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,'-il.~., &I14'~onv..i\int~,: th.' .1-~':~~...-'~~ll':'heu.'an~: ~.~P.:t~~~~.r.' ~n ,t~. .1ia~.. ' 1ib~' '
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'l~",..i~uat.,,'ua:, .'~'f!,uo:si, oo~~,,,,\',~,"~C).~Jl'o,f14a,_.'80~lb.a:': a.,-toilow.f. ",'
.' ',," '. .,..~:', .th., ,'.a.' liT~':('6):~I~.,.o~h~0,"itt.eti'tle)~,'~4,:lIb.,w..~:t.n,(10)'.:'Ohl,ot,"!rao1i
~i~'e~it':(3;6).. '8e,otlc)11,el~hte~"',(1~)~,-'~0~.h1P-~bl'I'7.t.0' (A). ,.outb. -rUSt 'tblrtl~Dln.\' (89) I
,.~..t; ~iJ'44tl1sn~"d~'onth.::Plat ~ti~d~ o~'~,~e'rn4~q-lll..~' l'arm"OoiDpaD)t tl1,4\ ill tbeofflOlI
:" ,of the Cietko'tthe 01%ou1\ Oo,*'.ot 8.1cr:~QqlUJt1i " ',' ,,' '. .' , , " " ',. I
J, " ..,TOGftlDlft "I1'~ A.TJ;' A.HJ) SXlfG1n,AR th'h.~.~itaments and appurten&no.e tbereunto belonging. !
, , , " ", ' " ',' . " , !
or' in '~pi8e 8pperta1nlnfr.; and the rev.relon alld leveretone. remalnder and remainders, rent" I '
l~'ql1~'Hana.p~ofUa th.reotian4-al1t~e ~8tate. 'right,' title. 'lnt.r~8t. olaimor demand -, !
, ' " ,,', ", " ,j
whataoeTe:r,oftiul .aldGrantor~ e1tberin,law orin equltl.0f. 'in an4tothe abov.' deBoribai!"
; ': , -.!
:,p~"18ee.wltli the heredltemei1te and appurtenanoea; 'to' han and to hold the aai4 premisee !
above' aeeoribed. .1th, theappurtenanoee~ "nntotht)laid partie. ot the s8oon4part. their' beir.
ailda.eipe,' fOrIYer.'
And: tl1e e&1d,'grantor. f011 tsel-t, Uesuooe.liorBand asslgn.., doee hereby oOYenaht, i
Ip.-.. lUI4 -.., to an4 1I1~h ..14 ",anto.., .~ho1. ho1.. an4 ...1sn..~ha1; U h.. ~o~ 40na, '
101' euffered to be, 40n",&n7th1ngwhereb,the sa1dprem1aea hereb1 gran'te4 an," or m&1be, in;:
'Ia~ .nner enoumbered or oharged; tndth&tthe 8ald prem18,es'agalnst all "persona l,awfull,
!ola1,ming' the lIame.b,.throughor under 1 t wUll~arrant and forever defend. '
IN WITllB9SW'HBREOI', . th. Grantor has oaused theBe preaeritato bealped b,its' presldent, '
and attested b1 its' S8or~tar,. and its oorporate seal to be hereto-affixed, on the da,
landin' the ,ear first above written.
,}1 tteet. ' '
iH. .. Hawklne
I ' ' ~eoretarl.'
. "IWl't~esB88:
Ill. ,. Kareh
,!' '
lB. Paul
i ,
10 o tin t,of ~OOlC )
'II' "I. Don, ald Oampbell. a Botar, Publio Ih and 'for said Oounty, ln the State aforesaid, do
hereb1oertif) that,O. 8. 8!SiLE. Preeident of t~e Standard Truet . Sayings Bank. and H. W.
I ' ' , " ' ",'
1BJ.\1lCIBS. Seoretar1 of said Bank, personal11 known to me to be the same person. whoBe names
, lare'.ubS01'1bed to the ~oregofnglnstrument 'af'- 8uoh Prea1dentand, se:or~tar" :re~peot1vel',
'Ia})p.ared before me th184a7' in person. an4aoknowledged tha~ the1 slsne~and dellYered .he
" s~1dlnBtrument al'their own free and Y~l~tari ,sOt. ~4 8athe, ~ree and voluntarl aot of 8a~
Bank, an4the laidSeoretarl di4 then and there aoknowledseand4eolare that he had affixed ~
6 '. _. !
. t
o. S.Oastle
C t!.60 I. R. Stamp oanoelled)
S~andard Trust 'Savings Bank le,hereby authorized an4 directed to exeoute '
anddellver the above and foregoing de'd~
lIerman J. Z.uoh
thereto ,the oorJ>Q~ate seal of said Bank forth.' usee an4 purposes therelnset forth.
" '. .
GIVEB under rq, hand and notarial seal th18 s8vehteinth dal of Karoh. A. D. 1920.
Donald Oagltell
, . eb. 26-1924-., .',
, i
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Record Yetfted'
.!led a~d reoorded ~h18 6th dq of ApdI,' A. D. 1920.
B7. I'
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