HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTORM WATER PERMITPUBLIC STORKS WATER QUALITY DIVISION August 8, 2018 Via Email to:enginpod225@aol.com Sr. LUCIE COUNTY Richard Ladyko, P.E . BOARD OF COUNTY Ladyko Design Group, LLC CONUvOSIONERS 4400 Belle Grove Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34981 FRANNIE HUTCHINSON Reference: Crossings Chur h CHAIR DISTRICT 4 Parcel ID: 3403-323-0002-000-2 t�ueie-Gount)c; orm�a�er �Permit�#�1�8=-1 LINDA BARTZ Dear Mr. Ladyko, VICE -CHAIR DISTRICT 3 The Water Quality Division has reviewed the plans and-calculati�Qnss and has received the Stormwater fee for the above referenced project. Thf Sfio warer-permit application --for #tie? above referenced -protect is hereby-deemed-complete_and,� ubjecftlo t]t following CHR[S DZADOVSKYo, It ,pproyed _ n` s DISTRICT 1 This stormwater permit wi1L-nthor-ize-construction-and---oper oa ni of—sur-face'_watei:7 ANTHONY BONNA$emen stem o-serVe'9 55-aeres-of-institutionaevelopmentr:theuaboeaitnedRJ ct = proposed- ' oot c assroom- acllity;�€Tie DISTRICT 2 � ,pr ' mprostemen cons st-of an-11-,-152 squar -addit on of approximately13;1-52-square-feet-of co_ ncrete-sidewalk_-_and-load_ ing-areas: and=a_— ,s 1lazed_emergeneyvehiele-access. CATHY TOWNSEND DISTRICT 5 1. hZs-pennil lhall'not-authouze-any word-indicated-as-future-improvements:-Specif cally, the-pedestriarl-and vehicle conne t-ions_to_t e_nort -a ja cent parcel-and-the,p ved.access dciu HOWARD N. TIPTON north ofthe-proposed`modular facility, based on p an-s a3e`d`August-'7, 20- 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 2. Any work indicated to occur in the future will require a modification to this stormwater DAN MCINTYRE permit and the associated engineering documentation in support of the request. COUNTY ATTORNEY 3. The applicant shall schedule and conduct a pre -construction meeting to be attended by the MAILING ADDRESS County and the site work contractor. A minimum of 48 hours notice shall be provided to the 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE County in advance of the meeting. FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 4. prncom letioll'of-_fhe Stormwaterimprovements n pro to equestinaFial ying:: AirPHONE VUIDra na aIn�tron,e�su mit-three-(d)-copieo-as=built'°-record~pians-signed-and (772) 462-251 1 _b , a professional -land_ survr&y_oiLM( nsd_To praetiee within estate o "lorid .' `, sig and•-sealed9etter o ..completien rom th ) ngineer-of_`Kecord-steal also Te-f-e ul-rbd. This letter TDD tre �-must-outfiany-and-all-substantial-devtit-ibns�.from ,tie=approved.set; f pl-anTtattachedttE,.g is j— (772) 462-1428 `-` �letteEr�T-h.plans-must-depiet; a a mmimum, the location and finished grades of all building cc2rners-critical-p emva entspot-i te-vations a,: nd-changes-in-grad�or-s op . The location, type, FAX size, material and inverts of all drainage structures and pipes, the top of bank, toe of slope and (772) 462-2363 detail of control structure(s) for any and all Stormwater treatment facilities shall also be depicted. Sufficient=elovations`for-ally-aceessible-ro ites-shal,17t e: provided-to-6-demonstr-at E-MAIL compliance with-alLapplicable-regulations. DAYANP@STLUCIECO.ORG WEBSITE WWW.STLUCIECO.GOV LU G 'i . 5. Be advised, operators of construction activities that propose to clear, excavate or fill 1.0 acre of land or more over the life of the project are required to obtain coverage under the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System "Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities". The Notice of Intent (NOI) to use the generic permit requires a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that must be implemented to show compliance. Elements of a SWPPP include Best Management Practices that will be utilized to minimize soil erosion and sedimentation from degrading the water quality of downstream water bodies.. For more information, please contact the FDEP NPDES Stormwater Section and refer to section 1-7.7 of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (772) 462-2097 or email me at thottakarab@stlucieco.org. Sincerely, q� C3.83 ./91 JGe—Baby Thottakara, P.E. Civil Engineer, Water Quality Division S:\R&B\COIv MON\Water Quality\Development Review\Stormwater Permits Approvals\18-10 Crossings Church -Oleander Ave\18-10 Crossing Church Stormwater Permit 080818.docx Cc (email only): Don West, P.E. — Director, Public Works Kimberly Graham, RE — County Engineer Guy Boisclair - Regulatory Professional, SFWMD Patrick Dayan, P.E. — Water Quality Division Manager Rod Reed, PLS — County Surveyor Edmund Bas, P.E. — Assistant County Engineer Jose Vega—Stormwater Program Coordinator File .. i