HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2017 I fi '0',' , , ":'.'O<;~"rt'~:::.~~~;~~.,:-y: -'-;"'~::' :'-', -: -.-'."" ~::~-~;'~'~-.:7~' ,+",." -- " ,.". -,--', :I"-~'i.."",:-.':.i ~,_,~",__,""'~.,A~~"', ~~-7P; ': '~:~"'"~r:; r~:.~T."'~'.' ~~!.~~~~::.~-~}~~-]~:~:.-::'~ T:~r~-~t\ ';\:a17" ' , ' ~1Il'flJ) 8t~'.I:B$ ,o,~o.' ,-' '.-. . , '. . .' :'. -",'.~.. -',- " WAJI!U lC1!0lI1KQ~' It';:, '.: G~ine.V111' '01&D69 .' " I ,t. .~~,.; ~:..vi>J::~;~::;~:i.t:t~~::~.. om\in..' I .' ,\$BW.S. ,a Cert1:f1oa,te ~f the R~g18'el' ott~!~f'-na.~~:f10~.e~'O~{~'.~lle. nO~ld8' hat I I ::, e:,h:.::~:,l:.i~ro:,::, ::,n:, ',::.:,:,'.:~'.'t:h::-::::,..;r, :t,~,',t,:,: ~,\;:::e:~\,.;~:~ar' I . 24, lQ20..nt~tl. n All .lot, ma~,1J8 f\u'th,~ pl'oY1Bi~n tor tbe ~'a1eoft~e rubl1o~~d8n " and,. ! the aota 8uppl1mental,the:reto" tor' the Lot. ten ot Seotion thr:l t,-two in TOwn8hip thlrtJ'-two ! I. 80~t' ota~g'fort'&t~t ot the Tal1ahae.... Weredian, florida. ,oont8inl,ng t"entJ'-two, and - I, I 8e'\'entJ,-e1ght~hundr~dths a,ore8.... . ..", " '. ' . . ' , ,.., I I ao.oO~d1ng t?,t'leOtt~~lal 'lat ot 'the Surve" o~ the Ba14 Land. :iletvDe4 ~o the, GEHERAL LAND 1 I o.rIO~ br the sur'\'e70r~Gen~ral.< .. ..'. . .' . ,I ,. , lOW ~O.~. T.~tt~e UBUEll STATES 01' ~OA. 1~ oOns14erat1onof the, premises. and I ! In oonfol'Dl1t.J'..,!th' ~he ,aeveralAotsot ~ongree81n suoh oaee DlI14e an4,proVlded.BA8 OIVEt' AlI~ K I OllANTD ~, an4 br'these })1'S8ents DOES GlVE,J.lIDGRAUT . unto the lIaid olalDUUlt and to the bel~a I' ofth~ a814 olaiJaant t~e tract abOv~ deeorlbeo.; TO BAD AHD TO JiOLl> the 8811le. together ! 'Witb "1~ therl~htiJ~ prlYl1egee. '~anun~t1e~~ ~\d appurt8nano~., ot what80e~er' na)ure. there1 I unto belonging,' unto the 8al"d ola'~tand iothe helr~ande8~lgn8 of the said 01a1mant I I tor.~:. tE8'f~llY IQIIIIlEOP. I. .ooar.. .11.... Pte.ide.' ot the u.u;e~ "tetee .f AIlerioe. .1 ha'\'e' oeu8eilthe8e letters to be 1D84el'atent.and the leal of the Geni'l'al Land ()ffloe tCl be i . herelinto 'attl~.ttl~ ',. i ! Glm' WtdatJD7han4, in the ])l~tdot of Col\UDbia, the TWEHTY-PIRST dat of DOVEllBER In I' 'tbe, )'ear'ot,our :Lorel one thousand Dine hundro4 4l;I1d N1BETREH and of the, 'Independenoe otthe IUJi.lted State. t)1e,j)ne hudretl aDd 'ORTY-J'()URTR. 'j I I , , Bt the Pre8ident: B' Woodrow Jlileon U. P. LeBo" , j' I ! 1 ! I I , i ".1 I i i ! i ! 1 . 1 I ! - .. - i i I I I 1 SeoretarJ. ~-, I' i i i ! t,. Q. q. Lamar. Reoorder ot the Generel Land Oftl... (Sealot the Gen..r81"Land Offloe) , ' RBOQltDBD:. ,Patent Number. '2026' '11e4 ~n4. reoorded t);l11116thdaJ ot Jenur,., A. :D. 1920. ~ CO ~() ~ ~,(\, ~ o (Ct. Ot..S8a1) P. C.'Bldred, 01erk Oircuit Oourt. III ,~r~,~r l):C. j i I I I, I'~x . -r I W.ARlWITY DEED. 1 I " . I i !bl.1),nhn1;ue Wlt11e88etl1that the Grantor~, Samel K. Wilhite and his :,ite KarJ Ellen, I .ilhlteot'th~C1t' of Greentb14 -in th. Oo~t, ot Oreen. ano. 8tate'ot 1111no18 tor 'and 'in I ~l' '00Jl8~4~~.tloD ot the'UIIl',ot on.'thOU-8aAt(1~~) bOllar.:ln.~4''P814COP'\'e7---and w.r_rant~ . toai~har' ,Do,,~vii~i~ a,Or.~ct-aoJl'ot ~ue'i W. WiThlte' ano. IIa17El1en Wllhl~ of the, I j ch,ttot 'Je~.e~11' Ob~tj ot J.,rio, 'end' 8~t. ot 'll11noI8'the' to 11 0.1 118 de.o~h'eo. aeal I -" - ." , ". ..- . -' . ..I~~~te.yo~t~~t'balt'IH~t4'BO~~~tu~1~~~~~~h1" .. thlrt, two ',.. (3' )"~1lth.ilt, xani_Thlt-t,nlii.?r,,): "..8tOon.~lDii>>l, tftnt;, (~Q) '~~:r,..j., .01'" - ..>-_ _~ " ,', '_' -__~_~~::->~>-._-:~:,:-.-,;' ::""'" -~:<--'-, . .-:J ':-_-::_, .:'......:. ._~-: ,~:_..-.._~,'.,:~."._.>..;..~:::. :~ .. .,: __~_., ..~.~,__..;:_"_:-:~.,~..-'".~>.. ~:~__,~ _ '.':-':-. .'. - ,",--,' ,', .~- f"; o~~~..~,~t~' &J1. belbf In the C9~t,tC)t~ at.:L~~.ana,8~at.(~~ .Jl~Orl~.,!', " '.- ,,' , ;<"" ", , ... . ":, '.... <,ij:{;~~"<}f:;~~j~~<:~., ' - :.... .. - - -.- ~ - .. .. 'fo RIOHARD DODGt WILHITE. SAUUBL M.wlt81T1AftD WIPB. i' '.