HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiN,ision BUILDING PER11IT SUB-CO.NTR4CTOR AGREEtNIENT DEC 2 7 201? P�r�,gal�••rl�,�c; St. Lucie County, ; l_ Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be (Company Namelindividual name) the Plumbing _ Sub -contractor for _D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3 1-6 o _` p-&-) Q.E�e lr C,tleC (Project Street :address or Property Ta,s ID ;) It is understood that. if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Diaision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, COVTR•\CfORS(G`ATU t ualificr) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFiorida,Count, of Brrevard The foregoing instrument uas signed before me this 26 day of December ,p 17 by aho is personally knossn X or has produced a SUD-CONTRA TOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT.M01F. CFC057526 -- jgtpgg COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument ssas signed before me this 26 day of December ,p 17 by slut is personally knonn X or Etas produced a as identification. as identification. )J'Jej. 14,eSTAMP ✓✓ STAl11P Si-gtiature of Notary Public Signature of ��Natary Public �l is n`. e.s rt�. cell! - f a.9ss� Print Name of Notary Public PrX Namc of Notary Public 00Y °? ,91 Vphry Public State _f F'cnda �f 1y Q Sandra Lone Q, ; 5=ta:1 ?.:.^fie Sate ut Ferda U%•.ommss:ca ;Go3G251SCr:dra L,doce s ^s+. °oFs:` Exp • s CY ; S �C2C I' { _ o �i7 _ammiss :n 3G G<^G b V, y]� .ei.sos E pi:e i:e'ri:r^C3U ti PERMIT 9 C�,{�7-C'}i�N�T�Y �r• _i ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Florida Breeze (Company Name.rIndi�idaal \ame) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Typa of Trat:r) BUILDING PERNIIT SIB -CONTRACTOR AGREE.NIENT Pi{'s g1��7 TIi�iCa St. Lucie COt»tY, i L have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC Wr'.mary Ctsmracto,-) For the project located at 313p 7 00 ewa-k/ Cca (Project Street Address or Property Tae ID I-) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of an Change of Sub -contractor notice. r' CONTRACTOR S1G`.VMRE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT,VINIE CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION tiUJIBER State of Florida, Count, or Brevard The foregoing instrument 1%as signed before me this 26 day of December ,0 17 by s,ho is personally kno,sn X or has produced a as identifiea ' n. i Signature of :Votary Publi� SC'I - ON'I FACTOR S1CV, t` ;/R (Qualm ) Kristen Kelly i'KIN ' N.k%IE Mc.. 1.{ { l �� COUNTYCER-rIFIt: T 0ti \[,118ER State of Florida, CountN of The foregoing instrument u'as signed before me this 26 dap of December 17 who ib personally knoss n X or has produced a as identificationn. STAINIP 'Ye CK'--- Signature of Notary Public print Vamc of tiorary pubhe Print Vamc of `otary Public .+'4r"ralrtf'�.P't�'1lb'i�'Yt� " r/ Public 3ste of Plcr'd a � 5;°"+�`•��•�` Sar.dfa I -sore •- , ;av'?y r ctan/ Pubic State u' Ficrda Pdy.:cmmisai;-n aO uzozsi r _� �I Sandra Lane Reused lh)201dPEcpi:es Brl;_'72t ii g !dyCommiss�cnOG 1.• R��'n� .. { SfOF i:J) Expires C a... ST.k%I P PERMIT t# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPNIENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-Cad;NTR,CTOR AGREENtEN'T Peay's Electrical (Company Nrme Individual Name) the Electrical Sub-contra-.:tur for 0 R Horton Inc (T)pe o`Trade) - --- —_ (i nma,-;. Co :tracrnr) For the project located at (Prcje-; Strec[ Ad&e. 4 or Pr,t:e- 'I a\ ID =) DEC 2 7 2917 PERMII-FiPJt3 St. Lucie County, FL have agreed to be It k understuud that• if there is any change Of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Cole Re, Dig ision of S.- Lucie County «ill be advised pursuant to the fit ing of a Chane-e of Sub -contractor notice. COw I iwTU 5I -NATt Brian W. Davidson PulKr NAME _ CRC 1327068 TO1:WN CERTIFICATION KV.NIBER State of Florida, Count, of_Brovard The fora, -nines insit ument ,t as signed before Inc this 26 day of December 10117'bti into is Personally knnssn( or h- produ.cd n as identification. _` Signatur7 of Notary Public PrintNartle_ofN4otary Public V ' ~ tea Cla Wary [aub[ic State of F!ctida Safdla LCOrtt- 'G 010251 atprt,lsuinn < 0 = 6 MX lees 081 NP^02 fy It A suo-co.rRACT612 SIGN:,, rUKE IQualifier) Christina Slave _ PRIV•f `.\CIE ER13014555(�- COUNTI CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida• r-oonty of Brevard I he fureggoin, intrument ssas signed before me !hie 26 d:1 of December ,017 br pet zonally l:no+t tut hay produced r as id tion. IV, , , /-,. 6 �igaar• of Nblaf} Public — -- Print Name of tiotary Public A --.. L'f Nciary Public State of Florda Sandra Leone My CommissionGG 020251 Expires 08f1Ut2020 a .a PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE ' PLANNING & DE VELOPMENT SERVICES J ® - Building & Cade Compliance Division ? BUILDING PERMIT DEC 2` ' SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 'PE R �d791-Ti?•, St. Lucie County. FL Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC ((;ompany Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D.R.Horton (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 31300 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) — It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR �GNA ~ (Qualifier) SUB-CON'rRAL7'O SI NA unlifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT NA, M PRR%T iVA� CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTffICATION NUMBER State orb7orida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December 17 J Zp by who is personally known X or has produced a as identifica a. Signature ofNotary Publfc Sa�rdLa Leone Print Name of Notary Pab is �,sx aua :MY tary Publio State 01 Florida Revised 1 ti 1 °; ndra Leone c Qa COMMISS.12 20 020251 �ovcLoo- Pi;eaoerlcno2o CCC 1330653 COU, A I CER't"lt;ATIQN NU,MMER State of Florida, County or The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December 2017 b � y who Is Personally known X or bas produced a as identification. STANIT Signature UK salary=ranks STAMP Sailipa Leone Print 1\ame of Notary Poblic * ° Notary Public Stale offlorida Sandra Leone o My Commission GG 020251 9koFtvOv Expires08/1G2020