HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2130 ,_~;",~-::~:~";,,.~,.:,'(.'!O~~,~~:~~f:~-_~~'~~:r~~"~.~~:-.~':.:' '~~~~~.'~":T~:~ '~.':~:~~~~:j:"~'~?~'~:,:1-! .:"~'~'~1:;"~I~~"1:T~.?.. '-':~_' ,. "", " , >>~~ ~h1:.1e~~'"Jlt..~...~"~qUl411N 'ata11.:,1l~... he~t' '"a~e.\ll'."" :tlli~tlihaY.,' ~o14."1\..,f'oQo~,:.~~'.~.. .~.'enJo~ ,th.~' ~OT~, '~~eA ,~~mi",,~' "~,:~~e17 ~'~"~'~: ~'~Ot.'.1_'~.'.~~~~e...'.1ti10~t'~ l~t"'lW.tll'~l'O~l>>i~.' .1.ata~10il.1 , . .-" " " " ,', ,'" "" ,;,,',' \ ,,:....,..-: ':':.,,',. '" "', ," "'" , .',' I .'rio1t~OI1 or ,cH.~banoe' Of, th..14pattj,0t-the ,f.1~.'~" .1t..'1.'~, 7:'~J:.~~tat1Te~..or Ofl 'ani' othe>> pel'Bon 01" ~r8on. lawfQll:r ol.aWn.g ortoolall1 the ....,.&.n4 ~ha' 'th,e ~ all ,I 'and', ~~.~. ~~ tre~.' ole~. tllOharp4 aai4 umMumbel'84ot ana:trout aliformer an4 I , "',,. ," ' '," "", ,; ", , ' " ,,' ',' ", ' , I :othej,~t~.,tltle..~o~..a.'e.tate.. 3d~nta,~a. .fI"B_nt.~ olo114a an4 lnoumbranoer of ..~t, batue ,'~ kind, '80eyer.'.th&t 'the ea14 party of the fl~t. })an. 1t81e881 re>>- ! ;:esentativei, 'e~oh ~ eTe,..,. "~1 .. ;eDo'u~ an4&otncnr1e4se IRlOh tu-ther an4 other I , ',',' ,",', ' , . " " " , I "ltda ,'a:n4 as8Uano.s aa' bl oo~eei.leamed' in the ,law _,., be oGns14ered rea80nably proper to I " ' ~i 'I effeotuate the h],1, intent an4 _~n1n8 ot ,this instrument. . ! -. .... - .. , ,All:taxee for the 78ar 1919 are exoepted from 'this Warra.il,ty. * . . ':::". - . . ~ " . - . ~~~c:?\t:~!o:tt~e first part,torltselt. and lt8~lesal representatives. the ; atTetf1'8Dted at.d;;r;~se4 'pre~B8. ~4 e~~17part an4 pa;~~lthoreo~" With the appurtenanoe8~ . .. .'" ',"',' i , ., ' , i unto~e sai4 part70tth~"00~, part, its legal rOl>>l'e8en~tlves..again8tthe sa14 party,_1 of the first part. its 8\1008880r8. and against allena. eTe~ person oJ: persons whomsoever .. , "0 j la11fu117 ,olaslll"~ o~ t~ 01~1a the same. '8h811an4 Win warrant and bytheeepreeentB foreTer detend; , '. I The expression "legal represen~tiTea" as,u88d in thla1i1stl"WD8~t. shall be takon to , mean ,h~ir8, 'exeout'o,-:s. adia1nl:etrators 8M' ~Si~S;. or '8\100e88oraana. ,assigns; as' the oontext mq' pera1t. In "itness nel'eot. the said party of the firet'~ has oaused these p~sents to be . t ",-. exeout8d in Ita o()rponte name b7 Its,Pros14ent and its oorporate seal to be affixed a~tested! . e '.' , ','- ""!* '. . , : 0' . ~.'. .". - . i by ,1 ts Seoret&r1 the da;)' ana. year :firat above ui tten. 1.1 ' " " , " I ' SEBASTIAN RAIlOR, COJalPAJrY ,00RPoBUB SEAL) , ' ' " . " I ' B1. 'Bl, 0, n R. Barnett , Ita Presta.ent. I Attest: " . F.r. ne~ .. .llllfp1O~, ..a104 end 4.1h"".d ln the pr...... .f It. Beo"~. T. \1. BIBhOp D. H.Bamett state of JiorlAa Oountt of Dayal. Jss. ) Before me. the un4b~slgne4. a notary publlo in and for ~he State of norlda. at Large. an otfloer 4111y authoftse4 to take aolmowle4pZ1ta of 4ee4s,' persoDallt appeared Pree14entofSBBlSTlANBANOH COUPAUY. oorporatlon. the oorporate party , " . - . - . ~. of the firet :part in anctto the aboT. written doed..and also perSODa1.17 aPpeared before me ' . '" , ,.' , the , 8eoret&t7 of the said o02:POratlon; the said per- '., ' ~" ," ,,',' ,',' I $Ona beiD8.TerW1~own to me ana. known b7 me to' be the 8BIIl8 1n41T1dua1 who as suoh pre- , ~4ent 'and ail _oh..ore~&rJ' exeouted theaboYe written 4e.4 onbehalt ~f .,14 oorj)or&tlon; 1U,~.D4",~" Ii~, i ~,,',., r, 14, pre a,' ,14, ont., &Oknowlect8, ,04, t, hat, ""." . _"" h pre,~4",,~ h... enb.."1~.4 tr.. sa14 ..0". po~ .. .... ~OJI1>ehalf end b7antho~ tJ .f !NO~4 .0"P<l""tlon. 8l14. h.. the sa14 lIe.reta..;. ... ~owle4,ge4~ba~"h.att1xe4the'..al,Of' .14'oo~~tlonto' eata. 4e84 and atteate4 the'same " ,......, ' ' " ',., j bi n'b80rlb~D8 hi. ..., aa ..o%e~ ~t sa14 OO~I'.tlOn~ bl:,au~hOrity and o~ behalf, of ~41 'oo,"ra~10Jl; U4'> ,eao~' o,t' t~ 'Wo ~r80Ilc8:' abo1'e- namet: aolm~le48e4 that the,. as euoh pnai4en\ .'~. ~;-=:;,,;:::M;:17~t:~~"t:::=~'::::t =~::-::;4: .:t i ~, '. "CY~J' ,- >' " .' , .."" I ' '*o-'!-itF':' c.- , . ~?'-:J:~:'- ' ':' ',' '. " -: ..' ': ,~ ," ", " -, .'.., ; 0', , ~,~-,;, ' x~. " t " 1> G. .:. , ; o.