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'IT~m1t.th~t, tho,eaj,tpar:uee o~ the first Pfl"1;'to1'lUIC\ .11 OOJl'1do~"t~OJl ~t the ~
" ot On..~U~i" ~~ih~;'t'al~bl.~'oori.tde1:&t1one.~~M laOuetot, th..:Umteo. Stateeot _rio..
, ~o ;t~'i~han4'~i~.bY"~.,~lo. ,P~t7,ot:'~. "Oq~p~~".t O~'b~~O~' 'thft.~ne~al:1D8 ,.6114
deliverl ott11os.~i"e8el1~8. th.~eo.lp~ w~ereqf 18)utr~b,l aoknQWle4god"havesrante4, bargain 4,
~olo...al1enecr. ,remised, released, ,oonvoyed ant ~on:flrI&G4, and ~ythose p:l::,eon1;ado' grent, 'bar 1n
8011. $llen. reD:dee. releaso,oonv&1: Bn400n:h1'lll'~~othe ~ld pa1'ty~of'th. 8800n4 part, an4 I
hls he1:re ,and .."alans fora~~ri aU, ~hatoertaln lot,.pleo~ ~rpe.roel of land lyiDg and belng I
'1n theOountJ 0-, ~t. I,uo1e and Stateof)'lo~lda en4 .e~1'1be4 ,as fo~1o'"H I
. _ ' , , . _," , ' ~ . _ . ' . " _ ", '-,' ',. ~, ' t
the South R81" ,of the following 4.eBorlbe4 propel't,. tOw1:t: Oommenoing at the
',' " ' '"." ." .'. '- ' , .,' ',. ,
Hortbe~Bt' oo~ero,fland so14 to IIrs ma:B1aoll:,'onthewa~er'8.edge o:fIha.1en River, and ;
, ,',' . " I
~ lio,l"th two ,llundre<l an.d f..n (210) feot. ,thenoe rUn !-,oat ~ the rJ.~,,:,f.8f of the nor1da !
.', . , ' , " ' - -;. . I
IXa,etOoaat~.11wq. ,thenoe ~o~th 819D.8 eaidrlght of waf !WO Bundrecl" ~ ten (210) feet, theno~
Ea~t:tohd1an 1U.T~l".toth.).)01ntot \)eg~nn1n8. aU b81ng:1n),ot ~f)(#)Of Seot1on fhree
- "',' ""', ,. '- - - .
,(8). '~rllih1p'fbb:ty-~i.o (55) South.otRe.nsel!'ortl, (40)&aa~,9ontaln1ngho.89res more or .
-' '. -' , ", ...'.' - '.
f loss. end the' sa1d 1~ bereby 0011Ve,e4 b&v~g a frontage, 01 '1015 feet, on. Indien R1 Vel'
,tm th,ti~lanrlghts.' .' , " " ,.', ',' , " ' " ' ,
I TOGETHER with all an4. singular t~e easell)8J2ts, IJ1lPrO'Yell)8n't8'. tenements. her~dl taments
I mid 'apPurt;eneno~!' thereunt~belonging or in. an.,vwise aP])8rt8.in1ng, ariclthe reVersion and
reversions. remainder and'remainders, rents.lsLiUes and profits thereof. and 81 so 811, the
, estate. right, title, interest, dower 'ai1d right of do,...er~ 'separate estate, property.
f' ", ' ' ' " " "
! pos8ession.o1~lm and demand whatsoever. a$ well in la" as 1n, equity" of the ,said parties
10f the :t1retpart. ot, in, end to the some, and everr part and paroel thereof. With the
I ~
I appv.1'tenanoeBi '
'I '
I, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abOY. granted. bargained, an4 dosoribe4'}>1'em18es, m. th!thc
"I appurtenanoes unto the ~ld party 01.' the second part, hie :he1rsanl ase1gns, to their om.
I proper use,' benefi t ~4 behoof -forever. , " .
I An4 t~e 88.i4 partiee of the first part for themselves and for 'thelr heirs, exeoutors
i, ....
I and adm1n1strators~ do oovenant. promise and egree to and with 881d party Ot the second
i part, h1s be1rs and ass1gns, ~atthe said partiel qf the first pari; are l.a~lJ seized
t in fee eiDJple of a good, absolute and 'indefeasible eetdeof inher1t~oe, of end ln, 811
I ,,'" , '" '
i and' sl~ar t he aboveeranted, bargained and4es9ribed -premises, w1~h tho appurtenanoes.
le'to.. an4,'has gootright. tu11,poweranl la1ffl1lauthor1ty to grant. bargain, sell, and . I
oODYe)'1he'18Ilo ilima~ran4 :form a:foresaI4. Jnd that IJIllcl part,ot the ~eoond -part' his
. #-' , '
he"r~ assigns,shall and _+t all ti~s hereafter, pe~oe:fulJ.7 anA'qll1etly have,lJold"
use.. ,oooupy.:posBes~ and enjoy'the ab,ove gnnt,ed 'prem1~e. '8%14' ev~+rt and paroel thereof.
Iw1th the appu'rtenanoes, 1flthQut ant let, suit, trouble. 1D01estat1oxi, , eviotion or disturbance
,I ,,',' ' " "
lof th.4t sa14. parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns., or o~ atlY other person or
!persons 1awtu111 ,o~"1m1~ Ol"to 01&1. the EUt. 1nA' tbat the seme are now :free. Olear,
~ldiBOharged ~n4un1~~umb~red"Of tm4 from all tormer an4 other grants, titles, oharges, 8 state 1$.
" '..' !
~u4~nte' tws~ aSBessments and incumbranoe's ot what nature ana Jd.nd sOever. ' I
,', ~~-,ti1. sa14 ~t1eB of the, firs1;'pal't, tor them~lv08'a:na. their heirs, the above
" . " "' '. .. ~ " '-- "..,' - , :', " , ' ' , '-, -- - , - - '
<!~~ih.ctmlher8bYsrentec1 an), releaee4prem1ses, $14 ..,e):1' part and paroel 131ereof. with
~~~"l?Pur~e.:e8,_~tothe"1l' ~ar~y ot' th.~oondPart'. b18hoirsan+ssi'gnS,agalnet' .
~~'ea14 ~:~~,~e of -~h,flr8t' pat't and, t~oir ,he1r. tul4.' again..t a1.l and every person or perBon~
--,< , . ": I , _ .. '. ,', ' ~ '_ " i
.OII8oeve~t:.la"tu117 01t.i1nb.1g or to ~th8,'" '1b&U $nil" wil1- warrant, and by these ;
{- '-', .; --',,: --, -" ,',.' "" -,' . ," "! -' - . . , "',.." ". "-' ,;. .' , ' , :' . '.
'~:;,: ~:' ,'. ,~;, - " .*,' .' ."., " . - . ~ ; -
j)re~nt. :tore."e,rJete.mt. , ' "
. ,~~j/J'lfE8S~'~: the_~1f. p~tl~'8 'of the f"ret pUt1iaveh~reunto' ~t th01rhend8 and I,
, ..~,~'i~.+.4~tT'~-':'7ea~ 11r~'~bo-J.',~1.~n. " " , '~'" ' j
81,~~~"'.1"i,~" ~~;!!.~e.41D."p'~:HJioe,ot' I,
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