HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2076 [f "::'";" .-';:'\.:T:'~:{~K: H~',-- ,- ."-' ,. ~t 3'tG "" .t',~' ",' . ' ,);;,. -,~:--~?T:-~~;:::~.:-~'~~-.T::-~~-;;.:7~~::~~~'-~'-~~~,~-'F"f',~,:_<";~r::r:~.~.-~_-.,-r"7~~~~.,,-_T ~,7~_~~- t .-:.~~.~~~ t. a. .e~rate, ~d prl vatee~..lC)~',:~~.~or..I!l' :taken anl,lIla,a..Il~.p,r.telJ ~na.ap8rt trOll, her I '. '!",14 ,h\l8bana~ '.,o,knOW:L'dg..n~4eo?-~e., 'tbitjl_t.a.e her..lf . ~l"t,to an4 ,e~'ou:t.4 the .am..~~'r.llh.'purp~.. Of'relea'lnair'liri~"hhtn!,i"oo~Oln',UclOOn,.eJ1na"ll'h.r right ;' . , . . . ~ " "' . - , ~ . '.' '. . . . 01,40.'1', ,iepnat. .'ta~,e ana)lom~.tea4, ..4' illh.r rl.,btl -lit ~llclto th~ :leila. In eel d . 4...4.:,'...orlbe4 ana gr~tea, ant that ,lIhe es.outta thee.. tireely IDclvoluntarl1J, without .,..... - . " . ; - . . , anJoonetraint,apprehenelon, t.er oroolDpui,lon ot or:h'om. her 8a14 hll'\),1Il4 flTNlBS ~,nee ana. ofll01a1 eeal at 1.8tol1 "8et'V~., t)111 Gdayiot reb. A. D.. 1920. 'I (BotarJ ...1) . . .11". k"~ leMr 10 tz't . ,b 1~. '. e · or ~eet Virginia ~.QO~le810n e~lre.' Juue1929. , .. " :' 111e4 _a reoordea thll 11th 48Y 01 ,.bruer,.. .t. D.1980. P. C .11clred~ OlerkOl1'Oult. co~t. llF <<~ Yf f/r>>, o. fCt. Ct. 8eal) RECORD velt"'ED I i I I I I i I I I I ! ! ft16.QO I. R.'$tampl, oano.lle!) J r- _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~', LOUlBl mRS' J.HDBU8~.um I. iThls Inclenture, Maa. ~h1s IUh aa1 ot Ootober A. D. 1919. BETWEU Lou!'.e liters at:; ~ . . I 800t~ Oountt, 100. ana)l~ J. Jqere_. her hueban4. bf_the,:.o~tJ';;ot lul.. ,ana State of Okla- I home.part1 ~fthe t1rstpart, and .Amelia Tro141 otthe, Ooun'tJ ot"Soott ana Stateot low.. , I , ' . ',' I partJot the .eoond part,' WU'BE8SBTU-. tha,t the laid parties ot, the tIrst part, tor and in t oonsideration, of the SUJD' ot OneCI1.). Dollar ana oth8rveluab~e con8iderations to him In ,Ih.~d pala,~h. reoeip~ whereotla hereb,aoknowledge4, have grantea, bargainea, Bola and . . . I transterred, and b~ these presents do grant, bargain, Bell. and tra~r,' unto the said par- . '! t, ot 'the se90n~ p~rt andhn heir. ,and aSB~gn., forever ..W'al1th8to~rta!nparce1 of land 1Yl~ ,I ~nd being In the' Co~ty ot 8t. Lucie and 8tateof I1prlda, morepartioul8rl1 desoribed 8e J .1 1011,ow8 I ; !.eBt Twent1(20) aores otTract ~hree (3)' in Seotion Seven (7), Township ThlrtJ- ltwo (32), 80~t~" of RengeiM.rty-nlne '(39) Bllst, 88 the 8ame 18 dellgnated on the last general~ I plat or lana.' ot the InUan River rarme CompenJ, tlled in the. oftio80fthe 01erk of the Cir-! >1 oul t Opurt 'oteatd Couu~'t. .' , I.. sho.n o::::t~~~::s:~::::~l" oi .., tor ~b110 rood" drolnOSs oen.l. and ditohs., I TOGETHiR w1 th al1theienelllente,.,hereditamente en4appurten8nC8e, wi theverl pr-hilege ,ri~ht'. title. Intereet and e.tate, dowel'"and rlght 'ot dow.r. reVel's1on, rema1nder and .eiement 1'0 AilEtu UOIDL. I : - -~ ; :- W.&IUWITY DUD. , . ~1I ~ o .> ~ U Ii n ~ .1 I I II It I ., thereto 'belon8~ng or In anywise appertaining: T,OBAVB AND TOUO:L1) the same In te. simple I for~T.r. I '. , I' JIld' the eaid partie. ot the flr.t part ao. oonnantwi th laid partJot' th~ . ..oona par-to ; I that thn_re la.tul~J' 8.i..,. ot th.sa1dPremia...that,the1 are ,tre. trom all Inoumbr.noee ! and ~',t.th8J' ba.... '004 right and lawtal autl1oritl:to .ell ~he 88Dlel~-.n4t)1e, e&14 parth. i 'of.'thef1ret })art d,o;:li~i"b1: ~111 ..rr~tthe true to ..1dlen4., an4 .l,il~ '.'en4'1;he aaml 'j . ! a8al~.t',"'.,~~wtul,0181Jl18' otall' per.one~whOllto8\'er.' r .' -. ~ .- -_.- ;,." .'....l,;~::~~;:;:~~~::::~. :1~::~::, tho ., ,c j Ifaoe. J. _ p~th J, l ,,' , 'j't~~~Itt::~~~.. :1<,.,' , . tirst,part heye herlunto'sot their handa an4; I j o ,! . "".' , I i I i I I ; -" . ll;J.Jqers t.oul~''''erl "(S.al)' '. C$..l) Il.. a ~~p. '''~..,f)l~,z,4. . ,"" ~ -,~ ~:. -':....~:.~~j;.~~~~~~t~~Ri!!;~~J -~~, ./...c--!.~~~.};.&<'....~t.. ~~~..~~'!~~"~~ . ". <~.5~~~;lf&~~~1~~~W~1~1~t