HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAUCETS & FIXTURE FITTINGS SPECIFICATIONS7 ,- t, CHAPTER 4 FIXTURES, FAUCETS AND FIXTURE FITTINGS SECTION 401 GENERAL 401.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the materials, design and installation of plumbing fixtures, faucets and fixture fit- tings in accordance with the type of occupancy, and shall pro- vide for the minimum number of fixtures for various types of occupancies. 401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections. Pan, valve, plunger, offset, washout, latrine, frostproof and other water closets having a concealed trap seal or an unventilated space or having walls that are not thoroughly washed at each dis- charge shall be prohibited. Any water closet that permits siphonage of the contents of the bowl back into the tank shall be prohibited. Trough urinals shall be prohibited. 401.3 Water conservation. The maximum water flow rates and flush volume for plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings shall comply with Section 604.4. SECTION 402 FIXTURE MATERIALS 402.1 Quality of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be con- structed of approved materials, with smooth, impervious sur- faces, free from defects and concealed fouling surfaces, and shall conform to standards cited in this code. All porcelain enameled surfaces on plumbing fixtures shall be acid resistant. 402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures. Materials for spe- cialty fixtures not otherwise covered in this code shall be of stainless steel, soapstone, chemical stoneware or plastic, or shall be lined with lead, copper -base alloy, nickel -copper alloy, corrosion -resistant steel or other material especially suited to the application for which the fixture is intended. 402.3 Sheet copper. Sheet copper for general applications shall conform to ASTM B 152 and shall not weigh less than 12 ounces per square foot (3.7 kg/m2). 402.4 Sheet lead. Sheet lead for pans shall not weigh less than 4 pounds per square foot (19.5 kg/m2) coated with an asphalt paint or other approved coating. SECTION 403 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES number of -fixtures: Plumbingmfixti rep shall u ,gip 0 for�he�type_af occupancy and in-the-ninimum — y n�m rs _'own in Tabl"e�3:1 ripes of occupancies not shown 'Table 403.1 shall be considered individually by the code offi- cial. The number of occupants shall be determined by the build- ing code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in _ accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building. TABLE 403.1) MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIESa (See Sections 403.2 and 403.3) WATER CLOSETS DRINKING (Urinals see FOUNTAINS Section 419.2) BATHTUBS/ (see Section OCCUPANCY LAVATORIES SHOWERS 410.1) OTHERS Male Female A Nightclubs l per 40 l per 40 1 per 75 — l per 500 1 service sink S Restaurantsg l per 75 l per 75 l per 200 — l per 500 1 service sink Theatres, Halls, museums, etc.g l ver 125 l per 65 l per 200 — l per 500 1 service sink S Coliseums, arenas 1 per 75 1 per 40 1 per 150 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink tti less than 3,000 seats Coliseums, arenas 1 per 120 1 per 60 Male 1 per 200 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink 3,000 seats or reater g Female 1 ver 150 — [Ch- u`�rche O'j 1 per 150 1 per 75 1 per 200 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink Stadiums, (less than 3,000 1 per 100 1 per 50 1 per 150 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink seats), pools, etc.g, h — Stadiums,(3,000 1 per 150 1 per 75 Male 1 per 200 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink Y seats or eater g Female 1 per 150 Business (see Sections 403.2, 403.4 and 403.5) 1 per 50' 1 per 80 — 1 per 100 1 1 service sink Educational l per 50 l per 50 — l r 100 1 service sink Factory and industrial 1 per 100 - 1 per 100 See Section 4111 1 r 400 1 service sink Passenger terminals and — transportation facilities 1 per 500 1 per 750 — 1 per 1,000 1 service sink (continued) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — PLUMBING 4.1 TABLE 403.1 — 403.1.1.1 TABLE 403.1—continued MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIESa (See Sections 403.2 and 403.3) WATER CLOSETS DRINKING (Urinals see FOUNTAINS Section 419.2) BATHTUBS/ (see Section Male I Female OCCUPANCY 'LAVATORIES SHOWERS 410.1) OTHERS I Residential care l per 10 l per 10 1 per 8 1 per:100 1 service sink N Hospitals, ambulatory nursing 1 per roomd per roomd 1 per 15 1 per 100 1 service sink S T home patientsc floor I Day nurseries, sanitariums, T nonambulatory nursing home 1 per 15 1 per 15 1 per 15e 1 per 100 1 service sink U patients, etc c T Employees, other than residential care° 1 per 25 1 per 35 — 1 per 100 — N Visitors, other than residential A care l per 75 1 per 100 — l per 500 — L Prisonsc 1 per cell l per cell l per 15 l per 100 1 service sink Asylums, reformatories, etc c l per 15 l per 15 l per 15 l per 100 1 service sink Mercantile (see Sections 403.2, 403.4 and 403.5) 1 per 500 1 per 750 — 1 per 1,000 Hotels, motels 1 per guestroom. 1 per 1 per — 1 service sink uestroom guestroom R Lodges l per 10 l per 10 1 per 8 l per 100 1 service sink E 1 kitchen sink per S dwelling unit; 1 Multiple family 1 per dwelling unit 1 per 1 per — 1 automatic clothes D dwelling unit dwelling unit washer connection E per 20 dwelling N units T Dormitories 1 per 10 1 per 10 1 per 8 1 per 100 1 service sink I 1 kitchen sink per A dwelling unit; L One- and two-family dwellings 1 per dwelling unit 1 per 1 per — 1 automatic clothes dwelling unit dwelling unit washer connection r dwelling unitf Storage (see Sections 403.2 1 per 100 1 per 100 (see Section 411) 1 per 1,000 1 service sink 403.4) a The fixtures shown are based on one fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction of the number of persons indicated. The number of occu anp� is shall be deterrmned,by-the Florlrla Bullding-code Building, h Fixtures located in adjacent builtlings under -the ownership occontrol of the chwch shall b�.made availabladuring.ceriods then urctris�ce3 Toilet faciltues for employees shall be separate from facilities for inmates or patients. a A single -occupant toilet room with one water closet and one lavatory serving not more than two adjacent patient rooms shall be permitted where such room is provided with direct access from each patient room and with provisions for privacy. e For day nurseries, a maximum of one bathtub shall be required. LX andlmor®f°malewatehclosets,are,reguired. to buildings of mixed occu��� Section 403.7 shall beprovided where; an aggregate of six or moremale or an:aggregate;of.six assembly and mercantilS: ccupancic&A unisex toilet room, to accordance 4acy,_only_thow-only-mgtared for the assembly tu'mercandle occupancy_shait be.used:to•deter- n unisex toilet room requirement h In recreational facilities where separate -sex bathing rooms are provided, a unisex bathing room in accordance with Section 403.7, shall be provided. Where each separate sex bathing room has only one shower or bathtub fixture, a unisex bathing room is not required. parity. , In assembly occupancies, restrooms which are open to the public must have a'iatio of 3 to 2 water closets provided for women as the com- bined total of water closets and urinals provided for men, unless these are two or fewer such fixtures for men, in accordance with 553.141 Florida Statutes. Exception: This section does not apply to establish- ments licensed under Chapter 509 Florida Statutes if the establishment does not provide meeting or banquet rooms which accommodate more than 150 people, and the establishment has at least the same number of water closets for women as the combined total of water clos- ets and urinals for men. 403.1.1.1 Definitions from Section 553.141, Florida Statutes, regarding scope. 1. New construction. Means new construction, building, alteration, rehabilitation, or repair that 3 equals or exceeds 50 percent of the replacement value existing on October 1, 1992, unless the same was under design or construction, or under con- struction contract before October 1, 1992. 2. Assembly occupancy. The use of a building or structure, or any portion thereof, for the gathering together of people for purposes such as civic, - - .--social .or religious functions or for iecreation,=or ., .• . for food or drink consumption or awaiting trans- portation. 4.2 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — PLUMBING VIC J/ As;. �-,LoxSO — Y, .o d &-70 1019.3.2-1019.10.1.3 1019.3.2 Two means of egress shall be required from the- ater balconies when the occupancy exceeds 50. 1019.3.3 Enclosure and Capacity. All interior stairways and other vertical openings shall be enclosed and protect- ed as provided in this chapter, except that stairs may be open between balcony and main assembly floor in occu- pancies such as theaters, churches and auditoriums. The means of egress capacity required for balconies or gal- leries shall be determined on the same basis as those required for the occupancy use. 1019.3.4 Travel Distance. The maximum travel distance for balcony or gallery from any seat to an exit shall be determined on the same basis as the building occupancy. 1019.4 Stages 1019.4.1 Where two means of egress are required, they shall be separate, with at least one means of egress on each side of the stage. 1019.4.2 The means of egress from lighting and access catwalks, galleries and gridirons shall meet the require- ments for Group F occupancies. Exceptions: 1. A minimum width of 22 inches (559 mm) shall be permitted for lighting and access catwalks. 2. A second means of egress is not required from these areas where a means of escape to a floor or to a roof is provided. Ladders, alternating tread stairs, or spiral stairs shall be permitted in the means of escape. 1019.4.3 Each tier of dressing rooms shall be provided with two exits. 1019.4.4 Stairways from stage and dressing rooms need not be enclosed. 1019.5 Tents. Tent exits, aisles, seating, etc., shall conform with the requirements for places of assembly. All exits shall be kept free and clear of obstructions while the tent is occu- pied by the public. 1019.6 Projection rooms. The projection room shall be pro- vided with not less than one exit having a minimum opening of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide and 80 inches (2032 mm) high. t1019.7 Doors 1019.7.1 A key locking device may be used from the egress side on the main exterior exit doors on Group A-2 haying an occupancy of 300 or less, subject to the following: 1. There is a readily visible durable sign on or adjacent to 'the door stating: THIS EXIT ' TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN THIS BUILDING IS OCCU- PIED. The sign shall be in letters no less than 1 -inch (25.4 m) high on a contrasting background.; 2. The locking device must be of a type that will be readily distinguishable as locked. 3. The main exit door is a single door or one pair of doors. 4. When unlocked, the door or both leaves of the pair must be free. The use of the key locking device may be revoked by the building official for due cause. 1019.7.2 Each door in a means of egress from an area of . Group A occupancy may be provided with a latch or lock only if it is panic hardware or fire exit hardware, which releases when pressure of no more than 15 lb (67 N) is applied to the releasing devices in the direction of the exit travel. Such releasing devices may be bars or panels extending not less than 1/2 the width of the door and placed at heights suitable for the service required, but not less than 34 inches (86 cm) nor more than 48 inches (122 cm) above the floor. Whenever panic hardware is used on a labeled fire door, the panic hardware shall be labeled as fire exit hardware. 1019.7.3 If balanced doors are used and panic hardware is required, the panic hardware shall be of the pushpad type and the pad shall not extend more than 1h the width of the door measured from the latch side. 1019.8 Stairwa�coj ruction � 1019.8.1 In buildings of Group A occupancy ghts f �lesslt a rlsersI - of be used in interior or exte- rior stairways, exit passageways, aisles, at entrance or elsewhere in connection with required exits. To overcome lesser differences in level, ramps in accordance with 1013 shall be used. See 1019.10 for additional aisle and stair information in assembly occupancies. 1019.9 Guardrails (See 1019.10.9 for guardrail provisions.) 1019.10 Assembly aisles and seating 1019.10.1 General 1019.10.1.1 Scope. Provisions in 1019.10 shall apply to all assembly aisles and seating except for special provisions relating to seating for reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers. 1019.10.1.2 Aisles Required. Every portion of any building which contains seats, tables, displays, equip- ment or other material shall be provided with aisles leading to exits. 