HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2215 ~ ~ " ~, " l' .' L " 1\,' ~ ~ J I ~~: r' ~ ~. f. ~ ~' ~~ ,~ ~ (f- '" ~ ~, i ~l~ J t ~ t!il ~ :,<' ~~ ':.?,~, ~ i. i ~ ~ ~ " ,,;' I f. ~ f r Ii' l; 1 I i I I' i j I I I a '." -,;,:-"." ',,' ":~ ~"":""~-:'"?-:;::--;'~~?,,~:,,-~.,._...,~~ ", .,;'~","!--~.-;-.: ~~;f.:' ;':" . '. .. "S, ''".. :;.~, ' ,'..' " ~,. ' , ' '- ',,',' ," '" ' " ", ,", .~,' ,~, ," ,". ' -, ",;- -:' , . ... ,;' ;,'tb._.a, ~~of \~("'-',)e3.~'o~J.()' '~T.,Ii.'~own .or('~h.,:,p1., of<H.~'.Qltto:r4' ' -,' -' '. ~ - '. ". ,'. ,.', ',', ,., " .. ':', "',' , ;..' ""',' \- ~ , .-",' :"..': .' " ',' ',,' " . ',', -": ,--' * . latate' lan4. R,ooz4"a 10. l1at !look On. N" thlrt"Jl ..00r4... of at. J,u.o1e OoQ,n\, l1ar14a ,1-Q.~t1~g, ian<<8 cl'~~~~' ~o Indian JU.*'~~"~~~' 0,0. ~~,'aoo~1tI'.,.a1i.' ()o.~~~ "..,. I: "".~' cdOii~,~,. 8t"P',Q~0.1;fj'4) , , ' ''l'OGITDll ,W1 ih, allth" hne.eut. ~: h.r.4~ talieata 'aU4..,.ppu.rt.n.no.... W1 ~:.:'Tn,-p"vlleg8. ~ ~!8h1;. 'tUl.'..lnte1'88tan4 8state., d~er '~d ~i8h1; otcio~.t, - n~.r8~on. ,r~~l~bl'and' I ,',,' , ,'" '," , ' " , " ' ,'!A", ~~ht,:, ~heret" obelonglng 01' ~n anyw18~ a"ppe~~alni1igl, 'to RAVJI AIlD TO ,HOD)) th. same 1n :tel ' ,.lm~. ..for..,.r..~ . 't' . . . ~ I ", olndtheaaid ~rt;V8 ~,f :the .fitllt part 40 Go..nant with ~beaBld, part7 ot the 8eoond part I t~at the7are lawtul.17 ae1Sftd.ot' the .a14 'prem1se~'and appurtenanoes, , that' they are free trom f ",' , " ",-' , I all~' -tnOqmbi'&no88 .anc1 thl\ t the, have good right' ~d '.lawfu1 'author1 ty to. sell' ,the' same; and I I ,', " , , . ' " , I lthe ~a1c1'pO,l't~~ of ,the :t1rst pa~,t' do her~bY :tU1lywarrant the UUe to .,ald~andan4 . ,\ appurtenanoe.. and ,w11148fend the same again81ithe: lawful ~laim8 ot all persons whom80ever. I " , !' ~ '1. 'WITNBS8 Jf1DmBOr. the 8aid~rt;v. tJ:tthe tir,et part' have hereunto ,Bet their hands an4:: l~eala',tb8 dq,ancl-7e.~r .bovewi tte,n. ' I I ,',' , , I !Sign.d, 8ea1e4 ~n4 4elivered tn' ,our Pf88enoe: 'i ,IWUll8.il j,tkln~.) . " 'I'.OharlesGi:t:tord CSBAL) I I u.1it1e GOl'ndt'-f' ,~ '&m11 M. (U:ttord (SUL) ! J STATK OinORID4. ) , I " ',.',',,' , ) i OOWlTY ,01' 8'., LUOlB",,) l", ! 3 ' I mmul" <J!RfIPY, That oil thi8 S1xteerit~' d~ of Jebruar7 A. D. 1920 I be:tore 'me perBOnalJ ! '.." I I appeare~ ~~Oharle. Gitford and J&nut WI GittoI'd to me known to be the persons desoribed in i I '~ ! 'I ~d who .~.e.ol1tedthe :toregOing o~nve,anoeto R. 8. Park and severallY aoknowledged the, ,i I ' . ' " -,' I , lexeQutlon thereot to be their free aot and deed :tor the uses and purposes therein mentioned; i janel th~',.a1~ ,'an~ B. Gi:ttor~ the wit. ~t~h~' s814 F. OharlesGitford ona separ~F~and " I private ,examina~~on taken and made bl and before IDe, and separatel, and apart :trom her said I IhuSb8nd.did'aO~~Wl~dge th~t Ihe made herselt a part, to the sa1dDeed of Oonve,anoe, :tor i i " ' , ! the ',purPQse otren~UDolng. J,'ellnqu1shing and oonveying all bel' right, title and Inte'ust, 1 .'- .J . + , !Whether ofdo.er, or of .eparate propert7.Btatutory 01' equitable, in and to tbe lands therein I I dee~l'ibed. and that ,he exeollted said deed treelY and voluntarily:and without ad oonstraint I Itear, apprehen8ion or oompulqiOn of 01' trom her sald hllsband. ' i , " . . ! ' '1f1;tHESS._ 8ignature and offiolaleeal at Vero, floridaln the County of St. Luole and I" , , , I state ~ot P1.or1d"~,the de;v and year l~Bt 'atoresaid. I " ," : WUliam Atkin ( sBAii) i Jfo~r,nPl1bi1o, State of no:r1da. , j l!y oommission e~pireQ.. Aug. 14-1922 I Ii :il1ectaM_r,eoorde~ ~h,1e6th day o:t Apru,' A. D. i920.'RecOrd l7ertied 1 ' P. ~. ~dl'ed.' OterkClroult Court. I ' " " ... " O. (OT. 01'. SEAL) I >, . I:~-:::::-:-::~:::-:::;-_._-~---- -~---:::---------------------:::::::~:~-:::::-:-::::l IAR1WJft DI.im. , ' , ~?:,' " . .... , I1'Ht$Dun. aaade ,th18,e.,enteenth da7, ot Ilaroh, A. .0.1920, b, STANDARD mUST,. $A'VING3:.., I, ',. '.,', " , " .,",' " , I Bla. a OO~pojatlonoraanil,d. &nel eXigtd.ng UJl~.l' q4 by "ptue o:t the law8 ot the State of II1U101~:> ~,:haVln,'lt~~ttl0.,andpr1n~ipal p1ao~ ot bU~lne~. in the 01t7 o~ Ohioago, ill t~~~llCOOk'm"'e~,otll~lno~e i '~ere1ne;ft.r.' o.Ue,~,.,'he a.1'8:I1tor. .toDOUGLA8D. DBX8'j l.8",~.,.,~!,l'#~t of~~~ri{Yor.ldPotth' qlt, ~t Ollo~ Oo~t, ot ~ne...; ,and .,.t. of" "','. .' lq:o~~,D:~,~r~~,~~wt>~~l:l.ct:tbe~~an~'.:'1 ',' , 'tt'lm'$~'~",tl1~tL.t~,'O~~'Qr. ~iD oon.ld,rlL~~on.,ot on~'f"'.QO) ',4ollar an4~O~he~vJ.Uab1' t~ons1aerl}. tl0DS ~ th~ ffO.~pt wbe~~o~_ '1$ h6feb,_ BO~O"4'4~4.. .19",' po"e.. ' , . . '. '. ~. _ ~ r - ~,' _ ~ "..... . _ ' . "