HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1978 '2'''~l<<''-'''8,:;,'\;'J~'C:- '~':"R-:'. " .' -. , - "', '" " , . ,--..' -, . "" ,'-" . ~ - " ~ - . - - -. 'o, ~ ~. . .' ~ - ". , . . - .'-' . - ...4 _ ;, ~_". "~__.> p . . - "'_.:, ~. , "'.'~ ~ -.. '. " .. -.'. , , , , ' n~_ ml:'~~',: ~~_:4ft~<t~,.l:,),.al, .~,; , ",~~.,"':.atK:>~' 'Of"~~:O~~r".t "l""l~J$~:: " '_.'. . ~_.:.___..:I..l'.'t:.. .':_~-:: ':''':-'.~-;'''. -,~,-::,-;-,'.:.~, . -.: .~ ,-:-'.">:,T{-;:'~~~~ :~~70:.~:~-.:~::~_:<.~~_~~~:".'.~J"~r~~~7~~~':~D~~'~~-~~.. '~.~.: ;-1~:"-~7'7, ~: , , ".-: .,....;. \~ ; , . '-'. . QO\lll\7 .otJ~.Qci" .~~.. 't~ .. ~}\:.~1 . 'T' .". . ". -19" Im!t '. -.', .'" " "., 'lfo~q' h~~ld~ ;- ... ~- , . -:.:,..~. : 7: ~ " }i; .., ,";' " I i I I l r i J: . . 8tate ~t lIle.ourl ..) , " ,f' o~u.nt, of, JaokeOD . . ) , :'. . '- -'.- . I: .i.-z" . . . ,:1 ltBREBY' OERtIn' fl1a~ oathl. @1pere0n81.1.7 appear,a: before -., an' offloer 4u11 au.. .".,',.,.,'" ":"""'-,- ", '. ..,." ~' . 't~~~~~.'d:~O, ~~1n,J.~t'~i" oath~"~~~,~. .~O~~~1.4g..~t:8'.' ~ton lle{ffIA8>>D,t~, ~e~kn()~' ~d ' ' , . .' " . . \ .' -." - ~ . '..-.' ~ .',' '. , known toiitet~beth. lnUt14.U],J,:4..aotlbe411\an4 'who ,exeouted the foreSOlngdeed, :.,:.:, .->: '. ;.~. - .' ." - :".. J - - -~"':.. .._::.,~ '_.' '.'-:,~:-- ':, ~.~. .. - , : ,:. :. ..;.. _.- .' -. .:". .' ,. :. , \,an4 Itheaotnowleqed'betoreaae" that 8i1e .~eout.d the SalDO, heell and'yollintarl1, foi'the ~ -.'.- '~'.~~ -:' ""c-',-. '-' .:. -:.......~' -. ,.;-,:. . "-<~_" i' -: . ,';'~- '- "\0 _.' . ,- ": ':". '. .,;._.,.. . ~ . '. . . _ 'J"1:Z'Poee.s" 1;h,.r."lneZp~'.81~. ',: "., "',' " ',';,' :,' ,',';', ' , " :, ,w ' " ", , ' ! ,".:,~ I PtJaTBER ~ERTIn,That th,e ~a1t\ Jlar19Jl U'48tWUl ,kDowutp in. tob. :the,wlf'e of the' I ,,"" "--","", "-,,,--~..,,, , '" ',', I , .a14 TheOdo~e 't. JJa~lDBJ1I1on'a separate' a)1d:,'Prl.at.: e.amlnation taken and 1ll8de, b)' andbefor~ , ',' .' '. ..', -7"" , ' , I lie. separateli, and a1>$r't flooDa' ~e~ .aa14 h~band, dU. ,a~knOwledge that she made herself a par1 . . ~. - ~ - '-. -. . , - -. . - - - " . -. . - ~ , - t, tlt~ saId eleed 'for ,thepUp08e ~t~.no1ino~, reXlnqulehlng. and ,()~nve71~a11,her:ri8ht.l . ' .'. . .. '. '. - . .- ~." ,. . -:: " -. ~ ' , ,..' .... '. ..., ' ~ 'tltleand ~Dtere8t, whether of40*er, homeetead ~r of aeparate propert" atatutor, or equl'~ . .' .,,_,'.. . c -,' "'.." '. ~ .-' '. . . .' " ~ _' . ":' - .,' .' '. .' . "., ~ . '. _ ,_'. _'. '. . . ~ a~te1n an~:to',the lande, de80X''1becl.th8rein.'