HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2112 41-2:" " -. . .:.;:.~ ~.: . ..:.~ . . ."I.'b,~;:~I1'~'~'~~~"'Of;~.#~t,.,1;"~~~'~blJl"]'T~.,an4."h~1,)i.l~'t .~~~\\tC)r. 'ana , : -'<' '- ':,,'.j ," ,", " _'_'_. ',,"r'''> :'_ :' .""'_' _' ..' " _ _ _'_, _, _ ,'- , "_~-'_- ,'_ ",,;"_-;~-'~-'-r~_'<'_'; -". ." . ,a~lnl.'rator"~40, oo.;.JWi,,~o1at.e' an4: ari.. to an4-.1\)1tbe', .a14 >>uii ot"tlie'-'.oona' >>art :~. _ ;-'-_'-'--"')-"~'-<--'~''':'.~- """', _:-.'_:;.:.....:. - <~.:.".__\. ''-',_ '. --<:.:'(-.-~-~';. ,_;-':'~~;,,-~,_:;, ,....,.;;.:.' _~. __' ,-" ':, _ _',::'...-,_' 4:- ..-:,~' -;- . .-.::. .'..,~. .- _' U..'UOOII'~~' an4a..lp't,' tlljt<'h. ,..u.PId,'\1.. 'o~'th. tj,re';~t ~1;th, '''_ of \bl ..al... ' :lra1':UA,~.,~1~~'~~th'8~:~:...n~~' ar.,1awtullr:.._l.td'l~'t~~il~Pl",ot A!~:t.)IOlllt. '. I ua> ~~det..,~,~ bt', .a~~t~" O~,: t.nh~I'~1;~?e of ~nfl~ .~i '114, ilnsu1.~" the, at;~^barpbe~' .na 4et ',eor1b.~' pr.ml,'~O. ".1th,t~. .ppurt.~o.~ .thtre"nto b'~O~lna. aud haY',,8004rlpt. tttl1 po.. I .. ~ '. . . .- - . '. - ..,' -' '-.:. _,' _._ . " . ~ .'.. - ", :. '. ", ,t .... .:' . " . '" . . - . . : _ . '. '.' . w'l'a~ la1rh1autborU, t08l'~'~bar8alll.:8111,a40"OIl~'l,the 8~e, In lIWUl.r .n4 f01'll1 .tor:.'al~. '. .And"'batl:.t~.. o.ai4Jt1,rt,~ ,ot the ..o'oua,p.r~.lt.eUOO~'8c>rl or a.B1,ne.ehal1 ana t '. '* '. .' ',:.'. _ .'.' -, - . _ . ..... ' . _ . ~ . -.~. __ ',' -, ;.- : . . . . .'. . '._: - . .. . . . .,.. . _. . . . .l~'~.t :.l).,'lIle~h.rt'tter"~t.Otablt ad qu1.-Ul haT', ~~1A. _UI~, o.ooup~ Pos.... and en.101 I I, 'be .bOTI, 8I'ut.a, pr.mleee, 'ana ,.'"1" part aD4 paro.l'. th.r.ot ,wi th the appuhnano.., ,wi th- j lout '11)' ,itt, eUlt.';\rottbl. I lDo~..t.tJ.on,' ,'fio1;101l or dletvbano. Of~ the ..aU: )artiea otthe I I. tlr.atPa~t't~'l~ 'h.lreana 'aleipa,., 01" an,oiher, pereon 01' per80ne, la.h1~7 '01.1111n, or t~ I I olals ,the ..... And ,th.tth..... ar. noWt trtt. olear, 4180hergtd ana unlnoumberea ot and ~om -. .. " . -' '", . { all former '-:n4 oth.r 81'~~8'.t1tlee" oharg.8,tiJtate,e. .1udptnta,taxee, a.oteB..llts and . I I ,. !t.noWllbrano..ot whatziature and kina ao.ver. I I I 'I I I I I I I tlrst part have h.reunto ..t' th.lr 'handa ADa the 'ea1d ~rt1e80~' tht firet ral't. tor, th.II..1ve. an~ thtlr h.ir., tht aboT.' &e...! .01'1 b.1l and he:r.b7 srant.4, ,nd 1'el..eed prtlD181e, ana .T.r7 part .114 paro.l th.reot. with i ... . - ," ,-,.:';'.'