HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1997 a .~ "l ~ 'I IF' ! 5 9 ~,;,: 1= ~" ' ::'t ~ , ~ ~. 5 ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~, ~ ~~ o ,,. ~..', i . " -0 " :'~\~d9?\.-7' ,:;,: " "-,~"',f(~ .' .r. h..,ol'tar. : 41Bolabr8Id: ah&i~~naWlb.r.d~C)t,:~n&,fl'oa.~';tOr..~ ~nA'oth~~:"\1.\i.. .';Oi~\'dJ., >\. ..",', i,'-: ~,;",-',";'~ '_:_~,"' _'":";; ''':'', _ _ .-_:~~';'t>.-::..J_..'::_c.::'~-':":",,,_,,.~_~,. ~~;.\:~ ,':'~._,,::-~, """'-_' , ,.:.,,: ':'~'-,':..':,>__~~~-'_--_>,.",:'} _',';:.,~ ""::"',_ ~ .",;__' ;.<' ',_'._',., ,..~. :. . 'enA 'l~()~br.noe.,~t J'))"', 'na,ut.',tm'" ~t!;l4: eo,ver a '..tho t, :tlr.' ".ltf :P~UQ.'~t: the"., t1rat' ~r', .'\l1tb.'.belr.a', exeo\\\~~~.' a,~l.,.~1~i8.fr~t'~r.:..;,',.~~~\.w~'.:.~i~~i;:':~~lii ~~~'.., eie~~~,.' '~', .o~o,,~ 'i'4ae,'110h~;th.~ ',ana '~tb.",4~'ei,8~ '~~lcl ,..~~..~oe;:."l>'" ~'o\~ee~ '1..rl\e~ln'th.' l~W"Dla7 bo : d'_ "'-,' ';,: ,". '_ '.-'" _ - '. ",' ,,~ _: ,._'_ ''.._-'-~.<_-:,:' , _ '_' :-":.. - " ; '.:~'_,' ,-::-,'-' ,. '; _' ~_ J,. '_ ..' ,. ,,'. . ..,00n81"-,r.": < reaaonablt'lfJ"C)p':r' to':.tteotu~~. )httul).,:lnteht.,an4, meaniOl 'ot thl. lnstrUJllont. " . '.,' ' ", ::.' , "., "~. ~ . '. .. - " " ._',~.' ""'. , ' .<,' ",' . ' -'. .' - ..' '." " . . .. '. ;' '~l:'th'o: 8aI4:pr.it1e~ot. :the#,re,t: par,,'tor':tht~ al1i~'-i~h~~r., ~~ ,.bovede'~O~ll)ed ' prea1ee., tint .ier)' partantj)nroel:.thereot,'Qnto:the.8alaI*r~1 of the,'seoon.4 ptJrt,hle ..- ", ". - . , .',. " '. ,"." . '.. -' . . .,-_:', ,-.', - ,', . -.- '-'. ",'., ',:' " ,,' - ",,' ."-' .." -':- . .. .,} ,. -', - .' he,lr8: an~ a8~i~~',a8a~nat1;b. ~8U,p:~r,~le. ~t .~h.tl~e,t pa~t, ~4.t~e1r.'heh'8. "andagalnet .11.' 8nde'fen' pe~.on ~ pO'...ons whOJll80e'\'er lhwt\l~,11 cldlD"ng- or 'tOola1m the Beme shall end " . ." .' '. ," ,. .- "-, . '~ ;. '-- . ", , '-:", ',)': ,~:' . ." , '-, , ' ' '. ' ' " ;.-', " - ' ~ ' ' . ': . ~lU"8ri-ant'an4 'b~i theoe F'ae~t8 ~~''Yer. detei1el~ . ~h_18. a11enat10n lawlthth~jolnt oonsent otha,sband and wife, where that reletton I I i -t I ! I i j ! I i ! i I I ! i i j , 1 , I I i '. .- j I HJiiEBYCEltT,lV'Y I thiltton thla lbth blot %)eoomber A.D. 1919 betore me a lfOTARY PUBLICi , ',.., ",,' '" " ' '"," , ' '" , I p,ersonal11,,811pea:red Hettie' JI. C. Prange to . well- known anel known, to me to be the "lndi 'Y1elWJ~ . '.' , ""-. . - - '. ., elesoribed in ana, who executeA ,the, toreg01ng conYeyanoe tc{ C~ u. J)raper ~~ 'She haB a~knoWl- t 'eageo.theexeoutfon tbereot to be the'f1'ee *lot an4 deed 'fo." th. use8 and p1trpoeestherein I mentl<?neclf .~,on., Hp,.rete a.,4~';pdvat~ ~ex8ra1natlon takenanel rn:.deby and before me, and. I .~ ;. ,:, .' - -' . . . , . '. ' Co .': -' , '_ . : - '. .' i aoperat..l111n4 apart troni her e814huBbancl, dlc1.oknow184ge that she uke berself a party I t'o t~., sel4, de,8tiot 0011,.e18~oe tor the' putoJ)Oa8 of renoUnolng t reUnQu1Bhl,ng and oonveying I ariher 1:'lght,.tl,~lean4,lnt~re8t, ~heth~r ~t dO"ller:Qr aeParate property,_8tatutory or i , ' , , , ,,' , " '," , ' '1 e~ultable,'. in ana. to:tha 1.8ndsther~lt desoribed,end ti-.at eh~exeoute(laa1d deed :treely I 8n4V~].Ut1t81"ii1 a'n4.1th~Uil.n1con8t!~~,Jit''- ;t881',' 8pprehen~lQn or oomp UltJ10n of or from j her'eB.14hti~band. .~18t8'. ':; . , ~ ,:IN",\Ul'lUS$ WHl~HIOP, ,the ,sa1clpcrties of, the t1rs:tptU,'t have hereunto Bet ,the1rhend, . . - . ,B$a,~8,e.ch In th.~reBenoe ,of,twosUbeorll>lng wi tnoBlee. , , Sl8'h'~ ,B$~18d ,and' deU vei'ed 1n pr~senQe' of, 118 : 11.8., JOJ1~'; ,.lU"'''!at1t~n , , . '--Ch8rlesGl,tford , ,J (U,.t,~:1H. h. (i'. " ) J L i. c. hange Nettie M. O. Prange ( 8eal) (88al) , I Kathleen 1>.iho.. j . ' I I ! I , r Stat" otfLORlDA }" C01Ul~7"'ot,nuv.AL , ,I I I f I I i I ~ I , I , 1 ) ,.l,.88'. . , . .. " '. - - . '. " WX,~1fJSSIq8'i8n!ltur. ~1Ul401flo181 8e.l at JaoksonYllle, in the Oouatj ofJ)uval I!nd ~. . - >' ,:'. '. '; '- ~...,';'. ' - ',' .... :. ' . ,~ . . Stat'~f.ltorlda: ~h. 4.ai 'anelleariaat ai'or~Ba14 "!. i I I 1"~<I.-L) " I 1923 (nOTARY SEAL)/ . I I i I I I I thn t , ~ 0.' I I i I 1- ~l1en ~.- Jone.. .TO~B8 on expire. lanT 3, state ot'LORlDA J J ..8S. ST. :well" ) Oountt,'e)f \ I,' an otfI98;r.811tbC)l-l.4td, to take,8okilowledglllen,teJ ot,48.ds. H&.EBYC1!J,'Un, . . '....., ~, , -' ..Pr,anea, p'e:r80na1.~7-knO~nto..to".:thelnjl~c1u~l'd.8orlb'4 1n" C4, .0. exeouted the . 't~J..e8Clni,'ln.~ent~ aA4that .tla141n41.1dualt.hls ~1Rotno"le4gecibttwe lIIe that' ht ' . , - exe~~"~~_'~Il1.~lQ8t:rwn.nt.>.., .,', "~Wl'1'~.f,q~anA:~4'~ttlcH~l"8'e.l, 'ttile '',9011iltf ~f.l4:;Xat.t~. .'. ",(.b1BY:~~~i:_~,,' " ' 2'1441'()t ])ec.JJ1bor . 4.1>>. "'l:f~ ~~~&. ":.,.t:'