HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTREC. ?- 1 COUNT?Y r� -1 Jt Y Cd ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELMMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Di-Osion BUILDING PEIL%IIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Neme Ind-widual Name) the Electrical Sub -contra. --tor for D R Horton Inc (TypeotTrade)- Wrnie:!. C'or,rrectnr) For the project located at Cobblestone Drive (Prcje-: S:rect Ad,'.reca or Pr,:I-e.-% 1 a\ [U It is understood [hat, if there is anv change OfstatLls regarding our participation with Elie above mentioned project, the Building and Curl: Regulation Dk is(on of S: Lucie Counti, «ill be advised pursuant to flit; filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C61 i tw-rOR SI ,, ATU Brian W. Davidson rF11-Kr SAIL CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER — State of Florida, Counts or Brevard The foregoing insts ument oas signed hefore me this 26 das of December 20 11�tr� shu is personalty knnscn( or hac pmhwd n —_ as identiificadoo Signature. of Notary Public ' Print Nance of Notary Public eyr vimRlotaty Public State o1 F!cnda Saf.dfa Leon*" s,Ann 3 t G o20251 ;ommi J"��M% tees 0:1ni1'^.020 - 9' SL'B-CO\7RAC'r6R SIGNA CURL (Qualifier) Christina Sla`.e PR1NT NA%IE ER130145551 3 i �- COUNTIt CERTTFICATIOY NUd1BER� State of Florida, ('000q of Brevard I he forcagoin; instrument nas signed before me this 26 das of December , a()17 , bt •.h., Zur ha, prod—d a ^—_,— � :1i WIZ n. 1 _. sEA>tr �Z sr,talr �-531- or `olary Public ---- Print Nemr of Notary Puhlic =oi"o Notary Public 313te of Plorda 6 Sandra Leone s` e4 My Commission GG 020251 voQrdF Expues 08/10/2020 a T 1 .= � �� �i OEC 2 7 �O�a BY. PER ;l1 # �CouNTry �1 ;E ;L O tR 11 D. A, ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR .AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be (Company NamerIndividual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Cobblestone Drive or Propern Tax ID °) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Dig ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 10/ f;ONTR•\(TORSIG`i4TU ( ualificri Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brrevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 das of December , s0 17. by nho is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary PubU/c �!iiS.Gi✓���-.L2� Print Name of Notary Public Net--Iry Public 3131e _f F'cnda Sandra ! ;one Ur C cmmia—zmn 3G 0:?G,51 ''• f•advv�' Exp • s CY-tJt2G2G SL'DZTOR S1GN:19'URE (Qualifier) �JG.xr� �uc�lcJ�� PR4NT NA.%IF. CFC057526 — 19i0,gg COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument seas signed before me this 26 day of December �01� by s-hu is personally known X or has produced a as identifieation. ttQQ STAMP �R' Ltit� ST,>.41 P Signature of Notary Public 2 a'S�/ 1W., PrX Name of Notary Public N_ta:/ R:bhc Slate ut Florda Sandra t_,.-ore a. o` M ^_cmmiss�:n 3G G20051 '-� if' ,C{.iri rLS E.i{'.i:2t3 i:9:1;/^G?G •. ' DEC 27 2017 B, 71. o.......... . PERMIT #o ISSUE DATE ' �PC��.tt,C'����• Florida Breeze PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (Wmpany Namz'Individual Narie) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Type of Tratir) BUILDING PEPWIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Pr.mary Contractor) For the project located aty la Cobblestone Drive (Project Street Addre; or Property Ta, ID �) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATLRE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COCNTI' CERTIFICATION;1UbIBER State of Florida, Count, or Brevard The foregoing instrument s,as signed before me this 26 das of December ,0 17 b, +sho is personaIN knouo X or has produced a R B- 0N1FACTOR SIC�RE (Qualifier) Y� . Kristen Kelly PRINT N,k%IF_ (" hc I �T-1 113 COUNTICERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Fiorida, Counh of The foregoing itntrument +,as signed before me this 26 da_, of December 1017 b, who is personally know n X or has produced a as idenlifica ' n. as identification. STA17P Signature or NotaryPublic Signature of Notary Public Print name of tiotary Public Print Name of `orar, Public _ rk Fubi;^_ Sate or Flord t' �Y'vs n clgry ?ubi;c State of Flcrdn Sandra L. -]re ' +Ay.:cmmis�i^n iG020�31 Reused I fflAtd� Exp+:es CBri � _�]2Q '• �; sardra Leone r J � i'1 } •• �: e ?d7 Commiss�cn OG ^'C'_'^' .. • ''Faie��} Expires .� -,. ST.a.NIP DEC 2 201� 1. ............ PER # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMZNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company NarneJlndividual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing D (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for .R.Horton (� (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone Drive (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO; rRACr0R GNA (Qualifier) Brain W. Davidson PRINT N,tu'YIE CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTEPICATTON NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 217 0by Who is personally known X or has produced a as Identifica a-m Signature of Notary Pnhlte tyedl-a Leon Print Name of Notary Poblic �ppr nva Notary Public Slate of Florida Revised Sandra Leone _ a fly Commission GG 020251 93avr�oo-� Expires08nC12020 SUB-CUNTRACiO SI NA u�lifier) Brian Maloney PRINT NA,MM CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 2017 by who Is personalty Imown X or has produced a as identificatiolL STAJfP u STAMP Signature of Notary Poblic Sm,Yra Leone Print Name of Notary Public LW Y & Notary Public S-3te or Ftof+da i.d : Sandra Leone c My Commission GG 020251 o oF*0;1 Expces 08/1W2020