HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2153 , i I I I , I I I ! I' D8Ille4 E~ I , IfrO.mT:~lthlle~a~~andinth.., Fea.noe ,ot K. J(. Hilier, a Juat10e,~o:tthel'eaoe of-the, I , " " " " " ", , ,', ' ' " , ' , " , ' " " . , 1 -t~.~1Wft;:i:~t~ !~:~7t::Oc~:;::.: :~~O:::7i~;:i: :::i:i::::ute. , l: ~10ke~8)j,~!-~~~,~::~4,_~',~.~ i~d~.~'~14:oonv.e~o. .ther.in~ !e~'r,~bel.:~ ~anted, and, I ,'~~,Id1d'~".'~')~",lt ~d' ...()1~tIt,rU7. )t.Xld }d~hO~' ,~ oo~~ontoon.~tr'dnt. app- I "re~~~it6j{O~':f.~t'6t'oit~JI{IQ': ';"~'~'e"'~>';' ." ,?~''.t(,'" -</,,<' ''''.' ,', , I ",', ';'::"'.>',; -,; " , ," '/;':,- ' ,','.'v.'.. ""'(,;'.,i,,t./;,>' ,: " ,',',' "",.,' , .. ,", ,.,' ,'lit )YIfl$SS~.~,'t',h'l".lUlt9 nb"~b~,_<J1Af." alj' ~~1iDll""~:t'~~. , ~.,~. -,' . . ,:.~ '.~ '.' "..:: - .-, :". -~ ,:-~':' . ',:;,' ~ 3,: ,,<: ~; ,.5 ~;_..'~-- ,- ;: -:.:~y.:- ',~ i "". . ;~:~ -~',;. ~"C -~>.>, ',:: . ~'..,;-:-:---: .;....~'- :1;'< '-~--"'-:,~ "~"- :_~:~~_....","~ /:"-'<'~" " -' .': '-- X': t: c.-' ":',7, ~ ':., . ;~":'';;-';'o~~. ,/~,,: .:' .< ,11th 467, ft ,MJ:lIR1. .l. D.-' OM ~ouean4 JWl.'httnd"~4._~',:tw~tl.', ' :::,-,~t...;::,:", .' , ,"', "--~j"'~,;.ij~~;V~!~~.~;.":(~~~f}>:,:', . \ '-','-. (.~'"",:-, ~f'~ ,-: I I I I I I j I I J . I ,I' ! ! i I I i 1 i I I I I I I . I i I ! t t ! ! ~ I I I I I ! I 1 ! , I I I , I I ! i I I I I ,I i a .~ . 0, '-~. H''':r,~~'-' ~~,~,~.~~~..~,:._.,. -,~'-",';'~f~S ~::;~~-~:~ ~'~, "!~" ...!",~...~. "~'?-,,:~;:"~.:' <,'{ . f,' -. ,.~' 453 , ~, .1 I 'I l. ....'wel~ .1n 1,. 6e'tn,equ1ty.' ottl1e:,"a1d,pan ,Of th.'f'i".e~part. ot. in and to the, same. ,I .-.:rr:~tAf-:\rr;::r;::~.7~!!t~=~::.:.eOOr1b~d p..mi.....with the I I '..PI\l2:t.~~.8. unto ,the',eala.'part1ee of tho a,oond part.- ',thelrhell'B aJ),d 88eign,~. to ,I , . ,.- prop~2:' '11S'.' ,b.i1efl ~' e.iu1. ;b~.~OO:fto:re,!!r.' ,~.' ,,'. I Ai14: theea14<}iartl.8, ot'thr. first part'for' th.omeei..,ee8J1d for'thrir heirs. ex- ' f ; .- , ' " '. ' :-- '" ,', ,". '-.-.- -, .' ". _ ,-" , ..' .. , . i .~uto*e,and a~nietratore.. 'do ,40Tenant~ ,llrObl1~. :end,esr.e ,~O~d.1fith: the sai~ -parties i ,o~ th~ etoonA,- PM",t. ~hdrh'1~8. ~4 a~elg:'UJ~that,the8a1dparti.eot ,the tirst part I ., .... atiho tlBoo OfthelloolirllloDd .olivorr ofth..~ pr...nto.laW=lJ .d..1l In f.. ; e1mpl. gta, gQod, abBOlul6 ~dU1ctetea8:lb1eeBtate 'o~ 1nherl tci.noe of and In all and ; · .!nga:i.uth. ab~'" gronte4. bar8&l~'d .an.id6ooribed p..........trUh tho ..~tenono... ond I . 8004iight, fUll power ~~aw1'Ulauthorit7to gra:nt,'bargaili, Bell end oonvey the seme I In.th''manne~ >~~f'orillalor.sa1d., And the t~, sdd parties of thl: ,seoondpart ,,'their heir, , " " , ,,', ' '," " I ,~~:laee1sne, &ball .ndma7 at, all ~1MS h~rea1t.r,'peaoeful17 and qU1e~ly have, hold. use, I ocOU~1..poe8.ss, and enJo7.the .above grante4 prebl1see" and ffVert llClrt o.nd parael thereof', .-lth t~ ..pp~tellarl('ee. wi~ho~t an~ let., IlUit, trouble, mole~tAtion. eviotion 01" die- ! , <:tubanoe ofthesald prirt1cB of'tbe fir.et Part,their heirs or aseignlJ. 'or of a!W ~'r I , ' '" , , " ' ," , I person or persons la.wful17 olalming or to oUilD the same. And that' tl-.e same arc now fr.e, i . ' . .' j, , oiear,dieoharged andu.ninoumbered of and fioom a.U former az:dother grants, titles, ohlu'geeJ , . , ; - "'''-, -. ',' .' . '. ~ - ' .' '. -' - . ' ' i estatos. Judgments,' ,taxos.aSi3esBmonte and,'irioumbrano.e of what-t1&ture and kind ,soever. I And, tlie eai,dpartiee of the. firat. pa~t, ~ 'tor them and the1rhe1re, th~ above .I . deecribed an4herebl grant.d and, rol.'-aed promises, and eve17 pan and paroel th~root, wiui , ' " ~' " , .It ' ,'" . . ~ , ,-. the app~tenan4.e,unto 'the eaidpaitiee 'Of'the eeoond -part. their heire and a~s1~s, ' ! . ' . i '~sa1n&t the ea1dpart1ea of'the !lret , part. and their be~re aD1,agaln~t all and ever7 per-! son 'or.~rBOns wbomeoeTer.1atrM17 'olaiming or to olim the same sball and will warrant ' I I J 1 I I I I I i I i i I I I I I ! ! -' . : ~ . .- .. , and by these presents'torev.r ~,tend. ,Ill !i~THES8rilIEREOI'.'1he aaid, ~rt1e8 of'the ti1-et part have hereunto set their , -h&X!4e and eea1sthe da.1t1J141f&l' first abOTe written., .. " . Signed. 8$aled and delivered in the p1'8senoeot ue: ", E. W. Vlokers (Seal) Kart E. Viokers (Seal) lihaa J. Anderson lWsJ:., Braddook.. ,STATg O,lLORID.l ,) OOUlJ!tY':OJ. ~1lI!L~IB 1- , ' . , now .AIJi U&H'B't THESE fRESEm'S. That i l&a.ry B., VAokers wife of the abOTe t . ',t . ~ ,.,_' W~ Vio)'::eredC)b1thcae preaept8. made cn4 exeouted b1 me. ftp.r.te ana. Mart , " "~ . .~:;". < ....... . ';,.~~