HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2039 1'1. - ~ l", ~, I I . . ~ a ',"" ..-:-...;...- : :'-:-;:;'-., ~>':. '::_':~,,-.,.~;o~~-~;'~:'-..'i'~'~:~-:3""'~'" ~::-.~ ~~'~~~..::~;r.;~.- .'::',:,' 3:-19 .' tir.t par',' ot ,1Q,. an,l .'o'tbi '...., ant .....1',,.1'\ ,an~ ,~f.l'. th.reot. '0 JUlIJJI1) To' BOJ.l) I I ::~:b:::'~:::::.l::':~~:::b.::l::~L::;:.::;~:.:::. .itho ...on.port, hll I , ". " " ,. . ' , I . jJl~ the ,.al4 part~.. at the th.t part, 'torth....l.,.., an~ '\h.ll' hell'l. ..x.outor. anI t .~i11.trator~, ~01nt1, ana ..~er'll" oo..n~t, proll1.,an4 asr.. to ant with-:"h. .a14 I I put, o,'~th., lIoon4 part. hl,'htlr., .:nou~or,,".a4ll1nUtrato*.' an4 a'81,n.,' that, the .'14. puti,. otth.th'.t,part,.t the tim. ot t!i. 1..11.Jll ant 4.U.,ir, ot the.. pre.ellt., ar. 1.wMl-'..1I.l.lri,t....lI1))1. of a 1000., ab.oluh an41n4et.a.lble ..tate ot 1nhtritanoe ot .n. In all ana.lnsular the aboY~ 4eiorlbe4 premlee., eaob.anl 'y.r.r.and haY8,ooa rl,ht, . Nl powel' ana . lawful authorU, to CloJi.,e, the s... 10 manner aIl4toJ'lll.';..foree81al, that the lald part, oftbe ..oon4 part hl. helre and ale18DI, .h.ll and ma'i at .11 tlmee hereatter, I puoeablJan4 qu1t.t11 ~"'~h~1O., u.., oooup" pOll e.. ana .nJo, the .bon aelorlbea premlee'si. . . . ~. . . . : ana .ver, ,part anI. ~roeltbereot, wltbout '117 l.t, .ult, troubl., .ol..~.tlon, eTiotlon or ! . . ~ . - ! , , , 418turbanc8 of the ..14. partle. ot th.tiret part,the1~ hill" or 88e18DI, or ot .n,other I - '". , I p.rson or person. 1i1wtUll, OlaUliaa-or to Ol.lm the ea.e, that the .... all ana .1nsular, I are tree, ole~r, d1ao~argea and unlnowabereo.ot and tro. all fonner .naother titles, olou4e Ud inoumbranoe. ot what nature .p4 kln4solT.r I that the .aid parU.. at' thetlret part, thelr, ~ei.r'., exeoutor. .no. .dminlstrator., eaoh ud everr, ~hall make, exeoute ana aomow- . . '. letg..uoh further alld other aeeaa ana assuranoe. a. b, oounaal leameo. ln the law ma, be oon.laere4 r.asonabl, proper to .tteotuate tbe fUll Int.nt andmlaDing of thl. In8trument. .Ana ~b. sela ,parU.. of the tir.t partitor the.eel.,e. ana thetr heb'., tbe aboTe de- .orlbe' prem18e., anA'ever)' p.rt and paroel thereof. unto the 8810. p.rt, ot tbe seooll4 part, . . . ..~ . Ih18 hell" ana &8.1811', agdnet the la14 parth. otth. flret p.rt, and thelr helrl, an4 lagall18t all ana .~8l'J per eon or p.reon. whomeoever l..tall, 01alm1n, or to ol.lm the .ame , , lahallUa wil1w.rrantend b,the81 presente tOl'ev.r detena. Thl~ alienation' 18 wl th' ~h. ~olnt ooneel1t o.t hueban4 and .1t.where tbat relatlon exlBtI!. II WITBB88 WRlRBO'. the 881a partie. oftbe tlrst part~ h?e'cbereuhto"e.t1CthUt-.'hano.. ! ana leal. ..0h1D the pre'.llot of ~wo .ubeorlblbgwltnes.ea. I 118De.', BealeA ana ael! .erea 1n presenoe of U I l' r D. J. Le..lna J I Olaud. W1111am. I ' ! I i l'lt.te of 'l,na, lans, I... I 'out, ot Viao \'1 _Y OlB:lfln, ,hat on this --------4a, ot Bo.,..ber j. D. 1919, betor. .. pereonal11 : I appearful ~.I. .l1U.a..an4 KelYina E. .1l11am. hll wlteJ to .. w.ll known ana man to II' '! to b. the111t1Y1aual. a..orh.4 in ana who exeoute4, tbe tOl'.,olq oon.,.,uoe to Oha.. J. G9r., ,.' ... J '. f ana .'Yerai-l~ 'aomowldgo4 th. ex.cnition 'thereat tob. .th.ir tree .ot ana a.ea tor the uee. I ' ," . ana purpos.."ther.1n ..nt10nl', an'the 8811. lIelTina I.' 1I11li... the wit. ot the lala .... B. ~ , ' , , .11.U.... o~ . .''".te!!aa.4}P,t"*"i.;__naUDl)t~Ul uJ.ma4. bj anA be tore .., an4 ..parat'l1 ana apart tl'Cla,h.r .aU.,kubel14, 114 .omowl....' that ..h....d. her..lt a pet,. to the e.1a 4..4 ~t ~onT.,ano. tor .th. pv.rpO..otr~nO~01Il8, r.l1ntul*1Da ana'OOIlY.j1n, aU h.l' rllh~" 'ltl.~ ' an4 1I1ter..t, ..til,rot40w.Ji or ot:..puate >>I'op.rt,..~at.'ol'for .,uUable, 'In'~4'to th.;..~' lan........iil"...P~l_.&,u' .~t .h....e.ut.t 'a1'4'~'" tl'..i,ant' ~oi~tarl1' JIl.' w1 tho.~ ;. : ",~. lIl1oo~tl-~~',,, ~PPl"hell'lo~,~I'" !~"1'o.~~tOl'~0.: htr ..~,. hubu4. , ~,,', ", . " ..~ ,I " , 11'''88~.. '18Jl8,t1ll'e, ani. ,t~~e1.1...:l. .''''~__;Ballt.1,l1th.,'Coant, 'ot VilO ani sta~. 01 11l41.._e' .o.q. 'ana II... i~.: ator..ali,' " ",__.~, - .':' . - -' - . :- ~. ". - < . -' -' . . - .- -. ' . - . .... . ~. B. .1111.." (Seel) KelTina B. .illiam. (Seal) , ';:/1. R. 8tamp., oanoelle4) '-:-'.''.,,;