HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2029 I o o ~ "'~"":T: '_'~~'~' -_?"~'_~~ :-~:' ."--; ~ ~.'.~-~~""'~-::;!"~~CW,~~:~!~~,,~_ ~,'~,_. \:-~''.~;::~~ -, ".f . " 'it':' c. . ; . ~ ~ t . . .... . '.~ '.l~,..~~tor ~~.~p~." ot l"~;JiOU01~..~~11.'~~,~~I)l..,.oon:re~DI'1~.b':r rl.~t., ~'ltl. ,','.,,1 'Iu.,cln'el'."t..:*.~.~ot' 40.'l" ~'~hOil..t... ~l'.~'ot ..,Pl'~~~ FOP'f't.:..~a'~t.~~, oi' ~qUlt~blt, . .',', ".~;',-__:.:: . .'. , -.,'" ..".:' _:"</" >, _ ..'_..:.....:::....., -:-,",:'-"C -'_,-,,'" '_:.,: '_' ,_.: -', _-~-I.','_.'.- ",' ," 1".~4 :t9 . ft. lap.4. a..orn.. ther.li\; .n~ Ul"Ib.. ...ou~... ~ ~h. ..-l4....&. ~.-'1, alll'Yo;lu- tir11f,nt' .~tbOU~ ~1lJ. 'o'~.blon,~on~tr.l~~.' ,c~~F'~h~U1~n' or';f.ai- ,0(01" tl'o.i'b~r .~14' h~'. . _ . _ _'. ;. . ' . _', . .' __'~;..' _ . . ':::':t. banl. . .' . .,' y , . I.,' .' ,~1!"" III haD4 '__;~tt'lOI~:i.'''l at ,.tl...r',~oUDt,of .t.~'J,UOie.~a: a'a~. of flori4al . .. . . " . ,.(:,' . . I Ithb ...., ot, a.pt_ber, Ati D. 111..-.. ;,.~: I B., D.,.A'ki..on " .1I0tarr.hbl1o.- It.t. of 'loria.... '.' . (10\11" 8..1) Kt Oo~..lon e~lr,. lIo...~.r 16 le28. ~.' . 00.6 . ql)' ~~ ~~ ' . ~() - - ~ - ... - - I I I -~ :.-~I~~.-~: ;'~G~_~-fll WlLLIAII R. J)tJJOJ,J. I ! ot V.ro, . . 'Uti, ua reoorlel,tbl. lUh 487 of. Janu..r" A.D. 'le20. I,' ' ' ' ...' l?o:114r.., 01ork61.r0u190nr" '110" 0\. Itd) 'B~ ~~j;e r: D. ,c. . . . f J------- I, IALIOB .11. IAftIS'! I ' . I I !BIS ~1JJ)1I!ttBB. ,J(lc1.th1. 19th aa, of tTlI1uar,. 1910" b, .uJOBII. BDTI8t, wlaow, I . . -lit. kote Count", ~orl4a, part, of the tlr.t pUt, to JOOII. DIGBt II1dAII08 nIGBT, ana. I wILLt~' a .~:DU"oJ,J ,aU. ot 8t. ,LuOie .ountt.~.orlaa, pUti.. ofth. e.o~nl part. t \, ~'J0hJ1'D"'~P~1.tU'4,lllt..~.t. at V.ro, nor14., on 8'Pte~b.r I, 1916, b.iD8 at ! . I the ti.. ot hi. '.ath the .ol.~.r 1G t...I1apl. of,th. tollo.lns 4..orlbea and OOIlT.,.a i 'Ir..al ..tat.,'uale.T1qalh11 .011 hell" at 1.w, hi. w14ow, .ilio. II. lapti.,," part, ot th. I i flr.tpart h.rill1. who.i, now th. .ole own.r. ot .aia prop.rti. ~ i I I, . . lOW ~I~ IIDU!UU WITlII88B!I" !hat the .a14 p.rt, ot the tiret part, tor anI 111 0011. i ! 11a..ration of'th. :1i1Dl oftD DOLWS and othei- Talv.able 00I1'14'l'atl~!li lawtul lIone, of the .' i I t1nlt.i 8tatee;-'oher In <ilea pa14 b,thl .ala pal't1e. ot the ..oo~d part, at or betor.'tbe I . . I I el1.e'11~.J4'U"r, ot-'tb.'.. pr.