HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS INSTALLMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENTFort Pierce-lffldiGes Auehority Ins Pam- en, p� � nt "lour i-lometown servir Peep€e f R A 208 South•Sixth Street (34950) Post Office Box 3191 - R�F�ED - `FortPierce Ffonda. 34948-3191' -- { THI AGREEMENT made this 2 .; da of AUG ?D18 -: �� 0 E CROSSING A NETWORK OF COMM'(�NURCHES INC (CARLUGU 20' 18 . ; by s y A and between -THE" TON` C Cs e ent 81,03 IIVD:RIO RDd - -' :. w,fose address ts: 'FART PIERCE,_ FL' 34951 h, eretnafter referred to a`s, Owner and' FORT PIERCE: UTILMES AUTHORITY, 206 South Sixth; Street, Fort Pierce, FL-34950;. "hereinafFer referred to as ".FPUA.. = RECITALS WFIEREAS; the Owner is the owner of'that certain realpropertV located!'at. - f 5200 OLEANDER AVE:..FORT PIERCE; FL" 34982: hereinafter referred to as -"the. Property,, more articularly described as follows,, to wit: 3/04 36 FROM INT OF OLEANDER AVAKID , ST_RUN E 4'00 FT:FOR.POB, TH' N 217.5.FT, TH W400 FT, THN,277'.5-FT TH E_ 1'060 FT, TH S,_495FT, TN'. W TO. POB-LASS W`68 FT -OF N 277 5 FT'FOK RD, R/W-:(49) (10.08 AC- 438;91'6.SF)-(OR_ 3336-2266) :. and l 4iVHEREAS'the.Owner owns.a ! COMMERCIAL. ` property withinFPUA•, s service.territory andhas applied to FPUA for TER-ANDIWATER utility serviWAASTE parties i efetarepresent,and warrant to,each other. thatthis Agreement, is. valid and- binding. to each other. .. NO4119. THEREFORE„ the .parties hereto agree as follows: O .Section I. That the recitals state dl,rherein. are true and accurate and are part of this Agreement:_ .Recording of this p 9 Agreement constitutes - la¢in a alien on the above rn intibned'parcel Section 2 This Agreement is notlavailable for developers of R'esidentialprojects on subdivided --parcels or multifamily Resrdentia! projects. Financing Capital' Improvement-: Charges (CIC's) for Commercial projects -will be_limitedto the maximum amount=fisted 'below..Capital casts .and other charges required fc,itacilities-.to connect to FPUA`s system. are to be,. . inclidetl in:this Agreement�� only for single-family, Residential units owned by the Owner, ,' Sec$ion 3 ®oWn Payment.' The Owner has made -a- Down -Pay Tent in the amount of $&344 80: receipt of which i`s,acknoWJed9ed by- FPUA, toward theIRtol-of, the,,- pplicable charges, :as set fdrthl in:ahe Cost- Estimate/I nvoice Number SORD00003543298 attached hereto as Attachment 1 and made a part of this Agreement:" InstMiraienfTarm-i j Owner �Res7'idbnti interest Rate s 6.00% im M " ' erm m, 36 Months hs , k'.'Dowrn Pament 20% of All: Capital Charges ' a! Maximum Financed;` None None: �' Methodof Payment,=. EZPay Mandatory~ 0.00%, 1:2 Months 20%:6f All Capital Charges EZPay Mandatory- onmec . 1ofICwith. EZPay Agreement, owithoutEZPaA reement er Pra�CIect* EZPay Recommended: FPUA. staff wfll ° 0.;00:/0, CjPFP_rm111A' Wha$ 12-Months.' - rnnetittce 1.0°!0 of CLG with ,EZPa :Agreement y 2Q°Io of CIC without EZPay Agreement-, nrnin� F $50`,000: Per Project* EZPay Recommended See taon 4.. AGREEMENT TO; MAKEI INSTALLNIEN7. PAYMENTS. For value received,, the undersigned.Owner jnrntly,and severally promises to pay; FPUA at 206-South 6th�Street;,-Foct Pierce, -FL 34950 or at such place -as FPUA may designate rn writing fhe pprIcipalsum:of 130 174.73- payable as_fallows (check one): electronic 7 the -qcqu . p any agree s h a I i: 6ema' -A6rbemen s-,p.f -ip ly'jmtheamciunfof -42.544:56 -)(11 and: ,.princ. allon, I-, t.Ot6l,-'p��inglo�ol'pay-tn6nt:6f> _$'301774-73. its ng princip terest"af the rate of .,PcrcenL per urn' _h ... -,,inj"e,,- mbunt-of - X 1for a total �paymentof.pnncjpoland interest inthe 6- amount Ant rc EJ 6a � ­ - _,payments ncl , _ihqtprincipaf and. erestzt� the- rate of 0.pe -ent.perannum, ib,th Mahe �an X,% ' h1h amounf`ot,­ X 1,10 -,-Mala-p "ayrneht tl� am -in :payment:Offphncipal�and; terest.,-i ount of -E SFER.��-�AJ[R_esiden Residential .-$_iDdt10KS.,'ELEGTR0 -T RA ELECTRONIC I'AutoP,ay r ommercia c4i ove4ilrbe.im, 46t.fbfth4n,-:8'e' i6n'--_4.'e_b" adi��by!T fLfndsjr.phsf&r_utilizing , the. Owners�dia'iignbtedi-15ah �ragree&tqcomplete ,the'6JhIihe,, - ui-o ay.�,xegistratibh'4 yLqugh,w.ww.fpua.comih,,,-o,rd6r t6,i'mpi'ement-this -agreerhent-, �r-dnd� _VU heragree that the aymqntAqre&rrfeht`is--contingent u-pfqqessingh nstallMentL.P.' powsucc successful funds,jt L sfer'ac6ordi0gr1aAutbPay;. off e. S6qt!bn,,:6. -RES PONS18LEq PARTY. FPUA recognizes jhat,the Owner may, leasei rent -or otherwise. allow atibn'6f-'.tWP`roj- per, by -ofhers-_who-,m -tilit-L-Sis�,�,ipp-ftpj7n;FP'U'A'.--F"P-UA' shall. not be con'sid&Oda;partyto- ayrpqu6�tJU _y . ; . . . .. t, b ment'b�,�tv�6'�-6't�h'e.'b;k.,n-er'an .-anypt.esent,or-,,futLire,,6ccu h' occupant _W 6may req,pest.0 'an b he,Own,er payment;..Which, will; be-, bill6dseparately-'froi�n.ih'!9--Oc up #!,s�tutilitY, ill- 'Tbis t shak-',,hOt be.transferablean&paym6nt --u- '8 16,A16,JhJdII pon-sale property:: f �§edtion, 7. will."b.e consj&red_-'a�� deft - '-'- o - I _ 1I �. - ini.accordandei with FIP-0 66 charged thp:maxtmur Furthd6nor ,ift` optic in where ihE' W '� -on, ihiy� paymer -0a for,, EJ (b)� Thirty sJX, consecutive _:monthly p6ym( =t_tKAJ4UNL.,-Nonpayment ofanyinstallment-due under this Agreement ifit-i�-not'dorr,ected�Vith�i-n te'n"i T. e Payment Charge assessed Paym ce Cfiarg6! Reso Ution, in effectat effe uch1im&-th6:charge-1 I' isapp ied., Overdue,,ac6ounts shall'also interest allowed. by law -overdue balande in efdditi6n: n,any: -t Charge, to Payment J& theT'66tif'6--_sumL.shd1I'at` oqc�e.o" and ayable,, -Witho ec9rnqdqe utnotice. Failute-of-17PLIA.to statute a42iver.'ofthe right to,exercise: thesame_,at_-6. later"time. for the-sameor any -subsequent .any pa yment' under ,this -Agreement; the fOwner shall jpay; -' including aI[Gost&ofcolI1ectiqj rj collection , agency° for he purpose �cftheJentitb-remaining ,balance- In -default cases _pb.se.�of &oII6ct!6__ i-:C,P�§'tbmer, FP�UA mayelectto.