;~\:'tr9>>l~~~ ..a;14:~~~.'anA.,:Ud"O~riO"1'4n: t~a1{8h. ~x"OU~.Clthe , ,,' .', ,',' " ' ,":', '-", . ",. ".".". ',," ",,' " "', "C, , " , "'\, ,." . toto8oi'~ b'~d:, f()r ,thep~}')o.4! 'of~"'blqtu.8~~fJ8.'..is.Qat1D8 'and oo~velJng all. h.~, right, ',t1tl.a~A tntere~t.'wheth.t of ',40..rl::Ji,OIll'8~..d'Q1',',()t 8.p~.te,Pl"oP8rt", 'B,tatut()t"ol' " .'~q"ltabl~', .1na1i4td, tlitlanels o.eeorlbed :the~e~, and tl\1lt'ehe ex~ou~edlalA'D'eA 'treel; . ,," - . - '.- .... ,..' ." . .. - -, , 8nd"Toi~tar,lil~a.,"lthout ant' oompUl$lon:""ooh.traln~, apprehellsion 01' te.., of 01' trolD ;, , 'her' "a~4' hu;ebanll. ' , . - - , , .'" ~ ." . .,IT~S;8"'Jq'hand'aiia'ottictla1'8'.alitt~'ort'Ploroe, Oount, ot St.' Luolt' anA 8tate of Pl'or~6.a, 'thle'.llith' :dq ot beoemb.f, 'A.;D~l9i9. , , Bdgai-Lew18 "(8BAt), " ,"NotU7 Publ10 t State- of Plorida . >>7,Oommi8alon EXpire" NOT. 26,1920 (Botar;, . Seal) . n, ' " . . " .n~4 and r"oo~4~ .thle'lGthc1a10f 1>'~'llber. A. ':D.li1919. I . ! , ' P,.::o.. ~~llBD:,Ol.rk'Oll'Ou1t'jQOurt. RECORO VERIFIEO' I (Ot.'Qt. 8eal) '"B,7.~b-tt~~~l,lAL~ ,1>~O., ' ' " " ! ~~-~~:::-------------------~------~--::-------~------------------~~-~~-~~~:-------------l WARl\AUTY 1>DP I TBISttmBH,tmB, ma4~ the 16th day ot November, lnth&lea,rof our Lor,d one thoueanell nine hundred and nineteen, between 11110 Brown, Single. ot the oount1 of St. Luoie and the I I I : I I I - . . '. . - ,'.'. . . . . : atate Of~101'lda, pa1'tl of the f11's~ ~t,andH. J. ~ynes, of ,St. Luoie County. norida, i :Par~1'ofthe seoon4 p~t, Wl'ltiESSW-rR, that ,the said partyoftba first port for and in oon-l '" .", .'.: - . '.-" -.' ' . . . - - . . - "'. -.' . " - .. ~ . siderattoll of the BUIll ot$1.oo lawfuluioney, of the Uilltec1.States of Amer1ca to hilll in hand j . . . . .. ., "... ~ pl1idbtthe eaid part7 of 'the seoond: part; etorbefore the Bnsealing and deli ver7 of theBe ~ . .' . -.; .-; .' .--' : :' . ~ . - ..: . . .". . . " ':' :. ., - .' .. - '. ~. . . -! pr,esents, tOl!ethei' with other val\tab~e' oonelderat ions, the reoe1 pt whereof' 1s hereby aolmow! . . -, -. ~ . r : loa.ged~ bas granted, bargalned','sold. el1ene4, r8JJ!is'ed, released, connyeel and oonfirmed, I " '.' . , andbt''the88'preseuts d08s grant, bargaIn, sell, alien. remise, release, oanve7 Snd oonfini .'.-' -,..' , " , ' " , ! unto th'e 8~id P6rty of the seoond'part, and hie heirs and assigns forsTor, all that plot, :P180e o~ paroel 171ng and' bo'lng 'In the tiount1 of at. Luoie, and the state of 'lori c1a, and desoliibed as ':tOlloW8 : I, , t I Bastt' oontalnlnt 10 ",ores, more. o.'1'lesB. I . . '!noweBtllait, (wi) of the South he1f (sH of the NorthweBt Cluarte~'- (BWl) of the , ' , , "- . Northwest quarter (1f~) Of 8eo~101l, Thl'e. (~H. Township Thlrt1...s1x(36) ,'B$nge P01'ty (40). TO,OBTQBR .with ,all and Singular the 1IlprC?Tementa~, te1l,ellents" heredl taments and appurtenano~8the~eunto:tJelong1ng ,or irlaDp1ee 'appertatnln8. 'ancl'the estate. right, tl tie J ! lnteres't,dOwel" and right: of 40~$1".s.iSai-':teestate.- propert, t p08ses8ion~ clAim aIld demand I i .' , -' w)1ateoever, as..l11,n ~. a8 irieQu1t1.. ,ot the-said part1 ot the t~ret~8rtlp, of, in, an4 . tot-he' s&J;lleande.,er,. p~r~~',puo.l,thereo:t, w1th the appurtenaliOe.: TO HA~ AlID TO BOLD the aboTe gra.ntectnbal~galneel end 4eQorlbe4 prem1seB, with the appUrtenances, unto the '8a14})ftt1~fthe 8000lid PV~, hie hell'S iUlc1uslgns, t9 their own propel' use, benefit and b,8hoot tor eyer .'; . . .- -. . .', "jnel"l1e ,~a1d, ,par~1 ~t, th~,t~r8\' ~u:t'tor' hims.lf and. for bie heirs, e.eoutor. '.,an4' acllDi~18~r.~(1re.t\~~', OOT~~t/prOrsl;'B' a,n4 .~e.to, im4.1 tlia814partyotthe B.,oonel - -.' -' ' -. '. - . - ..' # .. ".. : --. - .' :. . . - -..: - .:. ~ - . -- " -' - .- . '. . ' . . . . . . '. - . - -- _: . -. . .-.'- -,' . ,'. - ,',,' '." -' - 1,~artt'hi~~e,U8.~~4as.~~~..:'~~'the,~~M.,~a~~',Qfth~ tlJ.8t p~t "'~'. "t. tb~ t1~e otthe .I.", ,":>,,', ',," ',' ': . '",,- ,,',' ","",,:,' ,.'; ':'.,--'; ,', '.'",',.,."".,"" " ,..','"., "',"'", ""';',' , :'1J.~11~ ~4 .cl.~..rt.;'ofth.a'..n..e~t8,.;.a.A'4,17,..-11.d1~::tee,81,..ple--ot a go04, >~b8~1u.t. t :LJ~.u."~1~",)~il4 4.~~~l~~'~~...,/...tJl;~. '.ppurtenJJlo,.. ,axat'..~c1'e~od'r181it ,tQ11: pO.,.r g.i!,4",~~'~~t~+~i,~',;_.,.,~,'...".,..,',~,'".'.:.~,',...',>,t,!,:',~',.",'",~,:".b", ,~a~Il:;.~8..i1\~:,~A;~OJl,;'t~~>...~~ '1. menne, ani to...:" . ~ .... -~. ~. ',~'-c':~::~j_:~~~:};~:i>:::-'{<\::"..~f---..:,:,"": --.....~~....~-T1 . o o I 'I i ! if'