HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2056 ."::.t;.',:<~,.!o.,-. ";;.'" ~ - , ' , 356":", , ,'., '. , ...... ~ther all\\l'aAQ'. 1!o.:,p.r'f.o~, 'the' t"'l~Pl' tnl.'".t>0~I.ll'1~n4: 1# ,".11 gr'ant..-. Jil, t ~.1r.~, 'l...l"~.p~.'.~ht.tli..~n4,:~~e~'1P.' ...'.i,1"...:onabiib.',r;.qU:I~~41 '~aJ1t :iit.i ealA:' ,~.t'()1'I'~ a~..h.r.1ir;tulit .~,.nt" tli,'ii;Ue';'\o ..U.':18D4. ~d '.111 4~f.il4:ih.' ',am"a,alnetth 'l.~tUl Ol~l~ota1ip.'r'loDl .ho..~.?r'.'''' "', ' ',., · . ' , "~.I!if.*:th; ~Q~~~-:1.a~8 ,of' e.14':sl'utore, 'the 4at 8Jla ,ear, flrlt abOY. wrl ttell. ", r] l . I I I I I BTSU or rLORI1>A :, ) '>, r" I OOVHn or 8' 'U1Q~ J,," , 1 '. ," %BBlm~YO~'I" !h.t' onthle dat p.teo,na1l7 .ppeare4b.to~ me, aDottloer, au1)' ! authorh.ltoa4mlnl.te~ oathe aria :take iloknowl.asme~t., Che.ter Maroum and: hle wlt. Cleo " ", " " " . I , Ilarowi't()JIl",wellkno~, ancl. }Otow:n:to me ,'0 )e the ,1ndlvldual,',a,..orlbea in ani who .xeoutel I . , ' 'the f~e801.n8 dee.,'anat~e7 ~ok.nowlea8..4 b.. tore me that the7 exeoute' the lame treel)' ana volutVU, ,tor, t~, ~urp~ee'"th!lre1I1'~~"~,ea. " 'Am> lPU'RfR8R<CBll'fln That the liaU~ Oleo MaroUDl knOWll,tO me to be the wlfe 6f the 'Blgne4, ,.al.4 anddtllVtr.4' in the pre8enoe ot .' lI.V. Morph.w,. .lou I. Katoh.U ~e.t.r llal'owa(~.al) Oleo Karowa (,..i) . I ! I aal,d' Ohelter Jl&ro~ on. ~ ~epara~. anA, pil qt. ex_n6t1011 ~aken' andma4. bl ana. before me, I .eep,aratel7 and apart from 'her ..14 iluab8l1c1, . a~4 aokno.le4,. that ehe made hereelf 8 party. I " , " " ' ' , ' " , ,'--," " , , "I ~o 8ala a.ed ,t~r the pv,oel _ of renounolns, rel1nq\ll8hll1g an4 oonveylng all her ri8ht. t1 tle.. and 1Ilbr,-'t(whether at do.er, hom..ieaa or of aeparate propert7, at.tutor7 or equitable, , 1~ .riat~~heJ8~le a.e~rlb.a ther.in, and that eh~ .x~'outec1' 'the laU. de~i'tr.~i7 and vol\U1- I , -' - . . -; - . . . tarl11anc1 wlthputan70o.pu18~OD. oonetralnt. apprehen810n or t..r of or from her eald , u" , 1 ! i, hUl~. I "t ~TllEaalD7~~a, aJld 01f101.1 8eal at 'el18mer., Oount7 of 8t. t,uol'- anaState of I '101'148, thfe 16th day of JIlD~ary,.l. D~ 1920. I , , I , (Ioter, S8a1) J).' B. a.under. Ir, oomm18810n .xpire, BoY. 30th 1921 ' , ' 'l~ei and r'-oode& th18 2,th la, ofJuUU'J',.l. D.1920 p.tie. tURD, Ole'rkClrouU Court. ,. a,. "011 .a,.lJ:)~-.,,; ott-.- D.a, c.~ ~_...;;..-..'-.~, .,.."- ~.;... -.;.. -~ ~- ~.. - - -.. .".. ';"'... -- -'--- -.. - -....-......- -.... --- ~_.. - - --- - ---.. - - -.. -- - ___ --.. - ."._- __ _ ~ _ --~ , , RECORD VER'fflO , ' I.. 'r,-.1mdcQlUflr etal ,TO' rR.lR J. IiUTDE-VORl) w.lR1UNn DUD ~ ' 'fillS DJBI). ... the a.oon4 lay ot Jenul'J,. A. I)" l~' ' L. Broobm1th. an4 ~\l0' M. Bl'OO~'rI1t~,'hl.t.f', ani. !. W. :t:oaD8 and 11'811' D. Yo1Ul8, b - wit." of the oooty ot : It. ko.1,:'-tate"'of noxoi4a her.ll18ttel" 'cailel,: th. 8I'utore , ,to hantJ.. ~tlth.rt<r a ani , Oerrl. o. ~therfo.r' otth. Oo-Ut, otntllt .ta~. o'tJUoh1san b.lr.laetbr'oallea the pante..! . . i . ,,_.' ".,' -", " '. . . . '. . _. _ .' . - _' , ~ _,,' . ,~',",.xt~a thatth..a~4 8I'~torl.;ln ooneJ..ra~loD ot On.I~11.r"an4 other '<"thell',heife an~' ".1~. '111 t.., .imple. the 1.~a. eUote ~ ~t. ,1.11018 O~t'" 8tate of 'ftor14a~ 4.'eorlbe,v..- tolloul -: ' ' , .. '. < ." . . ~ ~ . . , J,o.:On.,ot'~h. '.C)rth~..t'.qUart.r.~ Jo': oat.ot ,'b'lo.~~..ttuO:l"t'r9t, ..ouon ! , ,: '_ ...~, :~,' ',,"- . '-. --:.....,. -._ ;_' . -, ..,-_;.. ,'.':',,: ,:-'_>~.,> .,-~~:_':_;-~.. .". ", ..- '-.1-_< ',_' -';" _. .l8ht... (ie)' to.n1J11p th~~,!"<ol1.~: ',outh~~m': ~lr,t7';'pln. ,....t. '.1;.1.AAa~.e.'.......UU. :. oo.~ OQ. B,..~'~~",~~r.!J~~ .~~,~,~,:l...i~, '" ' ': :' ." "'" ': " ' ;f" · "/~~~'f~~t;~~.~, .,,~ ," - 7.'::~<,"",,:' J. ..,~~....;:- .." _ " c~r- - ,.-; .':: '_:' ~';;.:, ~~.;:-;; ;._ ~:-.:..< :..;.~ ~':::;-:.... ,~~ -,'" ,~.t. .' ,.,.' ,.:..- " , -, -' ~ ','-, ~ >~~lilil!ll~i~