~that ehe,enct~~edaald4e~4~,el)(and'''Y01~ ; , _tuo~,1Ul4_.1thou.t ant. canp1lldon, conetraint, appreheneion or feel', of or ~om her aaid ; ",\ I I u . I~~'" . :,' . hlUJb~4~',- " , , . WXTNI88:mw handaD4.~ft101a18eal at KenaR8 Oit" .': . ._~ . . . ~ I w'88ouri th1e, 2~" W ot Ifo~emb~r, A, 1>.1919. . I I County 'Of Jaokson. and State of ;. i ! ~ Ca9tary Seal) . I. C, VanDeventer. . lfOtl.l17 Public. ~aok8on CO.i Uo. U1 Commlso1on expires Jany 27, 1920. (] , [, ,- f- ~. r- ' t,' ! ' " , th';~rec,elp\'.h.~eot18 herebl flomo"ledge4:. 40e8 glY.'~' grant,bargaln~eeli. a~len, rem1se, '. .--~' ~- ,- - . . : - .,.... -.- ... '. - -. . ,:',.l'''lcuie,'r.nt''~ft" o~nvel art~,'" oonflrm ,1lntc> the ~81d grantee and hr8 h(J1reahd 'a, seigna, 1n feel . -'. , :'.S..le,,'-the"l'anda 81tuat.lnSt~. ~$.~ OOu4tl. Stlite' of'flodb, de80r1be4 aff follows: - , -. '. . . . . -" -. . . -. . ~ . .'. '. . ,- '- .',. -.' . ' . ": ,;:Y<. "-'t:rao:t,fwo"tJil":\ii8eon~~\.,18hte.n Cl.er .'Town8h1p'lblrty..three '(38:r South of Range , .. -- . -, '. . -- '. . . -'" . ^ . ,', "~r~,"!'ni~. ta')1a8t~a8th..8Illef.B8hOWn on 'thelal\t general Pla'tot].8nd80t the Indian >"::iy,~;;~~',o_V*~.,~U~,': l~'the 'ot~loe'otih."lfttk ot theCirou~ t O~,~~ ea14Cotuttl, ;'.~~lnb.,to~t;~" t!l1~\1:t1".h~~.&thoi40.1161 ..r.... . .... .. . .. I " ,~,'~.t{,.r.~, ,ia~>~,,'~fJ!O~:,:tbe<'.~;~6se~11~l"~1~h: th.,:J\t'~lt;~''4t':, aDA_ ePPU1"tenanoe8. unto the ! - : '~:~';.\~; r) ~),I ::w~: ~~o:-.. ..~~', ~~: '~,~~ ,~~~:~~:;~; .~~l~~Jf:~tAy~{ the,: p~oP~~~ b't~e~8bo~~,' de8~rlb~A' ,I o.;~_,,~~:J:~>~,,~~::_~' ". ' ,:-. : ,~,"':'\ --'::~'~- "-":~::',,-~;~~;~:.;:,:~: :.~'~i:,<::;:f .:<~{ :'::';";~- ~ - ',- - - - , ~: ; -.-- , I '<(ct. 'ct. seal) , , , 'Piletand reoordedth18 '19tbda; of ~eoember, A.D. 191~. 'p. O. Bldred. Olerk 'Oirouit Court. By. ' Od.iV'J:'a~~0 D'. o. '-" ' d.,' "-j . ..~.:'~. .. ... ... ~ ~. - - .. ~ -..... - - - - -- - - -'~ /f~(jO/jo "i' , : ' ~/j/f:'to . :::" ------------ -- - - - ! i s.utUBL &. WILLIAIIS , - , TO DDD TBBOJ>OBB L. HAUSLWUI. , , ,1'111& :PUJ),,>lUcl~ the 16th day of'Deoembere' 191$, b,UKUBL a.WILLIAJ,(S, e single man, of, ',. the,Qltl: of 'at;, liouis' an~8tate Qf .tUs8ouri'. hel'elnattel'oalle4 the g~an~ori to 'l'HB01>ORE L. . ..". . ~.: - - - '. . . . . . -. ' . ;:~$WtI>ot'theJ)it1"O~at. LOU1e,State~f' W."80u.r~~ bereinafter oall~u''':the gr'-ntee. .::. . --", -'. .'. .. ;.. .. -. - >, WXtBJ881TJh'lba' the ..16. grantor lnoon81deraUon otOlJe Uundl'.dDof~...:(.ioo.oo) I . , , " ,',:- /~::~t~I~.f~\j.I<<: