HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2109 ~~... ~~.~.. it.~--;'_'~ " .I .1 i I !;i I , , , .' .t \ , . I'" I., , I "I'" ' ,. . , J ,. ill ; ~-. -.' :." :". ~~. - ," --;.~.""i..,~- ;~~~.-... ,:",,_ ..~..-'.-::.....-.;-,;~O;:"",,"~.'~~~"~T":""_-_._::-,..._~_~,.'::...~.......--:"";'~'~~~-r:-:~-~ I' 40'9, . . . . 8'UDUD,ftV8!"S.l~HQa 1"'1;':'1010 :atm '.t1UI8',OO.. ',,:r '..' ~", ,:-~, , ' , ,;',- ',WMaWlfY~.,.,< 'I: ftIa,1)IID~'..4., 't.~1 el.hieenth 0.., ot 'eb~rl:, ~. 1>,1980,. br ST.ABl>>.llU) f1ri1st . SAVIBGS IIANE'Ia oor>>~~~tloll.o~8.~,."4 anc1'2;1etlDl1Ul4eran4b~'Ybtue ot the 18W8,:C)t the.tlt'-of tllbiolJSr ana uY10a It.',Ulo.' an', prlnolpal. Jla~e ot bu.1nl.. 11l tht h tJof bloa,o. 1n ,the '''1lDtJ'Qt Oook al1d.tate ofI1l1no1e, 'h.relnatter oal1e4 ;tht srutor, to IDJ>X.lI 1UVIR IJl.~... 0....011I.. .m,.,. '.'.' . Of~. · '1'7 Of >>.....,0",..00....t7.,..IIOI.". .. noto ot r~_, her. blOtter I , OUb4, th'~ ,~utee& . .' .'.'. ..', , I 'j ." irt,~, ' """ tho 0014 grOD~', ill ooo.14..0t100. of 00., I~.oc)l 40110r 0114 on.r' I , 1:~7'h~:::t:'::::;o~:.t:o:::::::::,l;t:'::::.::::.:~:::l::of::::.~::'~.:o:~::t, . Jthe'iana8' 81tllate,1~ '8t,.- 'uoh .~W1t,,'t~te of ~lorUa, 'desorlbe4 as follow8; I I" , Th..ast"ten'(lO) 80rea of Traot two (2)810tlon el8htt41n (18), Townshlp th1rt,-two ! 'f ". '. . I (82Jl''-~1l~h.Rail8.thlrt,-nlne '(39)..et, ~e a.e~gnated()~ th~ -plat otlande ot the In41'an ' ,Illiver .:'a~OolDP~ t1lea~11 the offlo'e~t,.the Clerkot theClroult ..outt ,Of 'ea1doountj-; i' ;TOGBTRlR WlfH" A;LL .AID 8IBGULAR the hlre41 tamlnte, and. ppvtenanoee thereunto be,longing, s ' . ". . '. -' . ~ . - I , ! ()t' In m )'Wile, apPlrt8l. nlng, IlndthtreY8reion anareyersJ.()ns, remal naer apd rema 1n4ere, rents ,i I .' . . .' .' ...', . .., I ,1seue. .nd,'proflts thereof, arid all the est8te,'rl$~t, tltle~ interest, ala 1m 01' demana what- 1 l,- . ,. . . , lSGenr ~< oft~e, sald 81'&ntor, eUher lnl.aw or In . qui t,~ o~, 111 and to the above deeorl bed ' I,. _, j i premise. ,1i1~tne' hel'e4Ullllent8 ana apPU2'tenanoee & ~~ have ana to hOld the .sald })rem18u : I_bOY. d,e80rlbed, with the aWU2'tenano~.. UD~O 'the.~''-a1a. party of. the, eeoo~d part,,1ts SUOOeBSOr~ i~~ a.slsn8;, tor.ver., 'F ". . I . jud ~~e' iJalctgrantor, tor ,itself, lt8811008880rl ud assigns, dOls her.b) ooyenant, pro- 'J'>~,1m18.'an4 '~8r,., ~o ~na.wlili 8ald grantee, 1te.~8~o,oe8sor8 8I1d8eelp., that it has not dOIlI, , I or .~tf.r.d t()be, 40ne", anJthlns whlr~'b, the eala premises hereb1 grantld' are" or -1 be., in , lan1,lI8Jl11er 'el1oumb~r'd' o~ oh"r,ea; and;-that th. eald preue.s ag~l18t ,all .p:r~~ne la.tull, '. - - ". . . .. '. " . '.. '... ..".... '. . oiA{1m1na' 'the 88JI.{b"thr~ughor u4er it 1r11i.arrant 8Jld ~or.ver def,.na. . .." ,.,. , " I " II WXT~ mDO'. ,.the Grantor ba8 o'aueec1 theee presents tobb. 8ipea b1 its Pre8ident, I ..' . ...." , . lana ~~teste4 bf it.' Seoretar" and 1t8 oorporate seal to be he1"lto aftixea, on the da, and -(,I-'t. l,e~ tlrataboYe written. I , ! &',U)lDARD ftV8T ., 8AvIBG8 lARK: . . (Corpor,ate' ie.i) l,tt.etl ' B.' W. !luklne .eo~etar,. . . - . IJ' ' O. 8. Oe8tle ' President. . , , . 8,t8J1a"rd t1'lltJt. ..-f1np~ank 18 herebt 1,.\\~0I'1!11e4'ana aireot,. .4,' 'to exeoute &Xld deU!Yer''th~ _,boye andtor"olngct..4. I. ',.' " . ." :.. 'I ael'll8l1 J. leuoh ,1f1tl1e88e81 ' Lilli, a:euen, I '" . ,'. -:Donald Oampbell !8~U'lJ. 01' 'JLmOX$' . ,). , .IO~~~"COOX . .)88. ,I I, GIOBGI R~"A~J'!'t ,.I,ot~,hbllo1n an4 tor Bald Oount" 1nthe State aforesaia, 140 he~lbto.rt1~ ~hat O. 8.~.A8!talf 'PreeUel1tot, thl .tan4~a Truet',. aaTinsB la,DJl:, and a. .. ~~8,."."Oretal'f~t _ell) Bau, per80nallv ~,oWll to a. to be the 8._ p,reone who.e I , Ilaa~' U'~ ~b.'1"1~e4- to Q~ tor.IO~,lutl'UM.' 'al .uoh ~e.14Int 8n4' 'Ioretarr. ree~0t1YI1~f , '! .>>~u.4 'D!fot:. ...' 'u. tar in per.on,- an4 aokno.1ec18ea that t.be, .lpe4 ant 'eU"'re4 the ,I _",:,_>.~-.",:::~"::-, . ,....,.. , .~ , .0 -',~ .'" .". ~ ,P ,rl4~~t .hliol,,_ tro. .. _1_~ .0'. .at o. tho tro.. _l_~ Oo.,~} , (.1.00 I. R. at..,., , , ! i 081lOelle4) ; i 1 ~ I ! ; i !