HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2226 '''''26~:'- ;' Q. . .&II.oe., .without .aDf.1.t...t.... tro~1.. 1lO1e.taU'on...vlotloi1 or ~l.t1ll''b.o. ., the .&t4 . . . 7 _ _ _ .. -," _. '. _ _ - ~ - - ,:.. ~ - _ : . ';. _ "',' _ -" - _ _ ,:. - _ ','_ ' . - - - ." _.. : _ _ . c _ _ . .; - " . '- t .. ....:::~O:rt:;.:::~:~.::~. .~r~:.. ~:i::':: O:::::-:1::::::::::-::~ 1>' O\UQ'redOf 8!ld,:rrO.'llf,rm.r and Oth..t ~~t.t utle.t'o~rse't ..tate., ~\ld8Mnt., tau, , ! ......n". and ~no.uabrNloe. of what .nat~ and kind eoeTer. . . ' . . I .ln4 tbe ..14 partie.' ot the firet' put, forthem..i.,.a and th~ir heirl. th'e, a'bove I de80ribed 'and here'b~ 'srant.d anA releaeed l'r.1I18e~.: bO.' .ver, part and paroel thehol.! .1 With the appurtezu.moe.. unto' the ..id' parttof' .the .eoond part hl. heirs and ,.eign., I qainat. the':'id "rUe. of tJief1l'etpei't and their heire, and 88ain8t all anA ever~ person.; . ~ . . .. .. i orpereone whopoever, la.tull~ olaim1ngor.to olal. the __ .hall and will warrant, and b~ . . . the.. pre.ente.tore.,er bfend. ,. . " " I.:_WI~~8 .~~OJ', th~ eaidparUeBofthe 'lrst part han hereunto set their handB ^~d B~r~..s~~e ,....-S.11I141!Bl'.. fh"st above'written. ~~\ . ~tUU"-ty.,~"",l;'/~<(.;?- <<4, I B. 'I. Ulrioh') ............ H. O. Ulrioh(sw,) , D. lI. ~u.t1n I Oaroline D. Ulrioh (SBAL) 8tate of 110r14a, .' ).. , '. . , ) DOW AIJ, MDBY TBESB PRE8BNT8, THU I, Oaroline D. Ulrioh wIfe Oount~ of 8't. I.uo1e , ) of the abo.,e named H. O. Ulrioh do b7'the88, preeentB. made and exeouted b7 me. separate ancl ! .! . apart from rq sa14 husband. and, in 'thepreeenQtt of D. B. .Auetb a 10t&1"7 Publlo of the 8tate: ! of nC)r1da, eomowleqeand 4801are that I dld -.u rqeelf a part-s to, ,and exeouted the . I ,. ! foregoiDs "e4 of Oon.,eJaDoe, for thepurpo.. of relinqUiehin8 . releaB1ns rq do.eitseparate! i I .! eetatein and 'to tho lands in _10. oonTe~anoe, therein deaorlbed' and granted. and. that 1410. t' ! i I I i j , ! i i I I , i ~ tbeeame freely'aDd TOluntaril,,&n4 without 8Il7 oOllpulslon,~D.Onetralnt, apprehenBion or fear i of or from.,eai4h1l8band. n WIT1IE88 WBBBBOJ'. I "hereunto eub80ribe rq IUUDI anA aftlx rq ..al, thi. ..oond da7 of ' Jebrpl"J.A. D., one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Oaroline>>. Ulrioh '(8EAL) 8tate ot ~orida. Qount~ of 8t. Luoie ) I TO ALL WHOll IT JIlY COIICDI: Be it known that on thie MoonA da)" ot Jebrual'7 ~. ,D. ,19i., personal17 appeare4 betore 1M a .otal7 Publlo of tbe 8tate of Florida. the abo.,e naMd Oarolina D. Ulrioh to me wel1lmown ae'the Wife ~f 8. O. Ulrioh and as one ot the perBonede80ribe4. in anA who, exeouted :the foregoing Deed of Oonve78noe, who being at the t1JDt aeparatean4 apart' :trom her husband. the eaidOaroline D. Ulrioh dld then and there make and exeoute the foregoins ~lmow1edgment, her nam&.. belns w:I. th her 01IJ1 hand wbeoribed, ' and her eeal affixed in ID7 presenoe. I i i i I I 8tate of 110rida, ) I ) Oountl of 8t. Luoh) OB THI8 DAY ,peraonaU~ appeared before me H. Q. Vlrlohto me .ell I, known &S the perlon deBo,rib.d in, and who 'ezeouted the foregoing he4 of OonveJ8Doe. aDl aokn01l1ea.s'-" the,t he exeoutel1the aame tor the' purpoae thereln expr.s884 I whereupon it 18 pt'arettbat th.'.... -1 be reoordea. U WI!D88 WHIRIOn ,I baTe hereunto affixed rq haD4 ant seal, thl. .eoond da1 of . . ,'ebru&rJ' AtJI1'D.. '1.1. -..1, .' . ~ .- WlDE88 rq han4 and 88al. at ibtte Olt~ the dlq' and 7ear above written. D.I.Austin (aBAL) .0\81'7 1'\1"6).10, Btete Of' n01'1h. ~ oolllD1.e1on expir.. araroh,1.., 1916. :Df"'. !a.nla .' .jsw,) ..~;'1>> 1,- .1'"' etJ';l.ol'14. . ' ., 0011II1...10,. ..,1re8 "l'Oh'lft, 1'16. .'Jil.':"","0~1'4e4 ~l,~~,'a,:,o~, A_l1_.A~J). ,'1920.: .g~:1}~~qTo. ~ ',.-" - '. -.~~ '~'-i:~-;;',:-.::---,~"'.,.~~~~'~_.< ::' ~~; -'.:~~':; i-'~ ...,~ : -,~. .f;~:'..~:-::.1:: .- 1teeotc1 "ertted "0' t... . ,3, I