HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2171 I ro.. , I' a 471 in the Oountl ~f St. Luoie and St~t8 of florlda. th1a 30th d.8:I of January. A. D. 1920. I I ,(91,; ,If~) ',',' , , 'Ed,garLewi8 , , ,,', , , i " ',,' , . Notary Fub110. liltato or FJ,01'1da at lar6"e. f " Jq00IlQ1B81oJ1e 8X})1.e.8 Nov. 26,' 1920. I I I ! j i I I "Ued and reoorde4 th1e 27th dal of :Maroh, A. D. 192~. P. 0.'I14re4. Olet'k Oirou1t Oourt. ~ ~- .. i...'. / ItEOOIlO , ' '~~Ii,~ r'eu I (O!l~ OT. SEAL) B1:' ,-; I I I I j I, I 1811 lPUt:uaa. .... -~ WtDt,...oon4 .., ot JU.U17 1ft th. rear of 0111" Iaor4 OD. '! I.' .thov.aul.1of ~~i u4'.i,.bet;';'uld.t_. I. "'1" ani CJwo1ei i. .OJ'''. h.r ! I ...~~~,.,;.;. 01',01 m.;....... Oo~'r 01 ~1cIa...i. aute OI_~h"U. Alf.. J. I t ....~ '.. "'kill W. IB.atll. ..., hubui. ot tIl, 01t7 of" Ohio.. OO'eUltJ ot look alii I~t. I I "wboi., '04 _ 8.' JeDIliq. ~.~ J-1DI8~ ~.r h~\U4, ot 8t. kole Gout,. I I ri~~ia. '...r'l.~,o~ the tir.t ~,,'~,~' i.e. s. .J.""t__.. ot 8t__ J'.ul.00ut,. ftorlb. J .. .,.~.:-':::.:.::~. porU.. ., \Il. &., pori lor .... 1i. .0noll....UOD 01 \0 _ I, ot fOBtr.I'~'_uD .. f!O/100, t_~go) DOLLAlUI. lawful _a.J Gt ~ Ua1~.4 8tat.. ot AIIIn~ '- th_ ill huA pa14 _ t.e, .a14 .part'"ot\h. '.00114 Ml't. .t or 'betor. the " <" '-!:~:.:' '. :".:' , ',',' '., " ... :'_.t';.. :.~~~~. . . .' .. _ ' .....UDc .. 'el1 '"17 of th... pr....Dt.. tH re~.lpt whereof 11 her.\, aomowleqe4 haT. 1ftDte4.'~plII'''..014. a11tJl.I~, reldHf.. r.1'.I"., oOIl...,ei. AlII 001lt11'M4.,..4 br, the.e '! . pra.eu\f ... 'lI'ut. barpln., ..11, .uta. r.... r.l..... oOJl~el alii oOllUm ato the ..14 I ~if:'. 1.00114 pan,' at hll hall'l aII4 ..118118 fore~.r. aU that pleo., panel Qr I 10t.;'i4t~. 1J1q '. b'ba 1a \he C~\IIltJ' ot at. I.a.ol. u4 8tat. of norl... aD4 .,,01'1\e4 I ..' '. , ' ' . I a. tOUowaI I ~lna ata ,olllt OD~h. ...t 11M of.JiGt two (2), 8eot101l elpteea~;(li) i ....1'. "i.t~"1z tie). Intb of BuIp "t,-oDe (Q,) "e', 181 fe~t 8o.th ot .orth-..t I, ._). c",' " ' I Nt.. !f':..... 10' .. ta) I nil t_DlD. Io.Ul ..'..... U.. 606.61 te.t; thtlloe ...t to I, " , ,";"~I~ :'-~. . ~~, . '! ~.. ......' ~~JlO. .000th.l'~ 81-. the .... .bor. ot IIlI1u B1~er to ,olllt lu ...t of i" ,',,',", '" ' ' I point '01. 'DttiDDba: theno. ...t' te PllIlt .f be,luua. 1 ~ -'. 'J' ". . . i , la1. pro~l't, belle _e ... propert, 4180rl'-4 1D. I.... trOll hora. I. Ballor j to IlUl~. ..' .;,.-~,~" IMaUl, ani IIaI'J I. JIIlIl1D8.. t.at.1 Ootober 18. 1.10 aDl, reoorlel I ' " ," ,,", '!.:~ " ,,' I 00..,*1'. ~'1O. 'lIl ,~ ~ 10 at ,... 186. r8Oo1"4*ot It. J.ule Gout,. j ',,' , , . II ~ w+tJi,...:u.... ',1JIp1Q" th.l1parlu B1Pt.. ,teu.e.t'.,h.reIU...Dt.. ad .p~oe. _.rUDW 1tel-.u." 01' III upii4t.,apperta1ll1Dl. ultu re..rlloD ad f . . ~ .' ,. . r.'Nn1C1U. I'..I"'~ _..it_fl'l, 1'_'-, 1..... ... >>nflt. thereot. aaI 8180, aU the ei\aw. rlatat. 'It:u, lAtere.t, ....1' u& 1'1&h' of ....I'.,..pante e.tata, PJ'Opert7. ,..i,..loa. o1a~_"'Dl __\He,"'" u wU 1Jllaw a. 1Il .....". ot the _11 panle. 01,.. ftr~,JU'tt .t.... ..to taw .... ..... nu., Jari ad ;paro.l thereof. WitJl the . _'.-::C'': . _" .".I1...~..1 ,.---..-:: .;". " . .... , fer..~ JIJ), to IO~ ~. a~Y. IrU"'~, ~a1Ut. _4 "'01'1'" ~"f1I" We. tblrl iaW1"'~','~ ..~&, ..._~~ -_....p~",r..'.te t-. ~.. '.nr ot th. .eoolll pan. ::~" ,.:-..;. -'.: -, ".' '; ',' ': - "~"':-'::_' /""". ;~: .. '. ," . uI .", ",..~.~:..... ~ ~...~~ '~~" ....tt.t .. \eIloof for.... Jl'0Y14... . ,-'~' . ,", 4 - ' ,-_ "".- :"" - -- " " '.' ,- '. .:c' ,--' ~ ':' . _',." , . laG..,.., ... it ..., ",,"'D, ....~ ~ba' .en U, "..net ,.. ot ...., ...ptel' tna ~he _ ..;eja"toI''-...~'l~-...hl'1Pt..~ ~"~et"1a_ftm.. lut Otu, 1a11wq O,IM~.~.t~.,a;~".~.,'I'SIfa~';~# ..'1Itf ,of . ~~-.~~ te~~.....~,~', , " , -'. " .._-:.:-;::;:.,.,~ ..,.p. '<'~:'__.~:'-''':''-:' , ",- '~--, "_"": -.~_.~ '._ -'",i,." --'~, .';" "_':"'~' . " " , ,.'jllt,..u .....1".".. ftr., ..n.ftr:....l.... ~.lJ """. ...._.. .. .,,',..'..__;_,s~o~-';. ;'.' ,'--->~:'__< . ','- . '_. '~..:..,. '__.".:- ,-_ "--~"_::.)'_:"~":\'-,: , .. ':. _,~ ': ~""_.~'" .. '.......; JII'-" ..... .... to _Wi. ..uBtt,. "ftlut ..... .... ," ':-",:":.'i-.<__:>JI-:'\~{:~'.l:--_...<.:-,:..,, ,;,'I :->;,.'-.. .,' ___~".> ".''-: -...-, _ ,,,,'-._~""':<'~"~-~1.-:;_.--~..-~gF.~:'-~/~~' '.-.:-.. ",\-:_", , ''MJ.~~/:..( ..,~.. t., the "l&JUt'"'~'.~ uae~_'~~i~~~~'~ ,~~,'.,d"~~ . - . -- , .- . -'. !'.~.>~ ~:-:~;'./l1::L.~,". . - , ,-;... -.:.- - D. 0, ----~~---.------~---~------~---------------~ -~-----------------~-------------------------- I 1II1U11I.~DI. :.a' AI. "to r..&n B.....l.081 " I I ..wwn bID i . ., . .. ;'>';~~Yiilfii