HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2230 ,- ~.~. "~~ ,;?~'~-~~,. - .-~ ~ '," . ,-.i - .,' .- 530" , , , , ,'-, . ~'..JVPO" '.t~.nOW1~..t.na.- 1'':1iJlqvJ.8hl.n'. __' oon.,eJu, all hel' 1'18hll, title anI iA~e~...tt ' . - '.' -~. _ .' -', ' :,'.. : ,_ ' , . . .;, ,.. c " __, "'_. : , ; , . '. ,", ,._ >,' . .hetheroflonr,. ho...te..lor, ot.iepal"~te, Jroptr~,,' .tat'-tor, 0,1' .qu1tabl.,~ 1a ,8d'.othe l&i1cl. 4e80~1be4 tl1erelJ:" ~" ~at eh.~ mouted the .a1el, 4ee.tre'1, ant . "Ol1Ul~&rli, anA , . ",' - ' ....- ,~thC)ut aD7 o0llpU181on, oonetrunll, ,apprehenaiOnor tear ofortroDl her .i4 hu~U4. I "', '.',",' " , , , ,.' " ,',., I ' WUnsarqhand &D4'ottiola1 .e&lfat~a.ok..rtlle, Oount,'ot ~a1 ani 8tate' .t ftori4a1, , , ..," '" I ~1.6th, 4., ot April A. ,>>' 1980. " ' , I I I ' '3.1.& tieZ'oe " '. J .O~7 nb'llo. ,~a'. or non48' at Larse I (IOT.ARY aw) _ ooal,.ion expire. Irq, 84, 1928. .1 :'i11~4 andreoorded' tbl. tt~ 4a~ ot A~rl~, A4! >>.,.1980., ; . p' O. Il4l'et, 61erk Olroulll,Oourt. '!, (OT. ot. SBAt.) , Bl:; ~~1.a.k6ddl"J). 0., i ! I .1 I. I !hi. hel, Male the I.th 4q of Ira, A. D. 191' b, M. X. Moore, baoh.lor, 0'1 the Oount, . , " . I l' of St.,-J;uoie8tat., of ftoi1.la h.reinafter oalled the arantor', to P. B. ". Bngle o'tth. I ,,(,ount, of 8t. LuGle 8iete ofllori48 hereinafter oalled the ~ant.e, . I, ' . , I "I~1IBS8ITH,!h..t. the 8814 arantor, in oone14eration ot, One Dollar (11,00) and other ! " T&1uable~Onei4eraUon'~he r.o.lpt whereof ie her.b, aoknow1elgel. lo,.siye, srant, barsai~ , I , ! i , I t, I f a.follows, I i i I I ! the I I I t I i I semte8, hie he1J:8,. legal repre8entatiy.e an4 88S1sn', at all tiaes peaoeabl~ an4 quletl, li '! wenteI' UP9Jl" hold. oooup, 'ant el1~o, aa11 1&D4, ' tha~ sal1 l8.n418 tree fro, 81ltnoUllbrano.ii, i I i l' i 1 j I ! i I i I .1 I ! I I )(11'1_'. Moore I I I Jrecord'Ve ' . , , t1iecl i ----------------..-_.--------~---------------------_.---.--------~.--~~--_._----~-----------~ ." " . 'I ' K. E. MOOD TO ' ., P. B. ". DGLE WAJUWr.rY DID 8ell, allen, relliee, releaee, enfeoff, oon....' and oonflZ'1l'UDtO the Bail srante.,.nd hi. h.i.... t and .88!8ne, 1n fe.. .tapl., th.' lands aituate In 8t. Luoie o ount)' , 8tate af nortda, '.sorib.d Lot 2 of Blook 1 of II. X. 1Io0re'. subdivi8ion of the sWl of SBt of BBt and 11ft of'i Di of 8Bi of Seo. 1', !I. 31, 8.; B., 4O,B. ro HAVB AID fO HOLDthe.... together with the hereditament. and appurtenano.s, unto 8814arantee, am hi.' heir. and ...18118 in fe. 81111Ple. . ~ the ~11 grantor" for himself and hi. heli'8 ana. legal re~resentaUTe.. oOTenant. with Mi4 arantee, hla heir., leplrepre..ntaUye. an4 a88igne: That said grantor 18 ind.e ~ , feaB1bl)' ..lied ~.~ 88i41and tnt'"., 11_1.; 1.ha't 11&14 grantor has' full. power 1lb4i"lawful. . ' , i, right tooonv., 881d lanl. in fee, .1mp1,. a8 8forell&14, th.t it IhaU belawtul for 8814 , . that 88i4, gran:to:t , hi. ..11" anel 1.ga1r.pre..nt.tiY..,.Ul l18ke 8uoh ftrther,.aBBUranoe8 i ... - ,-,',' . t , , , to ~erfeot the fee 8iapl.'Ut1. to aa14 l~ncl In' 881d arante., hie heir., l'Sal repr.e.btaU~8 , 8114. a88igne, as III&~ l'.aeOnabl~ b. r.qulr.~; ,an4tb&t aai481'antor 10.. :fully wal"1'ant tl1e ;tit1e to 8&14 land and w111 d,fend the ... aplJ18t the la.ful. olalml of all persons whOll8o.ver.. 'ITHB88 the h8n4 and .eal of sai4 grantor, 8i 8I1e I , Ha3:.el an44.1iYere4 in the presenoe of Robert ~1nola1t } I the d.~ an4 ,ear f1r81; above written. II. E. JIoore (BbL) 8tate ot JIlon4a, f OOllDt~ ef 8t. Ll101e. I IHlBlBY OBHIft That on thl8 4a~ p.r80na11y appeared betore .e, _offl08r 1121, author1se4 tOa4Jlili18tel' Oathe anI tak.aoknowle4tments. M. It. lIoore . .. . ~ " to at .ell known an4 known te _ ube' the lJ141.,14u1 4'80rlbe4.1n anA _0 eDoutel tl1e . " tor4t80~,4~.4.u4he ~knowl.e.se'" "etort _thall h. e..outed tlJl. .... tr.e;, a:n4 yoluntar- .- '~ir :rorJ~'l1I'PO".:'J1.relll eZJIre_.....: .. " .,:',~~8'''''h.t ~""'l'1a1_"a1 at JOri,lltroe, ORnt~ .t 8t. 1,1101e and 8.to .t " ;~~~~_.... w~ ~th ~:,:~t~ ~~'_A,;' >>.,. 1'1'_. __ " . .:. ~r .. , . ' , ,> o .. -, ?i .-s:, "I I ~ ''- .' r .. , . . '/; ,. , ;~ ! - i .1 I1l