HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2015 --~'~7~~~Yt~;'"1:~'7r:~'-~'~'~~ ~:?"~'~~:<'7-'~r~:.-"::"--.">~~?r-~~-~-?"~- ':r?~{:;,~.y~.;_:~.~;~.r~:)',~,,:"'::t~~~""~.'\__-',~r::~'~:'-o~.'~. ~~\- :<:f:~" -.. " :.-~~7-7T~~ ::::-:~r:", ~\"I}> ~~'~,' 7,';-l, ""'77Y>"'.-.~o .-' ~.~~.. ... . I " ~.i~~.~~" VJ1,1;O',~e ,i~~.~~,.~~~" '~~r'~~!~5~".~~:,~~~1i.D~,' t~~!'.I'~ ,'>~t,'~' 8 aU. : '~'D1iOI" doe., ,I ' ,tOl"'lt..l,,'anA:~t..'i\tQO...or.~"q'O~!l..ff.lt1\,~' i'.~'" .Q~ante~,.hi, h.lra .nd a'IISD'. that . . at, andllntii:the' .n8.~ilng'..tltll~'.:YP.,-.~t~:,"1~j..".e~1'~'.i.'~~ :Jj,t~. ~b~ft ~d.eo~lb.d ~~e- lIli.e. .. '~"8o.'~..n4 :l,lIo..t'~811)1. ..'t.t~11\ t"'~laP1e," ~clb.a.' 8~04 ~18~t,to bUSI1n and I .ell \he 8aa~' In manne~.nd ~OrDl aa .~.e wrltte~l tbat the e..e ~re tr.e' .n4 'olear of all '1noWllbrali~e'.hat~oe.el', exoept qoy.nente auo. r.atrlo;',on. hereinalter aUpulate4. .nd'.:r- ' . ' " .' .:. ' , ~ '. ' ' -' " ,- , '. '-. ".' . .' -" ,:_" ~.. . ~ . .I::~h:~ ;r~:.:n:.::::::t:;::~o4:t:~nr:j~'~:B!:~=:n~$:~. ::~.:.:::i::':~~~... . , 'I, "1 th ,tJie appurtenanoea tbereQ.nto belonslll1 to tl'&' Baid Grante.'. b.r heira ~d a811rn' fore",J" ! a8'ln8t."~il lawful Oie1m8 anel ele~48 whateo.'Yer, exoept a8 8t~re~a14 'ena' 'he~ei.,n~x: 8t~te~i. I' AnI. . tbi...... Grantee t for h~r8elfanel her' hell'S and a881gn8 ~ In oon814et>ett'on of the ex-4 I .outl~n"anci c1eli....l'l~f ,thl.o.eeci ~~'her'b7oo~.n~n'tanel, agree Wlthth~Grant~r,l t.'auooe88orJ I and ~e~lghB,to . h~14.ea1d ,real e.t8tehereUf'd..or;~b'el upon the tOlioW1ns" term8: - " , ,1. Saldraale8tat. ahel). 'be ueea, exolual'Y.l, tor'pz.1vate dwell1l'i8hou.e purpolse and, " , "', " . 1 "at notlme'ahal1 be,ueeAtorbuein.88 purpo8e.. 001, ollesuoh hOU8e ehallbe ereoted, p180ed I I' o~ aU:ff~red to remain upon ee14 pl'!'m1881l: anel th~ o08tof oonstruot1onof whioh Bhall f:t':i;f i ' ,," ,- , , " ,.' ,,' , ''>' ' " , " 1 ~ leaatb~',TW~'fhOU8and.(80.00)!Jol1arB, "andprlor,to Jun. 181;, 1926. no 8uohhouee shall be 1 I.. ::::t::~:;~::::t:::4;:n:;t:r:::':~~:~1 t::.P:=t~:it":"::::.:::o:::::::r ot I j sUOhhOUS,. be'ereoted~ pitaoed' or suffel"edtoremaln th.reon w1th1n1e8sthan fift)' (60) feet j : frOlll the'tron,t ~ropert)' 11ne, Ileaiiing theZ;e'r1.helna14erof eilewalk, nOl" withln lel8 than !,tw~i.,. (l21 teet of the sideline ot a~ 80.301nl118 or ebutting lan4, nor nearer than twenty-l ,I' fiT.: (~&)t.et, o,t ~n1 other '..l11ns: . ! ,I 2. Do feno,e or wailexOeed1118 