HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSr 0,,���11fi11///♦�, *k K. DID, trio. T'M ? I I STATE OR s do 135 Janus International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 770-562-2850 www.janusintl.com P. a,()018.0001 r � • JANUS INTERNATIONAL 1-866-562-2580 www.janusinti.com MODEL 3100 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS >, 1 A , IMPORTANT INFORMATION A CAREFULLY READ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES, WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL DOOR. , . INSPECT RECEIVED DOOR ASSEMBLY FOR VISIBLE DAMAGE ANWOR COMPONENT SHORTAGES. • SHIPPING DAMAGE- FILE DAMAGE CLAIM IMMEDIATELY WITH FREIGHT CARRIER. SUPPLY DOOR SUPPLIER WITH PHOTO DOCUMENTATION TO RECEIVE REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS. • PART SHORTAGE: IMMEDIATELY CONTACT DOOR SUPPLIER WITH PARTS SHORTAGE CLAIM. ORDER NUMBER, DOOR MODEL, PHOTO DOCUMENTATION ARE ENCOURAGED TO EXPEDITE PROCESS. • INCORRECT PARTS: IF RECEIVED DOOR COMPONENTS AND PARTS DO NOT MATCH THOSE REFERENCED IN THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, IMMEDIATELY CONTACT DOOR SUPPLIER. • IF AT ANYTIME BEFORE OR DURING INSTALLATION YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR, UNCOMFORTABLE, OR CONFUSED BY INSTALLATION PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL DOOR ASSEMBLY. IMMEDIATELY CONTACT DOOR SUPPLIER WITH QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. A READ ALL WARNINGS BELOW A AUSE APPROPRIATE SAFETY EQUIPMENT TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY. ACLEAR FLOOR AT OPENING OF ALL DEBRIS BEFORE INSTALLING PRODUCT. AUSE APPROPRIATE LIFTING EQUIPMENT AND CORRECT LIFTING PROCEDURES TO AVOID DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. AMOVING DOOR COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. DO NOT CLOSE DOOR UNTIL DOORWAY IS CLEAR. ACONTROL THE SPEED OF THE DOOR DURING MANUAL OPERATION. ADO NOT STAND OR WALK UNDER A MOVING DOOR, AKEEP DOORWAY CLEAR AND IN FULL VIEW WHILE OPERATING DOOR. ADO NOT PERMIT CHILDREN TO PLAY ON, NEAR, OR WITH DOOR OR OPERATE DOOR CONTROLS. AUNLOCK DOOR BEFORE OPENING DOOR. ASENSING DEVICES ON MOTOR OPERATING DOORS SHOULD BE TESTED FREQUENTLY. 02 •emuu`--GEIV ••:�,p NO. • • 1� ? STATE OF I - : • 0RI0* AVISUALLY INSPECT DOOR AND HARDWARE MONTHLY FOR WORN AND/OR BROKEN PARTS AND CHECK IF DOOR OPERATES FREELY. DO NOT OPERATE A DOOR WITH A BROKEN SPRING. ACOMPONENTS ARE UNDER EXTREME SPRING TENSION. COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. ADOOR MUST BE FULLY OPENED WHEN MAKING ADJUSTMENTS. AVERIFY OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHT BEFORE INSTALLING GUIDES. ADOOR CAN FALL IF BOTH BRACKETS ARE NOT SECURELY FASTENED TO THE JAMBS. ALL FASTENERS ATTACHING BRACKETS TO JAMBS MUST FIT SECURELY INTO A STRUCTURAL MEMBER OR SURFACE. IF DOOR FALLS, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH AND/OR DAMAGE TO DOOR CAN RESULT. ABEFORE LIFTING DOOR INTO POSITION, ASSURE THAT ALL SET SCREWS ARE TIGHTENED TO ADEQUATELY SECURE AXLE SUPPORTS AND TENSIONER FAILURE TO SECURE WILL RESULT IN FALLING PARTS, WHICH WILL LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. AUSE APPROPRIATE LIFTING EQUIPMENT AND CORRECT LIFTING PROCEDURES TO AVOID DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. ADO NOT REMOVE WRAPPING FROM DOOR UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. AFAILURE TO ADHERE TO THEASOVE CONDITIONS WILL RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR PRODUCT DAMAGE NOT COVERED UNDER JANUS INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT WARRANTY. ALWAYS HANDLE PRODUCT WITH CARE, AND REVIEW ALL INSTRUCTIONS, WARNINGS, AND NOTES BEFORE INSTALLING PRODUCT. ARENEW DOOR ASSEMBLY AND GENERAL PARTS DESCRIPTIONS BILL OF MATERIAL FROM PAGE 2, FIGURE 1 TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH COMMON PARTS OF ROLLING SHEET DOOR ASSEMBLY. ADOOR ASSEMBLIES ARE MANUFACTURED PER OPENING WIDTHS AND HEIGHTS SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. JANUS INTERNATIONAL WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR OPENING WIDTHS OR HEIGHTS THAT 00 NOT MATCH THOSE SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. FIGURE 1: DOOR ASSEMBLY & GENERAL PART DESCRIPTIONS 14 � '13• � 9. 1 :6 g: 5 +i2• �; .3: 7 ♦♦,,��11111f1/�14�� ��♦ � 11. D1X ®i O,` �� (GQ ��......... ii No.go 7768 STATE OF ' oc Op .� 18 '' ff ; iT 16 0 Instructions Installation Video 2 1TEiHl ;DESGR1PT101�1 PAR1F AI�IMBER ,: ITEM DF� SCRIP7lON (tPA l`NU�IAB_ER ' „ ,ITEM .'DE3CRlPAON /PART NUMBER`. .:: 12" Spiral Barrel 7 G LH - Roll Formed Guide with windbar13 RH -Comm. Bracket 2, . ; 26 Ga. Curtain `8 ;=. RH -Roll Formed Guide with windbar ,14 _: Stamped Axle Support 3 ;: Windlocks „9 "r Headstop °.15, Comm. Slide Lock 4,- 1516" O.D. Axle 10 3 Tensioner 16� Comm. Step Plate 12"Drum 11;:; Mounting Plate? Bottom BarAssembJr Spring/Counterbalance Assembly � 1Z ' LH - Comm. Bracket <18 :: Slide Lock Assembly A 1, FIGURE 2: SIDEROOM CLEARANCE REQUIRMENT CHART = r a ¢ OPERATION + BACK OF DIE--TENSIONER oUTS1D owv' ' 'BRACKET FNp '.OR/VEDt� t i�(!(ON TENStO�IER) oUTSInE of tEN r HANDCFIAIN�ti Y RRIVE i OF tarC� w r a mot: PUSH-UP 4 y" 5 %, 5 %" - 8 Y4" CHAIN HOIST 4 y" 5 %' 6 %" 7 3/4" 8 %' JACK SHAFT MOTOR 4 y" 5 %' 7 %§" - B' PANTHEON 4 y" 5 %, 7 %' - 11 ^ . i c �° 4 �I� lr q3 fi x a� WRORTANTNOTE& i p __ f i t F f DDimensiops`greteferencedtiom'e�98PistoP@n�9 � �c 3, `" FR r„ � s ,' ; �enslonaz end aPd d'eru� > am lsd tnat�ned e�thgr ondo> do4! a5s@mblY, .r Y ROR CRRICAL FRS pUB TO REDUCED AVAlLA9t 1iEADROOM or SIDEROOM:Ck1+ARANCES CONSULT FAOTQ),tY, ., vY' ✓••. i, � u. END OF AXLE CLEARANCE END OF AXLE CLEARANCE + I OUTSIDE OF CHAIN DRIVE r- + OUTSIDE OF TENSIONER BRACKET CLEARANCE OUTSIDE OF DRIVE �. BRACKET CLEARANCE i TENSIONER END SHOWN BACK OF GUIDE CLEARANCE ► t+ DRIVE END SHOWN (NON-TENSIONER) I BACK OF GUIDE CLEARANCE FIGURE 3: HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL HEADROOM REQUIREMENT CHART O�ElQINfl .VERTICAL rHORIZONTAL HEIOyT N6ADROt3M HEADR04144y_ j sP, 20" 20" lr i�.x i QVER 4 ilr MTHRU.t? 21" 21" 'OVER 18'-0 fi: t;r 21 /z" 21n s14` O q zz ieaur ; 22' 21" <OYER tG-0 ,. 22" 22" ;TNRU.z HORIZONTAL HEADROOM d� Q .�► 0 e w i d e VERTICAL HEADROOM q I Iiiflfjjf.,.* ._... ... • C u r• • ENS •� ✓� ••• OPENING HEIGHT • i 13 1 Q -re AC � ... • J, A STEP 1: VERIFY OPENING *Note: DOOR ASSEMBLIES ARE MANUFACTURED PER OPENING WIDTHS AND HEIGHTS SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. JANUS INTERNATIONAL WILL NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR OPENING WIDTHS OR HEIGHTS THAT DO NOT MATCH THOSE SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. a Verifv ooenina width and heiaht and confine measurements match width and height detailed on door oackaoino label. a Verify that iambs are plumb. a Verify floor and header for level. 4 Verify adequate side clearance at iambs and clearance above and at sides of header. See Side Room and Headroom Clearance Requirement Chart (page 3,'Figures 2 & 3). • Verify that the guide mounting surface on the iamb is flush. h Verify that all parts required for installation are with the door. See page 2, Figure 1 for General Bill of Material. STEP 2: MOUNTING PLATES ONote: Mounting Plates are optional components for installation to steel Jambs. Mounting Plates are to be installed with fasteners supplied or welded directly to steel jamb. If mounting plates were not ordered, or jamb type Is other than steel, Proceed to step 3. Position Mounting Plates where bottom ed5e is flush with header and inside edge is flush with jamb edge. See Figure 4. r� Install mounting plates to steel Jambs with 3 each % -16 x 1 y" hex -head bolts, washers, and lock nuts supplied. *Note: Install washers on hex nut side only i *Note.- Assure Mounting Plates are level with each other 3-3/-16x1y" HEX -HEAD BOLT t LH MOUNTING PLATE LEVEL MOUNTING PLATES g" _. FIGURE 4: MOUNTING PLATE INSTALLATION 10" RH MOUNTING PLATE `eN N. 040 010 NO • STATE OF I a NAOR1OI-600 •��_ 4/L%���/�',�Oilit1 STEP 3: COMMERCIAL BRACKETS TO GUIDES Oftfe: GUIDE BELLMOUTH FOR CURTAIN ENTRY INTO GUIDE IS FACTORY NOTCHED. APPLY 15'-20' BEND IN BELLMOUTH TO ASSURE SMOOTH CURTAIN ENTRY. FAILURE TO FLARE GUIDE BELLMOUTH WILL RESULT IN CURTAIN SCRATCHING AND/OR DAMAGE. 7 Attach Commercial Brackets to guides, locating top surface of bracket 2" below top of guide. Use 2 each Y4- 20 x % carriage bolts, 1/4 - 20 serrated flange hex nuts and Y4" flat washers per bracket for tensioner and the non-tensioner (drive) end for push-up operation. See Figure 5. *Note., DOOR DRIVE OPERATION MAYBE INSTALLED ON EITHER END OF DOOR ASSEMBLY `'%tt1111101 `� O 4FIFTOP OF GUIDE — ti W • a COMMERCIAL --- r *• • • BRACKET s * � STATE OR • ORID t ��i� •e� eyes—ease•y.,6 o O a e� o 14" FLAT WASHER ¢/zi%/¢ 1, .. aQ '4-20 SERRATED FLANGE HEX NUT ;a .. .. __ A3 14-200i CARRIAGE BOLT i GUIDE BELLMOUTH ----- GUIDE FIGURE 5: TENSIONER END (LH Shown/RH Opposite) *Nofe: FOR MANUAL PUSH-UP OPERATION, SPACERS ARE NOT PROVIDED OR REQUIRED FOR COMMERCIAL BRACKET MOUNT. Reduced Hand Chain Drive: Attach Commercial Brackets to guides, locating top surface of bracket 2" below top of guide. Install drive bracket with 2 each Y4- 20 x 1 Y4" carriage bolts, Y4 - 20 serrated flange hex nuts and y" flat washers. Insert 1 each Yz" O.D. x Yz" long spacer tubes between guide and bracket at each bolt location. See Figure 6. a Jack Shaft Motor Operation: Attach Commercial Brackets to guides, locating top surface of bracket 2" below top of guide. Install drive bracket with 2 each Y4 - 20 x 2 y" carriage bolts, Y - 20 serrated flange hex nuts and y' flat washers. Insert 1 each I X" O.D. x 1 Yz" long spacer tubes between guide and bracket at each bolt location. See Figure 6. a Pantheon Motor Operation: Install drive bracket with 1 Yz' spacing between outside of guide and Inside of bracket. No spacers are provided for this application. Locate top surface of bracket 2" below top of guide. See Figure 6. (Spacers not provided) .. "_. CARRIAGE BOLT GUIDE BELLMOUTH ---- - SPACER TUBE(S) - GUIDE - - TOP OF GUIDE COMMERCIAL BRACKET e !4' FLAT WASHER o `l %-20 SERRATED FLANGE HEX NUT FIGURE 6: DRIVE END (RH Shown/LH Opposite) STEP 4: GUIDES AND BRACKETS TO JAM,3 4 Brackets and guides must be attached to Jambs using fasteners as specified In Table 1. TABLE 1: GUIDE & COMMERCIAL BRACKET FASTENERS ITEM JAMB FASTENERS; w DRIt.0 SIZE- >? �„ . y K Steel % - 16 x 1 Y4" Hex Bolt and Nut %s BRACKETS, ` Concrete or Filled Block %" x 1 %" Powers Wedge -Bolt Powers SDS+ 01318 _,.; w..., .: Steel %" -14 x 1" TEKS Screw None " GUIDES x Ei •. Concrete or Filled Block %" x 4" Powers Wedge -Bolt Powers SDS+ 01318 ONote: DOOR ASSEMBLIES ARE MANUFACTURED PER OPENING WIDTHS AND HEIGHTS SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. JANUS INTERNATIONAL WILL NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR OPENING WIDTHS OR HEIGHTS THAT DO NOT MATCH THOSE SPECIFIED AT TIME OF ORDER. o Guides to be mounted centered about the opening. Back of guide placement/measurement from jamb edge is 4 Y4' per side. Overall back of guide to back of guide measurement to be Opening Width + 8 Yz". See figure 7. - 41a' OPENING WIDTH+81z — _ "tilIM81,01't FIGURE 7: GUIDE PLACEMENT 4%% gQ •.•••••••.� AI lb a THREE MOUNTING OPTIONS EXIST AND ARE DICTATED BY JAMB TYPE AND/OR THICKNESS _• o OPTION 1: Steel jambs 3/6' or greater. Y4 -14 x 1"self drilling/tapping screws at toe of guide. See Figure 1 STATE CW a o OPTION 2: Masonry Jambs. Y88" x 4" Powers Wedge Bolt at Inside of guide. See Figure 9 •d. �_ . _ OPTION 3: Steel Jambs less than Y16" thickness. Y -14 x 1" self drilling/tapping screws at toe and inside of guide. See Figure 10. 11167 �s -14 x 1• SELF DRILLINGSCREW i 9" MAX CENTERS '1s' STEEL JAMB THICKNESS irl=jr 4 2" I 2' 41. ~ 414I � .. __ .... OPENING WIDTH+81'z --- —. -- - FIGURE 8: GUIDE MOUNTING - OPTION 1 c V16" EXISTING CONCRETE OR FILLED -- 1 BLOCKJAMBS 38, x 4• POWERS WEDGE BOLT ' 2" 2" _.1 4'j' 4'4" .._..._._ _. OPENING WIDTH +81s ---- r FIGURE 9: GUIDE MOUNTING — OPTION 2 - 371e" EXISTING JAMB _ - - 1116' 14 GA MINIMUM 14 x 1" SELF DRILLING -- - -- SCREW 9" MAX CENTERS i 2• 2" I I 4Y - 414 I•+ .-._. .... —... OPENING WIDTH +81= ---... ----. FIGURE 10: GUIDE MOUNTING — OPTI a Install guides per mounting option detail that applies to specific installation applications. See Figure 8, 9 or 10. o Install guides and brackets with fasteners supplied, which should match those referenced on Page 6, Table 1. i:�Note: Figure 11 below illustrates bracket mount to steel jambs via mounting plates. Refer to Page 6, Table 1 for appropriate fastener type perjamb type. 3-3e LOCK NUT 3-39 FLAT,WASHER MOUNTING PLATE - 0 ,111tt111t/�j�/ • ,I e � �'C.ENS✓,J,1' NO. TM 2 STATE OF do ---- COMMERCIAL BRACKET -- 3-36 FLATWASHER ta' 3-3e-1ex1'4 HEX -HEAD BOLT jA FIGURE 11: COMMERCIAL BRACKET TO WALL (STEEL JAMB) I . a STEP 5: PUSH-UP TENSIONER END - FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION t, Rotate tensioner release arm towards wall. 4 Slide tensloner over axle, with arrow pointing toward wall, until approximately 2 %" of axle Is outside of tensioner. Allow release arm to rotate back towards starting position. See Figure 12. 4 Tighten set screw when in place. AXLE -.... FIGURE 12: TENSIONER TO AXLE STEP 6: PUSH-UP NON-TENSIONER END - FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION ` 4 Slide stamped axle support over axle, with arrow pointing toward wall. See Figure 13. o Slide stamped axle support over axle until approximately 2 %" of axle is outside of stamped axle support. 4 Tighten set screws when in place. `,���Llllfl//�1/ - AXLE �H. O ,if %% e/ �� Q �•••..•••� �j -- STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT i �• 7'/Qa •: Iyl NO •� STATE OF a v . •• • FIGURE 13: STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT TO AXLE 4.1-zlAe a STEP 7a: REDUCED HAND CHAIN DRIVE END -FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION 4 Fasten cast ring gear to drum using 3 each %- 16 x 1 Y" grade 5 hex bolts and %" lock washers. 4 Install 2 each %- 16 x 1" square head set screws in the threaded holes in the cast axle support. These will be tightened against the axle later. • Slide cast axle support over axle until approximately 2 %" of axle is outside of cast axle support. See Figure 14. C+ Tighten set screws when in place. ...... CAST AXLE SUPPORT 2 - 36 - 16 X 1 SQUARE HEAD SETSCREW .w . lop V� '! — - -- 3 -3g" LOCK WASHER 1. -- 3-36-16x112- GRADE 5 HEX BOLTS FIGURE 14: CAST AXLE SUPPORT AND CAST RING GEAR TO DRUM ASSEMBLY STEP 7b: ELECTRIC OPERATOR DRIVE END - FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION 4 Locate 3 each 1" O.D. x 2 %" long spacer tubes and struts between 72 tooth sprocket and drum. Attach sprocket with 3 each 3/ -16 x 3 Y2" grade 5 hex bolts and %" lock washers. 4 Slide stamped axle support over axle, with arrow pointing toward wall, until approximately 1 %" of axle is outside of stamped axle support. See Figure 15. 4 Tighten set screws when in place. AXLE 2-SETSCREW STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT 3-38-16X312' GRADE 5 HEX BOLTS ® 0 ----3 - 38" LOCK WASHER FIGURE 15: EO KIT TO DRUM ASSEMBLY ¢/i 1. . --3-1"O.D.23eLSPACER 3-STRUT ` t%J1111,1111#60 %%% QN N• �'�'�O �4 �O�• ENSFy• v�•. No. 7768 % STATE OF r ORiDP.i <v �'�i �ONAI. E� �♦�� STEP 7c: PANTHEON DRIVE END - FLOOR LEVEL INSTALLATION DRUM - CAST IRON SADDLE AXLE " ANCHOR BRACKET WITH STEELTUBESINSERTED >� SHIPPING WRAP & PADDING FIGURE 16: PANTHEON BARREL ASSEMBLY PANTHEON COMMERCIAL ROLLING DOOR OPERATOR 4? BEFORE UFTINCs DOQR INTO POSITJON;ASSURE THAT At !SET SGR�INS j�RE IGH FENED �TO kDEQUATELY„SE�l1R AXLE SUPPOItf S AlJD TE(�ISIONER i=A1LURETO S�GU�E Wll1: �, -RESUL T IN FALLING PARTS, WtIICH V1 JlL EAQ TQ SERIOUS'IN iU�Y> OR DEATHY; STEP 8: RAISING DOOR ASSEMBLY ONTO BRACKETS 4 Before lifting, orient bottom bar at 12 o'clock position. %%% , 14- O 4 Raise door using appropriate lifting equipment, assuring a protective barrier is maintained between product and that it into /t♦ any `��`yv••••'•••••••O� surface or object may come contact with. - �.�GENSF•.•40 4 Position door on brackets with tensioner and axle support resting safety on top of commercial bracket flange. See Figures 17-20 for appropriate drive type 'OL•• . �app • application. � Door should be positioned as close as possible to the header and still be able to rotate and clear bottom bar. F � � � STATE O 0: 0-6 • ado • % 4 Each end of door should be equal distance from the header and the curtain must be centered in the opening. fee. U • 0 3 -3a" FLAT WASHER —4-3e"LOCK WASHER .. 4_38'16 X33 GRADE 5 HEX F JLTS STEP 9a: REDUCED HAND CHAIN DRIVE END y Attach cast axle support to commercial bracket using %s -16 x 3/a" grade 5 hex bolt, %" lock washer and 38" flat washer. • Position chain hoist assembly on door bracket next to cast axle support and attach to door bracket using 2 each Y8 - 16 x 3/" grade 5 hex bolts, %" lock washers and Ya" flat washers. The spur gear on the hoist will engage with the internal teeth of the previously installed cast ring gear. See figure 17. a Connect cast axle support bracket to side of chain hoist using 3/ -16 x Y4" hex bolt and %' lock washer. See Figure 17. o Feed hand chain over chain pocket wheel and through hoist. Connect ends of hand chain, being careful not to twist chain. Hand chain may be lengthened or shortened as necessary. 4 Install hand chain keeper on wall or jamb. FIGURE 17: CAST AXLE SUPPORT TO BRACKET STEP 9b: ELECTRIC OPERATOR DRIVE END Attach stamped axle support to commercial bracket using 2 each ! - ' % -16 x %" grade 5 hex bolt, %e lock washer and 3/8 flat washer. See figure 18. 0 -- SHIPPING WRAP & PADDING 2-3s"FLATWASHER 2 - 38 LOCK WASHER 2-39-`!W3' GRADE 5 HEX BOLTS FIGURE 18: STAMPED AXLE SUPPORT TO BRACKET , 01% fo .• GEN i No. 7768dO STATE OF :�. • 4r .r • n— 38-16"U'BOLT I. 11 STEP 9C: PANTHEON DRIVE END 0 Attach anchor bracket to commercial bracket using u-bolt and 2 each 3/ -16 flange nuts and 3/" flat washers. See Figure 19. SHIPPING WRAP & PADDING --. - ANCHOR BRACKET 4SHER 2 - 3e -16 FLANGE NUTS FIGURE 19: PANTHEON ASSEMBLY TO BRACKET STEP 10: TENSIONER END 0 Attach tensioner to commercial bracket using 2 each %-- 16 x %" grade 5 hex bolts, %" lock washers and %" flat washers. See Figure 20. ,%ti11111111.0, %% o .••��GENS�1•�:v No. 7768 STATE OF �ILa SIALIA• ,A ,4/z014- SHIPPING WRAP $ PADDING -- : 2-38"FLATWASHER 2 - 3e LOCK WASHER 2-38_16x3i .-...... GRADE 5 HEX BOLTS FIGURE 20: TENSIONER TO BRACKET I e HEADSTOP HOLDER 13 o STEP 11: SETTING INITIAL SPRING TENSION * With bottom bar at 12 o'clock position, rotate door towards wall 1 iz revolutions. 9 While firmly holding door at bottom bar, cut packaging that secures the door. Direct bottom bar into guides, stopping just below headstop area. See Figure 21. FIGURE 21: DOOR ASSEMBLY, TENSIONER SIDE . r STEP 12: HEADSTOP INSTALLATION --_ _- = Slide headstop into headstop holder, lining up holes on - - - - _ each. Attach headstop using Ye" x yZ" hex bolt and %B" _. lock washer as shown in Figure 22. �^ B" xs" HEX BOLT 38" LOCK WASHER %V ••.••••• �• - `� ® ,• ,DENS• , Q i __ �;• No., 7768 ; d* STATE OF ED FIGURE 22: HEADSTOP TO GUIDE 2 - Y x 1 HEX ROLT---- STEP 13: SLIDE LOCKASSEMBLY INSTALLATION Lower bottom bar and install slide lock and step plate using 2 each Y4 - 20 x 1" hex bolts, %s - I B hex nuts, & flat washers and Y< - 20 nylon insert hex nuts. Do this at both ends of bottom bar. See Figure 23. 4 Transfer the Ya - 20 xY2" carriage bolts and Ya - 20 serrated Range hex nuts that were removed from both ends of the bottom bar to the 2 holes at the center of the bottom bar and angle. o For push-up operation only, Install rope in one of the holes at the center of the horizontal leg of the bottom bar angle. `,� %111111011// 2-Sis"HEX NUT N• 0 SLIDE LOCK `��` �Q� �i�7••••�. O/�'�I, — ' STEP PLATE : O� •••�`GE�SA' �j • c 2-'e" FLAT WASHER ` _ .7768 r y i � 2 - I4 x 20 NYLON « 7f' • '� I INSERT NUT ! STATE Of J i a FIGURE 23: ATTACHING SLIDE LOCK ASSEMBLY STEP 14: DOOR OPERATION / J~ -Ire 41 %11 0 Note: Before cycling door to, test door operation, assure that all fasteners and set screws are tightened and securing all components. Cycle door by raising and lowering door to Its fully closed and fully opened position. Set limits of electrically operated doors at this time. a Evaluate spring tension. If adjustments to spring are required, proceed to Step 15. STEP 15. ADJUST SPRING TENSION 4 Before increasing or decreasing spring tension, loosen %-16 square head set screws in tensioner and axle support at both ends of door. a INCREASING SPRING TENSION: At tensioner end, using pipe wrench, rotate axle/pipe wrench away from wall. Increase tension in Ya -Y2 turn increments. Allow axle/pipe wrench to ease back towards wall until tensioner secures axle rotation. Re -set set screws and re-evaluate spring tension by cycling door. * DECREASING SPRING TENSION: At tension end, using pipe wrench, rotate exle/pipe wrench away from wall slightly. Holding this position, rotate tensioner release arm towards wall. Carefully allow axle/wrench to rotate towards wall inY4 turn Increments. While holding this position, allow tensioner release arm to rotate back to its starting position. Carefully allow axle/pipe wrench to ease back until tensioner secures axle rotation. Re -tighten set screws and re-evaluate spring tension by cycling door. DECREASE SPRING TENSION U `�E DONE j;RQM TENSIONER SIDE,OF, DOO> AS3EMBLYyx; 0 1 (E) INCREASE a SPRING ° TENSION STEP 16: WARNING LABEL 6 a. 4 Apply warning label at a readable height on the drive side door guide or jamb. a L�6�- 3 22 6