HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2180 'f~ - " b"~ ,C ,~ ,.,...:'<r<.,.... .- ,480" ',. ..,~~ i'i; ',~ '3 .~ ti I i !! ~ ~ ~ ~ i I I I' I !i :1 I~ I~ 15 !I i I III II II ,iI ,] I I ,1 II I! I I ~'': ,",--::...~;.. ~~r"]"'~-:"":T"!""r. .....-,. Y"".~~~ ~.~~, ":".~.;~ .~~~~-.,.....,,;.. ,~"-~_~__._, ~_"'~ .... ~.~~~._.,..-fII. . I ,v." " '", , , II JUftU 1:. J.lP ..' b..~~, . to . 1WUl.&IIft .. i. ' ~8 ..D'.,n DIID, 0" co.mutt., '''od~.1.'18th .&a7 of 10T.b..- ,tatht 'red' of ! 101ll' ~d OIl~tbO~I,.~~~ Il~ ,.... illl'~~-!:~IIt.u' ~~~1~. 1:~,J.b. ....0. .~ 1a1Jm,l I hiI' la"b8ll~ot;,,,~.8t. Ll101., 00._. ftOl'lJaot".. fint pu'.anIM.J. "1''M1" Ot'I1'O. ! I 8t.' 1.1.01. OouV. 1101'1". ot tbl .100al JNl1'~. 1 I " " . '," I " ,WI!B881tB; fta\ the ..11 ~t1.. of ~., fi1'et Pert. tor-....iB. O~lUJlI.r.t1oD of 'th~ J ' ' , '. ", . , , " ,,:' .." _ ~ I .. of ODe Dol\U'"..4 ot!lll''faluabla eODI i4er.tloll8 DOJJ.AI8. la"'~l aOD', of the VDUel 8t.t~e I of "~1'10., tot_ b .'peu ,,'~. eat4 ,a."Of ". e,ooDI ~I't. .t 01" "-ton 'the .Il- I ~ 1!I'.l~DI, 0D4 4'l~".1"1 of th..e pr....Dt..th.~ I'eo.l,t, ..not 1e b'l'eb1 ..Do.l....I. bJ tb..e I pr..tIlt. ,40 ,1"., trant, 'bupin. ..11:. .Un. enf.off. 1'_1... l'.l.....ooDwi' aDI.ooDfl1'11 I ,'. ' I uto Uk. ..11 par't,' of 'the "oODI part at. hi. hell'.. Q.t 0.rta1D propll'tj ill the Oouo"7 of : - i . I. . ; , ! st. 1.1I01e 'ani 8tate of 1101'11& ""01'l'b14 .8 tollowl I ' , ! the .eet teD an4fiftJ huActr.lthe (lO.eo) .01'1. of tr.ot ten (10) 8eOUoll B1ght I (8). to1lDebl~ th~t,..tllO (82) 801ltb~' RaDa' fb1rtJ'..~1D" (8t) "et. ~.. ill. ..e 18 4ae1pat.4 I 08, thl 1aat gell.ral plat of la4. of the IIlU.n' Jilnr J'aJ'IUI OoapQ,. fUel 111 the offio. of . ' , the oi.rt ot 'the C11'01l1t C01ll't of 8alJltJ.1lole OOut,. 1'101'1&.. . ~ . . 'J " th....t t.., aa4thlrtj h1lD4l"dtlia (10.10) .ore.of -traot .1eTeD (11) in 880t10n I' " '.' " I B18ht (8). t01lil8h1p thlrty-two 80dh I'U,. tbl1"t7411laea8t, .ethl .... 18 4e8lpatlloD. ., ' - I - I 'the laet 1111'1'.1 plat of laDle of the aU. Jil Tel' I'ana. Ooa,.J, ft 1.4 1D thl offloe ot thl i . ~ . '. . ! Ol.rt ot the C1rou1t q~llrt of8alntJ.tole C~1IDtJ. J'101'14&. bO'pt, howlftr.' the 'l'1Iht of _y of publlo 1'0'48. ctraiJiaae o....le .. 41toh.8 . . ' a. 8hoWll on the pl.t of ee~a: la'.. _4. bJ \h., IIl41an JilTlr ..1'118 Coapuj. , ' i fOGB!BB1l with all aQ4 B1Dgul,1II' th.1aproT.a.t., teualDt., hereUtaoDte ana, appurtel18DOI' I I- .~" J~ I'....' 'J' , l ' n, theraunto beloD81D8, 01' ill UlJW1.. ,.pp'l'UlIllD1. alii the rlTer.loD aD4 rITU81on..l'eaa1n4ll'. , ; an4 "_lDdlr8. 1"0'&8. len.e and profite thll'lOt; jJ]) ALSO aU the ea~t~. r1pt, tltl., ! ~ . , i lDtere8t.ho..a~4; 40wel' an4 right of 40.er. a.par.t, eaiate. Pl'Optll"tJ.' pos....l01l. olaill, i , and cltJaaDcl _ateol.,.l'. at law or 1n eqult,. eUh.r aDd bo'th~ of the .all' partiee of the flra~ pa~" of " 1D, and to, tile ...., aIl4 e"ll'7 pert aII4 paroe~, thel"eof: to B~U AQ TO HOm ~ .~O'" 4..orlbe4 PI'_1aee. a80h aIl4 e.,.rJ. uto the ea14 pert)" of the 8'OOD4 part. b18 .11ell'. ul .sslp", 11l ftl ftwpie. abeolllw. 1D4efl..lblJ. for....r. . ' . ,.', '.... " ' . .tD4 thl sa14 partiee of tho flr8t part. hI' 8.1..e u4 ~e1r heir.. .zeOllW1'8 and , . ,"lnl.,ttat01'8, ~o1nt1J anA 88Tlr8117. oo.;eDaDt. proal.. aDd .gre'to aDd with the .a14 Jart)" of the ..001lA part, hle heir.e. ezeoa.to1'e. .cllllD1atr.tol'e an4 ...1pe, that the eald. ,': . - ," ,.' ":, .. pertiee of the flret Jl!ll"t, .t the t1ae of the elaUDS aD4 del1TlI"i of 'tbl.. praeellt&, are . '.. ~ " . '- . . . . 18wt1l117 el".a" 1A fee .lapl. of a 1004, .b.olute 04 irl.~tl.81bl. e8tate of 1Dher1tano. of " '-' ; ." ~'. , .; , "'~i~~ ~ ' , aDlill .11aDll ~'tM, .bon d.~r'lbe4 PI'_l...., ..ob lUll .Wl". .Dd h8TI 1004 rlpt, , , ~1 ponr ~~wtu1 allthorltJ to ~~D"'J the .... 1Ja IlUAeI' ~' ton .foresa14; that the 8&14 put, of -thl ..00114 PU't. hie, hIll" .1'111 .ee1su. .aU an4 .J .t *11 t1llle herlafter ,...n_,.,aD4 ~1l1Itl7 ha"e~ hOld, .... ~OO1lPrtpo.....'.1Il 8D.~o,the .boT' 4e.or1'" pna1..~ .. . .. ~ anA ....., pan ..4paro.l thereof, .1 thout aD7 let, ,8111 t,tl'Oubl., aoteetatioD, .'f1otioD 01' UetvbaDo.. qf the .a14parU.. ot the f1l'.t part, their h.b.. 01' .e.lp8, rI of ,aDJ otb.r pe~~~'.. 01' pu.... lawfall1 0181ll1D8 01' t~ olaSa the ....; tMt the ..... aU.II4 .iD81llar, ,\ ..: tI'..;' ol.~r. U.oha1'l14 an4 1IIl1bouHr'" ,01 aDl r- "1 ,f~1" aD6.oth.r' ti.tl..~ oloub, , I anl1Js<<naalaruaoe. of..' ...... ...t1D4 ".,...., a.t ~I ..11. ,.,tle. of the tll'8tpel't. : '.1 ~"~'~lr.,~eo1at~;.,. "~.Dl.tl"8_e ......., ~. e1laU .ue, eZlo.~ ~' amowl.aaf 1 ~~. torthe"'laI othtl" h... ......~~. .. ., 00....1 1.aUD.8l.la, ~.,'~". ., ,~, 41on- ! ,. ~lJJ!l"'. r....Aalt1fPa'OpeJt "o.c..n.o-- the t1IU lIlteat .....aIl1DI ~ tat_, ~"'a'. I ! ,.. i& '~ ,'iJ," j , ," " :'~>~,lr~~t;~ff~{.~t