_.. ~ .. -.0' - " . _' . .'. . t th, appurtenano.., untoth. ealdpartJ at the 8eoondpart 1 t. eUOO'B80r8 and a8sips, agains1; . . ',' '.' . . I the eaU'-'par$l" otthe: fir.t part, kD4thelr helr8. and agdnet, .~l .nd.y.r7 p~r.,!)l1otl per~ , . '. " .. ',. . ' ..,' ,. I son. whomsoever lawt:ul170l',1a1118 01' to' o1a1Ja ',th. ..... 01' aD7 part thereot, .hall and will I warrant andb7 the.e pr,esent8tor.ver 'detend. . . to" 1. IIIWITUSS WBBBBO'.ti1e eaid partha ot'tht I- - - '. - . _ . . . '. - . ~a 8..1 th.a~7and ~ar aboTe writttn. tlg11s4; ,8,e.l.a anI 1)e11~.1".d in Preseno. ot "I: , ' . Rub7 SWaln, t , II.B. Golaell1th Prank O. &padUo Laura o. 8pa4aro (~iU) L~) , _ t . 8'.US or ILORIDA ) '. .' ... ) 88. COUIflYO' 8'1. LUCU.) HtT RlQI1U'RllRRn. Tbat on th1e 28 d8)' ot 'ebrual'J A. D. 1920. betore II' the eubeoriber, I I . . . .... c .' . . a 10tll'JPu,bl1o per.onall, appear.d r. C. 8paaaro ana Lava O. apadaro, hl. 1.1te.wh6 I am . . '. ~ - ,.... .:.' '. ;J.. . .' . . .atlatleaar. ~e lnd1Ti4ual,'4.aol'lbed in aDA who exeout.atbe tor ego 1118 atta,all! ao- kno..ltd~'dd thatt,~.,~x.out.~ the, 8am.' tor the ~e8 ana pvpo.... thtre1ne~r'8eea. .AI1aI,tuJither o'l't1fJ ~hat'th' 8al"'Ia~.Oli:8118c1al"o1r1f. ot the lald,. C. ~aaarOt 0111 . . ~ . . ~. - . " ( '. ".,1. ,:n.. pt;.,:. 0.:;:~:.,0.:'. ~:.:. .:::~::04:~.::~;~:~n~0::::; ~:. .::~:n:~::~:::~. : 00l18tralJlt, apprehend 011 or. tear'ot or trOll her .ald huabana. : '" 'tlO:'::::~: Un4 ..'40ttiol010..1., ...'tpum in 'o1~ ib no" 004 _"to, tho 40F 004 : I ! I Rub, 81rala '. . . i ',F , ' ' 10t_17 Publlo, 't.~. ,ot llarl4a at Larg.) I l,o~ar.v"~i' "Commle.lo~.eSpir..loY.mb.r 16, 1928~ , , I , f j I j I I I I ,[ - ,'_ -. -... / _ . -!' ~ ,'_" -. _ ,,' . f.- . . - - . -. . ,",).e4 ,anA ".001'4,4 'thU 3r4. deJ.. o~ JIa~Ch. ~.~ D,. .1t20. ~.'- .-'_ - ,', . -. . '-. t_ . '- _ . ,_ , _' - ~ _ . ,. 0. IUr.A. Ol.rk Ciroult .ovt. <Bt,,>'CZ~:L ,dta4 .r:'jJ~,C'~: "lOt'..t.'..&1)~' '._' .." . J~_..':.__. ..," . ... .- - ~. ,- " . ~ - , . . . 1)1 , ......... i', ,l" - a . ~' ,': ",,:,,<!~~,tl~I~~y~ll