HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2118 . ~~-?~'?~r>.~_~.~,~~,\::,~i~~:':, -,~_~'~~~'~~;~~l? ~"-.~,.~"~.~";:~;; ,', ',,~~?r~~.>"~ ~-,,~ \,t. :' .-~ '..'..;.' . " '- .. " ~. . : . , 'ub~e~t' ~o ''-11 '41 t'oh' ',..........nt8, .or: w.' .peolal .8.....nt.~'lt ant l>t 1.Y1,<<, tor ,tht-',T,.r 1919, -.n4 all ~b'.qu'Qt ,t~.e an4 a88188I1ell~'.,' " ' , " teiil'.Jh"'o~ttl" . (e,d J ' " .' Bhod~i."~ft.r:.(8..i)' I I I I i I o 1 I o ." -. ';;', . , , In ~el!len9. O,t, ..- .- . '. ..14...i' O....h. '. - ... lauaa M.])a"l..~n '.'- (115.00 1.,R. 8t..p~ oanoell.d) ~t~t. of W1eoone11l" ,,), '., ". , ' ( 'e8. Co~t,'Of Kl1..uk~e'. ,J i I i 'It an,ott10'i' authorhdt() ,ake aotnoWl,.agaente 01d.ed8 aooorc1in, to 'the law8 of the I ,I Stat:. ~f .J.~ru.a.'eul~ q~.flt1td .n4...~t~D8, . HEREBY 'CEWl'In. ihAt 'te~i1e .:a. Porter a,nd RhOda! IB.to~t.~'hh Wlf.:to .'. pe"on..ilVb.oii,thl' 4IF aOlmow10411e4 b.f"r~ .. that th.V oz~oot~ I ia the'foregolngWarrant7 D..4; ana I Pt7R'lmm 'OERTIn that i know the ea14 persone lIaking . Bald a0la10.1'-dP..~t to' be the lnd1 Tiduala 4..0rib.d 111 anel who ex.out.d theLsUd Warranty t D~ed: .ADD I'lUR'limR CDtIn' that 8SU. Rhoda I. port~r 1'8 known tO'lIe to b.' the Wl:f~ of '~81d I . , '.<. ' , , I wslie' B. ')ortlr and that sh. thi8'da, aoknowledged batore IDe, aepantely ana apart frOIl her I . ...' . "'. . . . " , . . ! bllsbanct, th,t she .xeouted tht 8ald warrantlt>eeatr.e11 an4 v~1W1t.rl11' an4, without, oompul. ~ . ,- , ", .', - i 810n. oOlletralnt,apprehene10n or t.ar ot or trOll h.rhu~ban4, tor the purpose ofrelinqu1ahihg ~ .... . '.' ' ana' oonveying all h,r rlght, title and interest tn the property therein de80rt'bed, whtther ot: aowei- or (leparate estat.. ' , ' . . .' I ,I1f'1fITBSS _Op.'.~ h.~eunto 'e.t ~ hand and otlio1al 'sell at 1t11waUkee, said County I .,' "." , '. . , . and State,th1a 218t day of'ebruu7, A. D. 192Q. jriotar.7 Seal) I ' 1 j"Uld and reoorded this 6th da:,ot,Maroh, A. J). 1920. J?ec I ' P. 0; lI1.41"'4, Clerk lll.oolt Court, ,Ol'rJ ", I (01'. 01'. SBALI BV~.;e. r7'ia--J D. 0, i. . . ~ . . . . .' .' ~ _ _"_ _' _ .. _ _.' _ ..; _ .. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ I ' IL. L. MOSBY r W.wwn. DUD. I Th18 In~enturl, uade the 19th day of December In the year ot our Lord~ One Thousand Nine IHUDdredand Bin~te.n, between L. L. K08b, ot the County of VOluBla and 8ta~e ot 'lorida ot i~hCt firet part,' and L. I. Thomp80n ot St. Luoie tounty stat~ot Plorid8. ,ot the s800nd part. ~ltneSB.thl That the Bala party ot~the'tir8t part. tor and In oonBiaeration 01 the Bum ot I ' ' . Ee dollar and ~th~r 'V81u~bl.,oonB1deratlon D011ar8, lawful money ot the Unltea 8t8te8 01 rloa, to hill 1n h.Pd pald b, the 8ald part7 ot the ee06no. part, at or betore the ensealing ,', ,'nd deliver, ot th'8~ Pl"..el1t8, the reoeipt whereof 18 herebl aomowledged, have granted., ~t::r::~:;,~:;::o~::::;,.::::~o::.::::.:::~.:::Y::::.;n:.~o:::::::: :::'b:'~:::4P::::;t:f t+. '8e00l1d'~rtano. hie, hell'S *:I1d'~881gn8, f-orever".all that; lot, pieoe'~or p8roel.,of18nd,1j1ng i ....'. ',.-"', . '.' .. '.' '" I .~o.. b;~.," ~n .th,e ,eo1lJi~~,O~*:8t& ~d.. and 8t. to ,o~. ~~r1~" 4e8o~lb.4 " as .toll~W81 , . " :..0.:10' t.otlfwab'-r Tlireel') uapour,(ol) ot.eoUonll''Yen(ll), Township 'Thirt,- '.' ,:,,,";-,;:-,, ..,':,:.<"..-!.--. -,.-., ""~~;'-' -.",;--'.- .,' .. \< .-: .,J' , : ,," > .." ..." '.,' " _,." ,1_ ..,. : -, tWQ, '(32), SOllt~ of hnse T~ll'tl-n1ne' (39' Eaet. Co..t.a1~lPj' S1ny ana tin one hWldredth aores, ~ , .~ .... - "..- ~ ~. ~ . .. , '" . , I . 1tO~' _0:r~'~8 lrtD8~4 _l!e1na 1~8t. r,uQ1e CQun~1 f1()~l~.\,:~o.Pt1P8 Lot ctee4:e,a to ohuoh \ ,; '~~lf~~~:~.~"~~~;i" ., ,.' , , ' , " "',." " '.' , " ' , ,:fl~~,~~!lJ.~~~t .~." "~~1l!t~!1~"1'!!~~t,t.Dt.'o'" ,h.'.41toaa.ot.. OD4"l',Purtonooo.. ".:,'Jl~!~~~;.~i~~li~~~~~f,';~rt~~~{,~ ~h;t~Y'''10''..''''.~'~''100''~'''1D4,~, ,,' ~rt;ll~~~~'f ~"'~'~r~~I1!,o"'n4 ptotft...~~~o~, OD4. '1'0 .2,1'~. ..tot, ,~"h',tUlI. 'I . ~ t :_-_-.~,~".". . Waldemar C. Weh. lfotart Publfo, lUlwauke. County, lbeooneln. Kf oommlBs~on explree Oat. 23, 1921. n TO L. I. THOUPSOB. 1--- f.~ 0'... :~ i .- -",,'