HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSSRANEY COMPONENTS ai1Ci( 19900 Independence Blvd. Groveland, FI 34736 omponents, LLC one: (352)429-9429 - (352)429-0304 - Fax: (352)429-7429 Cover Sheet Order # JOB # 136DCS004 Printed: Fri, Oct 27 2017 goo inrormarion: Address: FOR Name and License Number. ,ustomerName: Creekside Lot 4 )R Horton 3147 Tidewater Cir lescription: City, State, 27p: �EAB Aria "C' Fort Pierce, FL L din Information oa g Root Loads: Floor Loads: TC Live: TC Dead: BC Live: BC Dead: TC Live; TC Dead: BC Live: BC Dead: 20 7 0 10 0 0 0 0 Bldg. Code. Wind Sid: Wind Speed: Bldg. Useage: Building Type: Wind Type: FBC 2014 RES ASCE 7-10 160 Residential - CAT II C MWFRC & C&C w/M Pages or sheets covered by this seal from: 1 thru 22 Total 22 # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO 1 Al 2 AtA 3 A2 4 A3 5 A4 6 A5 7 A6 8 A7 9 A8G 10 A9G 11 B1 12 B2GE 13 CiGE 14 Mvi 15 MV2 16 V1 17 ER 18 EVA 19 BJ5 20 8J3 21 BJ1 22 0J7 SO 4 Digitally signed by Manuel Martinez i DN:c=US, o=ldenTnut ACES Business nuelRepresentative, ou=M AND E ' ASSOCIATES P.A, m=Manuel Martinez, 0.92342.1920 D300.100.1.1-AO 10980000 • 0014B4CFKBFE960000211F Y50:48 -04'W IDate:20t7.10301 ��Adobe Acrobat DC version: & 2015.006.30352 TMltetsEk eory okCizvtdsz zi ad madualadby IlAas-AManincz•, m. tk.p4at!2{dn the ax,s!tiv'an vf,±!�g a 514A,L acttenfiase- ~ t�tad c�ieta#tt�s �uc.a�: n5t co�Aa�'a8 38nasi srod :sal4d M the BHA.•I rnt c'a93 esralc'n ti{4`av r3fd�f �i1u rc1cUn7tn —ins.. .. Page 1 of 1 a• �iAe 1co Job Number: 136DC3004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 692773 ! T11 / COMN R 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" I Qty: 8 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: Al Wgt: 221.2 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 T10" 144"7 19'4" 24'3"9 30'10" 38'8" T10" 6'67 4'11"9 4'11"9 6'6"7 T10" E=5X6 13X4 D Fa3X4 12 6 p o (a) 1�1 5X6 05X6C (a) (a) G =4X6(A2) B A H=-4X6(A2) I P O N M L K J 912X4 =3X6 =3X4 =3X8 =3X4 =3X6 1112X4 4W4I 5'0"l 4'0 5941 3114 1� 77'88""1112' 4011 47 2831"2 8'82 ' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) DeflICSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in for. Udell U# LOG R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.168 L 999 240 B 1606 /692 / 936 ! - / 433 18.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.367 L 999 180 H 1606 / 692 / 936 / - /- 18.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL): 0.153 J - - B Min Big Width Req = 1.9 NCBCLL: 0 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Code / Misc Criteria CreepFactor: 1.5 H Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 Soffit: 2.00 2.0 TCDL: 4.2 psi BCDL: 5.0 sf P Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.615 9 g Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.548 Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.616 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 17.01.01A.0723.13 A - B 27 0 E - F B - C 1398 -2866 F - G 1083 -1835 1219 -2327 "Lumber C - D 1219 -2326 G - H 1399 -2867 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) D - E 1082 -1835 H -1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bat chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - P 2484 -1085 M - L 1989 -774 j P- O 2481 -10M L- K 2482 -1092 Bracing" (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on O - N 2481 -1084 K - J N - M 1988 -750 J - H 2482 -1092 2485 -1092 member. Or 1x4 "T" reinforcement. 80%length of�� �,#�°�- � web member. Same species & SRB grade or better, °r� wig, " attached with 8d Box or Gun (0.113"x2.5",min.)nails Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) , " @ 6" oc. a Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. No 047142 P - C 289 -13 M - F 457 - 710 Tray Scab(s) % C - N 388 - 565 F - L 476 - 204 (1) 2x4x0-3-11 x SP #3 scab at each end. Attach - N - D 475 -204 L - G 388 -565 scab to face of chord with: Nails @ 8" oc, plus BRG.: heel: 1stSTATE ' D - M 457 - 709 G - J 289 -15 additional nail clusters at: (0), (0), (0). E - M 1320 -720 panel point: Loading Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide ' p� clearance. �' . • y- ,— Wind 40t31 3E FF 55,81,80 BB 7F48 00 99:2E 95 FB Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C.sieenrfelz sgnad�a8x�al°dbgtAas3lAaetz, $FL, tPr..Gtii292(�rna�axF3JwivnaEtw�it^.'tngs3N�i 4°Ij t1�1$iSYt�i}ff5 t�o.'CT2i:Ei�9 Li+Yt LT.fiFt3SY7T-uY�'f11F3s.�3'� Sialdltf ;�E ttrz.'Lag.R9tant�tcaair:�et^tuC�rat3f�.:.tao am•�dcctmra3:: . "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT— FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating9 handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building for to these functions. Installers Component Safety Information, by TPI ana'SBCA) safety practices prior performing shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 1310, (fifer as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and positionl as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. to drawings 16CA-Z for standard plate positions. AI ine, a division of ITW Buildingg�Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawin any failure to build the truss in ANSI 1, for handling installation bracing trusses.A seal on this drrawing conformance with or shippirilq, and of or cover page, , listing this drawing indicates acceptance of prot'ession and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility I engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this'oUs general notes pacie and these web sites: ALPINE: www.at ine!hw.com: TPI: www, inst.o ; SBCA wwwsbandu .corn; IM www.iccsafe.org Job N!; ber: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 692775 / T22 / COMN 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: A1A Wgt: 257.6 Ibs .. / ... 10/27/17 �19'4�" 2478 'r;:1 1 31 12 7'10" 14'4"8 iT10"4 2�_1'1"1�2 30'10" 388" 7'10" 6'6"6 3'S"12 r 1�9"1� 6'6"8 7'10" F=5Xfi I92X4 �3X6 E26X10 63(4 6X4 =5X10 =3X8 16(4 L7' 7'8"13 4'3"3 2'2"12 3'9"4 3' 3'S"4 2'2"12 4'3"4 7'8"12 1� f T813 12' 14'2"1 18'�, 21' 24'S"4 26'8" 30'11"4 38'B" Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "'I 3B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Snow Criteria (P9,Pf in PSF) DeflICS1 Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.180 O 999 240 B 1523 1690 / 935 / - / 433 / 8.0 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.416 O 999 180 J 1523 1690 / 935 1- / - / 8.0 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.092 L - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS HORZ(TL): 0.213 L - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.8 Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 J Min Big Width Req = 1.8 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI:. 0.584 Bearings B & J are a rigid surface. TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.557 Bearings B & J require a seat plate. Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.834 FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. WAVE VIEW Ver: 17.01.01A.0723.13 A - B 27 0 F - G 1406 -2320 B - C 1395 -2690 G - H 1351 -2379 C-D 1211 -2132 H-1 1211 -2132 D - E 1337 - 2330 1- J 1395 - 2690 E- F 1372 - 2263 J- K 27 0 '. . 40015A38 f`F 58 8180 BB7F48 00 99 2E 85 FB M lsa t as 8ttecseVd waizi by PCBW ttl*r; aszthentlraacaals, E�r�tsz�a er�ins�rcf� sirr�:xm: araxcazra�f£crad n:xxaa toad wt tl .=:.-"as�3aenf a9f asec 9e msave axe:msrliiaef:marp c�sctrmr plus: Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Camp. B - U 2327 -1081 P - N 12 -6 U - T 2324 -1081 N - M 2324 -1090 T - S 2324 -1081 M - L 2324 -1090 S- R 12 - 5 L- J 2327 -1091 Q - O 1847 - 646 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. U-C 293 -12 F-O 962 -619 C-S 390 -581 O-P 36 -2 S - D 247 -681 O - G 140 -44 S - Q 2129 - 871 O - H 509 -227 D- Q 331 0 O- N 2190 - 920 E-Q 149 -42 H-N 312 -796 Q - R 45 - 2 N - I 391 - 582 Q - F 935 - 607 I - L 293 -15 **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS wire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Safety Information, by TPI and'SBCA) toy safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary SCSI. Unless noted o�therwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or TO, AppTy plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to 60A-Z for standard plate positions. a division of -1 PI 1, or for h acceptance any structure its drawing,any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page, ie design shown. The suitability Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635711 / T7 / SPEC 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 2 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: A2 Wgt: 221.2 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 7'10" 144"7 f9' 24'3"9 30'10" 38'8" 7'10" 6"7 4'7"9 5'39 6'6"7 T10" =5X6 E 03X4 D F,3X4 12 6 p o (a) �4 5X6 �5X6 C (a) (a) `' Cl) =4X6(A2) B H=4X6(A2) P O N M L K J 012X4 =3X6 =3X4 =3X8 =3X4 =3X6 1112X4 r1' 7'8"12 4'3"4 2'0"1 10'6"2 2'0"1 4'3"4 78"12 1� 7'8"12 12' 1 14' 1 24'7"1 26'8" 30'11"4 38'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defi L/# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.168 L, 999 240 B 1606 / 684 / 934 ! - / 427 / 8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.367 L 999 180 H 1606 / 684 / 934 ! - / - / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL): 0.153 J - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 H Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 Soffit: 2.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.615 Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.548 Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.616 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01 D.0314.13 A-B 27 0 E-F B - C 1379 -2866 F - G 1061 -1835 1199 -2326 Lumber C - D 1199 -2326 G - H 1379 -2867 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) D-E 1061 -1835 H-1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - P 2484 -1066 M - L 1989 - 769 P - O 2481 -1066 L - K 2482 -1077 Bracing 40 O-N 2481 -1066 K-J 2482 -1077 (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on member. Or 1x4 "T" reinforcement. 80% length 1% OW, e ,� °-" N - M 1988 -731 J - H 2485 -1077 of web member. Same species & SRB grade or better, . sv�. , * io Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) attached with 8d Box or Gun (0.113"x2.5",min.)nails 6" oc. _ » Webs Tens.Comp. Webs , Tens. Comp. " P-C 289 -13 M-F 463 -709 TrayScab(s) eam Aw C - N 388 - 565 F - L 476 - 204 (1) 2x4x0-3-11 x SP #3 scab at each end. Attach to face Nails 8" 106 Aw ft N - D 475 -204 L - G 389 -565 scab of chord with: @ oc, plus additional nail clusters at: BRG.: (0), heel: (0), 1st D - M 463 - 708 G - J 289 -15 panel point: (0). TT' F » M - E 1319 -724 1.4 Loading Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide # clearance. # � Wind 40 015A 38 FF 513 8180 857F AS CO 99 iE S5 FIB Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. ThUt npza 7z rnd 6=lad by 3traru-A Mirk , �lvtamAwb3 .tetztrs PE(ai.[<..C$i.t32.t 91&Y.'E�iuA $.tL 8hfa6'itk abaw if iag a SHA.'I A9..C'fii3t79`xC7S cede. tea d notmraldmad:mo d clad ambxhx�3'asadscstka nasmse3amxa7iba dfbdm clecu=k radius: "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT"" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, Col Safety Information, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building by TPI and SBCA) for safe bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall 4ave y practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral applicable. Appty to face truss restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections the Joinf Details, B3, B7 or 610, (2efer to as plates each of and position drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. as shown above and on unless noted otherwise. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildingg�Components Group Inc. shall truss ANSI PI 1, for handling not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the installation bracing trusses.A this drawing in conformance with or shipping, listing this drawingg indicates acceptance of professiona and of seal on or cover page_ . engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this 7iawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this'ob's general notes pageand these web sites: ALPINE: www.al ineftw.com; TPI: www. inst.o ' SBCA www.sbcindu .wm' ICC: www.imsefe.ong Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635709 / T6 / HIPS 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 2 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: A3 Wgt: 236.6 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 2 "+ "4 300" + 38W4112 ~44'B2'95 412 T10"T10' 25X6 --5X6 E F ih 3(A2) 162X4 m3X6 =4X10 =3X4 =4X10 m3X6 p12X4 �1' 7'8"13 4'3"3 22"12 5'1"4 5'1"4 2'2"12 4'3"3 78"13 11 7'8"13 12' 14'2°1 19'4" 24'5 4 26'B" 30'11"3 38'8" Loading Criteria (pso Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TOLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# LOG R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph PY NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.164 G 999 240 B 1626 / 694 / 940 / - / 385 18.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.355 G 999 180 1 1626 / 694 / 940 / - /- / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 K - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: CHORZ(TL): 0.152 K - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 1.5 1 Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 TCDL: 5.psf Bearings B & I are a rigid surface. MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: .0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.617 9 Load Duration: 1.25 TPI Sid: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.555 Bearings B & I require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 it Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.773 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 it FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 A - B 27 0 F - G 1417 -2316 Lumber B - C 1467 -2911 G - H 1282 -2362 Value Set: 136 (Effective 6/1/2013) C - D 1282 -2361 H - I 1467 -2912D - E 1417 -2315 1- J 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 E - F 1140 -1832 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. i ,[ B - Q 2524 -1149 N - M 1800 -699 Loading+ Q - P 2521 -1149 M - L 2522 -1178 Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom +I" ► P - O 2521 -1149 L - K 2522 -1178 chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide ,' + O - N 1800 - 677 K -1 2525 -1178 clearance. �' Maximum Web Forces Per PI Ibs Wind s Y (Ibs) Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. • Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. w° Q - C 292 -13 N - F 269 -195 C - O 391 - 573 F - M 751 - 502 ' . -1-0 283 - 256 M - G 283 -256 STATE � ��. O - E 749 - 502 M - H 391 -573 E - N 270 -196 H - K 292 -15 40 01 5A 38 FF 56 8180 66 7F48 00 99 2E 85 FB Thit item Y:xs been xkamtka*epp dwJ scaled by kAn , Jkurtincs, ?E (&l. itc.C�iT:HZl anCia @a4c stmeirsarxa�a tr'ng a SHA>i au^thertica3izes st ~tin eva�tad zrup�szct'this docer�ratam nc�t crosaidcaed s�nr¢s arsd seated and rise 5z�awT autkientsattst�zade nr�t La acdtsd � acrpdectmnis caa�ias. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS quire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building f Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryv BCSI. Unless noted o�herwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly i�id ceilingg Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 810, 11e.- Appfyr plates to each face, of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. (Zefer to a division of for any its drawing,any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page re design shown. The suitability these Truss Label: Arba'C" //DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" I Wgt 239.4 Ibs I FROM: AH 707 / T5 /HIPS I DRW % 10/27/17 I 7'10" 12 6 05X6 1 4X6( Ajg 19'4" 23'8" 4'�"'.,,10 30'10" 38'8" 4'4" 4'4" �"10 6'4"6 + T10" -5X6 1112X4 =5X6 E F G 112X4 D H 112X4 k-5X6 m I f7 J=4K6(A2) F1' R 112X4 7'8"12 4'3" 7'8"12 12' Q P O N M =3X6 =3X8 =3X8 =3X8 =3X6 2'2"12 5'1"4 5'1"10 2'2"6 14'2"1 U4" 24'5"10 26'8" L 1112X4 4'3"4 T'8 2 30'11"4 38'8" 1� Loading Criteria (pst) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pt in PSF) DefllCSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TOLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in foe Udefl U# Loc R / U /. Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.164 F 999 240 B 1612 / 696 / 938 / - / 345 18.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.357 F 999 180 J 1613 / 697 / 938 / - /- / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 L - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Mean Height: 15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.153 L - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 42 sf p Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 1.5 J Min B Width Re r9 q = 1.9 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0-psf Bldg Ca g de: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.612 Bearings B & J are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.554 Bearings B & J require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.624 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01 D.0314.13 A - B 27 0 F - G B - C 1497 -2882 G - H 1270 -2048 1465 -2279 Lumber _ Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1l2013) C - D 1313 -2332 H -1 1314 -2335 D - E 1465 - 2276 I - J 1497 - 2882 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 E - F 1270 -2048 J - K 27 0 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber value set "1313" uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Camp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSO Loading MAP R-Q 2495 -1184 N-M 2496 -1213 Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wider;+ Q - P 2495 -1184 M - L P O 1933 L J 2496 -1213 2499 clearance. 6 - -792 - -1213 V" - Wind No 0' Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. 'ft Webs Tens.Comp. Webs p' Tens. Coin P� R-C 291 -13 O-G 260 -171 ow, om C - P 393 - 572 G - N 709 - 542ox , il 0 " SE D - P 349 -231 N - H P-E 710 N-1 345 -230 391 * Ai -545 -571 as v. E - O 259 -171 I - L 291 -15 F-O 210 -232 40015A 39 FF5681BOBB7F4800992E85Fla akhIternh24bomcrac sd nad'ass9zaa1adWMas eMarttnes, E(A.M047.t971 an thea swkkl azzhent muzn di tad"pin ofthisdwsxs:Awenot awzJ&and tqnedand=lad and the S�5b2 av9hc t1coLmcede muse taawarifttd en mydectrark ta'vim: "WARNING- READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI '"IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted dtherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathingp and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing InsTalled per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildingp Components Group Inc; ,shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIffPI 1, or for handling shipping, installation and bracing of UUSSes.A seal on this drawing or cover page, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of pro�es�sionA engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing, for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. • Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635705 / T4 / HIPS 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 2 FROM: AH DRW. Truss Label: A5 Wgt: 215.6 Ibs .. / _.. 10/27/17 T "9 13' 19'4" 25'8" 30'97 38'8" T10"9 5'1"7 6'4" 6'4" 5'1°7 7'10"9 =6X6 1112X4 TD E im 6F 12 6 �3X4C C' g3x4 \V10 co r• =4X6(AA2) B H=4X6(A2) P O N M L K J 012X4 m4X6=3X4 =3X8 m3X4=4X6 1112X4 7'8"13 4'3"3 1' 6"" 6'4" 1' 4'3"3 7'8"13 1� 7'8"13 12' 13 19'4" 25'8" 26' " 30'11"3 38'B" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Def1/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl L/# Lac R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.176 E 999 240 B 1616 1699 / 931 / - / 304 / 8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.383 E 999 180 H 1616 / 699 / 931 / - /- / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.071 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL): 0.154 J - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Code / Misc Criteria CreepFactor: 1.5 H Min Brg Width Req = 1.9 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.633 9 p TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.513 Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: hJ2 to In Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.412 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 it FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 A - B 27 0 E - F 1435 -2373 Lumber B - C 1531 -2878 F - G 1387 -2425 C - D 1387 -2424 G - H 1531 -2879 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) D - E 1435 -2373 H -1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP 91 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber value set "138" uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - P 2493 -1213 M - L 2103 - 949 P-0 2491 -1213 L-K 2491 -1242 Loading O - N 2491 -1213 K - J 2491 -1242 Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom N - M 2103 -920 J - H 2494 -1243 chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide`' clearance. ' �# " , Z - Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. + P - C 263 -14 M - F 388 -236 C - N 369 -487 F - L 483 -224 D - N 482 -225 L - G 368 -488 ft D - M 388 - 236 G - J 263 -16 E-M 301 -376 CY . �. ON SERIAL 40 01 SA 38 FF 50 8130 85 7F49 00 99 2E'85 F8 ThU itemttas bem cledm9ciAo i$pad =6 sealed by rAwf jmzrtrae3, a€ (a, tie.a•Sa.Ssz! �, O,�ssata ahawr$ aba�s uslag asNSwi a,,-thentacazE� axrd a. Pttgtcu c��s,zdYf�s dstarm stet ccrui�,ixad sagas*dar,� saa�u aad the-S,rl maent"Sa tcede mmt ba acdf'sed m avy dectwnk rs�ias: *"WARNING"" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses reqquire extreme care in fabricatingp handlin shipping, installing and bracing. _ Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Componen[ Safety Information, by TPI and'SBCA) toF safety practices prior to performmg these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryy bracing per BCSI. Unless noted ojherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propefly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join9Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page_ listing this drawing indicates acceptance of protessiona engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this'oUs general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: www.al ineitmoom: TPI: www. inst.o ; SBCA www.sbcindu .com; IM www.iccsafe.o Job Number: 136DCS004 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Truss Label: A6 I Ply: 1 Qty: 2 Wgt: 218.4 Ibs SEQN: 635703 / T3 / HIPS FROM: AH DRW. 1 ... 10/27/17 11' 61 2 "23 '1"1 9 76 0 3818"19 3'1"8 24 8TT11006 7'10"8 i 6X6 112X4 =5X6 112X4 1a6X6 D E F G H T 6 12 (� �3X4C I�3X4 T 0 oCD M 1=4X6(A2)B A Jm4X6(A2) K �3 S R Q P O N M L 1112X4 =-3X4=3X6 ==3X8 ==3X8 =3X6=3X4 1112X4 1' 7'B"12 f' 3'3"4 4'6"1 5'7"12 4'6"3 1' 7'8"12 1' 7'8"12 11' 16'6"1 22'1"13 26'8" 27' " 38'8" 1, 334 I 3�'i Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefi U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf. NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.173 F 999 240 B 1523 / 701 / 918 ! - ! 263 / 8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.399 F 999 180 J 1523 1701 1918 / - /- / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: If Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.065 L - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL): 0.149 L - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.8 NCBCLL: 00 Mean Height: 15,00 ft Code / Misc Criteria CreepFactor. 1.5 J Min Brg Width Req = 1.8 Soffit: 2.00 2. TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.602 Bearings B & J are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Sid: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.504 Bearings B & J require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 it Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.421 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft. FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 A -B 27 0 F - G 1604 -2475 Lumber B - C 1561 -2676 G - H 1604 -2475 C - D 1499 -2347 H - I 1499 -2347 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/l/2013) D - E 1604 -2475 1- J 1661 -2676 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 E - F 1603 -2475 J - K 27 0 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Chord Forces Per Ply Lumber value set "l3B" uses design values 9 Chards Tens.Comp. Chords Tens.Camp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - S 2312 -1238 O - N 2048 -1059 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C.�a �� AP " S - R 2309 -1238 N - M R - Q 2047 -1029 M - L 2048 -1059 2309 -1267 e Q - P 2047 -1029 L - J 2312 -1267 P - O 2493 -1298 ._ NO 71 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) wZ Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. aso S - C 236 -19 F - O 88 -93 , Oj C-R 332 -417 G-O D- R 397 O- H 242 -279 606 -25B D P 606 H M -379 397 - -379 - -258 E - P 241 -279 M -1 P-F 88 -94 I-L 331 -416 235 -21 40 015A38 Ff 58 8180 8137E 48 00 90 2E 95 FB Stair limmhaatcc»ekcr ys wad zatualadby rit za lMartbams, :?s. (FL. a asaffiiersbsaemda. aasatad ct5xsmrrfs cunt•.•.<.r arm notasnsacd �and.sa4ad and th¢�A 'S auiffim�ticrtccsaec�lmra+nt izamarbftedratarsy adaztrmtsk rarylm. -WARNING'- READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT"' FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted o-therwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing insiailed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plater to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint- Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildingp Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page_ listing this drawing indicates acceptance of rofessiona engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this q�awing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI1TPI 1 Sec.2. Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635701 / T2 / HIPS 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 2 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: A7 [Wgt:214.2lbs / ... 10/27/17 f' 7'8"12 �9' , 14'3"12 19'4" 244"4 + 29'8" 30'1�"4 38'8" i 7-8"12 1'3"4 5'3"12 50"4 5'0"4 5'3"12 1'3" 7'8"12 o5X6 =3X4 m5X6 m3X4 Z5X6 D E F G H l� R Q P O N M L I` =-3X4 =3X6 =3X4 ==-3X8 3X4 ==-3X6 =3X4 F1' 7'10"8 4'1"8 2'0"4 5'3"12 5'3"12 2'04 41"8 '7'10"8 1� 7'10"8 12 14'0"4 19'4" 247°12 26'8" 30'98 38'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BOLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bet chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf In PSF) Deft/CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in foe Udefl U# Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.222 F 999 240 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.513 F 898 180 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.070 L - - HORZ(TL): 0.160 L Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.556 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.559 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.478 FT/RT.20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 40 01 5A38 FF 58 8180 BB 7F48 00 99 2€ 85 FB TUU lie hm bz'm d wd Word by t to .l kurttacs ?£ E&i.. th..C#Y?.&2I cntA¢da3E.shuwn a6mse Ming a SNR•3 ati2hcrittra�saw,.ade, P'isatsd c"eafttus docrrzaat ms not cns+Y&mds nrriand;salad and ttae Esa-Z autrientkat�=c*de mutbe aevdif dmaayd"Indnk =ias. ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W B 1523 /703 /900 /- /222 /8.0 J 1523 /703 /900 /- /- /8.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Min Brg Width Req = 1.8 J Min Brg Width Req = 1.8 Bearings B & J are a rigid surface. Bearings B & J require a seat plate. Y Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A- B 27 0 F- G 1927 -3075 B - C 1593 - 2686 G - H 1802 - 2842 C - D 1758 -2638 H - I 1758 -2638 D - E 1802 - 2842 1- J 1593 - 2686 E- F 1927 - 3075 J- K 27 0 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - R 2323 -1266 O - N 2873 -1554 R-Q 2187 -1142 N-M 2187 -1172 Q-P 2187 -1142 M-L 2187 -1172 P - O 2873 -1543 L - J 2323 -1295 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - R 400 - 328 O - G 273 -155 R - D 491 -422 G - N 355 -484 D - P 883 - 527 N - H 883 - 527 P - E 355 -484 H - L 491 -422 E - O 273 -155 L - I 400 - 328 F - O 198 - 265 `"WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS 7uire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building [Safety Information, bVy TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryv BCSI. Unless noted olherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathingg and bottom chord shall have a properly �id ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing msialled per BCSI sections B3, 67 or 610, e. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details. unless noted otherwise. (2efer to a division of any of the failure to build the g or cover page . _ in. The sui bdlty SBCA: Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 1 SEQN: 635721 / T10 / SPEC 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: A8G Wat: 226.8 Ibs I I ... / ... 10/27/17 � 19"1 2' 2 7' 12'8 17'64 19W 26' 31'8" 38W 7' 5'8"I 4'10"4 1'9"1 4'10"4 548" 7' II16X8(R) 1113X4 =5X6 =8X8 =5X6 1113X4 !lI6X8(R) 12 C D TC2 E F G H TC3 I T 6� 0 T =4X6(ABA2) j J=4K6(A2)� 1 S R Q- P N M- 6 L 1113X4 =4X6 1114X6(R) 1114X6(R) =6X8 1t3X4 T112 4'10 771"12 12' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: ' 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.87 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 :TC2, TC3 2x6 SP #1: Bet chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP 93 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Special Loads (Lumber Dur.Fac=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac =1.25) TC- From 56 plf at -1.00 to 56 plf at 7.00 TC- From 28 plf at 7-00 to 28 plf at 19.33 TC- From 56 plf at 19.33 to 56 pif at 31.67 TC- From 56 plf at 31.67 to 56 plf at 39.67 BC- From 4 plf at -1.00 to 4 pif at 0.00 BC- From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 pif at 7.03 BC- From 10 plf at 7.03 to 10 plf at 12.00 BC- From 10 pif at 12.00 to 10 pif at 19A6 BC- From 20 plf at 19.06 to 20 plf at 26.67 BC- From 20 plf at 26.67 to 20 pif at 38.67 BC- From 4 plf at 38.67 to 4 plf at 39.67 TC- 200 lb Conc. Load at 7.03 TC- 171 lb Conc. Load at 9.06,11.06,13.06,15.06 17.06 TC- 174 lb Conc. Load at 19.06 BC- 513 lb Conc. Load at 7.03 BC- 127 lb Conc. Load at 9.06,11.06,13.06,15.06 17.06,19.06 Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS_ 5' 12'8" 8" 5'1"12 3'0"8 5'1"12 8" 4'10"4 7'1." 1 2 17'9"12 20'& 26' 6 31'6"4 38'8" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.080 S 999 240 B 1513 1747 / - 1- 1- / 8.0 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.188 S 999 180 O 2910 / 1365 / - / - ! - / 8.0 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.024 P - - N 415 / 134 / - / - / - 18.0 HORZ(TL): 0.058 P - - J 401 / 193 / - / - / - 18.0 Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0-528 B Min Big Width Req = 1.8 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.734 O Min Brg Width Req = 3.4 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.785 N Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 J Min Brg Width Req = 1 FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Bearings B, O, N, & J are a rigid surface. Plate Type(s): Bearings B, O, N, & J require a seat plate. WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 $TAT Fi OF 40 015A38 FF 58 8180 BB 7F 49 00 99 2E 95 FB Thu lkombmbekam&o4Mpad FA2r 1Marttn= P£ (ri.. Lk."7192.1 "the WA r. aiat3tent�atiara�a. ftblcdccPdasa4tfitdwmnlrAwonot craasideradd r3and=and and the.: '.a4.2 xrdi+antuat4�"tcie nr t b4vrdficd maaydcctrar& coplas:, Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp - A - B 27 -20 F - G 1348 -646 B - C 1346 -2721 G - H 569 -263 C - D 1070 -2170 H -1 569 -263 D - E 1068 -2169 I - J 138 -296 E - F 169 - 365 J - K 27 -20 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - S 2366 -1147 O - N 610 -1294 S - R 2396 -1154 N - M 258 - 97 R - Q 2396 -1154 M - L 258 -97 Q - P 495 - 243 L - J 246 -103 P - O 219 -453 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - S 720 -158 F - O 1063 - 2237 C - Q 101 -270 O - G 420 -769 D - Q 506 - 645 G - N 896 - 427 Q - E 2059 -1015 H - N 256 -321 E - P 878 -1556 N - I 347 -798 P- F 2025 - 968 L- I 282 0 "WARNING- READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! -IMPORTANT'" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS s reqquire extreme care in fabricatingg handlin shipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building nenf Safety Information, b TPI anf7 SBCA) to)safety practices prior to pertormrng these functions. Installers shall provide temporary er BCSI. Unless noted o�herwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheaihinp and bottom chord shall have a properylr y riggid ceiling Locations shown for permanent�lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing insTalled per BCSI sections 63, 67 or 610, icable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. f2efer to )s 160A-Z for standard plate positions. a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page this drawing, indicates acceptancefe of prossional engineering responsibility solely_for the design shown. The suitability any Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635699 / T19 / HIPS 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton AEAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW. Truss Label: A9G Wgt: 215.6 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 7' 7' 56""4h I 2 +338'8" 64 942 669"112 14 + 7' 11 m6X8 a7X8 m6X8 m6X6 TC2 12 C—avar"•s D E F TC3 G PPPPP' M 0 0 h- P O N M L U 'K J 1112X4 m5X6oH0308 =6X12 mH03O8m5X6 1112X4 264"i 12W 1' 6'10"4 5'4" 1'9"1 5'4" 5'4" 1'9"1 5'4" 6'10"4 1' } 6'10"4 12'24 + 14' 19'4" F 24'8" F26'5"12 31'4"12 387 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 0.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.87 It Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 :TC2, TC3 2x6 SP #1: Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W4, W6 2x4 SP #1: Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bracing (a) Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on member. Or 1 x4 "T" reinforcement. 80% length of web member. Same species & SRB grade or better, attached with 8d Box or Gun (0.113"x2.5",min.)nails @ 6" oc. Plating Notes ("")1 plate(s) require special positioning. Refer to scaled plate plot details for special positioning requirements. Tray Scab(s) (1) 2x4x0-3-11 x SP #1 scab at each end. Attach scab to face of chord with: Nails @ 8" oc, plus additional nail clusters at: BRG.: (0), heel: (0), 1st panel point: (0). Loading #1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. fi to (10(B3) Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.154 D 999 240 B 1764 / 813 / - / - ! - / 8.0 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.359 D 879 180 Q 4124 11841 ! - / - / - / 8.0 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.044 M - - H 228 / 127 / - 1- 1- / 8.0 HORZ(TL): 0.102 M - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 1.5 B Min Brg Width Req = 2.1 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.767 Q Min Brg Width Req = 4.9 TPI Sid: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.875 H Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Rep Factors Used: No Max Web CSI: 0.728 Bearings B, Q, & H are a rigid surface. Bearings B, Q, & H require a seat plate. FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE, HS VIEW Ver: 16.02 01D 0314-13 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A - B 27 - 20 E - F 875 -1944 B - C 1494 - 3272 F - G 1883 - 836 C - D 1506 - 3365 G - H 257 -151 D - E 875 -1944 H -1 27 -20 0 SERALk 40015A38FF5081SO3137F4800992E85FB T1alt Itumk=a nsltaressrtaiI?Apdd mdsszladby rAam lMarmtz Pi {R' uc.MIR21 on thx date xfiawn ahnrem sang a 5%.Gi abttiertasasz�Ya, �9^aec+d e�icsraf ihls dar�ssrt arm ne;tearsic'mad si�nat a�nil sealant as.E thz.".o'A"& aen>jcats�s c�a sw+at ba azrif�strasaays9ectra`sk cc3<tas. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - P 2867 -1281 M - L 711 -1656 P - O 2832 -1276 L - K 711 -1656 O-N 3368 -1529 K-J 91 -191 N - M 3368 -1529 J - H 85 -164 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. P - C 611 -117 M - F 4036 -1778 C - O 640 - 276 F - K 1477 - 2695 O - D 287 - 63 K - G 898 - 2040 D - M 733 -1596 G - J 664 -146 E - M 641 - 792 —WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Ire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. ,Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Ire Information, b TPI anr7 SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary BCSI. Unless noted o�herw!se,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a progpeny l7id ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, 'le. ADDty Dlates to each face of truss and Dosition as shown above and on the Joint Details. unless noted otherwise. (2efer to a division of rfPl 1; or for h acceptance any structure tis drawing,any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page to design shown. The suitability Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 635724 / T181 COMN 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 3 FROM: AH DRW. Truss Label: B1 Wgt: 93.8 Ibs .. / ... 10/27/17 6'4"8 6'4"8 12 6 p m N rn =3X4(A1) B A 1, 6'2"12 6712 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TOLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 it NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:6.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :Rt Slider 2x8 SP #1: BLOCK LENGTH = 1.500' Lumber value set "l36" uses design values approved 1130/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. 9'8. + 12'11"8 + 18. TY8 3'3"8 5'0"8 D=5X6 03X4 C K J I 1112X4 m3X4 =3X8 E �3X4 ua f� F %3X4 N G 1113X10(E5) yT 1 M 5'4" 12'8" 1'9"4 1 8" 3'S"4 4'10"12 13'1"4 18, Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl1CS1 Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefi U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): -0.036 F 999 240 B 617 / 296 / 378 / - / 194 / 8.0 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): -0.042 F 999 180 L 442 / 154 / 303 / 0 / 0 18.0 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.022 F - - M 363 / 194 1232 / - /- 18.0 HORZ(TL): 0.026 F - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.395 L Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.298 M Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.179 Bearings B, L, & M are a rigid surface. Bearings B, L, & M require a seat plate. FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE VIEW Ver: 16.02.01D.0314.13 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Camp. A- B 27 0 D- E 684 -445 B - C 816 - 804 E - F 602 - 374 C-D 647 -452 F-G 614 -414 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B-K 659 -656 I-H 612 -808 K - J 656 - 655 H - G 299 - 398 ,MAP J-1 656 -655 x, Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) y+ " No Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. K-C 234 -44 1-E 228 -136 C -1 495 -420 E - H 332 - 312 D - 1 225 - 392 STATE, 40 01 SA638 FF 56 8180 BB 7F48 00 99.2E &5 FB iiki(!t@15aat'iZL�� ala�rrysrt9dmad.mAlAd fly 6BAIiHtk� :m£ €a. Lk.C4nuij an the daw stown abo m a^.�rg;a sxa.a m,tnd Zft—.°etds tf=t s azw not cmila ads —AMA=led mad iia¢.� mntkaY�sc�le matt bmxcr3fae;fraa aFsrdcctroak_ CRxyia3. —WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS s reqquire extreme care in fabricatingp handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building nenf Safety Information, by TPI and'SBCA) toy safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryy per BCSI. Unless noted oherwise,top chord s�rall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a proppefly tl riggid ceiling Locations shown for permanen lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, icable. Apply plater to each face_ of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to fs 160A-Z for standard plate positrons. a division of ITW Buildint��LComponents Group lnc, shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the conformance with ANSIrtPI 1, or for handlin shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page this drawing, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibflity solely_for the design shown. The suitability any Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 1 SEQN: 704579 / T17 / GABL 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: B2GE Wgt: 119.0 Ibs I / ... 10/27/17 918" + 19'4' 9,8" y,8„ �'- 1'8" -+ 1'4"-� (TYP) Im4X4 19'4' 1, 194' 19'4" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or •=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pt NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): -0.033 S 999 240 B* 91 / 39 / 53 ! - / 16 / 156 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.043 S 999 180 P* 168 / 91 1121 / - /- / 24.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.023 M - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL): 0.027 M - - B Min Brg Width Req = - Mean Height: 15.00 It Code / Misc Criteria Cree Factor. 1.5 Q Min Brg Width Req = - NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf p Bearings B & Q are a rigid surface. Soffit 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.167 9 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.162 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CS 1: 0.120 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: ft Loc. from endwawall: Any FT/RT:20(0)110(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): A - B 27 0 1-1 384 -85 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: B - C 169 -190 J - K 341 -108 Lumber C-D 169 -171 K-L 233 -56 D - E 205 -151 L - M 203 - 76 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) E - F 252 -131 M - N 177 -99 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 F - G 300 -110 N - O 141 -121 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 G - H 351 -89 O - P 37 -80 Webs 2x4 SP #3 H - 1 401 -87 Lumber value set "l38" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Plating Notes Ya Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp - All � All plates are 2X4 except as noted. eras• B -AC 194 -182 W - V 65 -22 a AC -AB 196 -183 V - U 64 22 Wind AB -AA 197 -185 U - T 64 -21 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. e AA- Z 198 -185 T - S 64 -21 � Z-Y 198 -186 S-R 65 -21 Additional Notes+ Y - X 199 -186 R - Q 66 -21 See DWGS A16015ENC101014 & GBLLETIN1014 for X - W 199 -187 Q - P 79 -14 gable wind bracing and other requirements.., V1 SERIAL* 40 015A38 FF 5B 818t) BB 7F 4E 00 99 2E85 FB ziaixilatnexsrs bzen alacYz�ps{gnedzralmd 6y Yaxurl AAarthrrx, PEf M. Lk. C47I82!an the Shawn abm ,ga SFwl a4"df ediG"Ca4i��.ade, F*riated Cntn=aff lsa d=Lmax M Mat Crunsfd'caad Of.1W and staled And 1IN4 WWI a-1ffi0Atk2bQaaa de tamsf Sam arat IW an aay dodfatlk cat<ias. Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. C-AC 112 -55 V-J 145 -28 D -AB 107 - 75 U - K 282 -198 E -AA 99 - 73 T - L 70 - 31 F - Z 100 -73 S - M 66 -25 G-Y 154 -74 R-N 86 -27 H - X 187 - 82 Q - O 323 -189 I-W 40 -242 *'WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! ""IMPORTANT'" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS quire extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building f Safety Information, byy TPI and'SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary BCSI. Unless noted olherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a progpeny id ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, e. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details. unless noted otherwise. kefer to a division of any tis drawing,any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page ie design shown. The suitability Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697166 / T91 GABL 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: C1GE Wgt: 43.41bs / ... 10/27/17 4,2" 8'4" 47 4,2° 1 '6" ��� 1 '4" (TYP) E=4X4 12 6 D F C Gto N O 2X4(A1)B H=2X4(A1) T I UI N M L K J 8-4" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# LOG R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf. NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): -0.026 K 999 240 B 375 / 173 / 251 / - / 118 / 8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): -0.030 K 999 180 H 375 1173 / 251 1- / - / 8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.012 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ(TL):-0.014 D - - B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Mean Height: 15.00 it Code / Misc Criteria Cree Factor. 1.5 H Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf p Bearings B & H are a rigid surface_ Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: D to h/2 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 sf Bldg Cade: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.187 9 p TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.147 Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.058 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: A - B 27 0 E - F 573 -349 Lumber B - C 499 -386 F - G 531 -368 C - D 530 - 368 G - H 500 -386 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) D - E 573 -349 H - 1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bat Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Lumber value set "138" uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - N 316 -282 L - K 313 -272 $ N - M 315 -276 K - J 315 -278 Plating Notes M-L 313 -272 J-H 316 285 All plates are 2X4 except as noted. �p Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) , Wind ., ya ie Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. . C-N 91 -15 K-F 148 -36 Additional NotesV D - M 148 -36 J - G 91 -15 See DWGS A16015ENC101014 & GBLLETIN1014 for E - L 152 -237 gable wind bracing and other requirements. , a TATE OF SERK 40 015A38 FF 5B SiBO BB 7F48 00 99 2E &5 Fla Thu16rn h=beeneka s nedzM seated by uamml btartbnc.-a, FE(a. Uc.C3 WI cn the dace haw" above wJng a SNA+1 ash;crtira&nraja Ptbwd-p =af 6. d==vd ma not ccr 11=if s4pw f=d seabed aas4ti41—K A'2 s ANcAf,c ficAmt!e m w t t t uadfbd m m 4 dv:Im"1 wins. —WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! `"IMPORTANT•` FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses recq7uire extreme care in fabricating, handlin 'shippping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Componenf Safety Information, by TPI an r7 SBCA) to)isafety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise ,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attache tl rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanen lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections 63, 67 or B1 D, as applicable. Apply plates to each face_ of truss and position as shown above and on the JoinfDetails, unless noted otherwise. Nefer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIPI1, or for handlin shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page. . listing this drawingg indicates acceptance of pro essionai engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this 7iawing for any structure is the sponsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this'ob's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE: www.al inedw.com; TPI: www. inst.o ; SBCA: www.sbrindu .com; ICC: www.iccsafe.orcj Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 1 SEQN: 697167 / T20 / VAL 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: MV1 Wgt: 16.8 Ibs .. / ... 10/27/17 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " =&"4 Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Right end vertical not exposed to wind pressure. Additional Notes See DWG VAL160101014 for valley details. 4'3"8 4'3"8 4'3"8 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: N/ Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Code / Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES TPI Std: 2007 Rep Factors Used: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE R DeflICSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(TL): NA HORZ(LL): -0.007 C - - HORZ(TL):-0.008 C - - Creep Factor. 1.5 Max TC CSI: 0.188 Max BC CSI: 0.140 Max Web CSI: 0.111 Mfg Specified Camber: ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or'=PLF Loc R I /Rw /Rh /RL /W D• 75 /16 /52 /- /12 /51.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS D Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing D is a rigid surface. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. A-B 36 -84 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. A-C 151 -15 40 015A 88 FF 5B rap 818'0't„,8.B 7F48 00 99 2E 85 FB di4a mu itemi}StYBb{tLti Hdt� jgewddiaalddhyF7aX�]?.lWrthtz n(Ft. Lk. mxatszI as oe ex sttswn aba aarmsasKi i zvthcwicar4ncode. rsttatadcqlumw+dttasaioa(a=tatava not =Wetondu'ga�a an9c lad ant ttc MWI autftont;c t2mocda moat bx vmfW m=V dr_tmnk =V10a. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. B-C 175 -98 —WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT"` FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS wire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Safety Information, bVy TPI and'SBCA) tot safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary BCSI., Unless noted olherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperty iid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracingq installed per BCSI sections B3, 67 or 610, e. Appty plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Nefer to 60A-Z for standard plate positions. a division of "ipi 1;orforh acceptance any structure its drawing,any failure td build the on this drawing or cover page ie design shown. The suitability Job Number: n I I 168 ! T21 / VAL I EABruss Ar "C/D2 Horton MEAB Aria"C" , FROM: AH DRW:TWgt14.0 Ibs I I / 10/27117 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 it NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP 93 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Additional Notes See DWG VAL160101014 for valley details. *"WARNING— READ AND "IMPORTANT'* FURNISH THIS DRAIN a division of any 12 6 F�:;;- B 1112X4 1— 213"8 P 2t3tt8 2'3"8 T 04 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) DeflfCSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in Ioc Udefl U# Loc R ! U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA D* 75 / 13 / 49 /- / 10 / 27.5 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA Wind reactions based on MWFRS Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 C - D Min Brg Width Req = - HORZ(TL): -0.001 C - Bearing D is a rigid surface. Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.037 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.038 Chords Tens.Comp. Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.030 A - B 19 -37 FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. A-C 76 -7 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. B-C 78 -48 No 047,10.2 40 015A38 FF 5B 81 BO BB 7F 48 00 49.2E 85 FB Stilt liamhra�ualett ' a�ncdaxz9 s�alsd by ktar:�sd Martinez, PF.OL. ttr.CdTIti21 ant e&s&csft�aita a£iama tr.%oga Si%R�3. tantfaa,�3z7 Priataa xs�5xx.arztvs dir_tx�s-�t zaa noresau}dsa�d sf�rter3snd x�iad stab Sh ¢.T..«�:.i an3£tae�aCit�ssmAcrns�[ fanxrsif:edcakaa�dectratsY caylas. LOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS �pmg, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Wty practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide tempora e properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly pi restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, ition as shown above and on theJoin Details, unless noted otherwise. (2efer to shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the pping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page, ,onal engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suifabrhty ions!bility of the Bu!Idinq Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697169 / T1 / VAL 4EAB Ana "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Ana "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: V1 Wgt: 16.8 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BOLL: 0.00 BCDL: %00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " 1'6" 3' 1'6" 1'6" 1"M 3X4(D1) B=3X4=3X4(D1) T A C v Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL:5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP 91 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 113012013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Additional Notes See DWG VAL160101014 for valley details. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: Ni Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Code / Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES TPI Sid: 2007 Rep Factors Used: Yes FT/RT:20(0)110(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE 0 3' 3' Defl/CS1 Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): -0.002 999 240 VERT(TL): 0.003 999 180 HORZ(LL): 0.001 - - HORZ(TL):-0.001 - - Creep Factor. 1.5 Max TC CSI: 0.032 Max BC CSI: 0.044 Max Web CSI: 0.000 Mfg Specified Camber: VIEW Ver: 40 01 SA 38 FF 58 8180 BB 7F48 00 99 2E 85 FB i3ykis¢m'hn $.¢anela ¢¢d.aa sealadbY Mawd Martb= M91.. ur.r�rSsa! ¢eta da2c ahovu4 atxa ung a 5N1 ataih¢rCcat�s¢tsyc. 2a%as¢dc¢pi tctusd b.:¢aaisac "rot cs s6 aad stgwd.2nd miad we di�.�"'-it,.f a�¢s+Uc¢9s`ces¢vada nscY Sac a�'Ni�t rrt sergdc:imr� CIWAm. ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or *=PLF LOG R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W D* 75 / 18 / 35 /- / 5 136.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS D Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing D is a rigid surface. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp_ A-B 125 -115 B-C 125 -115 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. A-C 118 -100 **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS quire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building f Safety Information, byV TPI anc7'SBCA) to'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryY BCSI. Unless noted oTherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly ,iid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing inslalled per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, i e. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. kefer to 60A-Z for standard plate positions. a division of "i PI 1, or for handling Shipp acceptance of professioi any structure is the respor ral notes page and these web sites: failure to build the g or cover pa� ge. rn. The su%bility Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697170 / T15 / EJAC 4EAB Aria "C"/DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 20 FROM: AH DRW. Truss Label: EJ7 I Wgt: 23.8 Ibs .. / ... 10/27/17 I C 12 6 C7 I Cl) N) d' 2X4(A1) B 13 A D 1 r I 7' 7' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TOLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in too Udefl U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA B 336 1 117 / 259 1- / 173 / 8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA D 127 / 20 / 101 / - / - 11.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.021 D - - C 171 / 133 / 91 / - / - / 1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C HORZ L 0.031 D - - ) Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft 9 Code / Misc Criteria CreepFactor. 1.5 B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 2. TCDL: 4.0 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.496 D Min Brg Width Req = - Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 t In Max BC CSI: 0.000 C Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Fa ors Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.00 Rep Bearing B requires a seat plate. Loc. from endwali: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi: 0.18 I Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp_ Lumber A - B 27 0 B - C 77 -151 Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Chords Tens.Comp. Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B - D 0 0 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. No 047102 40 015A,38 FF 56 8180 8B 7F 49 00 99 2E-85 FB Thb anj= dd by rl20A mirtinx. P£(FL. 1tc.0471Uf Do th c4ata 31tawn atXt'H2f7d°ngastiA3 icrtrat�saeesla era tedcr�t efth dtx x�r�t out=Wdmad d�sa�d I ad6ltsesiPi43au"ibent fSiwws,usdemu�t arrif fm z7d"tmn: spins. "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! -IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating handlingshipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and'SBCA) safety practices prior to performing these functions. installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSL Unless noted d"therwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a proppefly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracingg installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 610, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the JoinCDetails, unless noted otherwise. {defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinccL�Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIlfPI 1, or for handlia shipping, installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page. . listing this drawingg indicates acceptance of pro essiona engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure fs the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For rrmrs information see this iob's general notes oaae and these web sites: ALPINE: www.a[Dineitw.com: TPI: www.toinst.ora: SBCA: www.sbcindustrv.com: IM www.iwsafe.orq Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697171 / T16 / EJAC 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 1 FROM: AH DRW: Truss Label: EJ7A Wgt: 21.0 Ibs I ... 10/27/17 2X4(A' T Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 It GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. 7' 7' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in foe Udell L/# Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.024 C - HORZ(TL): 0.034 C - - Code I Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.505 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.373 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 FTIRT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): WAVE VIEW Ver: U�� SERIAL #. 40 015A 3E FF 5B 81 BO BB 71`48 00 99 2E 85 FB V&Itet bAsbeaa e{sciaraniu }s ncd mid xcalad by FAa lMartinez, ltc.0471921 a SNA.1 aae�dienr+raee4lc. ?Mlad copher aftfss dtr-or Aaam not camFdond sl`i wde dmind and its"S-Almaerydxtmnk mplas. B ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W A 270 / 41 1 188 / - / 100 / 8.0 C 128 /13 /104 !- /- 11.5 B 174 181 /95 /- !- /1.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS A Min Big Width Req = 1.5 C Min Brg Width Req = - B Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing A is a rigid surface. Bearing A requires a seat plate. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. A-B 78 -152 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. A-C 0 0 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS wire extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Safety Information, byy TPI and'SBCA) for safety practices pnor to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryy BCSI. Unless noted d herwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly id ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 1310, e. ADDIv plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. kefer to a division of I t'i 1, or for nanoungf snippinq, inst@w acceptance of pro essiona engmi any structure is the responsibility of its drawin any failure to build the on this drawing or cover pa e ie design shown. The suitability Fiat 1 Sec.2. Job Number. 4EEAB Aria Labe C"B/DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" I I � 66.8 ibs FROM: AH 172 / T12 /JACK DRW: Truss.. / ... 10/27/17 T Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: If EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 it NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 it Loc. from endwall: not in 4 GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Dell/CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in too Udell U# Pf NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.009 D - HORZ(fL):-0.011 D - Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.309 TPI Sid: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.182 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 it FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): WAVE VIEW Ver: 0 40 01 5A 38 FF 5B 8180 BB 7F 48 00 99 2E 95 FB :hit itarnhmbranalactrozicaffiA s;Fnada dsalad by fAarxcd Marlines, n (FL. Lk. gd71Hi1 an lt.,edaxc ahawa almae wing a SFiA i aztMenrdeasier wJe. Fr�tod crp��rttda dacrci-.tan not crAsddarad sTdESed and roalmd and QawAf9cd wtaayd¢atronk amtaL C ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Loc R I /Rw /Rh /RL /W B 263 / 96 / 208 / - / 129 18.0 D 90 /13 /70 /- /- 11.5 C 119 /93 /62 /- /- /1.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 D Min Brg Width Req = - C Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A-B 27 0 B-C 53 -120 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B-D 0 0 —WARNING'- READ, AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS quire extreme care in fabricating, handlingshipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Safety Information, by TPI anr7'SBCA) y safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary BCSI. Unless noted olherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly aid ceilingp. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 910, le. ADoTv plates to each face of truss and Dosition as shown above and on the Joint Details. unless noted otherwise. (lifer to a division of its drawing,any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page Lq design shown. The suitability any Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697173 / T13 / JACK 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton MEAB Aria "C" Qty: 6 FROM: AH DRW, Truss Label: BJ3 Wgt: 12.6 Ibs .. / ... 10/27/17 C 12 6 CM 2X4(A1) B CV T A D Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/112013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Deft/CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in too Udell L/# Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.004 D - HORZ(TL):-0.004 D - Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.174 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.072 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: WAVE go o 047182� a! � A �F Y' A r 9 b g 000 • if"'�flJ p 40 01 5A 38 FF 58 81 B0 BB 7F48 00 99 2€ 85 FB rkkitamAas been eMrsirnira�pxgnc ada+st scalad by tAaias9 Marttnu, PE (FL, tic.047[d21 on the data Shawn abase WaS a SRA-1 a[.'�taii `f+fatiL"n Ca-1'C. ftistcd crny is ofthis dscus4nt ata not ccnsidsed t%nzd and Scaled ane the ritvl authontcat{cn code mut bevtdfiad cnaaytdcctrant etm ♦ Maximum Reactions (ibs) Loc R / U / Rw I Rh / RL I W B 193 / 76 / 162 /- / 86 18.0 D 51 /6 141 /- /- /1.5 C 64 /51 /30 /- /- /1.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 D Min Brg Width Req = - C Min Brg Width Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) I Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A-B 27 0 B-C 29 -105 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B-D 0 0 —WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS uire extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Safety Information, bVV TPI anr7'SBCA) fbr safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary BCSI. Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly Cceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or p10, _ Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. kefer to a division of any its drawing any failure to build the on this drawing or cover page ie design shown. The suitability Job Number: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 I SEQN: 697174 / T14 / JACK 4EAB Aria "C" /DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 6 FROM: AH DRW. Truss Label: BJ1 Wgt: 11.2 lbs .. / ... 10/27/17 4"3 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP. C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 It NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. "WARNING— READ "IMPORTANT"' FURNISH THIS E a division of ITW Building�Components conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for h this drawing, indicates acceptance ie of this drawing for any structure 12 �6 C 2X4(A1) B coC)LO A -� D 1' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria • Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in too L/defl L/# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA B 150 177 1145 ! - / 42 / 8.0 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): NA D 11 / 10 / 18 ! - / - / 1.5 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.001 D - - C -14 / 28 / 25 / - / - / 1.5 HORZ(TL): 0.001 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor. 1.5 B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.163 D Min Brg Width Req = - TPI Std: 2D07 Max BC CSI: 0.015 C Min Brg Width Req = - Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A-B 27 0 B-C 28 -19 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B-D 0 0 ST 40 015ASE FF 5B SI BO BB 7174800 99 2E 8 t FB ThU itestAasPsecn elo�s redssmd=afed byP .,rez! Marttnez, a"E (n.. Lk.047U21 on the suer shown abm tang a SFWl am�icdtiY.igid£64&m3a, ,"+bend eopinaitfas docce-..rtAt not cuauad smutandzralad acidk1w '&asathen a4icus¢ade eausr fiaa ftiwd a�dectmr " Cs rj . FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! ING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS shipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryy hall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly t lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 810, position as shown above and on the JoinCDetails, unless noted otherwise. Refer to Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the ! shipping, installation and bracing of t usses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e_ . {esslona7 engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability F4EAB umber: 136DCS004 Ply: 1 SEQN: 697175 / T25 / HIP_ Aria "C"/DR Horton /4EAB Aria "C" Qty: 3 FROM: AH DRW: Label: CJ7 Wgt: 42.0 Ibs / ... 10/27/17 T 67 9110"1 6'3" 3'7" �-- 1'5" 6'1"4 3'2" 6"1 6'1"4 9'3"4 911 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 It NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 113012013 by ALSC Special Loads -(Lumber Dur.Fac=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac =1.25) TC- From 0 plf at -1.41 to 55 plf at 0.00 TC- From 2 pit at 0.00 to 2 plf at 9.84 BC- From 0 plf at -1.41 to 4 plf at 0.00 BC- From 2 pit at 0.00 to 2 plf at 9.84 TC- -7 lb Conc. Load at 1.41 TC- 128 lb Conc. Load at 4.24 TC- 238 lb Conc. Load at 7.07 BC- 23 lb Conc. Load at 1.41 BC- 103 lb Conc. Load at 4.24 BC- 179 lb Conc. Load at 7.07 Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Snow Criteria ft,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R / U / Rw / Rh / RL / W Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.015 G 999 240 B 330 / 208 /- /- /- 110.6 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(TL): 0.034 G 999 180 E 385 / 175 /- / 0 / 0 / 1.5 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.004 F - - D 29 114 /- /- /- / 1.5 HORZ(TL): 0.010 F - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code J Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 1.5 B Min Brg Width Req = 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.241 E Min Big Width Req = - TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.326 D Min Big Width Req = - Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.256 Beating B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Camp. A-B 14 -11 C-D 55 -72 B - C 330 - 650 40 01 5A 38 FF 513 81.80 811 7F48 00 99 ZE 85 FB it, 41umhas nests eto dramkalgs:incsi amadas+.6y Lu., lMartttor, M'ft. UE:. C471n1 on the dats'hurat *WM wjag a 54A.1 aL t Ad aseescoda. iWM,i cwt naftikd •nwa ara mat crsA&ma dgrrd=d smbit =j ft wf b-8 asahentisadiw cede mt f 6bs nm MA of asrjdutw4c cMlos. "'WARNING- READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! '"IMPORTANT"" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS a division of any astralnt of webs shall have bracing installed per Bt as shown above and on the Join?Details, unless Maximum Sot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B- G 604 -290 F- E 0 0 G - F 591 - 288 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. G - C 286 -47 C - F 345 - 709 of failure to build the g or cover page vn. The suitability Gable Stud Reinforcement Detail ASCE 7-101 160 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 140 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 140 mph Wind Speed,-15' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 Orn 120 moh Wind Sneed. 15' Mean Helaht, Partially Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 S 2x4 Brace Gable Vertical Spacing Species Grade No Braces (1) lx4 'L' Brace x (1) 2x4 'L' Brace ill (2) 2x4 'L' Brace Kr (1) 2x6 'L' Brace ■ (2) 2x6 'L' Brace x Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B p #1 / #2 3' 10' 6' 7- 6' 10' 7' 9' 8' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7- 12, 2' 12, B' 14' 0' 14' 0' U S i F #3 3' 8' 5' 9' 6' 2' 7' 8' 7' 11' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12, 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud 3' 8' 5' 9' 6' V 7' 8' 7' 11' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12' 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' Q H r Standard 3' 8' 4' 11' 5' 3' 6' 7' 7' V 8' 11' 9' 6- 10' 4' 11' 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 4' 0' 1 6' 8' 6' 11' 7' 10' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' 12' 4' 12' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' _j N S P P #2 3' 10, 6' 7' 6' 10' 7' 9' e' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7' 12, 2' 12, 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 3' 9' 5' 3' 5' 7' 6' 1 t' 7' 5' 9' 2' 9' 7- t0' ill tl' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud 3' 9- 5131 5' 7- 6' 11' 7' 5' 9' 2' 9' 7' 10, ill- 11' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 3' 6- 4' 7' 4' 11' 6' 2' 6. 