HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB- CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT_T_ PERMIT d ISSUE DATE •A• = PLAN NING & DEVELOPN•IENT SERVICES 0 Building & Code Compliauce Division BUILDING PER.N[IT SUB-CONTRtCTOIZ :kC:IZEF.NIEN*T Peay's Electrical have agreed to he (Company Neme Intvidual Name) —' the Electrical Sub-contra•:tor for D R Horton Inc (Type o,r Trade)-- --- -�-/�� ---� _ (i'rma:} Contractor) For the project located at __b Cobblestone Drive (Prc}er. Street Ad re;, or —Pr jI:e 'I a.% If) =j 1------ -- It is understood that. if there is an.. change Of Stahl, regarding out- participation with the above mentioned project. the Builditt- and Coil: Regulation Dig;siun oI' S-. Lucie Countti a ill be advised pursuant to the fill it,,- of a Change of'Sub-contractor notice. CO"`IIcmTCO SI .`ATU---- Brian W. Davidson i'RIs"r NA161L•' — _ CRC 1327068 COUW CLRTIFICATIOti 1;%Ii ER State of Florida, Counh. or_Brevard The rorc-,oink ilisb ument nas signed herore me this 26 day or December ,0 17, ssho is personalty knosvn(�_nr hac produ.ad ns identiifiearion. Signature of Votary Public Print�amcofNuWry Public ` Q p cl . �yY �u PJetary Public State of F!olida r° Lei)N .G oz o_ < Sa' 0 nrrdsomn os It rl A SUO-CON'TRaCTOR SIGNACURE (Qualifier) Christi,ia Slave PRIVT IL ER13014555 COUVTI CF.RTBICATIOY NUbIBERy Stnre of Florida, (bung of Brevard 1 he roregoin; initrumcnt nas signed before me this 26 day of December 2017 /b, who is pv sonalh knu Z Y ur ha, produced a __ as id con. ^ ( r� Signat of `otary• Public Print same of sotars Public =oi-xV'oen Notary Public Stste of Florida Sandra Leone s c a c4 My Commission GG 020251 �gpdF ExpuesOBI1Ur2020 a PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code COMPliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Narne/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D•R I -Lorton (Primary Contractor) For the project located atCobblestone Drive (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID # It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County, will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO\TRACTOR G\A (Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACIO SI NA ualifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT' NA'1IE _ PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTffICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or Brevard The foregoing iostrumeot was signed before me this 26 day or December _ J 20 L, by Who is personally known X or has produced a as ident�ca ' a. Signature of Notary Public saRAa L2oh2 Print Netrte of Notary Public �°p.Y °ud Notary Public State of Florida Revised I t/ 16 �; Sandra Leone My Commission GG 020251 hoc moo- Expires 0 8 /1CI2020 CCC 1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATION "-MBER State of Florida, county ors_ The foregoing iastrumeat was signed before me this 26 day or December 2017 by Who Is personally kmowa X or has produced a as Identification. STAJfP STAMP Signature otPriory Pobuc sailit-a Leon Print Name of Nahtry Public * ° Notary Public State of Florida Sai-idra Leone i.oR M/ Commission GG 020251 9jk., Expires call0/2020 PERMIT 9 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Florida Breeze (company Name/Individual'same) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Type of TraL'C) BUILDING PERNIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Pr'.mary Contractor) For the project located at %3 11— Cobblestone Drive (Project Street Addre;, or Property Tag ID r) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation -with the above mentioned project, the Buadin, and Code Revulation Division of St. Lucie County- will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C4 ONTRACTOR sICNATI.RE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COCNTI' CERTIFICATION;'tiU�IBE:R State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrument %va.t,igned before me this 26 day of December who is personalty knownXor has produced a as identifica ' 4n— :)1grtarure` of Notary PubGe Print Name of.Notary Public Y I NV3111 FubiiC a"";ate of F!rrrd i Sardra Lip-) `. D,tymmissicn 3G 02C251 Re$sedExp:esOP10.']2C 4. eir'ti , Mk JA SC'B- O.N'I FACTOR SIGN I (: RE (Qualifier) Kristen Kelly PRINT N.%.%IE COL�TI"CER"rIFICA NN[:NIBER State of Florida, Count+ of The foregoing instrument tf as signed before me this 26 day of December ,0 17. by who is personalh known X or has produced a a5 identification. STAINIP ST.4—NI P Signature or tiotarr Fublic Frfnt.Name of `otary Public .%y >>y Notary Pubiic State of Ficrdn Sandra Leone t1 0 %iy C ommt.sicn GG 07G'S y y FOF P�a� Expue,,C. . PERMIT # ISSUE DATE .COUNTY' }�I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have agreed to be (Company Name"Individtial name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for _D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 931"1 (Project Street Cobblestone Drive or Property Tax ID ") It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, CONTRA(-rORSfCNATl .(ualirter) S�L'U--CONTRA TORSIGNATURE(Qualirter) Brian W Davidson��Jr �U�l�lrD PRINT NAME PRINT NA.NIF. CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU!HBER State or Florida, Count) or Brrevard The foregoing instrument nas signed before nic this 26 December ,Q 17. bs. %%ho is personally known X or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public rgs�i".�'v'vr d s o4aYIt's NGt3f} P'J51i Slate of F:cr•da �f Sar•(ira L;;one 04 My ommtss!ca JG O!JcJi A °oFr)' Exp'res v'Y• t,i+:,020 da, of CFC057526 — / D (� " COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument ssas signed before me this 26 daA of December ,p 17 b, sshu is perwnallr Anoss'n X or has produced a —_ as identification. STAMP VVV ST.4611, Signature of Notary Public :2It A!_. L11AHO PA Name of Notary Public y` r,:cilC State of Fcrda �z Sondra Leore Li •�amrriss+�:n s. t �3G G2G'51 A - .