HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERh41T 9 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPIIENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce DiNision BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTR\CTC)li ..,(;IZF.E ,NIIr\T .......:..,.b........... Peay's Electrical have al?reed to he (COmi ny Nerve L+iaiifual Name) ^— the Electrical Sub-contra_tur for D R Norton Inc (T}ee of 'rrade} (?r,a:a: Crn:rr..crnr) For the project located at iq- 4 Cobblestone DR -or Pape'" I a•. ID =1 It is u:iderstoud that. if there k any change of status regarding our participation with the aibo'.e mentioned project, the Ruildia- and Cu,le Regulation Di\ isiotl of S: Lucie Count} «ill be advked pursuant to the filil;, of a C'lian.u: oi•Sub-contractor notice. 0 U�a CO.� I It:1CTOR 5It..'ATC SL'B-CO:\TR.\CTOR SR;\.' IFURE (QunliFierl-- — --- Brian W. Dav!dson PRI\T Y,t\IG CRC 1327068 COI.;f CERTIFICATION't lUNTBER State of Flurida, Connh of _Br&1'@r d Chnsbria Sla:? PRI�'I' ti.\CIE ER13014555 COl �T1 CF.RTIFIC:�T10.Y �L;\IBF.R State of FlnritLi Cbonts of Brevard The foregoing insit ument s+ac siancd hcfere me this 14 du of 1 he forcgoin4 in,trumcr.t was signed before ma dsi.+ 14 das of December _ ,017 1,, Y � December, OlTb, uho is pursonalN known(—` nr I.., produced as identification ai id t�etian, fff���"���cc Signature of \orary Puhlic Jinat• of \otary Public Print Name of i`urary Public v Py hlctary otjhlic State of F!crlda Sar,Jf�Leone 0 2025t ;pmmlamon -G lul-15 '31res:lils;'2020 _ $' Print �amr of Satar� Public °vary Notary Public State of Florida =oof Sandra Leone Tc o My Commission GG 020231 coati Expires 01811012020 w, CZ z t 7t, r `y 1 al. DE61 X 7, 10 iI ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PER:UIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMEM' Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service _ (Company ?game IndividualName) the Plumbir� — — Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) D R Norton Inc (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _ %qq q Cobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Property Tag ID') have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Dig ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAC-FORSIG`ATU ff(—uatiricr) Briars W Davidson PRUNT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION SUNIBER State or Florida, Counts or Brrevard The foregoing instrument %as signed before we this 14 day of December ,017 by oho is personally known Xof has produced a as identification. STAMP Si;natttreorNot:I6 Public Print name ofNotary Public Public 3;3'te c( F'cr da 3' Sardra U77f:B -- SUD-CO;rTR -t OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) r�hrr� �uc� vvs7 PRINT NAMF. CFC057526 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument .as signed before Inc this 14 day of December . -0—. by ----- +shu is personally hntanit x or has produced a as identification STA.ti1P Signature of Notary Public Pro Name of Notary Public r ivii: Sate of RcOda o `i }ammisx :n 3G G2GZS I PLANNING & DENTLOPMEtNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PER.IiIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT R—Y: ....................... Florida Breeze (Company Name, Irdi�idual ;L"araej have agreed to be the HVACf MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Type of Trat ;) (Pr:mar_: Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone DR (Prefect Street Address or Propert, Tie I1) } — It is understood that, if there is an,; change of status regarding, 01.11' participation v, ith the abo%e mentioned l.rujecL. the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be adVkCd pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COYrR�CTOR 5(G`ArLRE (Qualifteri _ Bria.i IN. Davidson PRI\T NAME: CRC1327068 COLSTY CERTIFICATION NUSIBER State of Florida, Counts of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me ti,is 14 day of December •:01�b� who is personally knownXor has produced a as identiitca ' n. S ;nature of �otar} Public Print Name or `omry Public -NCtt�r/ F,.bi;c 3+a;>:_r Fier d . a , ' Sardra L:ore R 3sed I'sN1&� �ti.::es P.,I. _)n I SL B-+ Oti'l FL4CTOR'SIGN. Y^1 } RE (Quaiirie:) _ l./ Kristen Kelly PRF•`'1' \.k%IE COLtiTI' CER'rFFICATIOV N[ 118ER Stare of Florida, Counts of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day. or December ,017 bs who is Personally known iX or has produced a as identification.. STAMP �J`C Cite — Signature of tiottaary public STAMP Print Nome of do;an Public ' • � _,'+a i�ctur� Pubic S.�ts cf F'cr tia cxrl; es i {.,�`y'�.�v'+hir`�f>: ., . , . 'v •a'er�n`a/+r+lr PERMIT # L-�qg COU"JUTiV ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVEL®PMZNI' SiRVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisions BUILDING PERMTr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ..Trea"sure Coast Roft'oing LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D.R.Horton (Prknary Contractor) For the project located atCobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAC OR G1A (Qualifier) SC113-COIVTRACI.O SI NA ualifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRINT NA,►1E PRINT NAB CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICA 110N NUMBER State or Florida, County or Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day or December ao 17, by _ who is personally knows X or has produced a as Identifica a. Slgnatare of Notary Public SAy Aa L2ohe PrfntName of Notary Public �sY pO,y Notary public State of Flarda Rrrised 11/ `'a Sar;dra Leone c o` My Gommisslon GG 020251 9� or two° Expces 0811C12020 CCC1330653 COUP !T I CERTIFICATION NU,1MER State or Florida, County or. The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 14 day or December ao 7by Who is personally known x or bas produced a as Identification. MP STA.1fP j,�� Signature orNotary PohOc �— STA &vlif -a Leon Print lame FNohrry Public p * PV4. Notary Public State of Florida : Sandra Leane v - � o My Commission GG 020251 i'oAud Expces 081i 12020