HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2064 :~7'!.~"".. -"._'"1" , . .,. " . ^ - ~ '." <. " '. '. ".: . ~ ", '., "~C)~.JiWDb.i:o~."At1~,:~~/~.",),'O~:'b10.*..~t,o~e."t ~il,o/1;h,~,~'Qln1 o.t"~ll8DlUe.,' aO~or41ng,t~~all"dta'al(Cto~ #\''-~;'<trij~h. oit.to.'~I,;th_OJ.e~i{ot t~.'olroilt' O'O~~:ln ' , ". '_ ", -,' ..' '- ,,". '"' ". '"", , -":, . :_"" .' ".c.! "-: ... ......, . , . " .: .' '_ " . ': " ", " " ,altdtor. 8&1dOo~tJ, on'tbe 818\ 4$1. ~t,:J:Uit__ .~J)~',19il' an4', r'eoo,4it ~n8a;.ong' the >>ulili~ reoorda ot 8a~it ooun~Jt~ platbooJtI~:()n~~., 'lh:re.anclt6ufi>>rovU,ea b01r~v.r,' th~8 oO~Te;v- ..... 18' -~. ..113'.' 'ot~. :J.lII1tll:\1on8' oondhl.~n. ohil ~...ri..\1.n., ..1...J.na'.....:. , " L o::~ :~=::::.::;~:f::: :a:':4.:.~:::t:::r:::: :::: ~::~::::':4;t"l1r" thereot.' , . I "!<)'!lJ\VB AND TO HOLD the ~~.togethel' with thehel'ecll tame~ts ana ~!'l'u~t.nanoes. UDto.th~ ~~" 1 .ald Sl'anteee. and his heirs and aS81gna:j,n fee 8lmple. I '. .1 . " , ,-' ,',", ", - -' " ", - ,-, . '-' ',' ' ! At:>> th41 aatd 81'antors. tor'theJll8,elve8. and' thetl','hdra al1a,le88l repr....entatiTes. oo.vena~ , I with 8ald 8rantee.'b~8 helra. legal' l'ep~esentatlKes 'and aS81gna;'Tba::eald grant~rs have inder~ feaslb11 selled of sald land In tee sll1lple'. as ato1'8ss14;that it shall b& lawful for said I , ' . I grantee,bla heirs. 1eg81 , representatives and assigns. at alltlDles pesoeably and quietly to ! enter ~pon. hOld. oooup;v ,and enjoy said land; that aai~ land 18 free from all enoumbranoes; I 1 that s81d granto~s. their~eirsand legal representatives. will make SU9h turtt.er assuranoes to. Perfeotthe fee simple title to said land 'in sald granteeihls heirs. legal. representat1v8~ .' ' j land aedgns. as me;v reaso.nably be required; 8Jld.. that sa14 grantors do hereby fully warrant' thr , 'I'. title to sa14l.a~d. ~nd.' w111 llefend . the . same against thela..wtul olaima o.f all persons 'Wh?mSoevtr. , WITIlBSS the 'handa and 8eals of 8a14 grantor. the dB1 and year first above written. ; . I o " '. Signed. se81ea and delivered in the presenoeo.f H. Saunders) 1 Mrs. St81~a Sl08l1 I I .' I STATE O~J'LORtDA .COUNTY 'OIST'. LooIB lHEREB~ O_flllY Tbat o.nthiedq perso.nally appeared befo)'e me.andotfloer duly auth- I orlzed to.' a4m1Dlster oathe and take aOkno.wledgments, K. Reekie ana his wife Ida W. Reekie i to. me well kno.wn and kno.wn to. me to be the 'individuals desori~ea in and who. exeoutea the '. ! II'~. or.eg. o.. iDg deea. and the;v aokno.wledged before me tbat the;v exe~uted ,tbe same freely and yo.luntal'ilytor the purposes therein expressed. '{" AllDI ''JtURTHBtt OImTIJlYfhatthe ,sela laa w. Reek1e known to me to. be the wife of the eeid, K. Reek1eo.n ase~rate and Private examtnatio.n taken ana MA. b;v .Jtd. befOre me. ueperately . , ;' ". "'., . . I an~apar~ from her sald hU8bana. d14aokD9w~,dg. thatshema~e herself a party t08aid deed . .I"..r.. thq...... Po.se: ot ren.,o.un. 01ng., ..1....~~1.hl~""dOOll'f'.'.ln~ all,herri8ht.tit~e and interest. .whether o.t do.wer, homestead o.roY separate pro.perty. etatutoi';V or equitable, in and to. the 11~na8 desoribed th~~e1n. ,and that Sheexeoute4.the saldcleea treely andvoluntarl1y and ritho~t ,1 ~ oompUlalo~ o~natreln't. apprehenSlo.n or . tear, of 01' tro.mher' satd 11\~8b&i1d.', : :},' In!DESS ~ hand and of~101al seal at 'e11eme're, Oount1 of St. Luo1e 'and 8tate ot..norlda~ , M.Reekle (Seal) Mra.Ida W. Reekie (Seal) o ".,... , J, of Januar1 A.D. 1920 . ;0, ft. sa.unaers lIOURT PtJ:RIO ..,., '.' , '.. . :', jtota1'7 8-81 Ji1' Commie.lon expire. lOT . 80th 1921 . ,,~:,:" .' ' I' . :: ~; -.. . . '~e,e4 an4 ,~eoor~.4, Qn tbis 2~ da, ot .,ebrUJJ.t;.//!!,. :U20.,:; it'. ,'. ! '>:, :',~ " 'P.o.' li4rea, Olerk 01roult Oout_, I ]Ot. Oi;~.~$e.l) ~Colio "'" ;~a:l/~~I~~'~o. I" ,', , . ''''.e:'' .... ", .... .. , '. ,', ",.' ,.', .... ..,V'" . '* I '.....~~'t;......~~2..~.:,.....;:.~..~.~...i~~..~".~..~-~~L~...~E~...._._..."-.-."~..__....._~-- .flt: lJ. (:.! .1' ~'-:, "j:i:.{~iIr:i~tli~