HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE -- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT MAR 01 2018 -"" SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie C9unty, Permitting SCANNED Ed's Electric Inc ��. p A t�pB� (44, have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name)" the Electrical -Sub-contractor for &gGjd Z2A- 10L.09 i .ate 1/ yW /%- (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at kZ)i' 4 K13e 1rc C9_ (ProjecStreet Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRALTO ATURE (Qnalitier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County Of rV V I� The foregoing instrument w�%as signed before me this o� I day of r_,Tk0IPj� ,20IU by Nt.S W Aa 0, k> who is personally (mown or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signatur . _ otary Public Print Name of Notary Public ROM SANT MGELO Revised 11/162016 '*; + MY COMMISSION # FF 117049 kl EXPIRES: April 28, 2018 Bonded Thru Notary Pubib Underwriters SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNA (Qualifier) Edward June PRINT NAME 10892 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument ryas signed beforemethis day of 20�, by (_ �Ih�L{tJ�- who is personally (mown _L/_or has produced a as id tification_ W C'J�_ STADIP SighatnreofN Public Stacey Garcia Print Name of Notary Public STACEYCAR= MY COMMISSION # Cr. 085840 _ r EXPIRES: Mey 16, 2021 css+oR Ba1ded1hu1Nota!! **-!em PER?AIT 9 I 1 7SSuE oxim. BuRdin ; & Clods C:o.rnpjj4R.Ce Divi ion RECEIVED - INUI .DENG uu.,cim g T.MAR O 12018 LT. Lucie County, Permitting havc a.d;Ti3Ldj io be - tile _ Sul:�-contjuo per for - (Typo rr.T'_I'rado) R6rralry C£llYi:i ai9r) FUT llt iD��Ci)�[ i 1d7 E D1 �I.'Lre .Adhu ierPlUgvCrq.y'ITal.�s•IN61 It -1UndUslood that, iftherc is any chmigr �:�1.6PI iOD VvEl7 the �,I�cw� ml nflomd A.l"OP-c;i, do Building and iC D(FC'Ikk4uEldfo91Dvi�Fon of Sk Lucic'CoUrl 'wif? bcadvi d; parsuanflc+x11e f.line, d1l'a 'C'17gea.' of Sub-contrac'mr'notic �:cl�r9tt[_i'C�M xo - :• : . "ueo-.: �r7a�li�i�rJ -- F32A. ONAMi{ •— A?9DL:h 3:trfatGA�3 ?4Fr�dltRrfi:t BER Sbitirr Fbri lm CiiYnmlp pY 1MefrKrpolo;hSUTdiiw"::1was ss NINfuremeih"r,,�27_fir.air w l'Q 6 Rirrmn47ry Gmus ra _rs� ,• r a puudueam w L5 ir.°rr�fiatirYa !II�uS7Rr� of wameg t°ubue t'�I:�amewf�a�arg,l� . ''�` WPv'' RONALD SANT ANGELO ". ;►; +r MY COMMISSION # FF 117049 :� a= EXPIRES: April 28, 2018 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters '-RrLi l •1-Ina for. BI�t:rl� G11C,�tCT�3H ±wr4�;:'kI9.^L�k I[42�i�ier'y $`l""JiJ!'C� & FLl gjlrl{�isl'rijM9ti.'�T.mum Sink aff a7ndida, 0manlh ar The famgniag awrum-m • ms *mm hersjr4 me E'hlr,4 guy all, whn If. pp—caallyourhm Ixw8m mi98� uF e n 'Ilr�lian. I�n6[urn�l&ut�rv6ruhrcr• �. ..� Print xalur v6Notm 01ii Wc ' SIIH IN1L. ivy eM .idi1" dl911911d]PI g F.$Q3 EI±Eloims, August ft. 2010 �r3}l�Pp:N1�8�S9 Riv�:ie�gRas�r�+dq` STAITF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . Building &Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUHMING PERNIIT MAR 01 2018 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting AM 5A i'Ll MENS J n W 3 21 1 M 51 MG �j V r-- have agreed to be (Company Namehnd&idtial Name) the P1u M M I N C Sub -contractor for R Cr A°T -rA. � r,� r)c� "E j f 3M PT (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 4cra5 RIVER PlAl-�- I EE P �_- E (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR URE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER r „ State of Florida, County T1he foregoing instrument was signed before me thri-s ,7 day of who is personally (mown !/ or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public RONALD SANT ANGELO MY COMMISSION # FF 117049 �.. EXPIRES: April 28, 2018 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Revised 11/16/2016 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) --:Z(JLer%(- Ludlum, PRINT NAME 1 aLo a 8/ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of«E% The foregoing instrument signed before me thisa/ day of uad 20 id, by '-gD6evLe-)d i u, -- who is personally (mown Xar has produced a LISA LESTER NOTARY Py%& STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG127647 Expires 7/24/2021 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BURMING l%RM1T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRFIN NT RECEIVED MAR 012018 ST, Weio bounty, Peormltting ik b .1, f) '-IC k o'V --%17 ,- - : �`? f; have agreed to be (Company Name&dividual Name) the ` -! ,,, 0 C � p- F: Sub -contractor for - i t-yi --; ;) two-c: -i , 0. - (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contrr notice. i" GUAM�. CQUNTYCER CATIONNUMB _ State ofFlorids, Coanty of��"' The foregoing instrument was signed before me this `day of Ff4Y o' who is personally known �Z_.pr has produced a as identiditatloo STAMP SipnqJ*r6-ofNotaryPubUc Print Name of Notary Public RONAIDSANTANGELO MY COMMISSION III FF 117049 ^:a EXPIRES: April 28, 2018 ,p� Bonded Thru Notary Publio Underwriter; Revised 11116a016 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIG�,%ATU�Mc RE Var) / PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St • ' t, The foregoing tnstrument was signed before me this _L5L day of i:t;tllrt 20J�Fby '254fi'd who is perrenally known L or has produced a as ideatitication. % f ' G / % %� 3^rt7G' STAW Signi,tnre-1017Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public p�pEl£MAY MY COMM188lONii GG 07M t �e El(PIR1;S Match 28.202 �S�of�� Bp�dedlttNBud9ett7otar)'