HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1986 [1 k /1 a I ~ I > I I ,I I l ~ ~ I !~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J. fI @ i1 ~ l1 " fi IH IB II It I n ~ ~ I~ ,U 1M '~ D M n It ~j R il i! ,\ fi il II I .' - -...-.:: . '-';" - "'"',...~ - ~ ,.-'~..,.- ',:''{ 286 , .-' :-., ~- \ >(~~~r.~;., - '''l'' ;~,,;-.....!".-:-,--:~."f~:'::,.;;'-:-~""'~ _:;"-' ~..~~ ._...,.';"- '-:":'- ~-',- .. ~ . .~~.>s.a,tee '-~ie,,'b'Olu'e. 1A4~1e'llb~, ~or'TW. , AQ4 ,th~ 1..10. Pa1"'1'.0~~t,t1l-.t' Pal.'~;.~01',tb""lT.".4: ~.ll':htlZ"t extou'orl .' .~.'~ator.. jC?llt'''' ,ant..vtraU.r.: ~c)OTeJWlt, ,p:ro~.e".4:W~'~O ~4 .1th-th. :i.ll,~t7 . -", '.' . -.. . , . .... -.. -' " . '. . - . otthe' seoond'put. hie'helre, ex~outor',' aWnletratoreanl aB818118,t)iatth,'.al4. parttel' . -'. ot, the t1rat part, ..'th' 'lm. ot~h. lIeallD8 Q4: ,.11"eJ'J of the..' ptoe~.nts, ,weiotjlaWtul11 II .e1se4 111 tee 11alPl. ot. BOod,absolute an4 lnde:te...1bl. e.tate, of ;1,nhe~lten~eot4Ul4' Ul all and Bll18Ular'the Ilbo"(t 44l.orl~ed,Pl'e~1.e.,' taoh and e..r, , an4..ha..e,goOelfight"tQll powe ,er'e.n~>>~to~':.OJl"f'lth~ 8ame~n~~r",~4 t01'llltore~14a that the ~~"Otth' ' ! ' ", ' " , , " I se~onA~art. hie, heirs anela8818DB, 8hall anA U7 ~t'al.l' tlme., h'l'eatter, >>..oe.b17 and ! qU$.~'17ha"e, hold, use, OOO~P7, p08eeS8 anclenj07 the above 4e.oribedprelllise~, anel e.,er7 ',part and Puoel thereof; 'WlthOut8D71e', suit, 'tl'OtlblC" mole.tation, e\.iotlo!i'or 41stnrb- ~~. o,~ t~e .aid .pa~tieS ofthe,tlr8tPar1;"the~r heb'.or a,s,Bl~8, orot~. otherperBon orl perSO!l8 lawfUll)' claiming 0", to ola1~ the same; that the 8ame all and, slDgUler, are tree, oieat', 'd1e,oh8rged anel wiinoWllbeJ:'eel of an,d .f'r0ll1 all' former and other titles,oloude and in- o\1Jl\branOe8 of whatJ),ature end klnelsoe.,er; that the 8a1dpart1ofthe'tlretpart, hJ,e heire, ,~' . e..outorBand, admlnistratore, eaoh and evert, Bh811 make,exeoute and .cmoWle,dge suoh ro- ,I - " , " " , th.r deed8 and aS8\U'anoe8 a8 bpoolmsellearned.in the law me, be otnBielered rea80lUlbl, p1"O- per, to efteotuate:the hl11lltent andmaonlng 'of thle iJl8thm.ent~.. . Andthee81d partie8 of th~ tlrst;part, tor themBelvee an4thell' heirB. th. above de- '1eorlb8d prezlt..e,anel e.,er,'pa~t and psroel'thereof,unto' the 801el pa,rty: otth. s,oonel part. f hiB ' hell'S. and' a~eignB, agai~8t the sald parUe. otthetlrat part,' and ,the1l' hell's, an4 tgBiU' all and ."81'1 per80n'or'peraone wh"'Boe.,er law~17ol.a1a1D8 or'to',Olaim the same rul'l an4 w111 warrant In4 b, theae present8 torever 'detenet. . , ' , 'lh1Balien&ilon'is With the Joint oonsent 'of huaband and wff.' ~here ~ha~ 'relation ex18te~ . . j IN WITIfBSS WlIBRBOI', the 8aiel parUe8 of the t1ret part haTe hereunto set their handsandi ee818 eaoh in the presenoeof two subeorlblJJg w1tne88es. I Slgn~4, Bealed and del1Yered in presenoe of ua: I Joseph' If. Lat1lDer. I W. S. Panlah j. .' . 111 C. Orndorff Oraoe Ornilol'tf . (Seal) (Seal) I - '. . 8tat.ot 'enneBaee ) )IS. coantt:Ot nanel.on) . l,.JIERbY CBRfln~Tla t on this 24 48, of JU7., A. n.19lo, before me a Hot.r;y Publio i > .'. . , peraonaUl ~ppeareci BU,~. OrD,40rft and Graoe Orn40rft h18 trlfe. ,to iIl~ weUknowri and known t? me to be the ln4.1vlduil18 de8or1.bedir1 and who exeoute4'tl1e forego1'ng: oon.,e,anoe to'L. J. _,: ," JlutUer,.and Bf)TeraU, aO)mow1edge4 the exeoutl"ob thereot'tQ'be'th'eirtr'e aot an4 etee4 tor tb.'"l1se8' and xmrPoe8. therein' mentioned;' In4 the' B81d Graoe ornllortttl1e Wife ot the Bald " 111" O..Or~Ol'tt'on a 'BeperlltA anA' pr1~att examination, taken ~"4_. bJ' : anA , ~efor'lIle, and 88para"17~'an' apart'trOll he, B814 huaban4, Aid aoknowle4ge'that ehe..4. herself apart;y to . :." - : ~ :-....- . . ' '. - . . - , . -..' .. the'~l~ deeel,~toonTe,.oetOl' the .>>~oa'- ot'renOtUlOing.:r.ltAClU18hiD8#an4 oon~eJ'1nB' all bri' ~ight~ 'tl tit:. : ~'1nt.re.,t' wheth.r of eto~el" or "t separate propertJ'~ .tattitorJ "or .qui t- abii.'~ :~l'i({tbelaa4' thei'einC1e8orlba4~anel th~tlheeX8out'48a14'de~4 tr.~11 hd Tol~ UJltarU.,. ," and '.1 thou' U7,oenetratnt ,tear, ap~8hellld.on or oompUtalon ., or trOll' her sa 14 . .' -', ..,,' . - . . . ~ . . h~~'~\.L-' "". " .', ,', . , ' '~<' ."'l"!l'....,, :~....ttlJ'.AAA,~t.t1~+r:.'..al.t,I'.~".~~<th.'~~"'ot 1)aYUaoo anA 81;ate ~tt~,....~..'~.;..,.~.'~t~~.'.,~C)r...~t;,. .' t ..-.-';.-~---~~.~:: :c.".:{~7,~>.>~.:..-,...._ ". "--:'." .~.-- . . - _.' _,:: ~d~': :~r ~ " .; ~- -~ ~-, ", ,('T , I .I U' , . I ' , ~ " o , '. -- ':.:'.' ./:,~?~llJt~fllf~li