HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2135 l~ I ii . "', .," t:? ~ LI .. -'___',C_"'\Y"'-:-:'."':'.___"::~-,,!~.--. ~-:"~--~_~~n;,~,''C::~~':.~'*,'''':~''-'-'-:-~~~7",,,;:,"_ :'":~' '~ ,~--~.~ o.:,,":~~ ,"'~~:.t" ,l;.",-,\-":""~,_'\"';' ',' '~. , ,',- ,':r"'!, '~' \", , \';~3'5" , " '\'\ ~.~~ \-~:'t' . . : ' ":":"':'_' 'to ,{ " A. I. "";Y.JR. I.6ODLOI. " ~O t. H.' .rAOlCSOH. "'*~hJ,.,A., IQIOf1LBS., , ".' ", , 'fRUlfBES. f~ I WA1lR.lftY nDD." I , ' . I ,'fh18 tanantJ' :D.al Of OOnTe~.,' BDoute4 thi. 'h1~' '4at'of .7ul7 ~ar ,of OU ' I Lord onetho\l8an4' nin. '...~,~4: ~"i1UeteenBY .um ~",is. ~.. a~ lU.l~~~f ,tJ1e~ft~.t pari, I and ,. B., Jaok.on, sazi MOU'eai,J. 4.JCnow1~e, !ru.t..a of the Bul8bA. U. 1I~' Ohuoh and their I 8\100e.80~a of the Hoond part,; I !Wlt~'I..th~ That ,the eala, party of th.flret pa~t. for ana in oonslderation ot th.1JlUIl . I ' '" ' , I I of)lft; dollars DoLLARS lawful monet' of the t1n1~$4S_t'e of _r10a, tome 'in'hand,pald' I ; ',',' " , " ' ,.' '" , " ,I ~ by the aa14 18"lre of the seoond part, at or before the ~nBealin8 &114 4ellT'17 of, theli.! I ! i preeent~,.the reoeipt'whereof 18 h.r.by aoknowl'dged,b;y thes. presents h!. give. arant, I ,I barp1n', seU. all'D..nf'Oft, r.ud.... reiease. oonv~l ando~l~ unto the .aid ;Partiel of t~. ! eeoontpart ana.'th.lr ~o.ssora. th&to.rtain propert;ln thO,C'ounty of st. LuOl~ and state I . " 'I ! of 1101-1d., aesorlb'ed as fo11o.s; '" i I, "Beg~in8 at" the .~rth East, oomer: otthO"1rol'th W.s~ ,Quarter of ,'the Borth West! I Quarter ofSeotlohthirty-twO, !tOwnshit'thiri1-0ne So~th of 'Range ,thtn~e East, theno~ 4- I mUg West one: hUDdr,e4, and tlvefeet, (1otH:,,~. i'henoe Soutli :to~ hundred twent;Yfeet, (420) ft~ t .,. , . , ---, , __ .____ ' I {south. ~eDo'e~)one hV.l:lded anc1. :tive feet'(106) ft'~~ East. "thenoe~ng ltorthiour hundred andl ' :', : ',' ',,', ,"" , ' " " .', ' I I twenty tee"'; (420):ft.to the beg1nn1ng.'oontahU.ngone .ore more 'orle88. ' I 1 , ' ,'. ' ,'" " " ". " " , i I ,together: With 611 'and s1ngU1a.r the rlght8 and priTllegea;tenements. hereditaments and I II!~o."tI1,""~o bo1Ons1ns. or in aD7Wi.. al'P"rtaiJdDs. add tho ......."81on and ....y.r- I ! slon., :t"~e~'~ rema1D4ere, rents~ ,188Uts an4,proflt.thereof; ~ ALso all the estate. I ! rlght.tltle~'1Jlt.~est' h~mie.tea4, doWer and right ~f dower. separate estate, property, ~ poase~8lon, ~lM.' aDd: 4'm8n4,rhatuoever. at law an41n eqUlt)". elther and bOth~ of the said i party of the 'fl:rstpart~ of, in'- and to'the same. and eve17 part anci J&l'Oel thereof; , I" ,i.' , ,", , I I TO HAVBAtm'f()'aotD' th~ alJ~~e. 4.sorlbe'd premia.s, eaoh an<<. ever,y. unto the said partlel1 ot th~ '! eeoonl ~,'~.1~ suoo..~ors, helrs&nd as.lias, 'in, -reG s1mple, absolute, ldefeaalbl;y. : l ' . -" . I I goreTer. ,;' ' ~ -' , '. < '~ - , ! I '~ the said party otthe firat part,for hlmself, and hie heirs, exeoutors and a4ministr4- I, ',,' ",' " " , " , ' jtor.,' ~Olnt11 andseTe1'$lly.oovenant, promiee and agree to and with the said parties of the I ", ' , " I seoondt*:r.'j-1ihelr 81lO0es80r8. heirs. exeolJ,tore. adm1n1stratorsand assigns. tluit ,the said 'j " , ': ,'" ' . I party of ~~J1rat part" at the time of the sealing and dellTer,yof these presents. was 1aw- 1M17 .e~..4.'11nte'e' s1mple~ of 'a go~d, absolute and lndef.asible estate of inher1tanoe of I ' " ,",' , .", ' ' , " ' , ' I land 1Jl.a.l.-':~ :8~ the ab~Te deeortbe4 pre~le8. eaoh and evel'1. mul ------..;-good right, ; 1iu1{~pO"e~8n4i&1rN aUthorlt;?' to oonTe;?' the SOlM in lIlBlUler '8l1dform af~resaid; that the ! I :. . ,-, " . .' t I sa14Part1e~' ~t" the e.Oimll part,their 8WJOe880r,. heil's and a.s1gn8. sha1.1and may. at 811 I ,,', ", ' , .. ' , ',' , ' I t1me.u,eatter. peaoeab1y an4 4.1I.1et17 haTe, hold, use, oooupy, possess and en~07 the abOT' , ideeolofb.4 prelldae., , and e!ery part and~oel thereof. without any let,BUiti,troub1e, I l"'l,ata'tlon,'ov1l1,ucm o~ 41a~8DO. of ~.. oa'14p.rtJ' ~_ f1ra~~. .111. holr. o~ a8018'+ j or of&nfoth.r person Or p&1"80na lawtu1l7 olaiming or ~ olaim the eame; that the eame, 'all ; !andai~, are free, .~, dleoharge4 and unino\mabe;ea. of andt..rOJl a1l,f01'1lle~ and other t, ' . __ _,.. '..' . . Ititl..,.l91lA\..,~ 1noumb~e~ OfwbAt,_~e 8.n4 k1B4.oe.,.~: 1ibat the sa1ctpart;y of thee i ! firat' pri_hl__ hel~8t e,Doutore aD4~..ira~r', ,eaoti"'<<n4 .~Z7.,'8ha11 lDI.ke, exeoute 8.nd I , , " , , " I ao~OWle4ge~l1 fa:rther aM ,~the2: :4eed" aUd' a.811r8.DOe, a8 1>1, 0~"~1.arne41n the law, . I ...., be oC)~~4ere4. reaeonablj proper' to effeotllate, the tall intent an4118Q1Dg o~ th18 in.. i, ' !.trw.ent/':;",' ,,' " ,',,', ,,"', :,,"',,' , " ' , r, .1 ..+u4tllo~.4~Oftllo ~.t .~.~"II~~:f'4h1a l\01ra.~a"",~~~rl~4 ....1 . .1::~~;~~::r:881-:.:7;~~:::f;'::;.i~::~~:.J~~:-::t~/2;J. I' ",,-'0 " '" ":.-""',' ',', "", "~',,:~>,';'-:}:',t,~:,\..;::~.,, """"'," ,,', , i