HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2009 '-'~'~~~~~~'~_-;,"~\~,~:~,"-.w:-~7""~~T0-'7~~.r~,t.n~1~'-~~' ~".~',~~" i-.'--~ :~f~'::-::"~':~~:~,:~_-~-r.~'~7~;.~:;.-~'_. ~"':':-~':'~ \~,.... -~~"~"""7~~;t"~ ~~_';{_;:"',~_~,,~ ~,-\ . , < I 01'18... '>, I r i I , I 1 I I' ., fee 81::aplCl: tor.yer.' I ,.' .ln~th,' .814.-rt, Ofth~ first ~ar1;~, tQr !,tB.lt and it. 8uoo.e80r., doe8 hereb7 I I o~Teq8Dtwi. th sal4 pArt, ot tb. ..qonl part, hie' heirs, legal repreeen tatl Tei, and assigns'l I .t~atlt '1. '1nelet.~~1"lt 8el.80. ot ~a11 lan4 In' teeelmpl.; that 1t has :full power anel law- ! "~I tuir1ght/,O 00'T'7.altlan~ in te~.siIllPle, 'ae aforesaiel; that it 8hall be lawfUl tor 8aui I - 'part)' o~ 1;he 8eoon4 part;' hlehdr., 1.gal r.pre.ent8t1ye., and a8signs; at all t1mes 1'-' ., "', " '",~ , "" ',' ' i ,:Peaoeaoli AA4'quJ.et17 tc> .nterllpon, ho14 , ooouPl, .n4 en~ol8.1d land; that sa1d land '18 I '. , , ' ,:' -.' - ' '" ; , _' " ", . _, .:., _. ~ ,~ . .', '~'" j peetioa J-'l. .nq'WDbr~C.8 ; that, 1 t .111 uJt8 auoh further asauranoe. t.operteot' the fee 'lmpl.ii,t~..to'..i1"l~"'a._, Z'e.aonabl1, b. r,qut~.d.' .ndthet it aoeaher.b, 'Ml1 . . ., "~', ,." ',' '_ "', ,~ '. -: ' '_ 1 . - ~ - -' . -, . . .. war.rant the t1tleto,a'"l~t. and .111el.ten4 the .ame.galnet the lawful ola1me ot all p,1'8Qn. .h~,oe.,er., " . ',.', , ," . "," ,,' -- ~:, 'Iii W1.... ~.r.ot. tb. pa,rt,ot t~'11'11t per1;, on-the ,da, an4,.ar t1rn abO..e .11;- '_ _.' _,' _. - '~__-_;'~:~:',':',~"',,-,:~"'C":>" :"_' "" - _~. _~ _ _. _ _ ," '_ . , . _ " .-:."", ,,". .-:- _. ... . ten'. halio~,.I.'h.IlUl..,to b&,8ipa4 ~4 '1t. oo~poratt ..alto be attls.4 to the.e P1'e- " :' " ", ':',"; .. '~. - ',' '., - - ,-:,'. ':: ,',-". -- -. . :~ - , _.' -; '. ,; -,', ' . ". , - ,'- .--- .- . - ' --', ~--, " .' , :,8'0t8bJ,1t.' Wa~'~,ti'Ollf~"hlOhotf10.r he. bit.~ 4Q].~~ au'hot"1~,e4 .~A '1Il>>OW~r'4 b,r.-' ,olut1:~a:~.t:.""i,~.4l ~J.re,01;~l'.Ot~'.).OI'.u,~.t: CO.8~ a.a;ltJ OOJDpal)J~ ~t~ ot thel '111'.~' P.~~'~_;,tC)"*~~'. and. 4.ii...r'~h~~;~!:4.. ,.,. . . '. . " .,'.; .' , ,: . ,-"-"'.~ ' . . I t . \. ; .u . n, LI - , -'f\. ;,'r ':.~ ,:-:-f~*:-. :'~ ~ . ;~.. '-.~ ,309 .- , ,', J' i I I " , ' .,,~Oolio' .. " i , . "E'1tJ ' , ' I (Ot.Ot_ 8eal) ~o. ' ,'I/:'tto I 'II.