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J11ed. and reoorde4. th1a 18th day ,otKarc;h.A.- b. 192Q
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'oARll. li. DAVIS ~'wit. ' 'TO ' "SARAH L. HAMIlf !
Record Verlled
01'. 'sEAr.
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'1 ..TIlIS"~ l>EKDOP O~JlVllYAlIQB.IIxo.;.to41;h1~i6th a~ of .I."8llr.t in tho Jll8r of
lour LOrd one thou sana. riine hundre4en419 BYAlJI>~Oarr L. navis arid Lydia. E. Davis
I of the ,first" part, and' SarahL~ Hartin. of 'the ~eoood part. " " , " ' "
I " ',,'"
I wltltEaSE'lH, That 'the sa14. ~rtl.s ()f "theti.~Btpart, for and in:'oonsldoratlon of the
18WI1 o:COne ThOUa8.na.VOWRs.lawM.mo~e1'6:fthelhiiteclStates 01 Amerioa. to them in hand
I " " '",',',' , ,.', , ,',' " , ' '
paid b)' tho said -part)' Qf the seoond part..- at or before the enseal1ng e.na: deli ve17 of these
, ,
pl'8Sents. 'the reoelpt where9fls, hereb1 aoJoiowle!lsec1;by'these' pre'sents' do give, grant, 'bar-
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I, gain.sol.l.' aUe~. enteo:tf,~emise~.relea8e. oon"re;van4oontl1'1llunto tlie eaid !)Qtt)' of the
seoond part and herhe1rs. ~ that oe~~1n proport11n the Count,. of St., Luoie and State' of
I nOX'lda desarlbed a~foll~"s: ' ,
I !he East one haJ.fof the,llorth ketone quarter of the South "East quart~r of Seotion
I ai.en ,in Township thirty-one 'sou.th' ofRo.ngethirty-nlne east of the tallahas'see iJerid1an
I nO~l'd.~. oontanlp.gtwent7 aor8s, mO~8 or le8S.
,I, fOGBTHKR witbaii and S1.n8uJ.nr the tenements. berec11tnment$ and apPUrtenanoes
'I ther~UntO"belOJigin8' or ill anywise appeatain1ng. and the rev~r8ion and r(!worSion8.remainder
I andrem81nder.s. 'ronts" lsauos an4'prOfits thereof; AIID ALSO all'the estate, right. title.
1, ,,' " , ' , ," '
f'interest. hOlnOsteaa.doVlor,andrightof dower, separato estate.propert;v, pOssossion, olaim
,and demand whatsoover. at 1_ and in eqUity. dth~r snd both,ofthe said parties of tm firet
part. of. in" end to the eame.8:n4' eTe17part and. paroel the~eofi TO ItAVl: AltD TO HOLD the
above desoribedpremiees., eaoh and ever)'. unto 'he said pnrtyof the seoond part..'hcr heirs
and 8ssigns, in fee S1.lDple. ab~ol~te,bidefee.sibly, forever.,'
And. "the e~id,pa~tleB of ~e.flrst part, for themselT8s and the1.r heirs, exeoutors
and, a4Ja1l)j.stratore, Jointly &nd BOveral1.1.00vensn.i.prom1se ~nd a$1'~e' to and with tho said
. ' . " ,
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{part)' of the seoonct part, her heirs. execmtors. administrators end assigns," that1he said
,I parties otthe fi~st part. at the time Of"'tM se~l1ng anddeliv~:r70ftbese presents, are
I ::7~::::a .:;r~=:b::~ aa~BO~:b::':~::.:j;f::1::;;~~T~:::::t:f
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Ml powe~en,d lawfUl ~thorr~y to o,onvoy the aamein manner 'and form aforesaid; that the
sa!d part70f the seool14 pari. hf31:.beiJ.s and assigns, shall" and mB:Y, ct a'1l'times hereafter,
~ao8abi, ani! quiet1)' h8.V8,' hold"'\l~. oooup:v. possess and,enjo:vthe 'above' described pre!n1ses+
,fanc1eTerl part' end"perO~1th,ereOf.Without at.n7.,let.~it.troubl~'., mol e rstat ion , . eViOti.on or 1
1::'~~'::'~~~~~:fo:b~I:~:~!. ;~:r~:~r~;; Z1;:~10:.t .:.:::r.:roon i
fre.. ciear.' d180~r68~ana.~noUlDbere4' of en4, trolll'a.ll to~r' and other' t J.tles. 01011ds e.nd I
in~wnl>r@Oe8. i)t~hELt;~~eWHk"n4' eqi,veJ:t' ~t'-th.'~td !>artles of'the first ~rl.' their .1
":'. ",:~" ",' ,,"'.,:,....' ':, ':-;, .,~ ,: ." .'.', ,:,.'.:, /',' ,'.' ."". ',' , ' " ' ,',' " ,', ,:j
ll~l.,.~eXt9'l~0~8.' ancl" .4lnip.1.s~rft.tq~.'~e~o~ ~.'8'9;~rt"'114;J.i: ueke.~eXeol1~e e.Ild' aOlq1Ot11edge WOb, I
tunh~..'i.~'>~t~~"~:ct~~o..: ~:'..~~~~'..',1>t~'O~i~.~~'!.o~.ai~(th8 i_"~~~e'~~n81del'ed I
~~~~~~bli"'~~~~,~t~j~~ t;~'" ~~i 'iri:t.~~~: ~~ng of thie ~n8t~~nt'~ ,. I
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