7' 8' 4- 8' 11' 9' B' 10' 4' 13' V 14' 0' U #1 / #2 4' 5- 7' 6' 7' 9- e' 10, 9' 3' 10' 7' 11' 0' 13, Ill 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 'i'� _ S P P #3 4' 2' 7' 1' 7' 9' e' 9' 9' 1' 10' 5' 10, 10, 13' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' U r Stud 4' 2' 7' V 7' 6• 8' 9' 9' 1' 10' 5' 10' 10, 13, 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' O f Standard 4' 2' 6' V 6' 5' 8' 1' 8' 8' 10, 5' 10, 10, 12' 81 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 0) #1 4' 7' 7' 7- 7' 11' 9' 0' 9' 4' 10' 8' it, 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' S P D F L #2 4' 5' 7' 6- 7' 9- 8' 10' 9' 3- 10' 7' 11' 0' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0'. #3 4' 4' 6' 5- 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' 1' 10' 6' 10, Il' 13' 4' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud 4' 4' 6' 5' 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' 1' 10' 6' 10' 11• 13' 4• 14' C' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 2' 5' 8' 6' 0' 7' 6' 8' 0' 10, 2' 10, 10, 11' 10, 12' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 0 #1 / #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10, 2' 10, 7' 12, 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' d LJ U S P F u #3 4' 7' 8' 2- 8' 5- 9' e' 10, 0' ti' 6' 12, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud 4' 7' 8' 2' 8' 5' 9' 8' 10' 0' 11' 6' 12, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' O r, P Standard 4' 7' 7' 0' 7' 5' 9' 4' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' X #1. 5' V 8' S. 8' 8' 9' It' 1 10' 3' 1 11, 9' 1 12' 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' d S P #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10' 2' 11' 7' 12' V. 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 4' 9' 7' 4' 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' li' 7' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' r D r L Stud 4' 9' 7' 4' 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' 1P 7' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 7' 6' 6- 6' ill 8' 8' 9' 3' 11' 6' 12' 0' 13, 7' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Zut able Truss Diagonal brace option, T vertical length may be doubled when diagonal 18' brace Is used. Connect L tltngonal-brace-for 600q__ _ 'L' at each end. Max web _ -/Z? Brace total length Is 14'. _ -2x6 DF-L #2 or diagonal Tbetter 1Vertical length shown Ibracer single 8, In table above. I or double cut 45• (as shown) at L 1 upper end Connect diaoonal at a tQ rg AN 11'WCOMPANY 13389 Lake60n1 Drive Earth City, MO 63DIS 1�111�I1 lContlnuous Beorin i\` `+'1IilOtj�I��j Refer to chart above for _X% � U `"Ap„ng o VARNWU- READ AND FDLLOV ALL NOTES- W TNIS DRA\D1KBmil. wwD�(TANTwe F1RMW THIS MAWDIG TD ALL CM4/TRACTORS D(a.OM THE MTALLERS c \`jEN �A . asses reWIr•e extrene care In fabricat4+g, handBrgl,-cWpppng, Installing and brating. Refers to and w the latest editbn of SCSI (Bue,Rng Canponent Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) f r'sofety tbes prior to perfomb,g there sanctions. Installers shall provide teriparan•y bracing per BCSL \- 1 ss noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural rhea Wng and bottb dwrd Locatlons for lateral -of have a property attached rldtl ceiDng. shown permanent restraint webs have bracing Installed per BCSI sections $3, B7 or B10, ns aappppllkoble. Applyy plater to each face ' rues and ppoosltlon as shown above and on the Joint Details, nudes noted other' Ise. to drawings 16DA-Z for standard plate positions. - �� Ane, o divW- of ITV Building Component. Group Inc shalt not be responsble for any deviation from w ANR. {„ drnwft, any felture to build the truss in eonfornance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, 6 bracing trusses. �3 Y_ �• ft �� '(f dlatbn of seal on this dm.Vg ar cover page fttft this drawft, 65dicntes acceptance of professional \\\ x 4 ng re solely for the design shown The suitability and use of this drawing any structures this a responsfWUty of the BUTArp DesJ n r per ANSLTPI 1 Sec?. k''na/aa�nne,,, for more Information see this Job's ii-at notes page and these eeb site. "tktA!\\\\ Bracing Group Species and Gradesn Group AI S ruse -Pine -Fir Hen -Fir Rl / #2 Sta na2 Stud a3 Studdnrd #3 Stud Douglas Flr-Larch Southern Pinew*% #3 03 Stud i Stud Standard I Standard Group Bt Hem -Fir al 6 Btr #1 Do ins Fir -Larch Southern Plnewww al a1 a2 a2 lx4 Braces shall be SRB (Stress -Rated Board). awFor ix4 So. Pine use only Industrial 55 or Industrial 45 Stress -Rated Boards. Group B values may be used with these rades. Gable Truss Detail Notes, Wind Load deflection criterion Is L/240. Provide uplift connections for 75 pif over continuous bearing (5 psf TC Dead Load>. Gable end supports load from 4' 0' outlookers with 2' 0' overhang, or 12' plywood overhang. Attach 'L' braces with lod (0,128'x3,0' min) nails. )K For (1) -L' braces space nails at 2' o.c. In 18' end zones and 4' ae. between zones. 31E?t(For (2) 'L' bracesn space malls at 3' o.c. In IS' end zones and 6' o.c. between zones. 'L' bracing must be a minimum of 80X of web member length. It Gable Vertical Plate Sizes 11 Vertical Lennth No Spike Less than 4' 0' 2X3 Greater -than -4'- -but_ less thou _3X4- Greater than 11' 6' 04 II{ Refer to common truss design for II peak, spllce, and heel plates. Refer to the Building Designer for conditions not addressed by this detall. REF ASCE7-10-GAB16015 DATE 10/01/14 DRWG A16015ENC101014 TOT, LD, 60 PSF AX. SPACING 24.0' Gable Stud Reinforcement Detail ASCE 7-10i 160 mph Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1,00 Oro 140 MPH Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 or. 140 mph Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 nr, 1nn mnh luinr9 Snppd. in, Mpnn Hpinht. pnrtinlly Fnrinspd. Fxnncurp It. K7t = 1.00 S 2x4 Brace Gable Vertical pacing Species Grade No Hrnces (1) Ix4 'L' Brace x (1) 2x4 'L' Brace x (2) 2x4 'L' Brace x (1) 2x6 'L' Brace r (2) 2x6 'L' Brace No Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B � #1 / #2 3' 8' 6' 3' 6' 6' 7' 5' 7' 8' 8' 9' 9' P. 11' 7' 12' 0' 13' 9' 14' 0' U S P F #3 3' 6' 5' 5' 5' 9' 7' 2' 7' 7' 8' 8' 9' t' 11' 3' ill it' 13' 7' 14' 0' LI C Stud 3' 6' 5' 4' 5' 8' 7' 2- 7' 7' 8' 8' 9' 1' 11' 2' ill 11' 13' 7' 14' 0' O �l r Standard 3' 6' 4' 7' 4' it' 6' 2' 6' 7' 8' 4' 8' 11' 9' 8' 10' 4' 13, 1' 14' 0' #1 3' 10' 1 6' 4' 6' 7' 1 7' 6' 7' 9' 8' 11' 9' 3' 11' 9' 12' 2' 13, 11' 14' 0' —J S P #2 3' 8' 6' V 6' 6' 7' 5' 7' 8' 8' 9' 9' 2' 1 11' 7' 12' 0' 13, 9' 14' 0' #3 3' 7' 4' 10' 5' 2' 6' 5' 6' 11' 8' 9' 9' 1' 10, 1' 10, 10' 13' 8' 14' 0' (U D F L Stud 3' 7' 4' 10' 5' 2' 6' 5' 6' 11' H' 9' 9' 1' to, 1' to, t0' 13' 8' 14' 0' Standard 3' 3' 4' 3' 4' 7' 5' e' 6' V 7' 9' 8' 3' 8' It, 9' 7' 12, 2' 13, 0' U #1 / #2 4' 2' 7' 2' 7' 5' e' 5' H' 9' 10, 1' 10, 6' 13, 3' 13, 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' S P F #3 4' 0' 6' 7' 7' 5' 8' 4' 8' 8' 9' 11' t0' 4' 13' V 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' U Stud 4' 0' 6' 7' 7' 0' 8' 4' H' e' 9' 11' 10' 4' 13, 1' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' O F Standard 4' 0' 5' e' 6' 0' 7' 6' 8' 0' 9' 11' 10' 4' 11' t0' 12, 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 4' 5' 7' 3' 7' 6' 8' 7' 8' 11' 10' 2' 10' 7' 13' 5' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' S P 02 4' 2' 7' 2' 7' 5' 8' 5' H' 9' t0' 1' 10. 6' 13' 3' 13' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 4' V 5' 11'' 6' 4' 7' 11' 8' 5' 10, 0' 10' 5' 12' 5' 13' 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' 0) D F L Stud 4' V 5' 11' 6' 4' 7' 11' 8' 5' 10, 0' t0' 5' 12, 5' 13' 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 07 5' 3' 5' 7' 7' 0' 7' 6' 9' 5' 10, 2' lt' 0' Ill 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 / #2 4' 8' 7' 11' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' 10' 1' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' d S P F #3 4' 5' 7' 7' 8' 1' 9' 2' 9' 6' 10, ill 11' 5' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' u U O u F f 1 Stud 4' 5' 7' 7' 8' 1' 9' 2' 9' 6' t0' 11' it' 5' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 0 14' ' Standard 4' 5' 6' 6' 6' 11' 8' 8' 9' 3' 10' 11' Ill 5' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' X #1 4' 10' 8' 0' 8' 3' 9' 5' 9' 9' Ill 2' 11' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' S P #2 4' 8' 7' 11' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' Ill 1' Ill 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' d c #3 4' 6' 6' 10' 7' 3' 9' 1' 9' 7' ill 0' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' D F L Stud 4' 6' 6' 10' 7' 3' 9' 1' 9' 7' 11' 0' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' l4' 0' Standard 4' 5' 6' 1' 6' 5' 8' 1' 1 8' 7' 10, 11' 11' 5' 12, 8' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' Bracing Group Species and Grades, Group A• S ruse -Pine -Fir Hem -Fir #1 / #2 Stand. #2 Stud #3 Studrd 1 03 IStandard Dou ins Fir-LoreSouthern Pinerrx 43 03 Stud Stud Standard Standard Group III Hem -Fir 01 & Btr 01 Dou ins Flr-Larch Southern Plnerrr tll 01 tl2 #2 Ix4 Braces shall be SRB (Stress -Rated Board). rrfor Ix4 So. Pine use only Industrial 55 or Industrial 45 Stress -Rated Boards, Group B values maybe used with these races. Gable Truss Detail Notesi Wind Load deflection criterion is L/240. Provide uplift connections for 135 plf over continuous bearing (5 psf TC Dead Load). Gable end supports load from 4' 0' outlookers with 2' 0' overhang, or 12' plywood overhang. Attach 'L' braces with 10d (0.128'x3.0' min) nails. Atioutjti )K For (1) 'L' bracei space na0s at 2' o,a ably Truss In IS' end zones and 4' o.c between zones. )()KFor (2) 'L' braces, space nails at 3' o.c. Diagonal brace option. T In 16' end zones and 6' o.c. between zones. vertical length may be doubled when diagonal 18' )K bracing must be a minimum of 60X of web brace Is used Connect L I member length. diagonal brace for 690tl 'L' Gable Vertical Plate Sizes at each end. Max web Brace I total length Is 14'. )K)K Verticnl Len th No S lice I 2x6 DF-L 02 or Less than 4' 0' 2X4 better diagonal T_ Greater than14' 0', but 4%4 Vertical length shown braces single 8, less than 12' 0' In table above. 45' or double cut (as shown) at L _L + Refer to common truss design for upper end, peak, splice, and heel plates. ntinuous Bearing Refer to the Building Designer for conditions Connect dla ono at D 41i111N 111f not addressed by this detail. length midpoint of vertical web. Refer to chart above for max gadbke rq(beq uVARN1NG1rw BEAU AND F410V ALL NOTES IN THIS DRAVRai wwllpplTANTww rURNISH THIS BRAVING TO ALL CONTRACTORS ICLUDDNG THE INSTALLERS, �� /ri T/���,� REF ASCE7-10-GAB16030 Trusses require ewt— care h Fabricating, handling, shpphg. Installing and bracing. Refer to and Follow A" latest ocetion of BCsI (Bu0..Bng Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety ���` �, \�Q` �ENSer ' ` DATE 10/01/14 pr,ctkes prior to perforning these functions. Installers shall pravkle tomporary bradrlp per BCSL Unless top have she. Nng on button chard DRWG A16030ENC101014 noted otherwise, chord shall properly attached structural shall have a properly attached r�Ippld eelWng, Locations shown for permanent Interol restraint of ebs DID, Apply to each face r No - Q �� s vni-abl¢. plates shall have bracing inctaaetl per Bha sections the j t Betnlc, ,rAess noted otherwise. truss and ppoosition ae shown ahav¢ and the drowlrngs = )l ios. 160A-2 far standnrtl plate positions. Re to Refer to Alpine, ITV BuComponents Group Inc, be for any deviation from ATE OF AN fIWCOMA4NY division of Rding shall not esponslbl¢ tN. droring, any fa0ure to build the truss In —form.— with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handing, shipping, hstallatlon L bracing truss.,. % .Q //�� MAX. TOT. LD, 60 PSF of A seal on this cl de c — cover page listing this d— e. Hates neceptance of professlarol for the desfpn The sulWAIty and ase of p ry /, �T��v�ca�''�v �'• engheere,g respornsanBity solely shown. for arty stncti+re Is the responsibility of the Butderg Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. MAX, SPACING P4,0' 13J89 Lakalronl Drive Earth Cily, M063045 For pore Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites IM ffgS" ��AI AI ttiai qf, 'Vrt:s ALPINE. rwr.nlpineitwcom) TPI. w tpdnat.orgr SBCA, wwr.shcendustryargr —1-safearg Gable Detail For Let -In Verticals If web has a scab brace, then webs over 48' from Joint to Joint need to be braced with 'L' or 'T' braces. Brace is 90% of member length, Gable vertical length greater than 48' 'L' Dr 'T' brace required Gable Refer to appropriate Alpine gable detail for minimum plate sizes for vertical studs. E)Refer to Engineered truss design for peak, splice, web, and heel plates. ®If gable vertical plates overlap, use a single plate that covers the total area of the overlapped plates to span the web. Example, 2*2X4 *2X8 v No 'L' uirere d �. bracerequired i t In lieu of scab brace Gable Provide connections for uplift specified on the engineered truss design. vertical length greater than Attach each 'T' reinforcing member with 48' 'L' or 'T' brace required End Driven Nalls, 10d Common (0.148'x 3: ,min) Naps at 4' o.c. plus (4) nalls In the top and bottom chords. Rigid SheathInip Toenalled Nalls, 10d Ccmmon <0.148Ix3',mIn) Toenails at 4' o.c, plus 4 Nall (4) toenails In the top and bottom chords. .T. This detail to be used with the appropriate Alpine gable detail for ASCE Reinforcing wind load Member ASCE 7-05 Gable Detail Drawings A13015051014, A12015051014, A11015051014, A10015051014, A14015051014, A13030051014, A12030051014, AU030051014, A10030051014, A14030051014 Gable Truss - -Spaced A_t_ _ ------------_________Al15l5ENCI0IGI4, ASCE 7-10 Gable Detail Drawings 4' O.C. A12015ENC101014, A14015ENC101014, A16015ENC101014, A18015ENC101014—A20015ENC101014,-A20015END101014, A20015PED101014, ' A11530ENC101014, A12030ENC101014, A14030ENC101014, A16030ENC101014--- A18030ENC101014, A20030ENC101014, A20030END101014, A20030PEDICIO14 See appropriate Alpine gable detail for maximum unreinforced gable vertical length. 'T' Reinforcement Attachment Detail 'T' Reinforcing 'T' Reinforcing Member Member Toe-nall - Dr - M End -null To convert from 'L' to 'T' reinforcing members, multiply 'T' Increase by length (based on appropriate Alpine gable detail). Maximum allowable 'T' reinforced gable vertical length Is 14' from top to bottom chord. 