HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2067 C7' ~." ,-...". I I. i ij .~7T- ,,-.,~\ ,:.!~"~-.:~-:r':~~" .',!:I~,j__~~r~~~~_',,,~~S~~':" ~- ~::, . ., ;", -. '.' ,," ':\<"f~"-:~"'/<"'>"a' "';,"0' ~:'i'::".',"," ,; .~\:~-; '. ~. ~ '-".. . '. ..."'^ '~-', -' '.', '. -:-.-'." , ..-'. . . ,:'.~.~ (IotaI')' Seal)' 'll.a and reoor4e4 ,.o~rJ,~tft:~l:',anaRr'ZI~C)u' tJOUDty,. towa. , ,._' -.. - _ '. _ > -" >. _ -. r' . . '~.' c- .,.. ~'.... . ," .: . :.~ ,oo~..ion ',expb.. ~1 '., 1981., ~, <, " on' thl8 6thd., ot '~br~$t~' ~~j)~ \9.0. , ~() ;' 'P.'o. in41'.",OleJ~ 01rGun ,Oo\U't. ,~~.~" B J),,- O. . '.C) (Ot~ CSt. Seal) I' ,-"-,,,--"---"~"~-'''---''---------- --------, ....---------..-..--..------,----- ------- -.. ---~ --...:-- , I ,llUBK:Je CARON, . fO aWARD UBG I WAlUllNn ])UJ) i I 'Thi. Indenture, Mab this thlrtl th aq ot ,January A.D.' 1920. BBTUBHrtranlt J. Oaron I of the ~Oounty. otoxtora Ib the. State ot ),laine, party of the ,tirst part, and Ba"ard Krns, ot '1 ,I Co~ty ot ,St. L~018 ,1~ t~e State o"l '~'-or14a, party ot the .eo,~nd pa'~t, , wtTHESSITH, !bat the 8aid p8rty otthe t1rst part. tor and In oonaideration ot ,the mm I '. , I ot one Dolla%' and 'other oonalderation8tohim in band paid: by the said party ot the, s.oond . I I part,the reoeipt whereot 18 hereby aokn'owleagea, hath 8ranted~ ~ar~in.a and 801d to the said I ' , ' i . ,! part)' ()fthe seoond part. hiB h~lr~ and aS81gns forever; ,tn. following deBo~1bed land. I s1tuate, ,lying and being in the Oount7 of St.' ~uoleState ,of i'lor14a. 'to-Wit; I . .' - - . - :. '.' . ~ . ~. . .. . ,.,' i Lot,lfO( 29) of Blook lCighty three (03)ot tho Town ot Pellsmere. aooording'to the ! I Plat '~t aald,?o:-n'.filed i~ the ottioe ,ot th~ Clerk, ot the Oboui t Oourt in and tor the ! I 8ald ooun,ty on the 318t day of July, A.D. 1911. and recorded among'the pub11oreoords ot .a1~ i Oounty in Pl,.atBook 2 ,on page. 3 and 4. ; , i i I i I I , , '~ ProTidea. however,this con\l'eyanoe~smade subJeot t.o~the limitations. oonditions. and . .. reservations. relating to roads, oanals, and di tOhes, set torth in the Deed of DeUoation dated June 13th'1911. ,exeouted by Jellemere Jarma C~mpany , aooompa.nying said Plat and i reoorded therewith, sa14 Platbelng maae a part thereot. ' I I 4 ndthe sald party ot the f1rst part aoes hereb7 tully.warrant the title to sa1a'land, , I i I I I ! 1 I I I f I I: j i I I and w111 de tend' the B~e against the lawful oiaimB of all persons whomBoever. IN WITnESS WHEREO', Th....se.id party ot the tiBst part hereunto set hand and seal the aay and year first above written. 818118d. sealed and deliverea in presenoe' ot USI B. W. 0148 Prank J. Oaron (Seal) (Seal) ) ) B. J. D11nDam ), SfATB' 0, JLORIDA OOUNTY 0' ST. LUOU Abbie J. Caron ) ) ) I ~Y. OBRTln, fh~t on this daf I..rsonall) apj;earea betore me, an oftloer duly aut~j j ! i , I _,- '. ..... t, -, , - _' . o1'lsed,to 14Ju.1I1ster oaths and take aolmOwleasmellt., :frank J. Oaron to me well known to be I the ,penon a~s,or~bea In ana who exeoutea tM foresoin, lteea, and aoJmowledgea betore me ,I that he exeout.dthe same freely and 'Yoluntully tor' the pupos. therein expresseA. I , I, I ! I' .un' ~ 'URTHBR' OBllfIJY, That the aaid AbbleJ. Oaron known to IIlI to' be the wife ot the 'eai~~rank J. oa:r~~ on a 'eparateand pr1v.~e examination taltenlin4 made by and betore me, .eparately and apart bOil hII" salei' husbana, diduaoknOwle4ge tbat she mad, hereelt a part7 , . , . '~o .'~14. 4ee' tor' the purpose, ot reno, uno1ng... rellnqU1shlng and. oonve;ylng all' her :dsb~, ~i nel . I an.i~tetes.,whetl1er,O~clower. homestead 01' ot ..puate prop.r~y, .~a1iutoiY 01' equitable, I in ~d to the).8J1a. 4e.ol'lb.4,~hel'etn., andtbatehe 'ueou.te' the '.14 ,'.edtr..ly an4 I Tolunta,i~" andW1th~~,~ oompu1.10D~~oD.tJalnt, .ppl'ehenilon or tear ot 01' t~~m !ler I t I I , . -. - s81':huaban4. . .: ... '; - . ,'. . . ~ :~,.' - - . - "WI!H.J8SJ61haDdaD4 otfiolal e.81 'at '~U8..,r.,' . .. -.-' . ,nodd., "thl_.81..t 4.&1, ot 3an~r' A~j.'.1920~ t . . -., . . . . Oount)' ot at. Luci18 1u.lCl8tate, ot . (. -,.'.,' I -_of t r