HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTU PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S " `' `� - Building & Code Compliance DiN,ision e BUILDIiAG PEILIIIT Fi FE C I"'' � �FE U, SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEAfENT DEC a?2017 PCP°,�1TT.. ... St. Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Service have aereed to be (Company Name/Individual Dame) the Plumbing _ Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at�� (Project Street Address or Property• Tax rD t;) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding out- participation n•ith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COSTPUWFORSIGNATU 71lualirier) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, Co,,,} of Brrevard The foregoing instrument ssas signed before me this 26 day of December , -t017. by %%ho is personally tutown X or has produced a SL'B-COtiTRAG ORSIGNATURE(Qualirter) PRINT NA.NIF. CFC057526 -- lgloa COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument %,as signed before me this 26 da} of December ,0 17 b} _ ssbu is personally 6nuwn X or has produced a as identification . as identification M. / STAP L�LtI� SiZttature of Notary Publie Signature of Notar}' Public STXNtP 'Print Name of Notary Public P Namr of Notary PubUc KL.-00;1'�31 Notary Pu5?i;; 3;ateSandra LonectB:y?,:bii u'ae` Uy cmmvs�ca 3G G G251 :' 3' Sandra Ldoret:o Exp •es 04 . j,w2G7. M'i '=ommissa:n 3G 02025 f ,R E.ipc;esi:'i1.+:02G ti PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 2D Florida Breeze (Company KameAndividual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (Type of Tiacc) BUILDING PER-N-1IT SUB-CO`TPLACTOR AGREE.NIENT Rb1z DEC p 3 201? plRq/71??ii•1C St. Lucie L aunty, FL have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Pr -.-mar; Contraro,-) For the project located at 3�3� l / Cty _ (Project Street, Addre„ or Property Ta-< ID 0) It is understood that, if there is any chame of status regarding, Our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant tO the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COVTRaCTOR SI(C-,NA'rLRL' (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION (NUMBER State of Florida, Counts of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 das of December b., ssho is personall f:nownXor has produced a as identifi7-6n S:gnarureofNotary Public -�l N/a/i1 /• [ OAYl7 Print Is amc of ]orar) Public 7aY'�a, P'etsr/ FubiiC 3:3te of F!crd e R� Sar•dra Loon) :sA�.;cmmi,�sn 3G 020a) Rei+:sed I�r"2Qld'� s✓'rp::esCE:t%r )2�� SC B- O.N I R.-ICTOR SIGN-yI ;RE (Qualifer) Kristen Kelly (J PRINT• N.A.NIE �Mc. ( I'-{ I I i COLNTI' CER-rIFICATIO` N[,11BER State of Florida, Count, of The foregoing instrument %%a% signed before me this 26 dar of December ,617 bs who is personally known X m• has produced a as identification.. ry STAd1P Signature of tiof. PuSTAMP blie 5G.J!/�iLC� LbYLL Print dame of aotare Public r' Y >n to tar Public State of Flcr:0 4- b Sandra 1-4-�one • ii � -• • o •s1Y tummiscn GG 0.'G'S: PERMIT it ISSUE DATE TiOCI�NT>Y �' ,7 F TIC: TU jI [D, "?k "; PLANNING & DEVELOPiNIEtiT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Di -vision BUILDING PER.NIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR .AGIZF.E�iENT pi1lEC,i Jiff:ED DEC ?. 3 2017 PER:VII i IrING St. Lucie County, FL Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Ner,'; Ird;vidual Narne) the Electrical Sub-contra.:tur for D R Horton Inc (T)pe o`Trade) -� (?r,mar,. Conri-wror) For the project located at ��?�(/ CIV., —(Prci- Str�ci Ad,'re:� or I a\ ID =) It k understood that, if there is an.: change of state, regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Code Regulation Digision of S: Lucie COtlnt� %%ill be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CO\ 1 R.-I(-rOR Si .`ATU Brian W. Davidson PRI\T \ARIL — __CR_C 1327058 COUNTY CF:RTIF1r kTlON WpMBER State of Flurida, C-ounth of Brevard The forcming instsument nas eigned before me this 26 day of December 70 11(%%7b� ulw is pur.ionaily kno—(n or has produced as ident`ification. Signature. of Notary Public Print Nante oft`ivtar) Public L§5 Jetary Pti'mcof f!c020')Jil",0"dill" /v+r 4' SL'B-CO\7R.aCTOR SI(;\ArCRL•' (Qualifier) Christina Sla`.e PR —IN 'r \.\7%1 — — ER130145551 3OZ 1) 3 COC\T} Cr.RTIFICATION NUMBER' _ .State of Florida, ('west, of Brevard t he foreggoin{ initrumcnt was signed before me lhle 26 das of December -i017 , bs who is pa�sonal[ I:nu�.ur ha. produced a _ __,�� r as id V1,14"I". tion. t 5ignar of \otar) YubUc Print \amr of Nota, Public o�vY'va, N73t Ste of Florida e y,c c` n GG 020251�rFE2020 a U t PERMIT # F. t� j0 4R 'iI ib fA --.t ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEC ' 7 201' PERMI1 ;'i;aC St. Lucia Co!1;rty FL Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for D.R.Horton (`type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3t� i, C�y� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Co\ rRALTOR c\a (Qualifier) Brain W. Davidson PRINT NAI14E CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTfflUXI \NUMBER State of Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing iastrumeot was signed before me this 26 day or December 17 2D ' by who is personally IWQwn X or has produced a as ideotiliea 'oa1� Signature of Notary public sa�rol�a �eohe Print Name of Notary Public SUB -CONTRALTO SI NA ualifier) Brian Maloney PRINT NA,viE CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMMER State of Florida, County or The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day or December Z017 by who is personally known X or has produced a as Identification. SrAIMP Sigoatureorn.otaryPublic — STAMP Saird`a Leon Print Name of NotaryPublic �ppx of Florida 00' Pt' Notary Public S13te of Florida Ava Notary Public Slate Revised II/ ? Sandra Leone Sandra Leone Commission G 020251 o MY Commission GG 020251 My G �orri°' Expir950af1Cl2020 9loinoo- Expi;esG8l1C/2020