HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE 'CO:Ct-NT, `4 fF L �Q IR 11 fD (R= _ -? Peay's Electrical PLAN\NING & DEVELOPNIENT SERVICES �/� Building & Code Compliauce Dhision k` k . EVED BUILDING PEIUMIT SUB-CONTR ,CTOR AGREEMENT (Company Nemc Individual Name) —' the Electrical _— __— Sub-contra_tur for 0 R Horton Inc (Type of rrade)- C'or,tracmr) + For the project located at V l_ Cobblestone Drive (���ylPrcje_; Street Au; r,!or Pr,p, "• '1 a'. tD =) - -- DEC L 7 2017 have agreed to he It is understood that. if there is any change of Staals regarding our panicipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and ('ogle Regulation Dit isiun of S: Lucie County tt ill be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change ol'Sub-contractor notice. A 611 COVIICAMRSMNA ter) SVII-CONTRACTORSI(;NArl:RE Qunlirier)— Brian W. Davidson PRI\•r NAME — CRC 1327068 COt.'STl'CF:RTIFICATIO\`�t:�IBER State of Florida, Cmmts of Brevard The foregoinginstrumeninassignedheforemethis 26 datof December ,0 1�7%bti is Ito Is personalty kno—( or ha; produced n as identification _\ 5ign2turL, of Notnry Public - Print Nnnic of Nutary Public: tv� r'9vu .NotaSry Public StOte of F!ctida at"JO`M_ t E�IeS 2�t�rtes 9' Christina Sia`.e PRINT NAME ER1301455� COUNTI iffRTIRC:\TIOSSYUSIRER .State of Florida, C'unnt, of Brevard I he toregoin, in,trumeni nas signed before me this 26 day of December -;g17 . br who is put so nark knun74ur ha, produced a_ as id con. (/ I , signat or -Notary Public Print Name of Notars Public E-1 Notary Public Stste of Flor d, andra Leone y Commission GG 020a1xpires 08(1U'2020 a PERMIT OC-ICS1.1?A � p .l~iMI TING PLANNING & DEVELOgtIJWWU�MI EES Building & Code Compliance 1)4vision BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Dame) the Plumbing _ Sub -contractor for _D R Horton Inc (Typc of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 'j`j O`' Cobblestone Drive Street Address or Property Tax M ,) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation %with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Dig ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, CONT PACTORSM NATVM--(7yjaIirier) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER statcorFlorida,Count) or Brrevard The foregoing instrument uas signed before me this 26 dai or December so 17. by who is personally t, toisn X or has produced a SUn-CON'rR.4 "1 URSIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NA\IF. CFC057526 -- tfpl.� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stare of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument isas signed before me this 26 day of December �U», by iihu is personally knuu'n X or Ins produced a as identification. as Identification. STA?IP �~` U-Vel— STAMP Si�tsatureofVotaryPubUc Signature or Notary / lit�Li�=i[�Qf1N/J Print Name of Notary Public Pr Name or Notary Public / rdi�il'4r'v�t>� i e!`�r'U+ alotary Public Stale of F'cr•da Sandra ":one r i ''�'T �s�s, :`•:aa: / 'r'.:eIIC State ut Florda ' , o N% ommvs!ci 3G G?G�31 :� 3 5;3 98nUfa Leone s. �• jr rt °FOFr:�' Exp''sQYtJ4^,G2G , -�, �. - c uy^_ommissn:n�3GGZGc51 .. ERptrea oeo .: i^-G2o - - �vV,\ ED UEC 2 7 017 FL St. Lucie County, Jf; Li7�sR1I fD' rA PLANNING & DEVELOPINIENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Florida Breeze (Company Kame:Individual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Typz of Tratie) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC Q(Prmarr C'onuacto,-) For the project located at � q yq _Cobblestone Drive (Project Street Addre;; or Property Tax ID �) It is understood that. if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant io the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r' CONTRACTOR SIGNATLRE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION ,1WJBER State of Florida, Count. or Brevard The foregoing instrument %%as signed before me this 26 da} of December ,� 17 by ssho is pensnnally I:noisnX or has produced a SUB- O\ 1 FACTOR S1CV,Y1`�'RF (Qunlifit; ) V Kristen Kelly PRI,`'1' N.A.NIE COUNTYCERTit-TAt IONNE:NIBER State of Florida, Counts of The foregoing instrument way signed before me this 26 dad of December . ,0 17. by x ho is personalty kno%n x or has produced a as identirica ' n. as identification. CIV C fits STAINIP N C — Signarure of :Notary Public / Signature of Nota -v Public ary Public Print Namc of tiotary public Print Name of `atan- Public Ncwv Ftibilc SZ.. ur F[crd : ��� • P �, SaPdfa Lori. ..ay '�yr Notary Pubic State of F;crda nmis::i;n ,^,G 020251 t y r Sandra L-_',one Rel+ ed (hs2t3t& fixp:esCt?1+1!'42r i1 • o Commiss,cn3GM2.4: tea ,P Expires 4' ST.AA I P PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE = PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division HE V . jII R E77 BUILDING PEpMIVM SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i• 7 2017 -Oanty, FL Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D•R.Horton • (Primary Contractor) the project located at �� Cobblestone Drive (Project StreetAddress rorp property Tax ID #) - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO;TRACTOR GNA (Qualifier) SUB CONTRALTO SI NA ualifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT MME PRll1T NA,� CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or Brevard The roregoing iostrumeotwas signed before me this 26 day of December1� 20 IL, by who is personally known % or bas produced a as Identitica 'oa Slgnatwv of Notary Public Sa�rd�a Leon Print Name of Notary Public Y °va Notary Public State of Florida Revised 11/ °; Sandra Leone a` M/ Commission GG 020251 9j�orr�oo- Expire50811C12020 CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, county of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of December 217 0by who Is personally knownX or has produced a as identification. SrA.NfP %"1-4�1 Signaturaor)\otaryPuhlic STAMP sm-6-a Leon Print name orNotary Public nor °osy� Notary Public State or Flor-lda Sandra Leone s o My Commission GG 020251 4k0 rn°a ExpiresG8/1C/2020