HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2050 !:f t - .i _~ ' . , ,350' ,~. ~ :--. , j; :.' '.' '. . .. : ; . ~ ..., .' ,. ~ . . . . "a1..~4<411~:Y"rl.,11l.0,upre..noe. , '_ -, f.... . . '. . . ".':B~~ a08"~'. ' ',J. .':0." k. Bo.l. '-. , Ber.an 1'- lapt. ' , ". " ," ,., , ' 8Ior,'\ar,. i" ,( ~oi>>o;ra~. 8~al ) . $'''U' 0' OHIO ) .'OOUll1t :0' ottt.uioGA~;- "J" 88. . .: i '~u.~, ~er1;i:;"th~ tOD~bl. 28 ~ d~' ~t ~, A~:D. ,1919 , ,'before ... ,. .otar, Publ10 : . -' . .'. - . -. . . '. .. - - ~ '1n u4e to~ ..14 OOUD~1'U48~a'.,~ pei'''Qn~1,.'.pp.,ill:l4 I.-'ll. ~th an~ .enan, J. lapf. , i , .", ," ,'. I '1: r..~O~1".1'.,~~~.1,4'nt~,8,.'or.ta~ ot..:VBa0Bl40H DJriT,Ql1CBlit ~um,a oorporaUon .1 Organl.e4ai1deZl.ting~~r 'ana 'b, ~l:r~Jle ,otth.l.....ot th.,8t~t.' otOb10, to .eknown to I b, the:pe:r.on'd..o,r~be4~,n&ll4, Wb~~'O\lt~,d~hl ~ore80~ ~OnYe'AAO", to 1I1.,lSabeth M.. Z6Pf.. I q4' 8~~erap, ~lmo",le4g,.4 th".Z.o\t1;10D th.r~of to, be . the 11' tr,e.. aot ana I,ea. .. euob otffa~.. ,,' '1. 0:0:::'0;:.::0::::'::~ :::l::::::~:.~:.t:: ::.:1~t4 .:::':::;'::,;:~Olo1 "1 11,ns8. Ill' ,al8flatun'anaOUiO~&1 .e81 at 0;1.8v81u4In tlil OountT OfOUJahoga State ot ! Ohlo th4f el81' anel. ',ear 'laat atore.~. fJ " lotar7 Se~., " . O. O.Ph1l11~e . 10l'ar7' Publlo, OOlUlty of . . '. ",r . ,..' . 'OuyahoS& State o~ Ohio. IJ ,n II II I' I I: t I' I, i I I -, . , 'I:;::O:~::IO I SS, , - ,P _' I , 'I; DWID"B. HAmOD!, r OOUnt7. .toieaaiel., !. " , DO,BBBBBY OBRTI'Y TBA.T'O~ 0.' phillip8betor. whOll, the annezed aoknowleagment. oath. I aftidavU, .al'i;~e~. wae atdth,' a~te'thereot'a lotar,'Publl0 1n and foreaiel Count7, dUly : 'J . ,'I aut~orll.c1 b7'thela..a,otO~10 'to tate,the same,"" .l.t~e tal. ---.... &1ao'to take 80knO.l~S- . r lIl'nt~',&tt,lclaY;He ana prootaot '4eed~ ~r ooJiv.,anols ~or18.1l4.ten~menta or h8reditam4tDt. . L~ t .1t~teel - l,ing in ....14 ~t~t~ ot O.hiO, anA~ther that lam well aOq~1nted with hi. t handWritins an4 belie". his .1gnat~e t~ueto 18 ,genuine. and ,that tne annexed instrument I 1. e.eoute4aoool'ellng to the law8 at th.8tate of Ohio, v.-~/ 'I . 'CJoIJD18.1on ~xPU'8lu17 l,21;h,1921. III U8TDlOIfY W1IBlUro'~' I hereunto 8ub8o,dbe my r uUe and att~th. .eal ot ea1el'OOu,:rt, .tOle....iNlci. 'thia 6th c1~()f 1)e08.ber A. 1). 1919. UmUDd B. Ba....-ad"" . Olerk.. lit aomm18810n explr8. JUiy 18, 19a1. . Olerk of the Oourt of Oollllllon'Pl.al~ a Oourt ot Reoorel ot O~ahog~ . i , " , ] , , <<8e81 of theOour, of OomonPle&B) 110. 13'69~ (Ot., Ot, s.al) , , :8, 'ItEOOIlO'v, , '. " " . 't1l/F1t;. t. OlertObouit' Ooti:r~. ;l~~ · . ~ '< ~ . D. o. ; ; ! - ; l I ! B ~ ~ I H g HI:_ , ,. .1114 aila'reoo%el_ on tblaMthcl8l' of .1aDU8.1".l. D. '1910. P. O. a14rea. . . ~. . J ~ _._ _ __..:~ ~_ _~ ~__ _~_..__..__._a.~-.~ _~_.. _________.... _~-..,,~.......i.. __ _ __.... :,_,,~,~ _.. .....;.. _ _... fD ~~..~!I'1mv&L().tr1. ,ooum 1'0 , .: c{>';~ .' . W!lUWIttDEIJ) ~' , - " -' ,-' ^ - ~ - <,' -, - - . ....... .:';',~l.X,n~.ntur~,:Ma4e"th' 28thdat o~ 3'Ul"..l. >>.'1919, ''01 ~UVlllOlllAOB DBVBLOBmB! j ~O~MPUt~ a o~:r~o~..tion; otg~+led' ~ '~1at1l1iUn4.r an4 bl"1~tue ot the law. o~ the Stat. I ,ptOhl0;'Oranior~ tot 8Il4"1i"'oop.~..ratl~~ot,~. .~~~ t.1l .<<i,-(0) ))ollar.. ua otbel'i Ta1\tabl.:ooi1.1~.ra'"onJ~'O.1T'ltf'\1;, fUll ea.Ulf'~t1~n ot MalMiX;la:pfGranu., at the 1 '. ~Oi.:W,:,~t'l,i~~anf~O~#,~~~~~:O~~';'N14 }'~&:~::~ O~10;"A~.. htreb7'p.t, ,buS-in . 8 ell , ' .'~ten'-','7'...1.':,.,09Jrt'.' :~~. ~o~~~~~:tl1~: ,a11:' "osin~.~.tl.r: h.h~iI.'~ . .'dp.;:'.'o.r~.lD ~:~~0.i'~idien4,~i~~i'I.~'bi:"t1t~>qb~;,(C)f,i,'t.~.1.,'( tOl"~~l~ .l*':Ot,th.09~t7 o~ Bre"a:r ) Cc~~I;~f'tt~~*~~1,~~i~~lii7~i~~~!'i~!I'::"," ',,"', '.,',,', " '~M~;'~" G. , , ,'~, ':,:.~..-'~:~tf~f~ltlrif~~1