HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1995 "" I ~ ~. , . (1 'U I , I I I , ! I . ,.:.-'--r- . ~ .' .-.~. -: "'~ -.' -----';:~_._...~',.-:~.-:::--7'-..........,.~-""'":"---.:,.~,.~~>::"..~~~~',~-:<.,-~~:>.~; _~..:~;~-... -.,...-. . ~~~~ _~~. ~~"'m"'" '~""1 '---::l'7T~,... .. -.. ,'- .- . - ....". ,,,~-~_.~.:~,,,,__,,-:,,~_,:,,."~_~:..':-.'-:>''';. O:-~~')'_<':"j::>,,:'~<~~:i;l:/'j.~~'-'t:~~:i',,~,_- IJ , I BASTcois~~~t .o~Ari" I' ' ", c',".""" " ',' ',,, 'W~ft 1>... t B9~";"";",.,.... , , ",. ". ','" ",.',',' , , nI811G>BlItuBB. .d.~e '11thela1 ot'OOt~b"rA.>>,'101~,b;~thGBa.t,Ooa.t D...lopaent" , . " . , " '. .' - ~ -" . o OaapanJ .: ,.- ,oo1"poration ~OZ'8anll1d anel~1etli28 Un4~r the.1.... ot.the st~te of, Pl~r'lda,p.rtJ' ~ . -' - . . . ~ , ' of the flrltpart,to Dall' U. Hewell, ot in4rlo, 'of the o'onntJot St. Luoie an4 State ot 110 r1 aa ~l'tJot th. ,100 <*14 l?~tt, , WITlfISSftH, That the 8.14part1.ot the;- f1ratpart, for an4in 0~n814el'at1on '01 the SWl fl, of One J)ollar and other valuable om.ideration J)ol1.8r..lawfnl Qlonq of the United Statea, to! it in hand paid bl the lal~' Part7;Of the'8eoonelpart at or' ~etor. the enaealing and'deliTeJ . . " < , " " ' " , ' , ' " . , I o~ thee, e p1"".sen, te,. the' reoeipt Whereot, la ,11,,' Grabr aolmowledgect" ~a8, gra,ntea, , barf,\'a 1n e4, .., 14 'I; r.leale4,oo1i~eJ84,' anel oonfirme.el, and b, the8e neaent8 doe. herebl grant,bargain, sell, , release, '90nv81 and oOMi1'lll unto the aa14 'partt of the ~~onclpart ancihar heirs anet a88ignal lin f:'Oi"PlO.th~iana dtu...a in st. L.ch 00...t1. Plori~.~c'" ana aooortboadao/fOllOW';' jThe Sonth;yeat Quarter (SW/4) Of the Southweat Cluarter (SW/4) of Seotion 26, Townd1ip ! t . ' I I 34 S,Range 39 lI. ootlt. olng40'.6 'aoree, more or le.8. ! t 1 I i I ~ I I .l I ! ,~oept.-ho"W:.r~ the rightot wa7 of pUblic!road8 and elralD88e oanala or ditohel,aa shown on'the pla~ of Baid landsmn4e ,bl',the Pl'rt7 of the f,J.ret part and 'reoor4~d in the oftlmf of theOlerk of the Cii-oui t OOllZ't of 8t. Luoie OOUnt" Plorlda. . !O HAW AUn TO ~~r..DTHB SAKE, tosether with all the heredit~ants end appurtenanoes jthereunto ,belongl'ng,' u,nto the 8aid party of the 8eO~nd part and her heirs aod as81gn8 In fee: I o!llpl. for.....r. . I i I i i I ! i ABD .the 8a.14 party' of the fll'8t ,part, for ,i welt and 1 tatauooe880ra, d088 herebl . :f' . ::a:\:i ::;::.:;1.::~:.0:::i: t'i:.:.:.:~;1::8:~:O:.:::~~:: ::i::~ tJ.ght tQ oonV9J aata-landinfee simPle? '\'! afore.aid; tl1~t it a)loll. be tawfUlfor sai4 pat-tr . -\-.s_ -. _ , 'I of the, seoond part, her heb..,'legal repr.'~entat1Ve8 an4 aS8igne, at' allUme8 peaoeable, . ! and qutet1l to. enter upon, holcl or ()Qoup,,::;&nd en~07 said land: that 8aid'lanel 18 free from I - . l-.~: -. . ! all enotmlbranoea: that, it w111 malee suoh :t\1rther aS8urance. to perfeotthe tee-simple title! , . ,,', u .' .'!-. .: to 8a14 lanAa8 ..-, r8a,,'onab17 he r.qulre4., and that'lt 40e8 hereby ~11 warrant the t1 tle l .' -;. -, - - . - ." - ~ , . - - t tos814 land, and 1J111 deten4 the' eameagalnst the lawfnl olaims of all perisoos vrhom.e08T6r. I < ~ : - , I Ili\fITlIE8S~OP, the parti ot thci first part, on the day a+ar fir8t abo.,e I . " ". . " '. " written, bas oausedlt. name, to be 81gne4,~ its oorporate. seal to be affixed to' these i present. b,'lt. I>>re.lelent. whloho:ftloerha8' been d~1authorl"4 and empowereel b7 re80iut.. ! . . " " , ' ." j' tl0D otthe 1l0~r4 ot Dlreo~or80t'the Bee(CoaBt DftelopaeJ1t Company, pert1 ot the first ! 1 i ,j par~' herein, I ! ; I ! j I ! I I , I i I I toex.oute 'an~ del118rth 18 D..A. 1\-.' ~:,) . 1 iJA$ COAST DRVELOPMElfT COlAPAUY , ..('~ , ' 111 Oeo. o. ~ie.tl~. President. (Oorporate'Seal) 81gned,8esled an4 AeliT~re4 111 })resene. of.u: . Helen II. Brown Luo, Jewna'. i .: I I , I I. 8TATB 0' !.nne,JTania I OOtnfft.' O'PJ111~~lPhla ' BJU "t,. ~ ~,ttlo.r dtllt authorll'~ ,to ~~~. aOknOwl.~.n~ to deed., do her8b~ ~er~.1~, .th..~,'O,D,thh' :48', pel'.ona~r,ap))ft~e4 'before, lie G,~o~Q.Pr'leet~~1' . t'o me' "ell. known 'a. the ~'.ldeDt 'ot 'the.k.t09~~t.J.~.lop.fI~t'Oo1nP~1/tb. :~~01"~tlo~'4e.01'1be4"11l~h.;, , , "'" ,.', . '" ',',~'" "".' ,; " " " , '," <"C\:'"," , " ,__,': I:: ,', ,',., tOJ'eao~J)e~A.;an4',he .~knowledfe4b.to1"e, .ethat' ho ,~. 4tt1i.\l~.~~'<'~7.:ea~*t~f~~~~t~~ '. ::~---. _.:"'. ':. - . -'" ~- 0 . _.... ' -'--_"_-'~~:\;-_~,/::"->~...__..- .\>":;1. ~_-{.~~~;,r{~ ~