9 1019.10.1.3 Travel Distance. Exits and aisles shall be so located that the travel distance to an exit door shall not be• greater than 150 ft (61 m) measured along the line of travel. Travel distance may be increased to 200 , ft (76 m) in sprinklered buildings. Exceptions: L Smoke -protected assembly seating and out- :•f'-' J door assembly seating in accordance with 1019.11.3 10.24 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — BUILDING TABLE 500 TABLE 500 ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS AND BUILDING AREAS Lower case letters In table refer to Notes following table. Height for types of construction is limited to the number of stories and height In feet shown. Allowable building area (determined by definition of "Area, Building") Is shown in thousands of sq it per floor. TYPE CONSTRUCTION 1 II III IV 1-HOUR IV UNPROT V 1-HOUR V UNPROT. VI 1-HOUR VI UNPROT. Maximum Height In Feet: NL 80, 65' 65' 55, 65' 55' 50' 40' OCCUPANCY uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr uns spr I h 1 h I h I h ) h h h J h 1 A-1 ASSEMBLY LARGE (stage requiring proscenium opening protection) a.b Max. No. of stories NL NL NL NL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area: Multistory UA UA UA I UA 1 1 One Story only UA UA UA UA A-1 ASSEMBLY LARGE (no stage requiring proscenium opening protection) a, b Max. No. of Stories NL NL NL NL I I 1I 1 I 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Area: Multistory UA UA UA I UAOne I :2.0 Story only UA UA UA UA 12.0 36.0 36.0 8.0 24.0 12.0 36.0 8.0 24.0 A-2 ASSEMBLY SMALL (stage requiring proscenium opening protection) a.b Max. No. of Stories NL NL NL NL 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area: Multistory UA UA UA i UA 1 :0.0 One Story only UA UA UA UA 30.0 10.0 30.0 6.0 18.0 10.0 30.0 6.0 18.0 4.5 13.5 3.0 9.0 A-2 ASSEMBLY SMALL (no stage requiring proscenium opening protection) a. b Max. No. of Stories NL NL NL NL 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Area: Multistory UA UA UA UA 12.0 24.0 12.0 24.0 8.0 16.0 12.0 24.0 8.0 16.0 One Story only UA UA UA UA 12.0 36.0 12.0 36.0 8.0 24.0 12.0 36.0 8.0 24.0 7.5 22.5 5.0 15.0 B BUSINESS a.b Max. No. of Stories NL NL NL NL 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 Area: Multistory UA UA UA UA 25.5 51.0 25.5 51.0 17.0 34.0 21.0 42.0 14.0 28.0 13.5 27.0 9.0 18.0 One Story only UA UA UA UA 25.5 76.5 25.5 76.5 17.0 51.0 21.0 63.0 14.0 42.0 13.5 40.5 9.0 27.0 E EDUCATIONAL a. b Max. No. of stories NL NL NL NL 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Area: Multistory UA UA UA UA 18.0 36.0 18.0 36.0 18.0 36.0 12.0 24.0 One Story only UA UA UA UA 18.0 54.0 18.0 54.0 12.0 36.0 18.0 54.0 12.0 36.0 12.0 36.0 8.0 24.0 F FACTORY -INDUSTRIAL a b,g Max. No. of Stories NL NL NL NL 3 6 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 Area: Multistory UA UA UA UA 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 21.0 42.0 22.5 45.0 15.0 30.0 One Story only UA UA UA UA 31.5 94.5 31.5 94.5 21.0 63.0 22.5 67.5 15.0 45.0 15.0 45.0 10.0 30.0 H-1 HAZARDOUS c Max. No. of Stories 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Area: Multistory One Story only 15.0 12.0 7.5 7.5 5.0 7.5 H-2 HAZARDOUS c Max. No. of Stories 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Area: Multistory One Story only 15.0 12.0 7.5 7.5 5.0 7.5 4.0 2.5 H-3 HAZARDOUS c Max. No. of Stories 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 Area: Multistory 30.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 One Story only 30.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 10.0 7.5 4.0 H4 HAZARDOUS c Max. No. of Stories 0 NL 0 6 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 1 Area: Multistory UA UA 48.0 48.0 32.0 48.0 32.0 One Story only UA UA 72.0 72.0 48.0 72.0 48.0 27.0 18.0 (continued) r 5.4 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE = .BUILDING o% dab S•� -r /0ZO S x /5- TABLE 7-20 USE REQUIRED NUMBER OF COMMENTS 'RKIi�l ILSPACES Detached Single Family 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit For detached single family dwelling units, paved parking spaces and/or driveways are not required, except that driveway connections to any street or road must comply with the requirements of Section 7.05.06(C)(1)(d). Mulll-Family efficiency and one 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit For multi -family dwelling units, up to 1/2 space per dwelling unit may be stabilized Dwelling bedroom grass parking. two or more 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit For multi -family dwelling units, up to 1/2 space per dwelling unit may be stabilized bedrooms grass parking. Mobile Home Park 2.0 spaces for each mobile home Recreational Vehicle Park 1.0 space per lot not Including the Any Recreational Vehicle that is In any way altered, modified, added to, converted or recreational vehicle. Each space replaced with a detached single family dwelling unit must provide two (2) off-street shall be a minimum of 8' X 18'. parking spaces. Each parking space may be 8' X 18' and each space shall be usable. Hotel/Motel Units 1.1 spaces for each guest room, plus 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area for restaurants and lounge areas. [Re.gif-ious Fa JIfffesJ _ spaces,per V,000 square eeloT9 For religious facilities, seventy-fiveL(7 a).pe�ftolal parking requirement may be rch-ap or sanctuary Boor areas)— stabilized grass parking, Places of Public assembly, such as theaters 25 spaces for every 1,000 square For auditoriums, seventy-five (75) percent of the total'parking requirement may be auditoriums and similar uses feet of floor area used for public stabilized grass parking. assembly and/or seating. Pre -School. Elementary and Middle School 2 spaces for each classroom. High Schools 8 spaces for each classroom. Colleges 15 spaces for each classroom All schools and colleges shall provide adequate areas for the parking of bicycles and other non -motorized modes of transportation. These areas shall be accessible from the primary traffic circulation network and shall be located so as to provide convenient access from all structures on the education site. . Hospitals 1.5 spaces for each bed. Nursing and Convalescent Homes, 0.25 spaces per bed. , Conaregate livina facilities and related uses f� 1 B. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS 1. Design Standards Section 7.06.00 Parking and Loading a. The minim--tuni—size=vfitW--king tall shall be as follows: standard: 4:0--feet=X=1B--feet parallel 8 feet X 23 feet FIGLlFi�7.23 handicapped 12 feet X 18 feet (CH 316.1955(3) F.S.) uwosr+� HR -nit mR Two (2-):f et=of=theTreAuired-eighteen • ' (Z.8)_fee�_rnayzbe=in=grass�instead of if that two (2) feet is not i°R pavement included in any other required j landscape or separation area. +.R":R—;; Angled parking may be used consistent with the method of measurement identified in Figure 7-23. b. All off-street parking shall be designed with access aisles in accordance with the Table 7- 21 below: TABLE 7-21 NIINRW PARKING ACCESS AISLE DIMENSIONS Anglevof-parking (degrees) Aisle ]Kidthz(feet) Two Way One Way ,903 96 26 75 22 22 60 20 20 45 20 16 30 20 16 0 (parallel) 20 16 : Adopted August 1,1990 465 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 7.06.00 Parking and Loading Off-street parking facilities, including access drives and aisles for all multi -family, including two-family and three-family dwellings, and non-residential uses, shall be paved and shall be marked either by painted lines, precast curbs, or in a similar fashion to indicate parking spaces. d. No paving or vehicular use area, other than shared entrance or exit drives located in accordance with Section 7.05.06, shall be installed within ten (10) feet of adjoining property or within fifteen (15) feet of any road right-of-way frontage, and said unpaved area shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 7.09.00. e. All off-street parking areas shall be designed so that motor vehicles can exit without backing into a street, except for single-family, two-family and three-family dwellings. Handicapped parking shall be provided as required the Standard Building Code and Sections 316.1955 and 316.1956, Florida Statutes. The number of designated handicapped parking spaces shall be determined as follows (Table 7-22): TABLE 7.22 IC�PE PARI{MG-RE-QEM—EMNTS TOTAFN MBE F REQUIRED=PARKING:SMES NUMBERVFREOUIRED H•ANDICAPP-EaP-ARKINGSPACES' 0-25 1 Z6 t7J 76 -100 4 101 -150 5 151 - 200 6 201 - 300 7 301 - 400 8 401 - 500 9 501 -1000 2% of total required parking 1000+ minimum of 20, plus 1 