HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2049 I ...t\: , 1-- " . v' - . -~ A.' ~~ r ~ l b ; . f I ~ i i l I i t ~ f ,0 t r: i, i', ~ ~ w~ ;:~J;~\.;->':~: ~.-; ~."'- .",,--, -~~~:;:~v-.-:-;;-.~C->, ~"-'~~'.7""~::'~7~~'7~~--..~,~~~~~~;". . ':barsa~~~~~~ll. th."." 1D~'1'.'~ ',~om"~'.bO'V"Ul~".i' 1;hal'~.' .~.6t."t,.., he" oieu' Ot~1.1~0Wl\'rUlOeil .hatIO.Y~~., gO.p'~OTenan'. aJ\t.,re.trloU~Il_ b~~e1nanlr Input.t e",~ "0 IP' , ail~t....e. an4 ..ie"Mnte oo.1D84~e.tm4 'p&,.b111n.'''--~'''''~'''---';lt. an4. , thereafhl'. all of whloh Grante, ...WIItII 8Il4 8pee. to ,>>era ana that 11; ~111 wur.~t ~4 - -" .' .". 4et.n4 la14 preml"I, ~thth. appurt.D&Doolthlreunto bel 01181111 , to the laid'Giante,. her .. -.' . . I heir. and a.eip8 torey.r. .' ga1nlt alllawtul olatl:lll an4. bunde what80evtr, e&oep", .. . . afor..ai4'aD4 herelnaft.r .tate4~ .: . I I ! I " ' , ,'. '. ". ., I .' An4the Grant....' tor- herael~ and her heir. ana. a..isnl. 'in oon.14era'Uon 'ot the _fo,' ~iq e~ut1onana ~el~"erJ otthl. 4"~4. 'he~.bJ OOYenant ~4 .81'8e with: Ule Grantor. 1 te 8uoo'e.aorJ . ana ae.lgiulto, hold laia real estate herein de80r'1be4upont~.tollOWln8t"rma: _ I . 1. ' 8aldreeLl eatate 'hall be uaed ezolulilvell' for pi'iYate dnlling houa. purPOS88 and + . .. . " '. I . ' . . '.' .... ' . I · at no ,time.hall be 'u8ed for buaines. ~1U'po8e8.; . Onltone auoh house shall be enobd.' >>l,aoe<< . . , 1 .'-. ". -- ,.... ,.' - ....... i or. auftered to relll8in upon aaid premt..., and the 008t otooD8truotlon' ot .hioh Ihal.l be I . .' .' - I I not;.le.,;jllW1~lwen\J-tiTe Hun4red (paOO.OO)"Dol1arl.' and prior to JuDe 'lat. 19215. no suoh 1 . hou~' .'a1.i. be", e~eot.a. plaoea orau:tterea to telll81nthereon until\he 1*an. and .peOl:tiOat1~8 , ". " ,'.. - . . ' . .' I ' thel'efor,haYe been approY.4 lit the Grantor hel'e1n; nor shall the front wall. poroh 01' I' pto~eotlon of Buoh'houa8 be ereotea. Placta or sut:tered to relll81n thereon wtthln 18aa thap i I ! I ..1 on a~'part ot the premiaea herebl'oonvel'ea. nor whioh ahail 'appro8Oh w1 thln 8eventl'-:tlv. , , , (76)' teet ot thl atreet l~e. 8~ BOplaoeof,publ1o entertainment, aP8:rtment house. flat. bOal'diJig hou.. . nor bUi14ing4e.lgnea to~ the re.ld.noe ~:t more than ona tam111'; nor hotel. tavern, danae hall, ()r otherJ'.~ort. 'h~~~.. ~.~tabl18hed. ooD4uoted or maintained on sa14 premi8ea. , ...0 nu18anoe noi' advertising a18118. bUl boara. or other advertia1ns aevio... ex~.pt , ' I a8 pftt~uiingto th., land onwhi9~ .~\1d algn i8 looated, shell be permitted on said pr~1D1se8;i I nor' 8hall' th! prem1~eSb' ~.e4 ~n ~ ~q ~r :tor any purpose: thatlll87 enaansel' the healtb" ' or unreasonably d18tur,b the qU1e~ ot ~. hola,r o:tadJoin11l8 land. I, 6. fh., O,.,aantorh'reiJlr..8'iY~.c for,' itse1:t. its suooes.ors or aSlign8. the right or ! ; '. c tol~' aJ1diaainta~, water pipea for ae.er888 or pi'lTllep of a right ot_q . '. .. '.. " '0' .,.~.-.' . --. .' -..... . 8a14 1'r_1I118ea at 8:ll1plaoe. ant ~so to stdn,' eleotl'io light and telephontwtre8 aorO.8 8...&I1a.,.~'ot ~~h pOl.. a.~' ~e nece.8ul'. ~o oan, ila1clwire8, at 8D7 p18Oe. I ' $. '.0.el'tr.,.orwa8te pipe. .hallbe _tend4.4 to 01' dralnea into' the Indian lliVil' I o. tho ... ~~tl0 04....,".. oha.\l.,~' ",..~.. : be ~~ ~";"Dlt~4 b1 4tPOOUlI'8 .._. or ..... ". ,water 1n the.. otherwis., aorosst i the; I i ~ ! -. '- . -,- - . - " ..the 'a~~ve .n~~rat.4re.trtotl~n~! a~!!l!ent., oOTenanta ana oonAiUone 8hel be a.,me4 , '. i &a oovenant. ana not a. 00J141Uon8 hereof. -.., .hall run ..Uh, the lant. and ahall bind the 1 Gr.tee, 11." ,h'h'iI'~da'81,sn-,'untll the,J~f~~~ aq ot Mq. 4,D. t 1~50J but, with the 011171 .:;!::::1t::l::~:::: :: ,:~t:~:ll ~:;::;::.:::r: :~~.::o:~l:::::~, 0041 '" , . , ,""", ,,' I ' an4 whioh muat be apN~e4 b1 tbe Grantor herein, up to 81M inolucUn8 June lat. 4.]). lt25 , , "I. n~~S8. _Jl; fh~" Grantor 'has ~aUle4 the.e' pl'lae;'I' to' be 11181114' in 1 t. n_ bl I . '" . ", ..... '. ,.. . .", ,,'. , - '. . " ....' 'I ,. lltePre.14,n,t, Jln4 .lt~.Oorpq1a~,_8.,~1i9'," atttze4. atte"t.~ to bJ 1ta8.91'etat7'.~.the 01.1 . '. . ,_,., .:.~ -~;--':.' ---,';..~ .:. f'......:...~.;-~'..:'~...~...~. ~~....._,;.~_.';'"..._""..~ _~', ~._~._----. _ ~..' - .~. "_-",C '.~.''f .~. .,~ .- ot'Ol'YtliaJ,l4tq9~tt'O(O~~0~~, .~t'OfOhtOt.';~!".~,8th .... of' lUlJ lel~. '-"'-:, . '.. ",:>",.~,<",., "","" "" '~~,~~';~9~~'.~()~,:oovp'~/ '~;;\,' Bi,"':':,\i,~':,.Z"~tl! ~ ,; he'14.1l~'.f<'J:;t~;;'<,: ~, .".."~:~.:,..~,f,~~,>~F:'i~~,;{iL ;...~.~., "",