'T' reinforcing member material must match size, specie, and grade of the 'L' reinforcing member. Jeb Length Increase w/ 'T' Brace 'T' Relnf. IT. Mbr. Size Increase 2x4 30 % 2x6 20 Example, ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed = 120 mph Mean Roof Height = 30 ft, Kzt = 1.00 Gable Vertical = 24'o.c. SP #3 'T' Reinforcing Member Size = 2x4 'T' Brace Increase (From Above) = 30% = 1.30 _U> 2x4 'L' Brace Length = 8' 7' Maxir�um 'T' Reinforced- Gable- Vertical- Length L30 x 8' 7' = 11' 2' V V �/a JI IIJI�\\Ill AN ITVV COMPANY 13399LekekmlDrW Ea.t Cfty,MO63M NVARNDICa" READ AND FLLLDV ALL MWM ON Mn HRAvahci -Ulu RTARTee FIX*M TlW HRAV= TD ALL CQi1RAchis 71iLumm Tw DLSTALLERS. Trusses require extrene cam F, fabricating, hmndtft, shWft, instdtUg and bracing Refer to and follow the latest eddon of B= tHWldng Corponent safety Ltfarvntlan, by TPI and SBW for safety orocticas prior to perfor+klp these flnctlons. L1sWitar9 shall provkle t bradna per HCSL eas no oriwr.lae. top chard shall have properly attached strlctlrnI rhea and batter. d,ard sholt have a property attached rpid call Locations shorn for pornona t lateral restraint of cabs HT or H30, as un ass o Apply plates to eadi face tradn� Installed per abooII and on the shntt truss of truss and ppoos7cbn as shorn above and on the .bM1t HetaRs, unless noted o#xrsise. Refer to drawe,gs 160A-z far standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITV Buldrla Conpontnts Group inc shall not be responsible for_ any d on this drawfig, any folire to build the truss In confornw= with ANSUTPI 1, or for nnndun0• Installa_Awwtloel L bracingdrawkV trusses. Pa Ibt6V this dmwl,p. Indicates acceptance of professional A seal on this dim or rarer •nwrKerr,g refow�blky snlsly for t o des�i shown The wtoeuty and use of this dm.L+p far oey strucl,re b the respatsbllEy of tuteb,g Designer Per ANSLTPI i St4. For more Information see this ,Job's general notes � � theca web sited ALPINFi .v.elektel2wr�w1 Tot. rw.2ninct t IRCAI rr..alic are, TM o.Jeeeafa.Mo ,,,,,,„�„ `„�`il£l. M,11gTj4r. q�:•��GENg �. '.^". � d� �,= tta attta2 = s•" * ' :'hip a STATEqyf r•r� '. dC/NAg1�i�t'+ " mva8R5re1 pTsamsssasa ---- MAX. TOT, LD. 60 PSF REF LET -IN VERT DATE 10/01/14 DRWG GBLLETIN1014 DUR. FAC. ANY MAX. SPACING 24.0° Hip Frame Details B I -1 Hip Frame \./AVA Mi... 2; I'R' Sthed Use this detail ASCE 7-10, 180 for, mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Exp C, or Hip Frame Hp frame -provided by truss manufacturer. is designed to provide bracing for flat top ASCE 7-10, 160 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Exp D, or chords of hip frame system where indicated, Flat top ASCE 7-05, 140 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Cat II, Exp C, or chords of stepped hip system must be So. Pine lumber. ASCE 7-02, 140 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Cat II, Exp C, Structur k anels must be properly attached directly Residential, Wind TC DL=4,2 psf, Kzt=1,00 To hin,%%0- K►'1%4r[Ins. rVARNDIG-- READ AND FLLDV ALL NTITIM ON TNIS DRA\TDNG Q� GEN '�,p'-. REF HIP FRAME -Df MANTre FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS DCLUJAM THE DMALLOM A fz,[� Trusses require er7ene care In fabricating, handung, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and 1� �`^ �\ U`' �`` w DATE 10�01�14 follow the lotest amtlon of SCSI (Buatlirg GanpalNnt S¢Pety Infornathn, by TPI and SRW for safety No \' practices prior to performing these functions. f+mtnUers shall gravel-- tenpoo hrn per B(SI. lknlfes noted oHne—Ise, top chord shall have properly attached structra sheathing "7battam chard = * = DRWG HIPFR1801014 hall haven properly attochad riIgpid ceiling. Locations thorn far pernonent lateral restraint of webs, ��� steal have and rcl Instasrd per aboI eand on BB, lJ or Beg, as opdscsino Apply plates to each faro = d of truss and posltbn as shorn above and on the Joint Detains, en rated othenLse. � r Refer to drawings IGGA-z for standard plot-- podtlons. .fl S. AiE OP Alplm a division of ITV Building Conponents Group Inc shall not be sponsWe for ony deviation fron S Q^ Ui tTwI�MPANY this droring, any fall— to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for hardWng, shipping, �OQ , ``�\ hstnlWilon L brads of trusses. Fl V A sea on this drodng or cover page Usting this draring Y ica<es naeptnnce of prefrsslaal *�r enginerlspon.SblU Solely for the design show- The satabuty and use .; this dr = .7 1338 City. MO Dri 5 for any + For more o,ma eey this Jcb's ll anq otes paps-- and thesemeb sines �HseJ•��t ALPINU rrralpNeltr.conl TPB rrwtptnskar'gi Sit B[lu rrr.ebclntluetryargl 1CO rrrlcemfearg Valley Detail - ASCE 7-10: 160 Mph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exp. C, Kzt=1.00 Top Chord 2x4 SP #2N, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better. Dot Chord 2x4 SP #2N or SPF #1/#2 or better. Webs 2x4 SP #3, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better. xO1 Attach each valley to every supporting truss with) (2) 16d box (0.135' x 3.5') nails toe -nailed for ASCE 7-10 160 mph. 30' Mean Height, Enclosed Building, Exp. C, Wind TC DL=S psf, Kzt = 1.00 Or ASCE 7-10 140 mph. 30' Mean Height, Enclosed Building, Exp, D, Wind TC DL=S psf, Kzt = 1.00 Bottom chord may be square or pitched cut as shown. Valleys short enough to be cut as solid triangular members from a single 2x6, or larger as required, shall be permitted in lieu of fabricating from separate 2x4 members. All plates shown are ITW BCG Wave Plates, Unless specified otherwise on engineer's sealed design, for vertical valley webs taller than 7-9' apply 2x4 'T' reinforcement, 807 length of web, same species and grade or better, attached with 10d box (0.128' x 3.0') nails at 6' o.c. In lieu of 'T' reinforcement, 2x4 Continuous Lateral Restraint applied at mid -length of web Is permitted with diagonal bracing as shown in DRWG BRCLBANC1014. Top chord of truss beneath valley set must be braced with: properly attached, rated sheathing applied prior to valley truss Installation. Or Purlins at 24' o,c. or as otherwise specified on engineer's sealed design Or By valley trusses used In lieu of purlin spacing as specified on Engineer's sealed design. xxx Note that the purlin spacing for bracing the top chord of the truss beneath the valley is measured along the slope of the top chord. ++ Larger spans may be built as long as the vertical .helght does not exceed 14'-0'. 12 3X4 Valle 12 Mnx, I— Spacing 2X4 X4 Pitched Cut I- 8-0-0 max --I Bottom Chord Valley 4X4 Toe -Hafted sa 12 12 Max. I— rX3 6-0-0 - ------ — ---\P 5 ISPL (Max Spacing) �x4 2X4 Q o-L\-` 20-0-0 (++) I Supporting trusses at 24' o.c, maximum spacing. 2X4 4X4 Square Cut Stubbed Valley Optional Hip Bottom Chord End Detail Joint Detail -IWORTANTM Fl u �dANM VM M ���iRAACC,n RRE.UDRAVDG➢MG nE DMALLERs ; iUr�Rj;''' TC LL 30 30 40PSF REF VALLEY DETAIL DATE 10/01/2014 True— regLdre extren. core In fobrkatbg, handung, shlpp7+9, bhstdU g and brotinp. Refer to andr.[. rhavti=, byerb wW SBA S1 GtAt�tbro� safety fdlctke.'prkr Inrs f x j�7,�G� �C DL 20 15 7 PSF olCu@fe so Oerforwn0 fi ary per -bottan �`�'I�' ct\ / O s rated oth.rel.., top hard shag have property attached et-1-al eh.atwrgChord shaU have a properly attached He celUng. Locatlons shoen for person. t labrol restro]nt of sobs of t hava Mac4q Inctas per Hb. aecd — th J or Bea ke *Ppucabte. ho Apply plater to each ace of truss and as sha.n above and on the alnt Betake, vhles¢ rotrd atMMse. oaQ. �: i� $( DL 10 B LL 0 10-10 0 PSF 0 PSF DRWG VAL160101014 Ip 1 O i Refer to dro.ings I6b1-2 for tondard plat. posWons. — 7 55 AN RWODMPANI L—, dv of ITV BJtdhp co parents Group the aYall rat be -.a ..U. for an_y d-10 fran Irg, fa0.ur. to bu4 th. truss h ANSIMI 1, far ha � t1TF. OF TDT, LD 60 57PSF thAI any confarnance .(th or q: sl,gpxhg, Installatlon L bra Nhp of trusses. A seal on tie dra or cover page Ustlg tic draft, khdcates occeptonce of professlorM ., f ' f33B9 WkelfaN Drive �`sp°"smut' solely far the drsgn sh°en. the sun°buq ""d "at °f tfss d'"°`Ir'0 Fr shyk rocponc�mAlty of the DAdVQ tfesgrar Per ANst/TPI i Seez. i. (7 K (:) II�� p� �ti �t r� t , �j UR.FAC.1.25�1.33 1.15 1.15 SPACING 24,0' EaM Cily, too 63045 For more Infcrhatlon see this job's generot notes page and these aeb sites+ ALPINE, .natplrhelte.co 1 TPI..ae.tpb.tcrg, SBCA, ..e.sbc4dustry—g: ICO .n kesafe.org ., of �����`v� /� iSs Piggyback Detail - ASCE 7-101 160 mph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt=1,00 160 mph Wlnd, 30.00 Ft Mean Hgt, ASCE 7-10, Enclosed Bldg located anywhere In roof, Exp C, Wind DL= 5.0 PPsf (min), Kzt=1.0. Or 140 mph wind, 30.00 ft Mean Hgt, ASCE 7-10, Enclosed Bldg, located anywhere In roof, Exp D, wind DL= 5.0 psf (min), Kzt=1.0. Notei Top chords of trusses supporting piggyback cap trusses must be adequately braced by sheathing or purllns. The building Engineer of Record shall provide diagonal bracing or any other suitable anchorage to permanently restrain purllns, and lateral bracing for out of plane loads over gable ends. Maximum truss spacing Is 24' o.c. detail Is not applicable If cap supports additional loads such as cupola, steeple, chimney or drag strut toads. xx Refer to Enalneer's sealed truss desian drawino for oloovback and base truss soeclflcations. Detail A o Purlin 12 Up to 12 4' 2' 2' Spacing = 24' o,c, or less 24' o.c. max Top Chord Scab <Typical Each End) Flat top chord purllns required at both ends and at 24' max o.c, spacing in between. Detail B ' Purlin Spacing > 24' o.c, Piggyback sail truss slant Walled to all top chord purlin bracing with (2) 16d box nails (0.135'x3,5') and secure top chord with 2x4 R3 grade scab (1 side only at each end) attached with 2 rows of 10d box nails (0,128'x3') at 4' o,c, 12 Attach purlin bracing to the flat top chord using a minimum of (2) 16d box nails (0,135'x3.5'). Up to 12 V i i i i 4' \\ I I \\ / I I I I Purlin Sparing > 24' o.c. max Full Flat top chord purllns required at LT'o'p Chord Scab (Typical Each End) Chord both ends, purlin spacing > 24' o,c, Depth Notes If purllns or sheathing are not specified on the flat top of the base truss, purllns must be Installed at 24' o.c. max. and use Detail A. 1�;11J+JJ+JJJJJ WAFN M, EN READ MD FOLLIIV ALL NOTES w TWS DRAVBM7 .wa(PORTANTws FIFMSH TM DRAWING TD ALL CONTRACTORS DMa M MT THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extrene cwe h Fabricating, handling, shipping, InstaUin and bracFp. Refer to and ` �+C 1� fallow U. latest edition of SCSI (Building Canponent Safety Information, by TPI and SSCA) for safety \,\V L%�� /J practices prior to performing these functions. Instailors shall provide tenpsrary bracing per Best. ,(� G Wde noted oth—l.., top chord shall have property tt..h.d structural Matting and bottom Nord l ` r shall have a property attached igld selling. Locations shown For permanent lateral restraint of webs L �� shall have nbracingdzst Installed per above sections the J or Bla lls apptirAbte. Apply pintos w each face = of truss aM ppoosKbn as shorn abovr and on the .blot D.tasc, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawing. 16DA-Z for starukld plat. posltbas. At In., a dlvlston of ITV Buliding Conpon.n<s Group Inc, shall net be esponsanle for any deviation Fron +'(� AN ITIVO�MPANY this drawing, any faDure to b'A the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, ar for landU g, shippna. = 9y � AT@ or Installation L bradng of trusses. q A seal on this drawing or cover page Ust4ng this drawing, 6xgaro cates acceptance of professil r'sebr 4 j o - A. erphe,wbV responsfbRlttyy solely for the design shown The sulta6tllty and use of this draft A Y' for any struc4re Is th. reVZ= y of the Buldag Deshler' per ANSI/iP2 1 Seca Earth ity.M nl Drive For note Mfornation see this b'a eneral not.s P Earth City,M063045 ALPINE, ww.plo1helt..coni TPD wr.r tohst .ar'ggi SBCA,—slxYWustr A 0 IM wwwllccesaFearg n�r4104 ©U®I [.'lyNn� A�\ Piggyback cap truss slant nailed to all top chord purlin bracing with (2) 16d box nails <0.135'x3.5') and secure top chord with 2x4 H3 grade scab (1 side only at each end) attached with 2 rows of 10d box nails (0.128'x3') at 4' o.c. Attach purlin bracing to the flat top chord using (2) 16d box nails (0.135'x3.5'). The top chord R3 grade 2x4 scab may be replaced with elther of the followingi (1) 3X8 Trulox plate attached with (8) 0.120'xl.375' nails, (4) Into cap TC 6 (4) Into base truss TC or (1) 28PB wave piggyback plate plated to the piggyback truss TC and attached to the base truss TC with (4) 0.120'x1,375' nails. Note- Nalling thru holes of wave plate Is acceptable. x In addition, provide connection with one of the following methods) Trulox Use 3X8 Trulox plates for 2x4 chord member, and 3XIO Trulox plates for 2x6 and larger chord members. Attach to each face It 8' o,c. with (4) 0.120'x1,375' nails Into cap bottom chord and (4) In base truss top chord. Trulox plates may be staggered 4' o.c. front to back faces. APA Rated Gusset 8'x8'x7/16' <min) APA rated sheathingg ggussets (each face). Attach @ 8' o.c. with <8) 6d common (0.113'x2') nails per gusset, (4) In cap bottom chord and (4) In base truss top chord. Gussets may be staggered 4' o.c. front to back faces. 2x4 Vertical Scabs 2x4 SPF 112, full chord depth scabs (each face). Attach @ 8' o.c. with (6) 10d box nails <0.128'x3') per scab, (3) In cap bottom chord and (3) In base truss top chord. Scabs may be staggered 4' o.c. Front to back faces. 28PB Wave Plaovbnck Plate One 28PB wave piggyback plate to each face @ 8' o.c. Attach teeth to pig% back at time of fabrication. Attach to supporting truss with W 0.120'x1.375' nails per face per ply, Piggyback plates may be staggered 4' o.c. front to back faces. SPACING 24,0' REF PIGGYBACK DATE 10/01/14 DRWG PB160101014 CLR Reinforcing This detail Is to be used when a Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) Is specified on a truss design but an alternative web reinforcement method is desired, Notes: This detail Is only applicable for changing the specified CLR shown on single ply sealed designs to T-reinforcement or L-reinforecement or scab reinforcement. Alternative reinforcement specified In chart below may be conservative. For minimum alternative reinforcement, re -run design with appropriate reinforcement type, Web Member Specified CLR Alternative Reinforecement Size Restraint T- or L- Reinf. Scab Reinf. 