additional space for each 100 parking spaces over 1000 The number of required handicapped parking spaces may be included within the gross number of required parking spaces. Adopted August 1, 1990 466 Revised Through 08101/00 ::' Section 7.06.00 Parking and Loading Parallel spaces that are being used for handicapped purposes, shall be located at the beginning or end of a block. Curbs adjacent to such spaces shall be of a height which will not interfere with the opening and closing of motor vehicle doors. All handicapped parking spaces shall be appropriately outlined with Blue Painted lines, min. 4" wide, and shall be posted with the international symbol of accessibility. Handicapped accessible spaces shall meet the minimum design, signing and marking standards of the Florida Department of Transportation, and shall generally be located as depicted in Figure 7-24 FIGURE 7-24 0 PWTV= a R PM� STOW T ALL HANDICAPPED PARKING AREAS, STRIPPING DETAILS, SIGN REQUIRMENTS AND LOCATIONAL STANNDARDS SHALL B I �- IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHAPTER XX.XX, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT. All handicapped spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle 60 inches wide. Two handicapped parking spaces may share a common access aisle. All spaces shall have accessible thereto a curb -ramp or curb -cut, when necessary to allow access to the building served and shall be located so that users would not be compelled to wheel behind parked vehicles. g. Access for emergency fire vehicles shall be in accordance with NFPA standards. Adopted August 1, 1990 467 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 7.06.00 Parking and Loading. h. All directional and regulatory signage and all pavement markings shall be in accordance with the "USDOT Manual on Uniform Traffic Control." i. No more than fifteen (15) parking spaces shall be permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by a minimum landscape area of 180 square feet for single row parking or 360 square feet for double row parking (see Figure 7-23) 15 FL Required Landscape Rft FIGURE 7-23 TYPICAL PAFNW PLAN MINIMUM DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS j. Vehicle Queuing Areas 2 R D Arfiag .I khI Irk— Required [raft lame Agee rririrruri re4ired Size - 180 84M feet +If (1) Adequate vehicle storage areas shall be provided at all drive -through and access regulating facilities. A vehicle queuing area is to be a minimum of 10 feet by 18 feet. Minimum vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet shall be required unless provisions for an unrestricted pass area are made. Adopted August 1.1990 468 Revised Through 08/01/00 ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT FIRE SAFETY PERMIT APPLICATION 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Telephone 772-462-8306 Fax: 772-462-8466 Tyne of Reauest: ( ) Plan Review ( ) Site Plan ( ) Fire Alarm System ( x ) Fire Sprinkler System ( ) Fixed Fire Protection System ( ) Fuel Storage / Dispensers ( ) LP Gas Storage / Dispenser ( ) Fireworks Display / Sale ' ( ) Tent/s ( ) Permit Renewal ( ) Other Proiect Name: VEDIC CULTURAL SOCIETY Address: q o 8 Ulrich Road City: Port St. Lucie State: FL Zip: 34983 Owner Information: Name: re ts i e, CX, L. L �oe , I Al e Address: � 3 l S ,9 � i m ID�v �� ✓ � �" City: ?® A71 Luke State: FL Zip: 34983 Telephone: Contractor Information: Company Name: John Bush Fire Protection, Inc. Qualifier: John Bush State License # 525430000189 County / City License # County 1799-00902182 / City 103789/03-1013248 Address: 430 Horseshoe Bay City: Port St. Lucie State: Fl. Zip: 34986 Telephone: (772) 336-4859 c :r Fax:. (772) 343-8475 Valuation of Work: $15,000.00 Contractor Affidavii: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. Inconsideration of granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work and installation in accordance with the approved plans, the applicable N.F.P.A Codes, the Standard Building Code, the State Fire Marshal Rules, and Local Fire Codes. Plan revisions after the issuance of the permit is subject to approval by authority having jurisdiction. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. Contractor Signature: Office Use Only ( ) Approved ( ) Rejected Signature: Comments: Permit # Permit Fee: Date: Date: