HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM ENGINEERING & TESTINGKELLER, S-CHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX7 -1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978^1 377 , SEBASTIAN (772) 569-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 945-7445 www.ksrnen&ddring.het MELBOURNE-(321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 848-887 , 6 E-Mail:'KSM@KSMENGI I NEERING.NET ST'LILICIE ('772) 229-9093 C.A_ 5693 FAX (772) 589-6460 August 15, 2018 Integ-Crete Construction Joel Percy 10550 W.. Midway Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34945, Re: Modular Multi -Purpose Facility : , The Crossing Ph ase 11 5200 Oleander Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida KSM Project 182734'b Deat'Mr. Percy:' As requested,,KSM Engineering & Testing has performed ai- subsurface investigation at the referenced site. Presentation of the data gathered` during the investigation, together with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in this report. Project Description - The. existing modular:multipurpose facility is supported, by piers on footing pads. We were requested to estimate the allowable- Sol[ bearing pressure. Site Investigation: The site .investigation program, consisted of performing three (3) Standard, Penetration: Test borings (SPT), next to the existing, modular unit. The SPT borings'we're terminated at depths of, 1:0 to 14 feet, below, grade. The locations of the borings .are indicated on the attached boring Location Plan. - AUG 1 7; RECD 0177J Ronald G. Keller, RE;: 37293 /-SI Lic.-No.. 860 Julie E. Keller, RE.: 68366 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337=7755 p O. BOX. 78-1 377, SEBASTIAN, FL 3297 -1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksinengineering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488, FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@K'SMENG.aINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-0093 C.A.: 5693. FAX (772) 589-64,69 The Cross Phase I I_ -2- August 15, 2018 Ft. Pierce, Florida The SPT borings were completed in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D- 1586. A.standard 1.5 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler is driven into the soil by successive blows of a 140 pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler. 1 I. foot, after seating 6 in., is designated the Penetration Resistance, or "N" .value. At regular intervals the sampler is extracted from the ground, and opened to allow visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. Also, the groundwater table was allowed to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevation, recorded from existing grade. The records 'of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater level are` shown on the attached logs. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation, we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs indicate the subsurface soils consist mostly of fine-grained sand and fine-grained sand that is slightly. clayed. "N" values recorded during the boring operation indicate the soil density is generally medium dense. Please refer to the soil boring logs -for specific information relative to the soil description. Based on the existing soil conditions, the allowable soil bearing pressure is 2,500 pounds per square foot. We anticipate total settlement less than '/2 of an inch and differential -settlement of less than �/4 of an inch. Site Preparation For Any Addition Footing Pads: After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be compacted to 95 percent (minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293 / SI Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E.: 68366 r , KELLER, SCHLEICHER & Ma;cWILLIAIVI ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 - Pig. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561):845-7445 www.ksmengineering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8,488 FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 5693 FAX (772) 589-6469 The Cross -Phase 11 -3- August 15, 2018 Ft. Pierce,, Florida Closure: This report . has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation . engineering practices 'based on the results of the test borings and the assumed loading conditions. No 'Warranties, either expressed or implied, are intended or made. Thisreport does not reflect any variations which may occur 'between the borings. If variations appear evident during the course of construction, it would be necessaryto re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. Environmental conditions, wetland delineation, water quality, and municipal requirements are not a part of this report. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may ata bk�-,bf ff� rtloZftruice to you or should you have any questions, pease feel free to call. N'i s`�,:•• ,Y •,� Email to ' . joel@integcrete.com. Ronald G. Keller, P.E'.: 372931 Sl Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E.: 68366 Keller.Sct leicher & MacWilliam Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-1 ]l�'+'M P. Box, k. PAGE 1 OF 1 111.E 37 ba0. Sebastian, FL. 32958 Telephone: 772=589-0712 Fax: 772-589-6469 CLIENT Integ-Crete Construction PROJECT NAME The Crossing Phase II PROJECT NUMBER 182734-b PROJECT LOCATION 5200 Oleander Avenue Ft. Pierce Florida DATE STARTED 8/13/18 COMPLETED 8/13/18 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD 'Split Spoon Sample QATTIME OFDRILLING 1,25.ft LOGGED BY DP/CH CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES Near'NW Cronerof Modular AFTER DRILLING -- nw. o z ♦ SPT N VALUE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m _ w C, w 'S z � OO w ° � ►-- c 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w O Ci 0U ¢ . w " z " o Z. m O 2 } 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%).❑ W " '0 0 _ 0 20 40 60 80' Gray Sand with Traces of Roots ::: •: -- Light Gray Sand 5-5-5 :.......:......._ .._........... ;., SS Dark Gray Sand with Traces of Hardpan 6-a-8 SS (16) Dark Brown Sand ' SS 10-12-10 ..:....... Light Brown Sand with Traces of Clay , (22) .............:..... • .:.......:....... ............. (21) ... .. :. 0.10 SS 9-10-9 :...... i ......:. 0. (19) M Bottom, of borehole at 10.0 feet. w w Y U O , 0 m w J • W a W t� 'S 6i 0 ro O m S , c y F- z c� 0 a m w r O • w V 0 Keller Schleicher & MacWilliam Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-2 P. O. Box 78-1377 KS]� j yj Sebastian, FL. 32958 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telephone: 772=689.0712 Fax: 772-589-6469 CLIENT _lnteg-Crete Construction PROJECT NAME The Crossing Phase 11 PROJECT NUMBER .182734-b PROJECT LOCATION 5200 OleanderAvenue Ft. Pierce Florida DATE STARTED 8113/18 COMPLETED 8/13/18 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Spiit Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 1.33 It LOGGED BY DP/CH CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING - NOTES N. Side -'Near Center of Modular AFTER DRILLING W o z A SPT N VALUE:A = n iG U ° o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION (L W w m � w d cn w z d i- W Z 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL 0 � a. • _ m.O 1 v C } " 20 40 60 80- z L a ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) Q 0 20 40 60-80 ,. Gray Sand ,...._ Light Gray Sand 3-4-4 ..............:......:............. (8) ... Dark Brown Sand 4-5-7 z.......:.......:..........,... .. •• . SS '(12) ........... ..........:.......... 5 • ;1 ; ••.. SS 8=8-10. i Light Brown Sand with Traces of..Clay - (18) :.• , SS 9-10A 0 .... ........... .............. .... (20). 10 SS. 13-15-16 . ... ... .. Gray Sand, Slightly Clayed with Some Shell Fragments. (31j _ .....:... ..:............. -12-9-8 SS (17) ... ... ... w w 0.': SS 888 ... y Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. Y_ U O m J rL . LLI y m F- O C9 m r N 2 C7 r o J a m S C� / O - w Keller Schleicher & MacWilliam Engineering&Testing BORING NUMBER B-3 8-177 K PAGE, i OF 1 tYl Seba tan7FL.332958 Telephone: 772-589-0712 Fax:'-772=589.6469 CLIENT Int6g-Crete.C6nstruction . PROJECT NAME The Crossing Phase it PROJECT NUMBER 182734-b PROJECT LOCATION 5200 Oleander Avenue 'Ft. Pierce Florida f DATE STARTED 8113/18 COMPLETED 8/13118 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLINGMETHOD Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 1.42 ft .' LOGGED BY DP/CH CHECKED BY JEK AT END'OF DRILLING - NOTES Near NE Corrier.of'Modular. AFTER DRILLING W Q A SPT N VALUE A ►_. - v 0-0 a Wes' > wo, W rn w .�z� O= w °-C '.- a 20 40 60 80 PL MC ' LL Q p J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION � 2 a= 8Ct `t` m0> W U Y• -,� Z 201 40�� 60 �80 c7 Z,z. Uv W Uz U a r ❑ FINES. CONTENT 0 20 _40 60 80 Gray Sand with Traces of'Roots = Light Gray Sand 4-5-6 :.. SS Dark GTayish'Brown Sand with Traces of Hardpan 6-7_9 SS' 5 Brown Sand 10-9-8 .... ...... . ; ..........Dark t Light Brown Sand with Traces of Clay $-7-g SS (1!6) 2 SS 911=14" 10 : ' (25) i °' Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. w m m Y t? y • ui u. W i m bi 0 �m A O , N N ' tz- O y H O a ' x m U H ' w '