HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2151 r__'_., _ I I~ I' ~ ~;'-->--'.'::',:~~~~7';~'-~:~~f~;~~~-~,y"""ry',.-~:,-;:";,: -,'::~~~~ .~:-_ :",-,~.:~~; ,'-". 'Jl"'~'~ ~'~;: ,~;:"- .'; ..,~.-,.~~: '-. .....,-' ":-" " ;.,...~ 1151 tl1....1T.. &n4for tb.l~ bttj:r8~,mOut0l'8, an4, a4a1n18tn 1....., do OOTenant, pro1Uee end , .1..,' . ,-~ ";",/:" ..' -. '::':~:_'" '. ':~ ,_'c~""'" .. ,~,:,~~,.,:" ,:'-\':-:'.~'_>".~:_ "',"" ,~_~ ""_ .;',. "':' ..". -;' ..' .': '. .' ...' 1e.sn",tC) '~d '~lth tht lIet~d"pUt70fth. ..~o~pa2:1i;hi.ll.ll'. aXJ!\ "lie1sn., that.' the eatd, ,.I>>a~~~~.:()t~efh..et',pl.2:ti'ti~~."~1M. 'of ,the en~.i~ns ~n4d'~1..~' otthe.. p~.8ent. al'l" '11a_i\ili7'e~i..4"1i(fe'e 'al~1'Ofa 'goo4.al)l~olut.t .,6Jic1 '~ndet'a~ll)l' '8~t'o' of;11ll1~lttno. ,of , 1 b4 '1Ji'a1i. '.~ 8Jn8U1al' the "'bove srante4,' bargained and a..sorlbe~, primae..' with tlie appv. , rt.JW:1~'. ant haTe 800d right. ~11 po.,!,. 'an4awtaJ. authorit1 to annt. bflrgaln, Bell aDl joottr770. tho_ '~,1~ ~er~f01"Jl. ~fore88id~. An4'tl1~t~theea~4.pal't7 Ofthe.'Oan4~rt . ,~'l~, hi~ 11lft'8, ,and ,aSe1gne, ,t@l1.an~-1at.a11 t1Jlo~ her..tt81"peaoeably and qu1etl)' have, I hOld,~.., OO~UP1i, poseeB.. and enJo1 the.. abo:ve ~ante4 premlseB.and.Terypart Bn4pnroel I thereOf. 'W1th' the appur'tens,nolswtthQUt aD7'let, ~t.. t.ouble., ~l'Btatlon, eT10t1on. or I td111~~a.noe;of th. ea1dparn~a 'o'tthe first POrt, thei,r 'hOira, or assignB or of ~'other I ! ).>er8~ ~r ).>er8...8 lAutull)' olailOing or \0 O1a IlIi tho _. And that tbe -- an 'now' troo. I I ol~ar. ,dleOhar~4a:nd.vtl1no.lIIlbel'e4 of ~a. from all former and other ~ants. t1 tlea. ohargea. !' i .8tat~8,JUdgmont8.' aseeBement".and l~Umbrano.s ,of what nature ,and kind soever. 1\, I " 8ub~eot to anr, t8xeBthat-..., bedu and unpaId Bg&lnst said ~Opert1. !.Andthe' eaidpariifuiofthe tirat pnrt, for themselves and their heirs, tba, above I ! Ctt~orlb.d and hereby granted and rolease4 P1".rdBe~t and evert parland 1'a1'oe1 thereof, wi. th I I thetppurte_e~~to the said ~t1;Of 'the BeoODd'pert his heirs ant assigns. against 'the' I 'I eald' ~t'ti~B ~f ~ first part.. andtheIrheb~lti;:a~d 8ga1J1et aU and oTe17 perron or personB t , ! , II' Wh,'omsoe"ToZ;law'fUllt olaiming or to olaim the same.,8hnll and rill warrant and b)" theBe I !" ! pre Bent a forever' defend. i - ' . i i ,'I1f, \lITN~8 WHERBO~~., The said parties of tbe first part have. hereunto Bet their i 1 han4Band sea18,ihoday an4'<year :tn'Bt abO'Ve written. Ii i , I Prank W. Pope (L.S.) " ; I' '" ", : ',,' ',' 'MIaS. Pope (1i.8.) , ! i 8igned. see1ect and Delivere4 I '/' in tho prOBenoe of " ' i ! i 'I. J.Blvoi: I i " J~ G.Roger8, I I SBD OJ JlLORlbA. i l . , i I OOUUfY' OPV()LtJ6U. ! I 'lOlOWALL lmll B Y~B l'RESEllT8, ThiLt I Ju11a,S.Pope wife of the abOTe named !. , " ' ' ,,' , i I hank W.' pope 40 by these presents. made and exoOllted by me separate end a}Brtfrom rrrt said I 1 h~Bbim4,' aild ~n' the pr~seno" of 'a llota17 Publio of the State of Plorida, aoknowle4ge and I I deol&re :th.Bt I cUel'make II 7aelt a party to andexeoute theforegoingDee4 of Oonveyanoe for I : 1 the ,~.;. ofrelea.B1ng aU rqdow.i' ~nd t'ight of dower 8.nd OOnVOYlngall" rq Bole and ' . I sepa~te eatate:1nandto the le.na.'~,~,e8ld ooll't'e7Snoe therdn desorlbed and grante4, tln4 I Itha~ ,I. 4\dthe.88!J18 fl'eelY..niJ:"01tult~1l1, and without 8J17 oCGl'Pulslon, oonstraint. apprehen- S1011 or ,fear of Or :trOll rq' aaid 'hu.sb&n4. ' 'I , " " 1BilImESS WHBREOP,. ,I hereJ1nto 8Ubsor1l>~ rq D8IIle and affix my se&1, t!1ie~ird day i o~JIa)."Oh. ~. :Oio One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty. , ! ' I, JUl.i. S. Pope (L. 8.) IBTA~B'~~.no~~: O~<O'VO~tJSIA '. ' '. . _!O.~Vi1IOJ.l'I'l"l.f~\Y:~OHOB1Uf,:Oe itk!1ownfthat,OXl~ !h1r4~y ~:tlfaroh A, ~.1920,- perBcmat.17eppearel. betl)~e me,a:!totarj Publio, of the State otnor1da.the ,-boy. naael' , -'__;' - ~~_--':.-_- -. ',._' __ c ' ' , / 't' ~..~_' . - . <~l.,'~:~~~_.;>~,me .eU'knOlrl)..as th.~f. ot~8Dk1t. Pope' ani ae .oneof,~~ ,~;"m. 'do.;;' ':-'--"'-:,:';'. - ;.',:, -~: --' . -':-', -. .--. '- ~ - --~'.---," .', '. - ,~ otlbtt'1J1.awtufe_01ito4'the.fo,N$otn$~e4'o:t:O()t1~plJO" l1b;0, be1ng at<~h'. t1.. Blpa~~ <~-; _-',_'_~:~< . ;'::, ',-~' .__" _' <, _' _' ._.' - _-' ",~_- _:,-_':'.: ,'~ Ct-::_ '-"<,'..-:,' :-.'-:',' ,". '.-' '/--.., -' -",,:,-, , ~:,>: ;,- -,-""-.,,:'- 8J)4' '~.:"~.. hot. .a1<<h\l8'b~,..f.tI~_~:tJ1t~ ~.' ~<<', exeoute th.1C)"S011~ao~~,;<: ',.,-.,::,:;,.~,,'. ' ,',"", ".",', .-<, ':~'~:':":,'_", "">/:,".' ",.',,",H ',' , '"., .' "(~~,) ~ 1.d_nti{M~'~,~Ct1n8"i Ulh:'1"O.~'L~8Q1"~~~. ~.'llfi',:~~.t:i).xe4:~ at pr.,,~~~,-" .' ",;,,'.:', ';, ','. ,,'- ,.", ,.",,':. "~'~.<:,},i;{:"',~-~p,~:~,> .:' ',",~:~i/ ' ~