2x3 or 2x4 1 row 2x4 1-2x4 2x3 or 2x4 2 rows 2x6 2-2x4 2x6 1 row 2x4 1-2x6 2x6 2 rows 2x6 2-2x4010 2x8 1 row 2x6 1-2x8 2x8 2 rows 2x6 2-2x600 T-reinforcement, L-reinforcement, or scab reinforcement to be same species and grade or better than web member unless specified otherwise on Engineer's sealed design, 00 Center scab on wide--face-of—web._Apply (1) scab to each face of web, ----- Member Substitution T-Reinforcement Or T-Reinf. L-Reinforcement: ar L-Reinf. Apply to either side of web narrow face. Attach with iod (0.128'x3.0',min) naps at 6' o.c. Reinforcing member is a minimum 80% of web member length, . T-Reinf, L-Reinf, Scab Reinf orcement: Apply scab(s) to wide face of web. No more than (1) scab per face. Attach with 10d (0,128'x3,0',m1n) nails at 6' o.c, Reinforcing member is a minimum 80% of web member length, Sco n fffFFI'��11i1 l� a 1� o ILf� AN tIWCOMPANY 333891.akefrant Drive Earth City. MO 63045 VMG —WORTArm�fuw S VRAVW TNO O °A L CONTALL RACTUM 33�cLUD�M THE 3NSTALIEas Tru requW eztrene care In fobricatIng, handling, shippbtp, tnstaWng and brnl Refe to and foUoe tfw Iatett edMlon of HCSI 0.11ding canponant Safety infornotlon, by T" and HCAI for safety practicer prkr to performing these functions. Installers shad provltlr terporary trndrg per I3CSL Untess noted otherdse, top chord shall haw property attached structural sheatNng and lmttan chord shalt have n properly attached ripd celUng. Locution. shown For p k.U..nt lateral tao tolnt aP aces chop Novo bro[Vlg birtalled par SCSI rrctionr H3, HT or H30, as opp/1cnWa, Apply plates to each face of truss and position -Z shorn abovr and a iN Jdnt DataYs, �,vv,,llesc noted o!herniae. Refer to drarVtps 160A-Z for standard plate positions Alpine, a rgvialon o1 ITV HuUding Conponentc Group Inc shall not be responsible Far an devintlmf ran tNs droning a y failure to bJld the truss In conformance •Ith ANSI/TPI 3, or for hoMUna shppng, Installation L bracing of trusses A sral on Uds awrr4,p o— mvM pagt llstLp tfdt drarhg, b•lcates o¢cptance of professlwml �y sdely For ehe design atvarn. The suitability a.d roe of title era.hg 4. fa` any rls tM re91ty pP the BuldNg D per ANSVTPI t Sec2 for none Information nee this ,pb'c general notes gaga and these web sites, ALPINE- w►Alclneltw.conr TPb rr•.tortstoro, SBrk rrrsbcindustrvarm ICa mlccsafoorc ,.�Vl,q �,� `�� r A� A- ` U (1` A _ DS r/�i Z.p .�1 l- �'(r,'J 5r Fs f� <{, is� ,�(yi,�y f7 t✓ . !�v,ii dyer*'(�`(y t, ar' tat 4. U�iu1 e, ., er t.��7 .9 TC LL PSF TC DL PSF C DL PSF �_ C LL PSF -TUT, LD, PSF REF CLR Subst, DATE 10/Ol/14 DRWG BRCLBSUB1014 DUR, FAC, SPACING 4 Cracked or Broken Member Repair Detail Load Duration = 0% This drawing specifies repairs for a truss with broken chord Member forces May be increased for or web member, This design is valid only for single ply trusses with 2x4 or 2x6 broken members. No more than one break per chord panel and no more than two breaks per truss are allowed. Contact the truss manufacturer for any repairs that do not comply with this detail. (B) = Damaged area, 12' max length of damaged section (L) = Minimum nailing distance on each side of damaged area (B) (S) = Two 2x4 or two 2x6 side members, same size, grade, and species as damaged member. Apply one scab per face. Minimum side member length(s) = (2XL) + (B) Scab member length (S) must be within the broken panel, Nail Into 2x4 members usng two (2) rows at 4' o.c., rows staggered, Nail into 2x6 members using three (3) rows at 4' o,c., rows staggered. Nail using 10d box or gun nails (0.128'x3', min) Into each side member, The maximum permitted lumber grade for use with this detail is limited to Visual grade #1 and MSR grade 1650f• This repair detail may be used for broken connector plate at mid -panel splices, This repair detail ma not be used for damaged chord or web sections occurring within the connector plate area. Broken chord may not support any tie -In loads. s L L 4' o,c, Typical ~ + O -f O 'i' O + o O + O + O + O + -'1 2e [— Stagger = Back Face 10d Box (0.128' x 3', min) Nails, = Front Face 2x4 Member - Double Row Staggered 2x6 Member - Triple Row Staggered Nail Spacing Detail Duration of Load Maximum Member Axial Force Member Size L SPF-C HF DF-L SYP Web Only 2x4 12, 620# 635# 730# 800# Web Only 2x4 18' 975# 1055# 1295# 1415# Web or Chord 2x4 e 975# 1055# 1495# 1745# Web or Chord 2x6 1465# 1585# 2245# 2620# Web or Chord 2x4 30, 1910# 1960# 2315# 2555# Web or Chord 2x6 2230# 2365# 3125# 3575# Web or Chord 2x4 36' 1 2470# 2530# 2930# 3210# Web or Chord 2x6 3535# 3635# 4295# 4745# Web or Chord 2x4 42" 2975# 3045# 3505# 3835# Web or Chord 2x6 4395# 4500# 5225# 5725# Web or Chord 2x4 48' 3460# 3540# 4070# 4445# Web or Chord 2x6 5165# 5280# 6095# 6660# s L M., B L Distance L Ninlmun L Distance B L z4 7� L L aVARNOtGIas READ AND FVU.UV ALL NOTES ON n¢S DRAVUQ - ■-WMTANT- FURNISH THIS DRAVDING TD ALL CONTRACTORS DICLOM THE DaTALLERS, ��' "'" -- "r a "+ Q" GEN �+�r ''I S� REF MEMBER REPAIR DATE 10/01/14 Trusses require Ktrene care In fabricating, handling, shipping, installing And bract+e. Refer to and follow the latest edition of SCSI (8uldng Component Safety Infornotion, by TPI And SBCA) for safoty V� �'\ r p nctkes prior to peKorning these functions. Installers shaltprovide te,porory brad,g per BCSL Unless top have attached structural sheathing and bottom char No. \� C DRWG REPCHRD1014 noted Otherwise, chord shall properly shall have o properly attached NRId ceainp. Locations shown far permanent lateral restraint of webs Q I� o shalt have br.ci installed per eCSI sectbnc 83, B7 or Bla, os apdkahle. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above And on the Joint Details, unless noted otherelse. C r-�C 1� flfi ITINODMPANY Refer to drawings 160A-2 for standard plate positions, Alp'uie, A dvWon of ITV Building Components Group Inc. shall net be responsible for Any deviatp�fron this dvwhg any faHure to build the truss In confarnance with ANSI/iPI 1, air far hand 4 g, sh G V r r� 7 O♦ 40 Installation L brachl; of trusses. A s.AI on this d^g or cover cover page Dsting thls drawing, evscates ncceptnnoe of professional engNeering responsa)lgty sole) far the design shown. The sultabllt And use of this d-I g°+g�=` ¢ � for any strtaeture Is the respansbAity of the Bu4dbg Denlgner per ANSVTPI 1 See2 t1� ����'uG SPACING 24A" MAX 13389 Lake`ront Dnva Earth City, MO B304B ALPINfor nore E w Alphwitr onloTPtovr ,n o�gI Seal :�:snnmd =and 'these owewe1;usofaarg ��',;�t'�tSt STANDARD BOTTOM CHORD FALSE FRAME DETAILS 4' 0' OC MAX. LENGTH TO TRIM TILLER EXISTING FILLER 1 SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DETAIL, USE #2 OR BETTER (1450f FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME CHORDS, USE #3 OR BETTER OR STUD (900f FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME WEBS, LOCATE VERTICALS AT 4'-0- O.C. MAX., OR SEE NEXT OPTI❑N. IF FALSE FRAME CHORD IS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE STRUCTURAL CHORD, THEN VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN + OR - 12' OF THE PANEL POINTS ALONG THE BOTTOM CHORD (4' MAX. PANEL LENGTH). APPLY REQUIRED BRACING (SEE BELOW), ❑PTI❑NAL PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED UP TO 24' MAX, FALSE FRAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES (OR FLAT BOTTOM CHORD SECTIONS OF A TRUSS), XLATERAL BRACING IS NORMALLY REQUIRED ON THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD OF THE ORIGINAL TRUSS. SINCE MANY FACTORS AFFECT THE NUMBER-DF-REQUIRED-BRACES,-SUCH-AS LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE, WIND LOADS, BEARING LOCATIONS, ETC. IT IS N❑T POSSIBLE -TO -DEVELOP -A STANDARD FOR BRACING EXCEPT TO SAY THAT IN NO CASE MAY THE BRACING EXCEED 10'-0' O.C. FOR A SINGLE -PLY TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD. REFER TO SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD (MAY BE INDICATED AS BOTTOM CHORD PURLIN SPACING). BRACING SHOULD ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD AT 10'-0' O.C. IF THERE IS NO SHEATHING MATERIAL APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD. BRACING MATERIALS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO ANY PITCH, ANY SPAN, ANY TOP CHORD LOADING AND ANY TRUSS WEB CONFIGURATION FOR 24' O.C. MAX. SPACING AND IOPSF MAX. CEILING LOAD., WITH THE EXCEPTIONS AIrTTrn ❑N THIS SHEET T USE THIS DETAIL FOR, ICTURAL BEARINGS UNDER THE FALSE FRAME (NOT PARTITIONS). :RIOR BEARINGS AT ANY LOCATION ON THE TRUSS. DS IN EXCESS OF IOPSF CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME. 3 LOADS CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME. CHORD APPLIED FALSE FRAMES. DER GRADES LESS THAN SPECIFIED ON THIS DETAIL, TICALS SPACED APART MORE THAN PANEL POINTS (IF>4'-O'). iE FRAMES ON CANTILEVER SECTIONS OF A TRUSS. NOTE, FALSE FRAME MEMBERS MAY BE CUT AND FIELD MODIFIED AS NEEDED WITHOUT THE NEED FOR REPAIR DETAILS, PROVIDED THE MODIFICATION DOES NOT INVOLVE CUTTING OR DAMAGING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, OR CHANGING LOAD CONDITIONS OR SUPPORT C❑NDITIONS. BRACING REQUIREMENTS MAY SHOP APPLIED - USE AN ALPINE WAVE 20 GAUGE 3x4 MIN, PLATE AT HEEL CONNECTION. USE ALPINE WAVE 20 GAUGE 2x4 MIN. PLATES AT EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL WEB. ALL PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH FACES OF EACH JOINT, - IF NEEDED, A 2x4 FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH AN ALPINE WAVE 3x4 MIN. PLATE AT ANY CONVENIENT LOCATION, OR AN ALPINE WAVE 5x5 MIN, PLATE AT ANY VERTICAL (JOINT SPLICE), FIELD APPLIED - PLACE FALSE FRAME CHORD IN -PLANE WITH THE TRUSS. - CUT VERTICALS TO LAP BOTH THE STRUCTURAL CHORD AND THE FALSE' FRAME CHORD, TO BE PLACED AT EACH END IN ADDITION TO ABOVE REQ, - JOIN VERTICALS TO ALTERNATING FACES OF THE TRUSS WITH (3) 10d BOX (0,128'x3') NAILS AT EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL. (12' MIN, VERTICAL BLE - MAY USE A 12' LONG 7/16' PLYWOOD (OR ❑SB) GUSSET TO EACH FACE AND —8d-NAIL-S--(0.113x2,5') 2 3' -O.C, AT THE FALSE FRAME HEEL JOINT IF DESIRED. —----____ VERTICALS MAY BE JOINED BY (2) 3x6 TRULOX PLATES WITH (4) fl-GAUGE (0.120') x1.375' NAILS INT❑ EACH MEMBER (ONE PLATE ON EACH FACE OF TRUSS ATTACHED WITH 4 NAILS), IF NEEDED, THE FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH AN IS, LONG MIN. BLOCK SCAB, CENTERED ON THE SPLICE JOINT, ATTACHED WITH (6) 10d BOX (0.128'x3') NAILS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SPLICE JOINT (ONE FACE ONLY). -VAF"Ki of READ AND F®.LDV ALL WITES ON THIS DRAWM .+ - T`%_ 1U11 "-, _DPgRTANTo FU 1491 n= DRAWING TIJ ALL CONTRACrllRS RIIA.MM THE D=ALLERS ��•� `� j� >, REF BC FILLER Trusses regWre extreme care In fabricating handling, shippin , Inst.tn and brack�g• Refer to and \� \ r"r Ito, the latest eustlon of SCSI 1,1,g Cpmponsnt Safety IntParentlan, by 111 11 for safety Q` �GE�S �� . DATE 10/01/14 ctlGe prior to performing these functions [nstntlers shall provLie tenpornryy bradng per BCSL ess noted otherrisr, top charts shalt have properly attached structural shentNng end battam cbor N DRWG REPBCFILiD14 shall have a properly attached rlpid ceitinR• Location shorn for permanent taternl restroint of robs shall have 'a. rg lon —rd per aboI sections th j or D10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss antl ppnodtbn nc sham above antl an tho .bint DetaGs, uMess rotetl otharrise. Refer to drarings 16DA-Z for standard plate positl— Alpe,ed, a Avtslon of ITY Bu0.dlrp Components Group Inc shnll no! be responsible for arty devihtlan fr 8 Ae Ir aF' AN 1TWCOWANY tFdr rarkg mY fnftury !o bJW th¢ truss to conformance rtth ANSVTPI 1. or for MndWrg, sHPptrrp, Instnllatbn t bracY,g of trusses. q�I �., A seal on thlr ara.4w or Dover pope lbting this draeNp, trldientes xceptance of professWral :!' '�,� oE'' �Gv rnR*teeNnp responsbRlty solely for the aast�, shorn. The sultaMliy aril use oP iHs drara,g o O for nny sirvcture is In rmation see this the s ge Doslgner per ANSIRPI 1 See2 �i �F r'�,"v Earth ity,M nt Odve i Cf V Earth City, MO 63045 For more inform m T see thts Job's genernl notes pope and these rrb sits. �� G_ v% _ ALP[Id7 rrraip,nelte,eor0 TPD m.tpinstorgJ SDCN nr.sbelntlustrygrpt tCQ rrrJeesnfe.orp 4e,' �f G� ,itv� l SCAB 2X4 ASCE 7-05 120 mph wind, CAT II, EXP C, 30.00 ft mean hgt, located anywhere in roof, wind TC DL=4,2 psf, wind BC DL=6,0 psf, Kzt = 1.00, ❑VERHAN❑ DETAIL ASCE 7-10 160 Mph wind, EXP C, Or 140 mph wind, EXP D, 30.00 Ft Mean hgt, located anywhere in roof, wind TC DL=4,2 psf, wind BC DL=6.0 psf, Kzt = 1,00, Minimum 2X4 scab, same grade and species as top chord designated on Engineer's sealed design and three times the overhang length. Attach overhang scab to one face of top chord with 10d box (0,128°x3.0°, min) nails at 8" o.c, plus clusters of four nails where shown in figure below Cam), NOTE: #2 is the minimum lumber grade allowed for all species. N❑TE1 Add 210# uplift (max.) to reported truss uplift for wall connections, T ALL CONTRACT MS a RE An ANB MLgv ALL NOTES oN TM BRAV[NCl DJ�v , TOTAL TOP CHORD REF 2X4 SCAB O,H, --DMTAW FILWam TMRAVING TO Q2S INf1UDBiG HE 47STALl.ERS. Trusses require extreme care In fate l-ting, handl4q, shipping, Installing and trod,&. Refer to and g�, \�GENSF LOAD NOT TO DATE 10/Ol/14 fallow the latest etlltbn of HCSC ®ultltng Component Safety Inforrmtlon, by TPI and SBCA) for safely EXCEED 40 PSF pnctic¢s prior to perfarning tMca functions. Installers shall, provide temporary bradnp per BCSi. ess mated other.ise, top chord shall her¢ properly attached structural shea and bottom shard _ No CDEAD PLUS LIVE) DRWG ❑HSCB2X41014 shag hove a properly attached rlgtl ce 1 Locations shorn for pernanent lateral restraint of webs _ shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BID, as aPpticdbte• ApptY plates to each face of truss aM position aG whom above and on the Joint Betels, -A.- noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16DA-Z for standard plate posltlons. $ ATE OF Alpine, s &W n of ITV B.Aod Conponents Group Inc shall no be responsible for any deviation from AN ITWCOMPANY this 1vng, any f,.M ro to build the truss In cml.r,once with ANSI/TPI 1, or for harwung sbppu hatollatbn L brodng of truss¢s� A sent an this dra.kv or cover page U tb,g this dra.hg, Indicates acceptance of pref—lonat ,O .`�Q engtleerYg re y sdely far the design zt— The sdtN,Olty and use of this dra.Utg y \.\ DUR, FAC, 1,15/1.25 13389 far amY struettretfw respons6AKy of the Bul,Bng Despner per ANSI/TPI I Secs.i°(�p�1t� �\\ Esnh City.MO 163045 For nore lnf--- oTPl e:rti.�YcLar Qen—at no eclmpa4q.c 1 these .eb sites. m'9 �4yf �V IVPt��ttt`��\ SPACING 24° ALPIWJ wwwA tp g Y�'gl ICG vwrJcccafe 41