HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # CO't1INT`:Y F1I ,4Dn .h ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEC ? 7 St. Lucie Cc),, y, r Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D.R.Horton (Pemary Contractor) For the project located at 3 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO\rRACTOR GtiA (Qualifier) SUB CONTRACiO SI NA ualifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT NAME PRIA"r NAB CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTtrICATiON NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 2017 who is personally known X or has produced a as identifies 'on. 7, Signature ofNotary Public say 0 a Leone Print Name of Notary Public X y p=dra tate of Florda RC7i I I/en GG 020251� of s2020 CCC 1330653 COUNTY CER[TFTCAT[ON NU.M$ER Starr of Rorlds, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December 2017 b _, y who Is personally koowa %� or has produced a as Identification. SSAJfP ' SigoatureofllotaryPublic STAMP &,gXra Leme Print dame of Notary Public L nd* Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone a c M/ Commission GG 020251 as*%oo- Expires08/1C/2020 PERMIT rt ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPi1ENT SERVICES �` " � F - Buildinor & Code Compliance Di-sision BUILDING PER.NIIT SUB-CONTRIC'TOR AGRU.NIE\T DEC 2 7 2017 P.ER rV1177i PIG St. Lucie County, FL Peay's Electrical _ have agreed to be (Company Ner,!c lr;(J; itilial Narne) the Electrical _— Sub -contra• --tor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) Wnnta:}.Co:rracror) For the project located at _ 3�?j.�. -T wc, (Prcje_; S:reet :1d,'_re s,11r P r c e-} 't Lv� ID It i; understood that. if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the; above mentioned project, the Building and ('ode Reg llatio❑ Dig isiun of S: Lucie Count} %e ill be advised pursuant to the filin; ota Chang: ol'Sub-contractor notice. CO,V I R.-UTOR 5t .NATG ter) — --- Brian W. Davidson Plilxr 11 L — CRC 1327068 COCVTti' CF:RT1FiCAT'[Oti �CAIBER State of Florida, Cmmtlnf Br6vard The foregoing hosts umem nas %igned before me this 26 Jzl of December ,0 17 tri q fro is puno na Ify kno,•nor has pro du 4 c d as identiification. —` 1 O SIxw SignatuFJ of Votary Public Print %an i ee of tVutary Public _ Q Atn1ru f+t f ~ r =o�4y,Y �u�. htetTaN- Puhiic $t9t© of F!crida dillf3 LCJnt; IG 1� 020251 s S ;ommis,Nnn " 9 M% t•os 0Jf 11; ?020 ,A' SUB-CON7RACTORSIUNArURE(Qualified — �— Christina Sla`-e PRt`T \.\CIE ER1301455551 3�� 13 COUNTI Cr.RTIFIC:\TInV YU;VIBF.R— State of Florida, Commq of Brevard I he furegoin; in,trumeni nas signed before me this 26 dat of December f)17 b1 ,.hn it P., sa nall., 1"—, h.1, Produerd I :1s id Con, C Sr,L�IP Signat of:Vo[ary Yublic�--- Print `amr of \ Public L P>fl Notary Public 31ste of FloridaSandra Leone My Commission GG 020251 Expires08l1012020 a PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o f 2 Building & Code Compliance DiN'ision - BUILDING PERAHT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT DEC 2 P�F,,79rTifvC St. Lve Count FLAqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be Y, (Company Name/Individual Nam_) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3 13q (Project Street :address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding out- participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Dig ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CfINTPLAC-'OR SIGNATti •. (ualiiier) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU,'%IaER state or Florida, County of Brrevard The foregoing instrument %as signed before me this 26 day or December ,a 17 by %rho is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Jet &V Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public o4u".+s, Notary Pubic 3;3te _f F'crda �} i, Sandra L:;one 04 MY ti ommiss!on GG 0?0231 ' z. ' FOFt=�' Exp'•es 0Y,iY2020 SUB-C/O,N711,%a�T1O-RSIGNATURE ,(,Qualiifietr) PRINT NA.%IF. CFC057526 -- `g�pgg COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUbtaER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument isas signed before me this 26 day of December 20 17 by ,,Ito is pcnonatly Lnoen X or has produced a STAMPas identification C STADIP Signature of Notary Public Pr Name of Notary Public y ?.:: i i c S7eicRcrdaJardra L��orts. o` �1 ommiss--m GG o20251 ERpi;e Florida Breeze (Company Name'Indieidual `arie) the HVAC/ MECHANfCAL (Type of Trade) 3t,e5-Uuv i K-WTOR AGREEMENT DEC P. ? 4 4 r P1E, nfi- St. Lurie FL have ageed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (PC -.'mar; Concractor) For the project located at 3 (Project Street Addres, or Propert}Tay III r) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation -with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of S:. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGti,a'iL'RE tn., ferl_ Brian W. Davidson PxI�T v,ut�: CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICAT10,1,,NUMBER State of Florida, Co..,, or Brevard The foregoing instrument sas signed before me this 26 da, of December ,� 17 b, who is personally knowu X or has produced a _ isidentitiea' n. l St. -nature of ,otary Public ._.c I OAH� PriniTiamc of tiocary Pubbc �a3 '!a, ?ctar/ Pu'oi�c Ssie eP Flcrd : Sandra U;or,#.) v 4Jy..cmmissien GG 020Z51 Rea sed IfiibDld� Expt:es C;F,.:1 c_`020 SUB. o.Vl FACTOR SIGN I ;RE (Qualifier) - Kristen Kelly PRINT N.att£ COUNTYCERTIFICATIVN M.MBER State of Florida, Count, of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day.of December 1017 b, who is personally known X or has produced a a,s identification. STAM1IP I Cam_ STASIP Signature of tiotan Public 51ae_.7%LCy L ZblL� Print :Name of tiotan• Public r�pR* >n6r� Nrtnty Public State of Ftcrda Sandra Lnne vF•7:2=�� Expires',`; .,