~ellt8. thereo.lpt wher.otl. h.r.b, .omo.le4&.a. h.. I, i " , . . '. .' . . . . ! I. arant.a. barS.1l1e4, 10l.4.rele...a, oony.,ea ana oont1l'11.a. an4 b, the.eprelel1tl a~.. her.b'! f lI'ant, bars~iil, l'll,relea"l, oon.,e, andoontll'J1UJ1to the lald partie. ot the ..00114 part, 1 I ana 'their 'heir. 'IDa .Blip.. iD t.e .1&pl. all that '~leo.,paro'l' 01' lot ot lana, .uuatea I, I ,.. .,,' .' , . ' . I I ln st.t.U01',!~t'. J).C)~Ia.. kJ10wn an44e.orlbe4 a. tol10!,1: . . th"SOuth...\Quarter of loutbw..t Quart.rot S.otloD 'hlrt7~lZ (86), TOWDlhip . .., . .'. '. '. .'. '. .1 .!b1rt7-~wo '(Ia) .OQtb.Rang~!hlt't'-111n'(I') ~Itt o,onta1J11na ~ort7(40) aore., '-01" or, 1".,. to nu-'UJ) 'OBOWfBB 8.lD. tog.th.r wl'tb all ....eJlt.. lIIprOY"'l1tB, hR.41t...ntl ! .. . - - ,- -.' - - - - - - - " - - - i ana .PPurtenanoe. ther.unto beloll81nc,uto the ..14 partte.ot the ...ont part,ant.th.ir ! . .' .' '.' . ..... '.','" '.' .'-" .... . . I . )j'il". and .~"181l"1.~. t.e ~lI1Pl. tor.y.r..' In'eD,'1DI h.r.bJ .to ,OnY8' unto. .aoh ot la14 I . partie. ot the' ..oonl part ~ u41T14.4 on.-tIllr4 Uat~r(l'\ .aob.' j . _ . , . J l. _1\11' ..14>>artJ'ot~b.:tlr.t part, to~ b.r..lt, h.r' hl1rl. 1IS81 r'>>r...ntaUY.. I ,', 1_...1P'iOO.hortb! ...._, "lth oo1ipor'lo.of tho "00'" _', th.lt htlt.. 10'01 I ,l &i'f...ntail..' ~....1p,elth.\.h..'t. .1na.fea.lbl)' .~.il.4 ot .a1411in4'lJl t.. il.~l';1 l~hat'h'be.~,1a11_ PO....ID~ lawtull"liht ,~ eony., 111,4 la4'ln .f.. .lm,1....' ator...14; t . t~t' 'i\ '.11,"e" ~w~'fol'..t4'paI'U" of tb. ..oon4part, th.lr'h.lr.,l...~ ropr...n\.- .t1.~.'~..1.1,lDi.t' alft~M.."ao..b1i ~4 q~.tl,to ...t.r llPOD., bola. Ooolln'.anl. 'D~~ " _ .,]' . "l..1aDl;:~~~~"'~(:'14Dt'p.*',~' tz. .11'..~o..b~~~... .... ~~"Ih. . .U.1, . uk."'1l0~'. IUth'l' '\h: . ....an..( ~ .,-.ja~.o,~."t.~ .-~,lf "1 i1_: 'o~ ..'ia~l'''':" .,.r.a.on.)1>>,'" r.,tut'ttl$ Pt'> . .',. .. ','/.':. .....i.-, ..' . ',':., , . ,.:>,,' . ..... ' ......:: . ',', ',. ........:.:,. ."., "',':";.- " ~~t';'~J\.'~~:h~1"e~,.''fu1l1'~~.~ 'Ile" \(tl.. '.~,!;I: ,....;.D41d.~ .....#),~~li',.~~ ...~1Bf": ,'~ ,. .'~_'-,-',"._-,_r,-;~._;-':'>;~::~:: -"'-,_-_:: _"_'-'-,>. i-'_, -~'>...~-,- _', .~-:-~;~'~';~'\.~~~~~."_ .:_" -'.' , . .,-.', " "':--'J:'_';'. -<:.~' , ~J1"~wM" .~~o.t all.'ptt,oDa .......S'j ~/.<:J!(:\ . .. ' " " , .' . '" . '.. <}'!,::,'......:.~:{P-\(-r~;:<?; .'. :..~ ,~.... .c;_-,~.~~)__ .:.../ TO W!lUWI'fY DUD. .;:..