-':~:'::':::i::':::""~~-"'""'~'~.'~"'~-~-'"'"-'~~~':::-::.'::;:"-}f . , , , I '''~n DDD,"O. 86. ' I I '. " '" I I thie In'denture,Kaele ,the' 28th lat of,.l)ruat1 A'. >>.'1913,))1 the ILO~I>>A UST COAST I . ,'lWrJn'OO)(PAHY~.' -'OI'poraUonorsimra.. aDa.' exi.t'l~'uDdel'; the law. 'ot 'the 'State' ot'florida' I p~t", ~t ,the tlr_et:part,t~ ~pei>t',li, JC~bl~8ar~. of: the 011;, ot .~ehlngt~~,an'~ 1>18tl"lot of 'OolQlbla .p.rti, pt,.tbe .eoonA: pu't, . .' . '.11, Wl~b.~e~~h, That the~a14 pal'1;totth.' t~ret pe.-t, tor and 10 oonloderat1on of the I eum of 'en Do}.laI'8, lawtal mon'7ot th. United state., 1;0 1t In h..' p.ld b1 the sai4 partYl '..' ,~f,:1;he:e,ooil4:~.i'1;~~ at or' before theeneeai!ng and 4elherl of th~eepr~~ente, the reoel~t I l'1h.reof_~8 h'el'eb,aomo.le~ed, and tor. o~or o~ne14eratlone: hae granted, barg81ned, 8014, r r'el.tle~el,oo~y.,.d-ancl.oont1l'11led, and b, thee.. pr.ee.nte~o88 hereb7 grant, bar8aln, .ell, r ,- " ','" " ' , 1>i.le...........;...d...ODfl.........t. th. .ald ",rt7 .tth. .....4 port 1lJl4 hi. h.lro an4 ... ,I .' -. ," ' .-;' ~ :-".- .. ."~:,~"': ~',-~ I ,", . .:.', "A.~~t.~~l) ~; ,'" :-,' ", .' " .' .~s.'."'~ ,: ",' ',' '..,.'.' , . ".':-9\UJ",Pib110. '. .,," . .",o~..lOJl IzP,be.Aprll: 18th, Ule. . .~. ,1 111 ea _4 ::i-.oor.....th!. ',lOth datofJanUU,',' Ai.' 1). 1980 , ' '" ',', , ,," , ' '\' , " "', '" - :'. ", -' '"", " ,,,' , R.' o. !Ii1)ItIJ)", Oltl't. Oiro"it' cm:n~ , rign8.1n fe.simple, th.bn4 a1tuat.d 1n st. Luol. Count"norU.a, kilown and deeoribed ..' ".' ea~0110we: j11 ot th~ Southeast oDe~qU8r'.r of the Jottheaet on.-quarter of SeotionThlrt7 , , , ' tout 1n T9wneh1p'Rhlrt7four 8,outb. of Rallge '1'hl~tl nine Baat, oonteJ,nlng 40.6 aore8, Ilore ~o~,Pt ,~~.vet, 'the r.lgh,t of .a~ . o~ ~ubl10 roade and dralnage oan.le or d1 tohes, as eho..n,_~n't.J)t.P1at of 8ald' lan4. ....0.. b, the ~rt7 of thet1l'stpert andreoorded in the otflo~'ot'lhe Clerk' of the 01rouJ.t 'Court of st. tuoie Count", i'lori4a. . " - . . .. -- - . ~ 'ohav, en4tcf holt the .ame, ~8ether with 811 the lleredU8JDente and appurtenanoes : .'~, .' ' , , -.... "'.,' . . . ... ... . . thereunt<r'belodg1i1g', unto the eaidpart, ottbe 8eoond part and hls beira and aesigDs in . ,,~,.,. .,. 7: .