tbr.e (3) feet In he1gbt 111811 beere.tei1 ormaintalned l I ~n antpert:otthe .pr~m1a.e h~r.b7 oODvelec1, nor .hloh aball approaoh w1thin 8ennty-flve i i (76) feet"'otthe etreet line. t I .! ~. Ho plaoe. ot pUblio ent'&rtalnment, apertment hou8e, flat, boarc11ng house, nor builc1-! J ~ lnade.1gnel to~ the r'814enoe ot more than onefaml1y; nor hotel, taTern,dance ball, or I other.r.aort; ehail be establ18ba4, oon4uote' or maipta1neo. on said prem1ae8. . I I .. Dei nuiealloe nor ad'fert181ns 81$n8 ~ b111 boarde or other aAnrt18ins devioes, exoept I Ii .laapertalnln~"to 'thelan4 on.bloh Bald 8isnle loC)ated, shall be permitted on said prellllBes~ I' !:lor sbal1 'thepr~tlDl"ee'b.ti8ec1 ~n ant wa'()l" tor an1 pUl'pose that may endanger the healtb I ' , ' , , " , 'j or unrea80na))'ti,:uetu:rb' ~e' q111et 01 ant holder of ad3~lnlns lanel. , I ,6.,. ~.Grantor' her,ln,re8etve. fo~ i~8elt, 1 tl .\\00e8'80re or a881gnl, the r1g~tor I pl'1V11ese of .~~lih.,of ., ;to"1., anel malntaln .aterplpea tOl' 8.werage or other.lee, f aOI'()8.ealc1prem18ee at an),Plao,~~o'to 8'1'1nsel'o~rlo ll~ht aild tele~on~ wlre8 acr088 i the 88m.. an~ ereo~ 8'QO~ pOl'. a. mal be neo,s8ar"to 081'1'1 sald w1rea, at anJ plao.. ; " , ' . 6~ ,ltO' ....r.S. 01", ..atePiPi' ah8l1 beenenc1ed to .01' ualne': Into the Indlan III T.r or I i the Atlantl~Oo.~, no~ah.llt~,..tera 1>e.oont81ll1~teel'b, 4epoaltlng refuse o~..aste w.t.r! In the.... , ! " I Tbe,aboTe.n1llle~.t'41".~10t10n't' ..litmenta, oo.,naute anA oonc11i1on8 8hall b.o.....a: a. ,OOTenUlt. an4 '~~~_..00nd,lt~oIl8 h.r.ot~ 8:14 aha1.1 run with tbeland, 'an4 .hall b~nd tbe I , . ;,.' " ',," ,1'<"'" ',." " ,<,' , " .. , ,', ", " I ::;1:~~:~i=t:~~~:: :~~.!~o:::: ::o:~' ~~~;:~~:7:0b::io O::t:::t~lJ J . '~'. . '._,~.':''':. ~.---'. _,:~>-,.;;.~' ':'~'.' -_ ,! - ~.'I.;-'~.__ ,.:, ,'_' ~:~.' - _._ . ,.c'. _ ':. ._ ". . ,,,_ ~ _ _-:. an4 'a})})'I'w,lra1P8 to::,t1:le,~bm~..,.O!) 9t all Planl an4epeoltloatloA8 lJ1r(tter.noe ~obullcUD$; ""c'---_>-_.,': ," '''''--,::_.'- -. _ .;,~:.'!< .:~-,__.-,,--__-- .-..,-:_---~-- . . ,"'_ _.,..--: '-~':_ .. - _' _ __'. ',.:" .... ." _,'__.". .,' ,..~(tbio~:~~\:,)"~~t.,~~.b':~h; orAA~or be~'lD. 'll~ '~,~~lnol1141n$ _e,,"~~A.' D. . ~925." '..'c,i'ifi1:~i~~~~t~-~~?~~;~... o.;",#o~.'pro....."..,~~~~."",:lJ'C ~~.~.~;....bt ...'.' :.~t',a-~,'J,"~P-'f,o~,;,~t.;.oilJ;?~..te '.al~~b.' 8tt~.4.. ,.tt..te4~11tlae.oreta" a.t;\l)1' 01t, ';:, . ! ,'r . :-.. ... 11 .lJ ~. ~ . o. ~ 315 , ~:~