HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2196 . 4~$'P;"Y0'>0~'~. .'"";:" "F;';~, ";;"'}T~"""""';C";'7;~' ~''''''. " · "",~P"G"""'; ""7'~'~ ;:'"7~C~'''T;''' .... ~ -. ~ I ~"L , 'I I i l .. t 11 ,-" ~, }ii' .. , "'PUpa..;' ,\h~r'~"'~~"""4';,,:~and"'~':la14'.,~,. 'Olro~~'w1t. ':il~ the ,~4,G'~i.", lo,:ro,," ," 'upon a~'.._nati~n tak~n-'b;:'~/-..pii~~~':~'~PaI'_~'~OIll,tl.~ la14 buib~~ aOknow1ed8e4 " " .' '. ,',-, ,", ," ,.. ' ' '" " ' '. ", " ,..,' , tbat 8h..e~.0\1"dth. laid OQnT.pna. ~jo..~~ ~d ,'fOlu.nt.r,~~y and' w1 thout al11 oonatraint, ~ppt.hen81C)n ort.~ ot>or: bOil h.t'aldhUllb~4. , '.' - , '.- ", --. - ,'~ ", Wl tness IQ' hand, and. ottl01ai.e~ thte,:the 6th clq',: of ,.brQAr,A. >>.1920. '0',:,. , .. '( lfOTUY ,~) , ' , ' . '. :,: 1l'8. I'e. ,'.'" " , , ," B9~~7. P1l i1.1o..8'a".at~arae,.:" , ' )4r, OOlDlllilll~on expire. on the 8 4., of ,.bruar, 1920. ~lle4 a,nc\l'eoorciea. ,.\h18 818t 487, ot ,Maroh, A. Do' ,i92~:. ,'~" . ," ' ',' " '~~ P.O~lldr.d, O~er~ 01 ouit Oour1i., . .' ( ) . t:.~ OT.O!. .sm , ,:87." .0., ,~ '---~-~---~-~~--___~J~_.________~____~________' -_______~-----~---~-------------------------.; 11. B. WBBBLBR B~ UX '" TO' , WAIUWlTY DUl) BBBRY A. HOLJ.I:ES. ~~ flIIsiBDBB!tmE, made tbill,tnnt,-slxthdq' of Janual" Intbe "ear ot our Lord one thouaandn1n8 hundred andtwent, between ~adieWheeler and N.B. Wheelel', berbusband, ot St.' Lqo1e Oount7. r1orlda,part1ee of the :tint J8l't and lIenr,A. Holmes. ot St. Luo1e , '. , "... . ,-- -, ".' .", ", -' .' ".... Oounty. fto'~ida. part" ottbe . seoond part, 1fITNBSSETa. that the8~ld parties ot the fint part for and inoonsider,at1on of the ,1 , ',,' ' , ", ' ' " ,', " sUlDof Olm THOUa~HD ORE HUNDRED AND ,lIO!10Q '(I1,lOO.OO)OOLLARS, lawful money of the .. ",' , ""\ ," , " " , ,Uriited States ot A.mer1oatothemiQ band paid b, ~h8 8a~d party ,of the saoond part. at or betontbe ense8ling, of" these pxesents,' there()el~t whereof lsbereb, aoknowledge~, to- I;:t.~d."'tb ,otbervaluabl'e oon8i4er~t1oh8, ha~e grarted. bargained, 801d. aliened, reJlllsed. Ji~onve,e! a~:,oontlrmed, and b, these presents do grant, bargaIn. sell, 8J.len.remlse, I ",' " ' , ' I release. oonv" and oonfirm untotbe sald ])art, of the ,seoond part, and'hla heirs and i ' , ' " , I assignS' torever. aJ.lt~atPleoe. p61'oe;1.ol' lot of landlylng and being in the County ot ! i st. Luoie and state of J'lorld..a. Qnddesoribed ae follows: ' ' I. Lots numbered;, and 16 of the resubd1vlalon bi )(re. Sadie a Wheeler ot tne 08lUling OompaD7'1 subdIviaion ot L'ots, 9 and l~, said reBubd,iviaion and ~e,.~e1ng JU,'ldeb,O. C. Leuokel. Q., I., aDd the 8a1el 10t8 o,t 18;Z1d 'herein de801'i bed I b81nglooated In1ib.S,outhweat q,uart~~ (awt) pI Seot1onten (10) Town8bIp tblrty-tlve (~.sJ 80utb Range tort1J,49) Bast and all ot said land l,lng and beIng situate in the 01t, of Jot,j).18tO.~ .:.~o.t4a~()11~O iiit :~<;:j' I - TOGBTBDw{th ell and S:1ngulU: the Improvement8, tenements, heredftamenta, and appurten~ ' 'f an,oesthereUnto beJonging, 01' in ~~18e 'tPpertainina', and the rev8l'sion and regerslons, '~~~~,~~~~A1~~4~~,~~hereot',andal80., all tbe estate. ri8h~'r-?roper\', posse8sion, olaim and de~ .bataoevet. a8 .ell in law as in equl t" of , - .; , I the 8aldpar~ie.of thetlratpart,of Hi, al1d tQ the 881le, and every part and parael thereof~ with the appurtenanoes' , , ,-,' . , TO aAVI ADD TO UOO>>tbe above granted. bargained an4 deaorlbtel premiees, with the ~. appul'i.n6noe8~unto :theea1dpart7' ottbe 11800nd part, his ~.ir.. and a88ign8, to hls own . ; 'I" · ....' .;. 1ll'Ope1' U88, .ben8t~ tand behoot fOl'e~er. -4nd .:th. 8ai4pai't1e'p~tlle ~lr8t pa~ttor themselves and tot their heir8~ exeoutors , " '1U141 ....tnlatrator.,dO ao\:.~t, ,PrOJl,-,e atlcl ape. ,to and Vi1flth tht lald }>>or1i, of the .eO~~4 ,part. his h~ll'.. ~~, a.el~.., that .. ...14 par~1'.,ot ~e flre. part are ,~t the, .c1.1....o.~, 'lit fJ!$i. ~an4 cl.l1YeI'F, of thes. pr.sents .laWtul17 .81a.d 1n t..i1iJlU)le ot . ,,~9,4. ,i}b.olu1oe f;~- ~4:J.ri4~~.a.i)i.,~.t.~ ' .of lim.t~tlU1Oe ,~ot '&ll4.~. '&118114 81naula3r.... :.(~','_~Y~:',r:.;::~~/".):..'.~~~..:~.:~': ,'-,_~:,_>,:' ,::......':. ";:-:_:',':'!_~'~"";.'-.:'-'. .. ,:~--'-::-~,~- ,_--. -'-"~":";~"-', ~:...., . ",', _' , _ .'., ",- , ;:n~..,,(.~.~~;~~~~~'-,:.~ ..... ,,.....'_',~,i1t~~~,..,,th. ab,?ve pant.4.,~r8a~nG4fa~.- ';t/..~~ib..tPt~...,~;~ t~"\h..pPu~.n.~o.'" ~4:'th.ihav, 8o0et rlshll, , fUll power,. 8Il4 c' ,->' ,'.' ~ '-{~>"~::~;'.';(~.;':-,.;.::.'. ',,--::,".' . 4. ,<> ,:' ,.':!t:'~('.;:>:--., or