HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2066 " ,;':UDI'UR'HBJi,OER~X:" !hM,'tne ~a,14 Marlon M. Gril~" mown, ~o me !;~8 wite ot the '; ,I," L ,8ai.cl.O~arle8 GrUk,on a, s.parate and P1'1va~eexam~nation taken@d ma~~ Aobetor. me, aeparatelt , an~apart trom' hel' 's814I1U8b04,4'14' Mknowi'eage tha.t she ,ma4e her8elt a par"toea14 4e.ed ! ' 'fo~'th' purpoee' ot;r.nounolng,r.ilnqU18h~' ~Joonve1ingall '1!~r 'rl'~~'. ,<tUl.~41ntere8tl ' - " ," ' , " '. ' , .'" I I,,,he~her 01 dower. hO~8t~a4 or of 8.paratepropeitn: lltatntor1. \~r 'equltabie,lnan4 to the !' 'l~d. d:'80i,-be~'th~~.il1;,an4" th.t~8h~' ,.X'OU\'cJ:the"~!c1:4~~4,ff'e'i, and. '''Q1Qlltarl11, an4' f,~thou1; antOOtDPu1'.1;Ii,~;OODJtr~lnt't::&~~~~l1.qfJ10Jloi~t'..~:'ot'or 'tromh~r.~idb\1eban4. , ,,! '1n:tl{ldi,.sq' hana ~cl o~ilC1:i,*.~~~,: ~i:>>-"~~~>:'i'~9~tf of 8Q~'-tt ~ ,8k1;e"otI~~., th IJ . 2'th4~ti'ot, ian~q.\'~_~;~,i?)O~ -- " " " , ' '36,6 '\ .... '~~i.a .t):'~oo.rd'd':OJ('Jil..'~~,4~)t"'.~rj1u, 'Aa). ),9IQ, , It...~ ' , ""U~ ~:::.::~.:::::~_.____.___~._._~___...~..._..__..__._._:::::_::::Ul:_::~~~~:..~~~~~~~._..j Q , Qu.ul,. 'GRtLX .' mn TO .;on ci. SWARIWOu! I V ' " ' WAIlIWIft DUll , 'I till. Dela,' Made'the' 84th' 4.,'0'1 January ....>>.1980b7 Oharl...G~llle andKar1o~ M. Grille,! 1>18 ._It.~ ot'hll~O.UDtF ot a.ottln,. of l....,.I>.".l...t\.r ooll04th. gr...to..,~t.John Q, I Snrtwout ot the Oount7 o'tSt. LUo,1e Stat,"ot, J'J,ori4a 'h~,r.ina~~.rOallea ,the' 8l'ant.., I ~ I, W1l'HBSSITH,!'ht.t tbeeald granton, in oons14eratlOiof One (fl. ) Dollar and I 1, otherv8.11iable oon.'lderatlons the reo"lpt~ "h.~.ot ia:hereb7'a0ki10Wledg,a, 40' give, g~ant. f , I ' ' , , 'I ! barg&~n',8elf~ Bllen.remlse. rei"'a8~, _!if.Oft. ootive7 anci oonti~m unto thesald arMtee, ~ ! .' I an4 heirs ~~d assigns ,in tee s'imple, 'the lanas 81 t'nat. In st. Luoie Oounty , State of I , noricia.'deBo~lbea'~s; tOllows, LotllO. ,'lve' (i))iJi ~Blook Ho. 'ort)1-two (42) in the ToWn I I of Vero, norlda~ ' ,I I the I I I I ,I' I I . . ." ro llUItAlfj). TO ~Hot.1)~the same' tosether wi ththebereU tamente and' appnrtenanoes, unto said ~~~ and bis'hdrs' arid 'a:SSigns'ln tee simpl'e. , ' tor themselves 1iDa. 'the1r,,'helrs and legal repr~sentat1ves'. . , ,', ", ',:. , , ' ' , 1 his helre. legal, representativee and aesigns; Thatsa14 grant~~ AND the' 8a14 grantors. , ,,. oovenant with eaia grantee, , ' ':0' ~', , are indefea81bl)1se1ze4 of saialand in feeelmple; that said grantors have laWtUirl8htto' oonvej said'ltmda in ;rea simple. ~s atoueai4; that 1tsh811' tull' 'power and be lawtul tor . ,] ~ [! '1 ~ U f~ li ~ . " .. ,-. . ea14 grantee, h'i~ he1i'e~ 'iegal' representatives ana assigns, &ti.11 'time.' peaoecabl)' and 'quietl7 enter upoll. hold. c~ooup1 an'A enjo)1 salcllana;'that saia' la:ndc18 tre. tl'om all enoo.ml branoes; that 8a14 grantors. their heirs and legal representatives, wl11make 8uohturther a8s~anoes to perteot the tee siJilple title to said land in sald gl'antee. hi. he1re1:egal , " ' I 'repree'entattves an~ aS81gn8, a8,1I181 reasonab11berequll't.d;an4 tbat8~ld graritor~ao' hereb71 I f.irt wtrran~th. tlti. ,. .&1dl.nd ..d _ill d.t.nt \h. .... .g&1n.t,'h...l.wtol 01&1.. orof1 I person..homsoever. 'WITHBSS the hands and seals ot said gl'antors, the dq and 18ar tlrstabOV8 written. '1 Signet. 8eUed and aeliyerea in the presenoe ot 'ranoes B. PJ..atb) , Oharles GrUk (Seal) oori'~F'.BD.ne '.J Karlon K. Grille (Seal) t " "'; i ' , ,I Sl'ATB--'OP'10WA , ) , 1,~.ftOp 800H 'I' . <::/," ImmBBY OEB~I'Y that oJl thisdq person611y,'ap,peareabetore me, an otfioer dul7 authfl...;", ! ' <>>rhe4 to' administer oathe ~atake, aOknowl'e4gmente, Oh8rle. Gril~ and Marion 11. Grille, hi. . . .' ... .'. " "" .1~e.,to me well known and kn01rJ1 to 1M to be'the1naiyldua1s 4esoribed lnand . ho exeouted the toregoing'4eea. and the1aoleno~'dg.d betoreme that the7 e~eonted the sam. treely and . . - '. ".,,~...- Q YolUnt~r'i11tor t~e purposes there ill .x~e.l:e~. ,0 n , : :''-:,~.~"gJE~ill~~~~~