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"'~'Q,isri.~ ,ag~~n~t 't)le, S~ll'~l'r~ ,0ftll,'iJ.:rs~ ~:t 'and.her' '~eiJ;.~' a!1<1a~1~8t all and
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, 1f~r~ai1t,. :aD,~{ bi'~t~.~',~ft)R~~t..for'eYet"~~~end; .".,'. ' ,', " " '. '
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;"" f1t"ITilESS~J';"~h~IiQ1d>>e:~t)" :ot~he tirat part hatlhereun,to sether hand and
, " 8~81nt~.d,q Aridieari11'.':a'b'oY'~ written.
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c8.1P4ld.'," eCtal eel and :4eli"e:rtd" " ,
In,p~e~e~o. Of,UIUf, ,',':: :
.". ',I. B. '-$CU1dtr8on
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laAUD~V~ aTETSOli' (leal)
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11wYi1; Thoma8,'..
t, 8TATlforlPLORJ1)A . ,
:'C6tm~>OJ' 'ST. tUOtB~
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, Qn> this d81 personally appeared. befor~ Ille Handa V. Stetson to me wellr.knoWll
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. as thepuaon desoribed inaria.ho exeouted 'thef~rego!ng deed of oOllveyanoe, and aoknowl-
ei1g~dthatthe exeouted,the s8I!lefor.the purpose therein exprea~edi whereupon 1 t Is
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:pr&led tha~ " the same maybe, re<1or<1e4.
.... - .
tlfwxrl:ESS WHERBOP,I have he:taunto, affiXed lqrtame andofflo181 aeal, this
't1ie 8th day , ot April ,A~n. i920at 'ort Pieroe', 'lodd!l~
, i
Notary Publlo, State of 110r1da at i
~ oommlaSlon' expires January 13, 19i:rge. I,
'l1~d,e.nci J:'eo,O,l'ded this 14th day'ofApril, A.D.1920~~o '1
'(Ot.O~~Seai) , ' P. C. ELDREl) , Olerk Cirouit Court.' '1"(/ ~ I
',<,_," ;, ., B;Y\\~ ~V~~{'~ 'D:.O. e~et/l
'.~._.~_;_.________~_._~__________._.1L_____~__----------------------------------------- I
(NotaJ:Y ee8J.) ,
J'lo?:"nqeK.&:W.P. Mo.Oorlll1o
-.. .
East Ooast Lumber &0 Supply Co.
',-. ftlS~Iin)E1f~.' JlQ.do "the 8th day. of April in the year of our Lord one thousand.
, '
.' , .
, :nine hun4r$darid twentl b.~ween P1o~ence u. ~Cormio, formerly Plorenoe M. Stetson; jofned!
, I
,bfheihu8'banc1 ..1'. lloCormlo, of St. ,Lucie' County and State of Florida, parties of the I
i'iirst part, and lest Coast'Lumber &0' 8u.pply Oomp8Z17 , a oorporation of Florida, p.rty'of the I
, I
" ',IrlfESSB'l'ii, That the aaldparty' of thef1rst part for and In oonsideration of the I
"8um of'!en'Dollara(tlO;Oo) la'lftul iIlo'ney ot the United States of America to them in hand I
"Pa~(\:,-bytheeaid put1.0~ 't'he second par1jat or before theen~eallng and delivery of these I
. ..,-'. c_ . - -'.. . . ".,' !
prei:1~n~~" th.e"tGceipt, whe-reofis, heroby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, loll, I
'.. '. , I
~1f)~.~. rexnised; ,relea~ed" conveyed and oonfirmed,' and by these presents do grant, bargail
, ...li.811en, ;remise,. 'oonvey a,g,cl oont1l'm unto 'thesalc1 party of the second part, and i t8 I
8uoC)e8B~1'8anc1 aSB1gnsforeve1''' all' that oertainpleQe or paroel of land lying and being
in the CO,untlotSt.Luole,tlmc1 8tate of Plorlda, and des,orlbed as ~ollo.a:.
That put O~LOtB two and Three (2 & 3) of ' the north part
, 'lIeoo~ilpart.
..,., :
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,of Blook"'" QfDittmar,' and lloCarty' sreaubc11v1810n ot sdd Blook aooordlng
:to:t~e_p1.a: ~e:bYJ~o.'rie. in'190isant\, reoorded ~nPlat Book One (1) at
~88 ~..(3) l'eoo1'..ls'ot St~, ];uo1e' countl,<Pioi'icta, to-wits
;;. ".' " ',,' -....., .... .... -. ,..... .' .' ." - ..' . .'
Begl1Ul~n8at a 'pOlntonthe west 11neo:t:Lot 1h1'.e (3)' sixty'( 6<>) feet north of
~,~., 8()h.~bwe.atoo~n,l'O~, aa14:1;ot ~r..J.r then~ut rWl nO%~6rlt, to the .oathweat ,
. -.:'..:.. - <.. -.. . '.' ,.. ,... " '. -. . -
",' oo~iUt1'ot, Sa:1di.:ot'!l1ue'Cs)a "t~~~f' ..a8te~lti4ong.'t)if~ northYtne9t'J,otlJl ~re.' and
.... '''; - - :--.~. -. -!-.---..:'.. ......... ...._..~. -...,-,"'."--': ';--.' ',.-..-.~,..- -"". ,.' - !,-- . :-~ ',."" '. ;..-' ,".-..." .
'>tw~'(~ (0. at~~p:th. ~~rthea8i o~rn~~":o:i. t.ot'h~:'-(g)~th~~~if run'80u.ther1.;v'a1onlthe '
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..",:a~8i"I~.o,t'Lot '~w~r:C 2f,to' 11 PMi1~'.~W' ,( 60):.,188t ~~itbO,f,~1l~~80U~h~e.ut, 00",01' of