-terminate ..Utility set -, viiDes1o,the Qustwner!,Owner._This to pla-66,6Aien--ori,'the Own proo",,_to�'sec' ibf CIC"s and:other financed, charges Owner's ure payment F. colle, 6-tioni are unsuccessful: ­ . - . - - I -entitled - ' ' ` --.In " U - %�A lapter 20 of the: -City of Fort Pierce Code of recover allldoStS 6(id'-reason;4blei:,aft6rheyls-f.eds incurred irrany,lien. -action. No re funds of paid. installments -shalltb-du& to. the own er, Sectfon;,8 P "REPAYMENT RIGHT The. Owner shall: have the right to prepay, in whole, or in part, the -unpaid balance ofA!10mr oun p., tdLte- under 6s -Agreement, u er . J Wthobt prepayment penalty. S-ettionE 9. ANNEXATION-, AGREEMENT., Unless -previously executed, thie. Owner shall, execute --a standard -Ann'exationAgrebment providing-th d"' atAhe property it 110�1 lerMas soon annexed 'in.tothe-ditylim s.oft �City,pffbrt,p' as, such qqnE%ajWrhay L:itially--o6cur.,th6"bwner-.�kiii:b(irequired �,tb- i . gh any and all ,'n' ecessary.-dotuments to e6e6tbafe, thp,an-n-exation bythe City of 'Fort' _�d4half S . 1`�.i46e, n agiree that.thes6Jdocui 'en! requirements m �s till be c6nsVd 1b.,,se bN,-Ahe�.6flaw-or consent _. or$Ppro ,suOh ann&ation': Sectl6nil' PROOF.OF. OWNERSHIP. The Owner - represents and warrants thatheor sheis the legal 'thd,dee conveying ptlb�,tothe :Q�ynerishafl'beor'oVidt"d,,tb,FPUA-efs prb''f, owner of d the �,�bopyzbf yey, SiDCt!0ftA1.c -ADDITIONAL TERMS. AND.-CONDtTIONS. ll.1,.,The _,no*b�ligat6ns:and'-b6nefits.under ,, this Agreement -shall -extend -to-.and ,sh@lH nure to the benefit of -the per sonal reDr646nfativ4_6efrs,,tdc6essors and assigns the part,es.t6_i­.142 Nowaiverof breach_6f'an antsiht�ip,k ert'sh2ll,-b&construed to be a waiver-ofany , succeeding. breach ofthe' -'same -cov' e c venant- I necessary documents -and comply with. all statutes ordinances, rules, 11-3. -The�Jb��m�shalt:` - -promp�t'Iy�e'x'4�c:"u;'t"e'-,;a L' regulations` --a­nd'requirements j,,of'16�_F6dbrjal` State, and i Loc [-governments and of any . a I nd - --all: their ' dopa'ttm"entsand, bureaus applicable to�,ih.e--Prop-e-rt-'-� office , business:a 'herever- used A Owr y arid/6 1AA W ereinjffe�term," ler s a incu46 ie'sihgoar-and plural,.- male and -female, heirsi legal repres0ntbtiv'e-s.an-d_bfindi i idualg assigns v wherever the. context so admits -orirequires. the INVITNES id1/HEREOF the ' artles Hereto have executed this lnstallrnent PaymentAgreemenf`ort the day and year first above: written,"- . p VVitnes es as to FFUA FORT: PIERCE UITILITIES AUTFI0RITY- ' Witness Signature; - _ - - _ B y John K ,Toinpeck, Director, of Utilities -� Printed Name LL j Witness Signature t- Printed Name•:' .' STATE'OF FL;®RIDA COUNTY OF' T L 1GtfE' The foregoing -Instrument was acknowledged before me this by of 20 by John K Tompeck, on behalf of Fort Pearce Utilities Authority, .who Is personally known to me: .. Witnesses,as;to Owner-: -�y♦y nnc i i �u�e • Printed Name Witness Signat"ura. Printed Name ,:STATE COUNTY .OF Notary•Signature Printed. Notar -Signature. ,O_ WNEf Owner. Signature Printed,.Name: Owner Sigriafdre_ . Printed Name ire me this: day. of.- i%lS ��-20 as: identification. ,--MYCCMMiSSICN#FF956649 EXPIRES: Februal, 2Z:2020 a SI nature Of f} Honded Thru w8gj Pubis Under 063 .PnntedNotary, Signature b 7 - r ` 1 x.BA�I���C�9RBS,TIgNg1ACA®IE + , t ORER TTIdd�xACCOID� i0795TS+W�ClUIC L`gPdE + y POI�$TdLUC,Ii= �FL-�3498i fl . a } PAYTO THE i '`J ORDER OF t Q 4 ill 3, r �IVIEMO '; �'. a 3 � S �' �t� •� i �. F ft fi ST.,Jl1MES CHRISTIAPI ACADEMY Ii�C .� ! t _ tieS ALithce 0 1 Pierce -Utfl, ate iftedl Q A111,11. .111-, comth -E h steWa0r �4' nalneer1 406 Sbufh6.t6 " Street.. Ft : 1pwrbs� `F L-34956' 71 CI�S j T -Mew ,INV 4 �4, INVOICE: NO -,__SQRDQ00035432981­ J LOCATIO.IV ID 56047320. : -ADDRESS:. bo L.FANDFR -A WitORTFl RCE:FLUSK34982, A b CIO 10 N A L I N Fd.` 7 'CAP MCHG JEN W W-FINAL'IMY910E WATER':FINAL INVOICE W�FEE&PAOU, WATER F.E&PAID TOTiQL CHARGE; 'PU.0 V $0.01 MOM $0.00 $0.00. -som $0.00 -Customer§,wilf iibe'assessed: wa_it6-wwastewater charg es- the-daythev, connect tothe -w 'ais'tewat-e-r_systen -or within 365. days' -from - datew,astewaterGonnectlonthargeis,pala - whicheveris--first "Thecost of Ihe service line from the, point6f­deliv4y at tMprop'-I1ne't6 theh66sWb6iIdingltlhg resp06s6 lity.ofthe—Usioner.abd is.' -notincluded1h'thisinvoice State raw& reqy1re that a-pprniitom the: He Ith-- Department Tust,bo�obtalh6dprior tointiatihga'septic tank abandonment ..ContacfthLH6aith'Departmentat,(77 87 -4931. Construction cost - eit! rhatinare' based- on - current ,18bor, e*qui I Oment and material . �prices.- -Actual costs -of construction . will, be-: determined at C ua the zn, 6itc,construction; including ited'to, adversitk -the, completiow-,-of, project,. �,,Sh6�JdL'unfdres'ee urrikance§,be encountered during u hiding -but not, lim w conditions; 'dditionN',incurred by the I weather ' thbr 6 and responsible 'for increased, Costs, Additional; costs! �Ml: r6i- percent 6ftfid-1 al-__`esiimat6d;,"­`structi' I customer excee"dtfifteen, (1 above.-.: Estiriiai e total construction_ Costs_ shown- eftvev t'd costs pai& by. the customer -.that exceed the actual , Cost of construction will be refunded, P b - Fo�tPierce: , -6. Utilities! AUthon1ty-.,iNlL' fees, zir6- dud prior- to arip construction "- Note: ,This: Is on 1vestimate -t vJ611OW 1 ng acceptance A bill will be, p roidedtarieb of the; Customer Invoice once -signed, and dated. Please submit cerited:Zust6m6e' , I ibet&-C i6ner, Service, _at_206._S'outh!6th-S6e Ft.' -Pierce,. . ­ FLU950,d c.all.(-7-72),i46g-i66O.6�getup-;an su nvor Customer Signature., Date: Printed -Narn, e: PAGE.-10FI- PRINTED ON; , 07/31/2018 AT7.03:38 PM, ADDRESS., ADDITI®NqL 521J0 OLEANDERAVE;FORT'PIERCE::FL USA°34982: Fax (;772) 461i=1.938; PREPARED BY::BIANCO VV-2,IMMTRAZG'� ,WATER2'.INCH:-METERONL-Y i W-1' IN MTRTAIG WATER 1 `INCH METER ONLY:A/G'- :1 -$1725.d0' $1'725.d0 W CAP IM CHG:,- 'WATER�CAPITAL IMPROVE CHARGE 1:: $800.00 ($569:00) WW=CAP IM _CHG WIN CAPITAL IMPROVE CHARGE $0.01 $6,682.83. W L'IEN FEE: - WATER LIEN FEE CIG $0.01 $251560.20 W-FINAL INVOICE WATER FINAL INVOICE $0:01 $120.50 W=FEES PAID '" - WATER FEES PAID` $O,QO $0.00 CHAR GE , - $0.00: $0.00 w, _ $33519 53 Customers, will, be assessed:wastewater charges-theday they::connect,to-the_wastewafer system;or, within 365 days from date wastewafer, Connection Charge is paid' ---whichever, is -first. •The, costl,.of the -service line;from,the point of dehvery'at fhe; property'line'ti the house/building rs the'responsibrlity of'th' customer and is notjhcluded rn this -invoice.. State:'laws require that a permit from -'the Health. De arty ent `must be obtarned`pnor to initratind a septic tank at endonrnent Contact,the°Health. Department at ( - 873=493 p. Constructromcost estiinate&are based -on current labor; equipment and material prices. Actual costs o `constiuetionwill be; d'eterrriined.at the,'completion, of the%project. ' Shduid` unforeseen. circumstances be�ei countered�iiuring con struction,; includ"rn. g but 'notaimit - to -adverse s onsible for increased costs, Additional costs incurred' by. the'. weather coridifions and construction. conflicts;:_ the customer ;w 1i be.: re p customer shall not exceedfifteen (15) percent of the total estimated construction, costs, shown above E'stimated:.costs-'paid by the oustomer that. exceed` the 'actual cost, of construction: will be- refunded by Fort P.ieree .Utilities Authority.All "fees are due prior to:, any construe"tion..' (Vote: This is only a6 estimate A ;bill wiW be provided following acceptance. ,of the, Custorer Invoice once, signed and' -dated. Please submit accepted -Customer invoice fa. Customer Serulce. at 2(}t South: 6th Street Ft: Pierce ;FL'34950.or call °(772) 4.66=160Oao. setup an. Customer'Signatbre: Date:. Printed Marne: PAGE,1 OF 1. PRINTED.QN:, 07,/,31/2018,AT 03.35.-PM. Pj J `4 erce I g6s-Auth �c TO Qaaalitwk, tm r1NV.ASt6W.a te, IrEnglheerk _Ingi' South 6fftste6et� ' C. ST X jY ),JCF ESTI T T W1, 1E 0 UPGRADE & FM- -�"'MTRI W­SV';R`,:T rrs'-jr Bj D, PROSSU Comm _AUV0 Phblne-(772)466.1600.' FaX". "(772) 461 _193& 7� j LOCATION -5 320' PREPARED BY-, BIANCO- A5200LEANDERAVE. FORT -PIERCE FL. U$A- ADDIT ''IONAL-INFO.., --7bSt'' a07- 42 WATER IN MTRAIG- 2_INC E.TEP-ONLY IX(jw_1 WATER .4 -WI 1JNCHMETtk ONLY'NGW tAO IUCHG, ERCAPITAL IMPROVE, HARGE_ AW`6A0'IM'CHG-'_ WV11'CAPITAL IMPROVE CHAgGFz - N EN IFEt W, ­ WATER LIEN � FEE.GIC &FINAL' INVOICE, i -�VPTER:01N' ' FINAL INVOICE N FEES PAID -FOTA4,CHARGE, WATER E $800.00 $0.01. $0.0-1 $0.01 Moa $01-00 .($569.00) $6 ' 682.83 $25 -i-560.2a $120.50 $0.-00 $0 * 00 assessedrstomers will be wastewater charge 'the C189'they c0riniaCt to, the wastewater system: or within 365 days -from, date�.wastewater. line.- - �fro lst,mnection th,whichever ..Uselbuild! e�-responslbillty o rn-,the�-pbint; of 'atthd prope-ty, 11 f the customer pfid, not - Sta r ne'to 'the -Inc W66 in this, Invoice, te�,Iaws requite that Pe�rrnit_from, thd H- Ith -(,7 873_4Epjr. ea. .-,Partrnentimusf6eobtained "p�itidting seoficrteinkaban�o6.m�ni.-'Cont�act,,,'Ihe-H ekth,bepartmeht-at M), ,ristruction'cost estimates '_,are ,'_bas,( current lab or bde,'OquiOmentand,materialprices: Actual,co, completion -'of,the project unforeseen- circumstances be -encountered during constr.u6ti6n., ction,will'be-determined at e Should Sts-of,constru ather dondiftfis�_,and'coris including, b6t'pot limited -to frUctiori b6nflictt, th6 6 -adverse, L -eincurred-.Oy the X6 'Cr ustomer-wilF be rei6bnsi61e;-.f6t '§t shalt riot .1herbased'c6sts, Additional," Omer' exceed fifteen _q0sts, percent� of the total' estimated construction costs 3 me _ 6 fconstr I construction . bn-_vW1 be , re s. shown ' ' ,.abdve,. - Estirfiateq� costs -,by the 'r. that, exceed the actual cpaid� n ed, b F6 Authlerity..All, fees are d6e­p4or`to an Y.. Fort Pierce4 Utilit" nstruction jes Y te: This,is oniv an estimate; -A, bilh,vAll be -provided folli 3mit ,accepted ;customerCustomer 8eMC6 _"nvo M. to" CU at'-2 Ustorner-SI - nafure� ,accept - acceptance of the Customer Invoipe once, signed and.,dated.. Please jth'6thStreet,'Ft.,Pier,ce-_FL _­ 'orcall'(772y. 66T1600t0­setup.an 3495b 4 Date: -2- PRINTED:ON- 07j,9j/,2018,AT C) 3:3S PM (� Fort0imp. utilities Authority . _Aq 'O ' . ay r / -_'Four Hometown Service People" : .. " } p f 9 /� fir® ®�1 206 50uth $IXth Street,(34950)" i'9utho zatl 'Ii 1 e11 1 �i� Si'fi:7c . ::Post Office. 319fi Fort P.erce;,Flonda; 34948.3191 Thts completed and: signed form serves -,-,as authorization; for° Fort .Pierce-. Utilities. Authorify' `to debit. -my j aecount:for my utility bill -payment each month I=understand thEs'=payment will be.debq.ted front my a:ccouhttwen ty (20) dayaf srter,.-rny bil9tng:.date.. ,.. :,. i Account Informa'te®n �- i Account No :It } Name: - Phone:. 7 l e to D-7 . Address:.: %'2l :E-mail•Address Ba- Ai"n.'gInforrnatfon Type of Account:; Checking, Bank -Name = Bank:'Add"resS: Account -:No.: Transit=No,: (Nice digit number; -left-hand corner of check.); Credi't..Card,friforrnation_ Credit'CardNumber: Credi# Card Expiration: I. Billing. Address_ Billing City:: Billing; Stale: . Billing:Zip: (`"understand that Fort Pierce Utilities Authority will notify me ,mewnting of-the-first.effective: date of`the draft which will coincide with the due: date - I wrtf;continue to sendi- a, check with; my --utility .bill stub until, I am notified:' ... -. ... - - - - This -draft will' �e in,effect until I notify, Fort P erce'Utilities 'Auth-ority and, my bank in writing that_this service is -no longer'desired:`, allowing reasonable time to act,.o'n my --notification and -discontinue- the monthly With,drawals. I understand -the Fort:Pierce Utilities Authority reserves,'the revoke -this authorization. with or without cause of any. time;; and. that more than. one_ occurrence: of non -sufficient funds within a. 1�2, month- period may prompt,imrnediate termination. Please attach-- a: -voided check "for'bank translt:a-nd, account: n;urn'ber verificati®n. This authorization cannot be processed without sufficient bank rnformati`on. This kA4 r zation is not,nogot able po.r,transferable. .-- „Phone No Custoriaer,Si nature, As:'It a' - ' g ( ppears on your check.) Date